Flirting with a blonde mature in the street

Flirting with a blonde mature in the street


Flirting with a blonde mature in the street

Anabelle Doliner

On 10/28/21 at 6:17 PM EDT
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One woman has gone viral after sharing an unfortunate realization: she's accidentally been flashing her neighbors from her bathroom window. Viewers can't get enough of the hilarious clip, posted one week ago by TikToker Jill, also known as @mama_jill34: so far, the video, found here , has been viewed 8.5 million times and liked 1.4 million times.
In the clip, Jill realizes that, much to her alarm and dismay, she is the "naked window neighbor." This concept, of being the person in a given neighborhood who (accidentally or not) flashes their neighbors, is not a new one: the subject sparked a viral conversation late last year, after marketing strategist Molly Hale tweeted: "You either have a naked window neighbor or you are a naked window neighbor."
For Jill, the "naked window" in question is made of frosted glass and is located in a second-story master bathroom in her house, right next to the shower. "I felt like people could see me even through [its] frosted glass," said Jill in her video's on-screen text. "So I asked my husband to pretend he's showering so I could see."
The video was filmed at night, meaning the lit bathroom window stands out against the house's dark exterior. Sure enough, a silhouette appears at the window and begins to "shower." Jill's husband acts out different motions, all of which are highly visible from the outside—potentially bad news for anyone who actually showered in the bathroom.
His commitment to “fake showering” is impressive 💀
Luckily for Jill, she doesn't believe any neighbors have actually spotted her or her husband in the bathroom. "To our knowledge, no one has seen us," she told Newsweek .
"I definitely was not expecting it to reach so many people," she added. "I only had about 30 followers at the time of posting and I really just thought maybe a few people would get a kick out of it."
In response to viewers' requests, Jill posted a second video a few days later, this time showing a view of the bathroom window during the daytime. Alarmingly, the view inside the frosted glass window is somehow even more visible during the day. "That's really clear," said the TikToker.
Jill also showed how the window, while not located on the front of their house, actually overlooks the entire street due to the building's angle. "Most of my neighbors have a similar window, but the angle our house is placed on our lot makes ours much more prominent to the street," she added.
The second clip also reached a wide audience, amassing 1.5 million views of its own.
Across both videos, horrified viewers left thousands of comments, many of which expressed sympathy for the TikToker's unfortunate situation.
"Might as well be bathing on the front lawn," wrote @pineappiesauce.
"I'd never be able to look my neighbors in the eyes again," wrote @pineappiesauce.
Meanwhile, @ucandankme offered some more bad news: "Here's something horrifying, water usually makes it so you can see through frosted glass easier."
Instead of stressing, however, Jill appears to be taking advantage of the window as a potential source for entertainment and humor. "It's made for some other really funny videos," she said. "We think the whole situation is hilarious and we're having fun with follow-up videos."
"We aren't sure why it took off the way it did, but probably because a lot of people have a very similar window in their own home, or their neighborhood, and it hit home for them," she added. "Privacy glass isn't very private."
Updated 10/29/2021, 1:12 p.m. ET: This story has been updated with comments from TikTok user @mama_jill34.

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Don’t try this at home. Or maybe do?
Ever have a story so hot it would be wrong not to share it with the rest of the world? We’re here to listen. Each week, we’ll bring you tempting tales from our readers that will definitely keep you up all night—in the best way possible. This time, Sarah* tells us about the time she turned the tables on her neighbor.
[Editor’s Note: This is fairly illegal, so please don’t do it. Victims of peeping Toms can actually bring a lawsuit against the offender , should they so choose.]
A little peeping Tom action? When did you first notice it? So, I was living in an apartment on the first floor, right by the entrance. To get to the front door, you had to pass by my window. He was my neighbor. So, I just always saw him watching as he walked by, kind of slowing down and peering into my window. Sometimes, I would look out my window and see him. 
Did it bother you at all? Seems like it could be invasive. At first, I was a little creeped out. But later, we would smile at each other and wave. I was super attracted to him, so I was kind of excited that he was watching me and smiling at me. 
Do you think he ever caught you getting dressed or anything? It’s totally possible. Plus, I would masturbate all the time in my room, so he probably saw something. Our rooms shared a wall, so he might have even heard me. But whatever he saw, he definitely liked it. 
So how did you end up introducing yourself? We had a mutual friend, and the friend told me a little bit about him, and that he wanted to be a masseuse — so it was a good way to break the ice. 
Nice that you had a mutual friend, seems safer that way. Yeah, he came over one day and he started telling me about his work, and I told him that he could give it a try on me. We were pretty flirtatious. 
Sounds like the start of something hot. It started out pretty professional — he was rubbing my shoulders. Then he started touching me a little more than normal, around my neck and face. There was definitely some sexual tension. I started to notice that he had a bulge growing. Then we seriously didn’t say a word to each other — he just took my hand and led me to my room, It was like we both just knew it was on. We were on another level together. It was so hot. 
That’s a surprise! He got on his knees, and pulled my pants down while I was still standing, and started going down on me while I stood there. I felt like a rock star. Then it turned into sex. He was really powerful and strong in bed, with huge arms to pick me up and lift me onto the bed. He completely dominated me, which I loved. I felt like a rag doll in his arms. The sex was amazing — he made me go out of my mind. 
Have a story you think we should hear? Click here for a chance to be featured in Maxim. Read more Sex Life stories here .

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Posted in RANDOM     28 Aug 2012     293180     11

#3 and #18 arent they the girl from Scary Movie and Meadow from Sopranos Yea I totaly meet Anna Faris on my street every fuckin day.
Hot Girls You Meet on the Street Those are called prostitutes. You give them money and they will have sex with you. The more money you give them, the more sex they will have with you. Kind of like what your mother does, but she's free and the Hot Girls You Meet on the Street are not.
damn i wish i could meet Anna Faris on the street
wooww ya quisiera encontrarmelas.... haha
soooo... u just take pics of unsuspecting women on the streets... im pretty sure that's a) ridiculously illegal and b) extremely creepy... hey guess what!... ure a part of a small elite group of people known the world over as sexual predator. so ure in the ranks of people such as Joesph Fritzel. next stop is taking pics of them on the toilet... perv...
samir : marvellous, fabulous, gorgeous , cute smooth and beautiful girls looking too good in these tight clothes .. relief and cool for eyes to watch them and wish to meet them .. thanks for posting them
they wearing cloth but they are naked...
How about a update this stuff is like 8 years ago

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