Flight history for NordStar flight Y71031

Flight history for NordStar flight Y71031

Flight history for NordStar flight Y71031

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Please note that multiple active weather layers may increase page load time and decrease page performance. More than 7 days of Y history is available with an upgrade to a Silver 90 days , Gold days , or Business days subscription. Log in with email Remember me. Get more from Flightradar24 Upgrade today to get access to more features and data. Labels appear when there are less than aircraft on map. The second to fourth row will appear only when the map is zoomed in. Boundaries of volcanic eruptions and ash clouds impacting aviation. Current weather for 3, airports in the world overlayed on map. Global IR Satellite provides worldwide cloud cover displayed on the map, refreshed every 60 minutes. Global Radar provides worldwide areas of intense precipitation on the map, refreshed every 30 minutes. Total precipitation shows areas of active precipitation on the map, refreshed 12 times a day. Forecasted areas of high level significant weather, available for up to a hour period in six hour increments. Recorded lightning strikes shown on the map, updated every 15 minutes. Wind speed and direction on the map, in 1, ft increments, refreshed 12 times a day. See where it is day and night on the map at a glance. Various oceanic tracks, including North Atlantic Tracks overlayed on map. Navigational waypoints and airways for high and low altitude flight overlayed on map. Get an instant overview of the airport delay situation around the world or in a local region. Off Off Wind barbs Gradient. Show times in local airport time rather than UTC. Km Km Miles Nm. GPS based aircraft tracking technology. Time difference of arrival based aircraft tracking technology. GPS based tracking technology of light aircraft, helicopters and gliders. Wind barbs kts Barb types Calm 5 10 Barb combination 15 20 35 80 Flight history for NordStar flight Y

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