Flight Passes to Cyprus - FAQs

Flight Passes to Cyprus - FAQs


For EU Passport holders, a Cyprus Flight Pass is required to enter Cyprus. If you hold another Passport type please visit our site. In this way, negative PCR (Certificates of Registration) check result is not needed to be submitted. However, a failure to obtain a positive result from the examination may result in the expiry of your Passport. The time to apply for a Cyprus Pass will depend on the time of year you apply. There are several options available for the applicant and we suggest that you shop around for the best deal.

Citizens of the United Kingdom are not required to obtain a Cyprus Pass before entering the country if they hold a valid passport that was issued by the United Kingdom. To enter Cyprus, citizens of certain countries must also have an equivalent visa. For citizens of some other countries, a one or two-year visa is the only way to get to Cyprus, regardless of whether or not they have a Passport. Applying for a Cyprus flight pass requires that you apply for your visa well in advance of your planned entry to the country.

There are several ways to acquire a Cyprus Pass. The most popular method is to use a travel agent to arrange a Pass for you. Travel agents can often get discounts on flights to Cyprus for Passes booked up to 70 days in advance. It is worth enquiring with a number of travel agents to find out whether this possibility exists for the flights you want to book. It is also important that you inquire whether the Cyprus Passes they offer are still valid at the time you depart.

If you are unable to obtain a Cyprus Pass using the above methods, there are other options. These require waiting a few hours before you board the plane and filling out an application process. It may be worth contacting the airline you fly for to see if they can help. Most often, this is a simple matter of providing contact details such as email address and phone numbers and the application process for a Cyprus flight pass will be no more complicated than that for a normal passport.

It is important to meet all requirements for a Cyprus Pass. These include satisfying the language requirements and satisfying the health requirements. You will also need to provide negative covid-19 results (see section relating adverse travel). This information must not be disclosed to any agency that assists you in obtaining a Cyprus flight pass. This applies to any agent at the Pass office or any agent or representative from an airport who assists you in your travel.

The above mentioned information covers the general criteria for those that are applying for a Cyprus Pass. There are other detailed criteria relating to the age requirements, health test requirements, the currency requirement and so on. If you wish to obtain a Cyprus flight pass and if you meet the criteria, but are not travelling within the area covered by this pass, you may have the option to upgrade to a normal (without a covid-19). You may also have the option to upgrade to a business (without a covid-19) after you have received your pass.

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