Flickr Straight Cross Dressers Pictures And Video's

Flickr Straight Cross Dressers Pictures And Video's


Flickr Straight Cross Dressers Pictures And Video's
Have you ever been caught in just your lingerie?

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Mom, please stop yelling at me! I never wanted to wear your dresses; it was sis! She made me!
I have to say out of the 30 or so sets that i have done over the past 2 years, this set might be in my Top 5 favorites. Funny you know this nylon outfit was a charity shop item. I always go to the charity shops to buy accessories for my shoots, these accessories are usually necklesses, bracelets, pins and generally that kind of stuff but as i was looking for those my eyes caught this nylon dress and bought it without knowing what i was going to do with it but offcourse it eventually found its place in this shoot x
Well, I've told you all about this dress, see other text. It's a beauty, that I made myself.
Is my ass too big?'s just the big skirt. See the pretty neck and the heart shape,
and the hem with satin bows. Romantic. Oh, I have a look like deer caught in car head light at night. But , I'm learning.
I am not a crossdresser but many of my friends are
Like a rabbit in the headlights... Drink and camera to hand and back to the wall, at CandyGirls alternate venue, the Golf Club in Sunbury..
An old photograph from the scrapbook.
And when I arrived at Candy Girls, I felt distinctly overdressed, as all the pretty girlies were wearing skimpy bikinis..... but I had the last laugh as it got rather chilly at 2am ! In the meantime, here I am, wrapped round the Gazebo pole in the 'smokers yard, caught like a rabbit in the headlights by Roberta's flashgun.... Cute fluffy bunny..... savoury duck... or sexy spring chicken? What do you think?
Robert thought, - "No, when it pours,
Through the trees and flow'rs and thistles.
No one heard his screams and cries;
Through the clouds the rude wind bore him,
Where they stopp'd, or where they fell;
Was one little flower from her hair.
From my Lomography set (read about the process on the Set description). This photo is a rework of one taken on 9 October 2008.
Don't you know it's not polite to stare 😉
Her I am again in my bra, panties, open bottom girdle, nylon stockings, and red high heeled slingback pumps. These shoes are so very comfortable on my feet, I love them!
Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick,
Photo, makeup and styling by the talented Kelayla of
Gill is obviously saying something about me and both Emily and I are seeing the funny side of it. The moment was brilliantly caught on camera by Kay the roving photographer. I like the picture and it makes a change to post a picture where no one is posing.
Hoping your week is going great! Mine is!! 😍😍👌💋❤😜
Anna-Lise Seins crossed her legs teasing Bond with a fleeting glance of Heaven. She sighed, her breasts heaving slightly, she bit her upper lip as she assessed 007 , her right eye being half closed while the left one was fixed on him intenlty
"Cela vous dérangerait-il si je vous posais une question commerciale. Cela a à voir avec la mort. " (tr- Would you mind if I asked you a business question. It has to do with death. ")
Bond half smiled: J'aime toujours entendre une belle femme parler français (tr-I always like to hear a beautiful woman speak French)
Anna Lise fixed her gaze and replied, this time in English, "You always were a Cunning Linguist, no, 007? Perhaps you could teach me?"
Much earlier this year I was meeting up with two friends Gill and Linda for lunch and on the way I took a walk around Spitalfield market to see if anything caught my eye. Later when I arrived at the lunch venue Gill rather mischievously asked if I was actually wearing anything under my coat, she always does have something to say about the length of my dresses and skirts but I can assure you there is a dress beneath my coat.
Tomorrow I will be heading off on a walking holiday for three weeks so see you all again mid July. Ta ta for now.
Stuck on my sun lounger - neighbours just came out - can't move without being caught 😳
Nurse Sarah caught playing with herself
I am back posting on Flickr!! I haven't been here in a very long time. Everything with my life has been amazing - my absense from Flickr was mainly because the app stopped working on my phone and I have been focusing more on my other social media sites.
But I am back now and have 6 months worth of photos to upload which I plan on doing on a daily basis until I have caught up.
Plus I have lots of good news to share which I will do in a few of my following photos
New videos every Wednesday & Sunday
A final look (for now, at least) at the first outfit in this new contest.
I had a lot of fun modelling this Riviera look in the streets of East London, and all around Victoria Park!
Before heading back to Monte Carlo, I managed to squeeze in lunch at the East India Club with Lord Belcher. As you know, His Lordship has been a great ally of The Sodality, and is a sleeping partner in The Salon, as well being one of my more occasional clients (as a hale and hearty octogenarian should be!)
Lord Belcher has some interesting theories about the mysterious Pierre Collager, sometime business associate of my new husband, Le Duc de D’Or Baleine. We discussed the matter over coffee and brandy, in the Members Lounge.
“Have you ever seen the Alfred Hitchcock movie ‘North by Northwest’, Lady Rebecca?”
“Yes. It’s one of my all-time favourites.”
“Well – then you will recall that the so-called ‘McGuffin’ is a man who doesn’t really exist – a man called George Kaplan. He is a fiction that the US intelligence agencies have invented, as a cover for the real operative that they are employing.
“Now… I suspect that Pierre Collager may be you husband’s equivalent. His name turns up all over the place – as a sub-contractor, a signatory to your husband’s tax returns, or as the chief executive of various elusive holding companies whose main purpose seems to be to conceal the true sources of your husband’s vast wealth.
“There may be no real Pierre Collager at all – or rather, he may be a part that is played by many different actors at different moments, as suits your husband’s inscrutable purposes. Fall guy, enforcer, witness to false testimony – it can be very convenient for a man like your husband to have at his command a shadow army (because I doubt Collager is the only example) of undercover operatives, who cannot be caught by the authorities, because they do not exist in the normally accepted sense of the word….”
“Are you implying, My Lord, that some of my husband’s business dealings may be… illegal?”
“My Dear Lady Rebecca, your husband operates on a scale and at a level at which the distinction between what is legal and what is illegal becomes meaningless.”
Exactly what have I got myself mixed up with?
Love and Kisses to All My Friends and Fans
We seen some old friends over the weekend, fun was had by all. Isabella took this pic and caught me by surprise.
I was just trying on a new pair of PU shorts when you know who walked in with her camera.
Click below to find out what's in Ava's Purse
I am 100% real...! But I am afraid the background is photoshopped in... there is no way I could decorate a tree that perfectly!!
Whilst shopping recently in "New Look" this dress caught my eye..
I failed to resist and just had to buy it !! Hearts and kisses to all.. ❤💋
She loves seeing me playing in her nurse's uniform
Nurse Sarah caught playing with herself
I wanna love you but I better not touch (don't touch)
I wanna hold you, but my senses tell me to stop
I wanna kiss you but I want it too much (too much)
I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison
You're poison, running through my veins
When I was younger I got used to seeing Mom going out in the evening looking like this. I never dreamt that just a few years later I would be doing the same!
Taking the arts walk stroll down Whyte Avenue, when I caught this lady having a smoke break outside her tattoo shop. SO stylish, and a chat showed her elegant accent, of Greek and Egyptian ancestry. She loved the flattery, and her boss was all too happy to take a photo.
What if there were no hypothetical questions?
Faire une promenade artistique sur Whyte Avenue, quand j'ai surpris cette dame en train de fumer devant son magasin de tatouage. SI élégant, et une conversation a montré son accent élégant, d'ascendance grecque et égyptienne. Elle adorait la flatterie et son patron était trop heureux de prendre une photo.
Et s'il n'y avait pas de questions hypothétiques ?
Please, read my profile , or visit my website!
SVP, lire mon profil , ou visiter mon page sur Web!
Placed in cuffs, ball gagged and tied with green rubber dyna-band. I guess it's one way to stop.
I need to Post my traditional TGIF a little early. I just found out the Governor of WV will allow me to go to my camp. I'm packing up to start a LONG overdue weekend in the Mountains. This crazy world has me rattled and I'm looking forward to getting away. I will try to get caught up with everyone when I can. This Dam virus has turned my world upside down. I hope every one can have an enjoyable weekend. Love You All!
When the Angels revolted, God shut Heaven's Gates.
Those inside remained Angels; those in Hell became Devils,
And those caught betwixt became Fairies.
Tonight it’s the club, and I don’t expect to leave until 9 am 😈
There was once upon a time, when I would quite look forward to clubbing from Thursday to Sunday. I always used to love dancing on the stage, or on a podium 😁
Sadly age has caught up with me, 9 pm and not 9 am, sounds like a good time for bed 😅
I like how we were not posing for this picture. Makes a change!
If you were a fisherman would you be happy to find me caught in your nets ?
You catch me heading off for lunch at the Oxford and Cambridge Club, to meet up with my close friend and Sodality Sister Lady Lavinia Baverstock.
Lady Lavinia (an Oxford graduate herself, and a full member of the club) greeted me, dressed in what has become our “off-duty” Sodality uniform: a cream silk blouse, a knee-length tweed skirt, and sensible three-inch crocodile heels. We eagerly caught up with each others’ recent escapades, over a very indifferent lunch – the Oxford and Cambridge has employed, for years, the very worst chefs of all the top London clubs.
Looking across the table at Lady Lavinia, dressed in her conservative 'county' attire, it was quite hard to remember that this beautiful aristocrat has – over the last three or four years – emerged as the undisputed Number One Extreme Porn Star of the “snooty smut” or “posh porn” movement. I remember Max Kink himself texting me to register his astonishment at the practiced ease with which Lady Lavinia performed the most outrageous XXXXX acts for his cameras. The devastating effect of this level of debauchery is only enhanced by the filthy language (delivered in an uber-snooty, ‘cut glass” accent) that cascades from Lady Lavinia's potty-mouth, during her mesmerizingly lewd and depraved performances….
Our meeting at the Oxford and Cambridge was to discuss a guest appearance by Her Ladyship at The Salon, so that Lady Lavinia can meet (and debauch!) some of her wealthiest fans – those, that is, who are both bona-fide aristocrats and able to afford the eye-watering fees that we charge for this kind of full personal service. Lady Lavinia and I both agreed that a two-week residency by her at The Salon would be tremendous publicity for all concerned!!
We sealed the deal over a glass of cognac - which was much tastier than the club's cuisine !!
Love and Kisses to All My Friends and Fans!
Lady Rebecca Georgina Arabella Lyndon
A warm cup of coffee, informative literature and curled up on the couch. Gotta look fabulous while doing it of course
Apologies for the absence of uploads. With people returning back to the office, I've been swamped so I've caught up and I'll upload what I have until the next photo shoot at the end of the month. Stay safe out there! 💋
alle Fotos von diesem Wochenende / all pics from this trip: hier/here
... und der Fotograf hat sich wirklich ein Bienchen verdient!
Vor dem Ball sammelt sich das ganze Volk im Hotelfoyer. Man trinkt noch einen Cocktail und ehe man es sich versieht, wird man vom offiziellen Ballfotografen "erwischt". Da erkennt man schon den Profi, für ein solches Bild von mir braucht es üblicherweise 10-15 Versuche und hier hats gleich beim ersten Mal geklappt. Herzlichen Dank dafür!
Before the ball, the whole crowd gathers in the hotel foyer. You're drinking another cocktail and before you know it you're "caught" by the official ball photographer. You can already see the pro, for such a picture of me it usually takes 10-15 attempts and here it worked right away on the first one. Thank you very much!
I don't know how many of you caught my BBC TV debate last weekend with Lord Trembath, President and Chair of the illustrious Moral Renaissance movement. Here I am captured getting ready to go before the cameras - and keen to look the part of a notorious high-society prostitute and Madame!
You can probably catch the whole show now on your BBC I-Player (if you care to trawl through all the Olympics highlights!), but for those of you in a hurry, here is an extract to whet your appetites!
Lord Trembath: Surely, Lady Rebecca, you would not deny that your so-called Sodality is engaged in the systematic corruption of young women of the English aristocracy?
Lady Rebecca: I deny it emphatically. The Sodality approaches no one, seeks-out no one. On the contrary: we make entry into our Sisterhood as difficult as we can. We test all of our pledges most rigorously.
Lord Trembath: But you are testing them – and please forgive me if I misunderstand your purposes here – you are testing them for their degree of sexual and moral depravity?
Lady Rebecca: Your Lordship, you must understand that we are receiving enthusiastic applications week in, week out - from young couples of the English ruling classes. Both parties in the marriage are always mustard keen for the wife – typically a newlywed – to be admitted into the Sodality. It is seen by such couples as a mark of social success. My organization simply provides a platform and a network through which these couples are able to practice the lifestyle that they have coveted.
Lord Trembath: Your critics claim, Lady Rebecca, that you have normalized a lifestyle of adultery, cuckolding, prostitution and sex-work amongst formerly respectable aristocratic ladies.
Lady Rebecca: My understanding, Lord Trembath, is that such practices and pass-times were normalized two or three hundred years ago - if not more! The fact is, these young ladies of which you speak dream of becoming high-class courtesans, sex workers, cuckoldresses, dominatrices and XXXXX porn stars. Candidly, this is the only thing that their expensive education has prepared them for. I merely help to release their inner vixen. The rather more startling thing is the degree to which the husbands relish their own ruthless cuckolding. It seems that we have become a nation of “wife watchers” – at least within society’s upper echelons!
Lord Trembath: Then surely you admit that you are deliberately undermining the institution of marriage?
Lady Rebecca: The institution of marriage? I believe Simone De Beauvoir hit on the fundamental truth about marriage, when she observed that a wife "was simply a prostitute with only one customer." In the Sodality, we work to extend a wife's sphere of influence!
Love and Kisses to All My Friends and Fans!
Lady Rebecca Georgina Arabella Lyndon
Aristocrat : Disciplinarian : Horsewoman
A warm cup of coffee, informative literature and curled up on the couch. Gotta look fabulous while doing it of course
Apologies for the absence of uploads. With people returning back to the office, I've been swamped so I've caught up and I'll upload what I have until the next photo shoot at the end of the month. Stay safe out there! 💋
alle Fotos von diesem Wochenende / all pics from this trip: hier/here
Vor dem Ball sammelt sich das ganze Volk im Hotelfoyer. Man trinkt noch einen Cocktail und ehe man es sich versieht, wird man vom offiziellen Ballfotografen "erwischt". Aber auch Jana Metzner hatte einen Blick für die Situation. Besten Dank!
Before the ball, the whole crowd gathers in the hotel foyer. You're drinking another cocktail and before you know it you're "caught" by the official ball photographer. But also Jana has a sense for the moment. Thank you!
As she sat on the lock gate and looked across the canal, a dark hole in the bank opposite, just above the water's edge, caught her eye, and dreamily she fell to considering what a nice snug dwelling-place it would make for an animal with few wants and fond of a bijou riverside residence, above flood level and remote from noise and dust.
As she gazed, something bright and small seemed to twinkle down in the heart of it, vanished, then twinkled once more like a tiny star. But it could hardly be a star in such an unlikely situation; and it was too glittering and small for a glow-worm. Then, as she looked, it winked at her, and so declared itself to be an eye; and a small face began gradually to grow up round it, like a frame round a picture.
A brown little face, with whiskers.
A grave round face, with the same twinkle in its eye that had first attracted her notice.
Small neat ears and thick silky hair.
~ adapted from The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame.
alle Fotos von diesem Wochenende / all pics from this trip: hier/here
teilweise geborgt bei / partly borrowed from
... und das gleich im doppelten Sinne: zum einen Ina und ich kurz vor dem Ball und dann eben Jana, die, als sie das Foto von uns machte, vom offiziellen Ball-Fotografen voll erwischt wurde.
... and this in two senses: on the one hand Ina and I just before the ball. And on the other hand just Jana, who was caught by the official ball photographer when she took the picture of us.
Unable to have our place to myself for over 7 months, I finally went a little nuts. I just had to dress and suddenly the possibility of being caught seemed, well, acceptable.
My wife was completed bushed on Saturday, took a sleeping pill and asked that I not wake her until noon.
Ordinarily I might try a little lipstick and heels with a few hours, but this time I threw caution to the wind. I locked the basement door (under the pretense of keeping the dog out while i cleaned, should an explanation be needed) and completely transformed into Mia, albeit rushed and half-assed and looking like a specter.
Smoking is something I might try if I typically had 2 days to air out our upstairs bathroom, but even then almost never. I said fuck it, and enjoyed several cigarettes in our small downstairs bath, window cracked and fan on, my wife barely 30 seconds away.
My darling husband caught me in this happy pose just before I left for a bit of retail therapy in downtown Saginaw. He said he wanted me to look for a sexy mini-dress and get some lingerie as well to go with it. He said I would be getting a treat when I got back home. I was hoping for something a little physical from him on my return and although we had made love earlier I could still not get enough of my hubby! 😛😛 💋💋
Caught taking off my white satin pussy bow blouse.
asked to pose and it caught my bump...
Mom had been asleep
Schoolgirl Undressing
Anastasia Lux Gallery
Jazmine Garcia Nude

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