Flirting In Front Of Husband

Flirting In Front Of Husband


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Relationship coaching for women and couples
I’ve had several couples struggle with wandering eyes of the men. Most of the men deny it and many of the women then begin to question themselves upon hearing his insistence that he’s doing nothing wrong. When it comes to men staring at, flirting with or paying attention to other women, I’ve heard all the excuses. Here are just a few:
•   “I was just appreciating her beauty.”
•   “What’s the big deal? You know I’m going home with you.”
•   “I don’t stare—she’s just paranoid and overly jealous”.
•   “I was just talking to her. She’s only a friend. I’m not going to give up my friends. This is your issue not mine.”
Regardless of whether you’re male, female, heterosexual or homosexual, flirting with, starting at or paying extra attention to someone you find attractive is disrespectful to the one you’re with. If you’re in a relationship with someone, it’s your job to treat that person well and show him/her you care about him/her. Checking out other men/women shows the exact opposite. It shows that you have no respect for the person you’re with and no respect for the person you’re ogling.
Particularly bad is when you do this with your partner’s friends! You’re not 15 years old anymore, with raging hormones and a desperate need to pump up your chest to any female/male in sight. Grow up and be respectful.
When men — or women – have the need to constantly flirt, ogle others or get attention from others, it’s a sign they can’t be trusted and they don’t feel comfortable without the attention of others. This leaves them constantly looking for reassurance from people of the opposite sex (or same sex if homosexual) that they’re worthy. The sexual energy serves as a self-esteem pump, regulating how they feel about themselves. Every eye contact, returned flirtation or smile gives them a jolt to their self-esteem. People who struggle with this need flirt so much that half the time they’re not even aware they’re doing it. It becomes a way they walk in the world.
If you’re with a partner who stares or flirts with other attractive people in your presence, know that it is disrespectful and not okay. Do not question your gut when you hear them making up poor excuses for their behavior. There is no excuse for it; it’s rude.
If you’re the one flirting and constantly checking people out, know this is off. It’s not normal (for guys or girls). It’s often due to issues of self-esteem and love or sex addiction. Start reviewing when you do this and why, and get help if you need it. This behavior will destroy any relationship you’re in – if the other person is healthy.
CHALLENGE: If your partner struggles with a wandering eye, know you’re in trouble. Set limits on that behavior, trust your instincts and get professional help or a new partner if they refuse to change.
If you’re the person with the wandering eye—stop it. It’s disrespectful to your partner and the people you are ogling. It also makes you look bad. Do your work and figure out why you need this sexual energy jolt.
My husband of 13 years has recently (over the past 3 years) started making eye contact with other women. I first noticed it when we were at breakfast with our children and he walked out of the restaurant that had windows all around, stared back in and then smiled. I looked inside and the waitress was smiling back at him. I about died. She was nothing to look at (not trying to sound mean). I could not figure out why in the world he would want to flirt or make eye contact with her. I immediately called him out on it. He told me I was crazy, in which I replied that once you start doing this it makes the other party think there’s a chance and he would be bringing that person into our marriage at that point. Even though I let him know the possible out come of his behavior he continued to deny it. Later I started catching him in small lies. He lied to me about an ex (not going to go into great detail) she was apart of a sports group we were in and I had no idea. I later found out who she was through Facebook. When I asked him how he knew her he denied he did! It was silly really, all he had to say was that she was an ex. I would have let it go, no big deal but instead he continued to lie. He went out of town on a business trip and I caught him lying to me again, and found that he had been having an emotional relationship with a coworker. He swears up and down he has never done anything like this before and it was just talking and only lasted a few weeks. He swears he never had sexual relations with anyone other than me since we’ve been married. He told me he would stop and everything would be different, he would put some effort in if I would just forgive him. Its been a year and a half and I’m doing my best to trust him. I still catch him from time to time staring at other women, but I do notice that he immediately adverts his gaze, does that mean hes trying? I feel that he is still up to his games, but could that just be the lack of trust and he really is trying to change? Is there hope for my marriage? I want to talk to him about all of this but I feel like it will start an argument. Not sure what to do, we tried therapy but after this post I’m wondering if he needs it and knowing him he wont take it.
Hi my name is Atraya.
My husband is 47 and I’m 21. I started dating him when I was 18 and we were so happy. But one day he told me he was poly… and I told him ok I still love him but I set rules that if he fucked someone that he had to fuck us both because I’m bisexual.. he has listened to that rule. Well I got pregnant 11months ago and thro my whole pregnancy he would always say how hot other girls are but never would compliment me. Then now that we have our daughter he still says nice ass in front of me about other women and also stares at them when he can see them…. I confronted him about it and he called me nuts…. but even my mother and younger brother saw what he did. He says he loves me and wants no one else yet all the girls he looks at are skinner and prettier than me. I just don’t know what to do about it anymore he says he will work on it but never does. Then on random days while he is gone I’ll dress up with makeup and a pretty dress to suprise him but right when he sees me he’s like who did u go see who was here. Like wth I can’t just dress up for him… I love him so much but this is beginning to really hurt me…..
Dear Atraya,
You deserve better. Why are you accepting so little? Now you have a daughter and you want to be able to teach her that she is worthy of being treated well. you will not be able to teach her that if you don’t live that principle yourself. Your husband may have a sex addiction–read up on what that looks like. Focus on yourself and getting stronger. Get into therapy, read books on co-dependence, get involved in an on-line group for co-dependence and work on listening to your instincts and loving yourself enough to stop settling for bad relationships.
Well most of these ‘men’ are nothing more than predators who objectify women and view them as pray! Never mind boys will be boys, respectful men would know that ogling is wrong to the person being ogled, to the partner, the wife and family. It basically boils down to a complete disregard for anyone else but themselves! Whilst demonstrating a low level of emotional intelligence.
Most of these posts suggest these cretins are narcissistic so anyone who doesn’t know what that is I suggest you read up on this. With narcissistic behaviour they like to triangulate their victims, most of you on here are victims! This means pitting you against other females/males. There is nothing wrong with you, you are perfect the way you are and a healthy man/woman would never behave in such a manner especially in front of their so called beloved!
Never mind about still shopping you don’t do that in front of your partner! There’s a little something called discretion e.g. do it in your own fkin time if you have to do it at all!
No narcissists ogle and lie and often cheat because they are empty, have low self esteem, and need constant validation. As someone intelligently pointed out it’s a constant need for validation regardless of if you are the best wife, best husband, shower them with love, they are void they are empty and do not care about right or wrong! Challenge them get rage, silence, crocodile tears, you’ll never get the truth maybe rarely mostly you’ll get the lie!
As a side note and this is not be being vain, rather me knowing my worth! I am attractive consider myself a good catch, educated etc, loving! The narc in my life bald, walked with a limp nothing special but yet would sneak and ogle and stare at one particular girl, I’m talking really shady shit yet so obvious! Well he wasn’t about to suck out my life force walking around with a spring in his step whilst I felt insecure! I kicked that pathetic narc to the curb, so it doesn’t matter if you are attractive or you feel you aren’t you are never enough for the NARC!
Ladies know your WORTH it does not matter how long you have been with the narc, mine lasted 3 months as I educated myself on what is wrong with HIM not me and they are sick.
Do yourself the biggest favour and kick that clown to the dirt where he belongs! Don’t say but I’m too old now, my job sucks I can’t afford to leave, I’ll make an effort dress up for him/her, maybe counseling will work, if I show him I love him? Wrong these are the excuses that bind you….ask yourself am I happy? How should love look? And break free, you have one life, everyday is a blessing without scummy partners/husbands so live YOUR life but make sure you love it this can only happen without the narc X
I have been married 23 years. My husband as looked at porn for years even when I told him to stop. It hurt me so much to think he was mastubating over these women and carried on doing it even thou I told him how it made me feel inside and about how I felt about myself knowing that I could never look like them. He did not care and carried on looking. He looks at women right in front of me when we are out. He says where is he supposed to put his eyes, on the floor all the time. he doesn’t just look he keeps looking and I don’t know if he is doing it to get me jealous or doing it to see if he can get the women to keep looking back at him, flirting in a way. I’ve stayed liked a fool because I have no where to go. I realised I should never of married him and I wished I had kepted money to one side to of supported myself and left him years ago. I would say to anyone moving in with another partner to make sure you can support yourself incase it does not work out and you can leave and stand on your own two feet like I should of done. If I had my time over I would run a mile from him.
Dear Lisa, OMG!
I met my wife at a younger friends house, it was his mother, (I know), but we couldn’t stop flirting and she says her marriage was on the rocks anyway so she got a divorce and we got married. She is ten years older than me, ( I know, strike two) but we were madly in love, still are, I hope. She’s 74 and I’m 64 . She is very pretty and I’ve been told I’m handsome.
We’ve been married for 27 years. Her granddaughter is 29 and her husband is 30 . My wife met him before I did and told me that he was a fine young man so when I finally met him I confirmed that but her granddaughter who is like my granddaughter too as I helped raise her said something one day that I overheard that he liked to flirt with older women.
We went to visit them one day before their wedding and something bothered me, when my wife hugged him hello they full body hugged for almost 20 seconds and I blew it off because I knew my wife really liked and thought the world of her GDs new love. I confronted my wife about the extra long hug and she told me I was being stupid and I agreed with her. Fast forward a couple of years and they came across country to visit us. My wife lights up around him and I see that twinkle in her eye that I first noticed 27 yrs ago. Night before last as he was getting up to go to his room I noticed her looking at his ass as he was leaving the room, not just a glance but a total stare until he was gone. I may be wrong but I called her out on it and asked if something was going on between them, she said Honey, are you kidding me, he’s 44 years younger than me, so again I tried to blow it off. Tonight it happened again, she stared at his ass until he was out of sight. When I confronted her she told me that I must be losing my mind, maybe getting senile, that she was only looking at the TV. When I come into the room and they’re talking they both turn their heads and act like nothing was happening and walk away, I’ve caught my wife giggling while talking to him and just stop when I get within earshot and turn away. Am I crazy? or maybe losing my mind?
You know that intuition thing,? the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I started to black out. Again I called her out and she kicked over a chair angry at me.
About that time her daughter walks in and overheard our argument and I let it be known what the argument was about and she proceeded to let me know that her mother loves me more than anything in the world and if she says she didn’t do it, she didn’t do it. I told her that I wasn’t going to discuss this matter with her and would she leave, and she got all puffed up and said no, (now comes something I wish didn’t happen). I asked her to get out of my house (daughter) and put my hand on her back as to guide her to the door when she threw a full glass of wine in my face which also hit my wife’s face and I’m sorry to say I slapped her with my left hand, I truly wish I hadn’t done that but I did and she proceeded to walk out the door saying she was calling the cops, my wife followed telling me she didn’t know me anymore and that I’m crazy. This may be more information than I should write but Lisa, I feel this with every fiber of my being that something is going on. It gets worse, our granddaughter whose staying across the street with her husband came charging across the street yelling at me that, Grandma s f….ing my husband, you’re sick. That broke me….I love that girl like she’s my GD. I just waited in the house for the cops to come pick me up for assault and rightly so.
The cops never came but my GD did. She came in and hugged me tight and told me that whatever happens she still loves me and will come see me wherever I go. About 10 minutes later my GD came back over and told me my wife was crying her eyes out telling them that I was her rock but something was wrong with me. I told my GD that I still loved her GM and to send her back over, she did and my wife came back crying and telling me I should seek professional help. She is trying to make this out with the family like I’M the one who needs help. I know what I saw and I’m sticking to it. I told my wife to just apologize and I can forgive her but she won’t admit it and says this is all my fault and that I need help.
So here I am, it’s late at night and I can’t sleep while my wife is in the bedroom fast asleep. Should we seek help together, separately, or should I just pack up and leave. I’m heartbroken.
Dear Rob,
I’m sorry to hear you are going through this with your wife and family. Has her daughter ever thought her husband was cheating on her? Is it possible that your wife thinks he’s attractive and might be checking out his body, however, is not cheating with him? I’m never one to say to ignore your instincts, so you might want to check them out if you’re truly concerned. When people can’t shake that feeling that their spouse is cheating, sometimes the only way to find out is to hire a detective to follow her and him and see what they find out. it may be a good option for you as well.
Best of luck,
Lisa – thank you so much for this page; you have turned my life around. I will no longer ignore the strong feelings in my gut and blame myself. Thank you
I’ve been in a relationship for the past 4 years with the best woman I know. 99% of the time we thoroughly enjoy our time together and look forward to being with each other. Unfortunately about a year ago she began to notice that I would look at other younger women for more than a glance. This has hurt her feelings which is the last thing I want to do. I truly love her and want to be the man she deserves. I don’t lust after anyone else, I’ve read things on it and work on myself and seem to have things in order and then another instance pops up. Sometimes I’m not looking at a woman (they could be in the general vicinity of something else I’m looking at) and sometimes I am unwittingly doing so. Either way the trust has been broken and I want to fix it. I’ve set up an appointment with a counselor. Tell me there’s hope because reading these other posts my outlook seems bleak.
I am 70 this is my second marriage he is 70 and I am his 3rd. We have been married 27 years. We were 42 when we married. He had an illness that required him to be on some heavy meds and he lost all desires for sexual contact. So probably 20 of the 27 we haven’t been intimate. My first husband had an affair, was bi-polar and was an alcoholic, after 3 kids and about 23 years I had enough we divorced and I met my second and was married about 1.5 years later. My hubby now has finally cured of his illness, but still no intimacy. I have dealt with this for at least 20 years. Now I am dealing with his flirting in front of me, looking at younger women, and when we go out dancing with other women, as well as taking up conversations with them while I sit there. When I confront him, he says I am jealous and it is a sickness that I have and I am insecure. What’s next? Every time we talk about it he says I need counseling for extreme jealousy, because I get upset when he seems mean to me but smiles and interacts with others, in front of me. I have tired to say it doesn’t matter, but it does. I don’t want to go anywhere there is other women like my Zumba class, which he now has joined, my line dancing class which he now has joined, if we go out with friends to dance, he will dance with the ladies who have no spouse, that doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is his conversations with other women, leaving me sitting there when they are in each other’s faces trying to hear over the music of the band. Also in the dan
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