Fleshlight Exercises

Fleshlight Exercises


Fleshlight Exercises

How to Improve Your Sexual Stamina With a Fleshlight

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Let’s get real, friends. Do you find that when it comes time to get down, you orgasm a little earlier than you’d like to? While there’s certainly no “right way” to have sex, and no time you “should” be going for, I understand that this can sometimes be a point of frustration for people and at times, their partners.
It’s worth stating that there’s no shame in feeling that you might orgasm a little faster than you want to. It’s incredibly common, and the great news is that you can work on changing that (if you’d like).
Just as you’d study to improve your mental fitness, or workout in the gym to boost your physical fitness, you can work on your sexual stamina with a little bit of training. And the training isn’t exactly all that strenuous, either.
For heterosexual males (or people with penises), the best available tool for this is a male masturbator or sex toy that mimics the feel of a vagina. One of the most popular brands is Fleshlight , which is basically a fake vagina inside a solid casing, discreetly designed so it looks like a flashlight (torch) when it’s got the lid on.
Fleshlights are as close as you’ll get to a real vagina from a male masturbator toy. Inside the solid casing is a soft, pliable, “Real Feel” sleeve that has been specially designed to replicate the feel of a vagina, so you get a genuine sensation of penetrative sex when you put your erection inside.
To use a Fleshlight, you put some water-based lubricant on your penis plus the orifice entry of the Fleshlight and you also lube up the internal sleeve. Then you insert your erection, hold the solid casing and thrust away as you would during normal penetrative sex. If you want hands-free action you can wedge your Fleshlight between your mattress and the base of your bed, or tape it to a table or other surface.
You can ejaculate safely inside the Fleshlight sleeve as it’s fully washable afterwards. You just remove the sleeve, wash it with water (avoiding soap or chemical-filled cleaners) and allow it to dry before putting it back in the casing. You can buy a renewer powder to keep the material in tip-top condition.
While there are loads of different Fleshlight sleeves to choose from for everyday pleasure masturbation, there’s a specific one designed especially for orgasm delay training: the Stamina Training Unit (STU) . It’s designed to most closely replicate the true sensation of intercourse with its optimum internal 1/2″ (13mm) canal diameter and its realistic texture.
The genius of the STU is that it works both as a pleasurable masturbator AND as a tool to work on increasing your stamina and endurance. You can work on controlling your orgasm without the pressure of satisfying a woman at the same time which is going to make things much more straightforward for you, both psychologically and physically.
The essence of the training process is to allow you to learn to recognise when you are going to orgasm and learn how to delay the process. As you enter the STU you’ll notice the smooth, pillowlike texture massaging your penis. The STU bumps rub you on the way in, but the ridges really grab your penis on the way out. The STU has been described as feeling like “little fingers” tickling your penis in an unbelievably intense way. (Remember we told you this was the kind of training you were going to enjoy.)
As you thrust harder and get closer to the point of no return, your penis naturally expands, increasing the sensation of the texture, and magnifying intensity. Then you pass the point of no return, so you orgasm and ejaculate.
By focusing purely on your sensations, you can start to learn when that point of no return is approaching. Then you can stop thrusting, allow the feeling to die right down, and start to thrust again gently. You can repeat this several times until you finally decide to “let go”. The first few times you try it you might not be entirely successful, but that’s the point of training. Repeat the training a few times each week, and you’ll soon find that you’re lasting for longer.
You’ll also find that you quickly learn which style of thrusting is causing a sensation overload and which you can keep doing for longer. That varies from person to person: some people find that shallower thrusting helps them keep going, while other people find that slower, deeper thrusts are less likely to tip them over the edge. Experiment and find out what works for you.
Another bonus is that you may well find your orgasms become stronger. With more build-up before they happen, both your brain and your body are more deeply immersed in the process and the tension, so explosive climaxes could well be the outcome. Result!
If you’d like to keep going with your sexual education, check out this recent piece on how to master the art of dirty talk . It’s another fun one to work on – if you ask us.
Helen Self is a blogger and sex toy expert who writes for Lovehoney Australia .
This article has been updated since its original publish date.
What’s a Fleshlight? I’d always thought it was a torch made for Kiwis. 🙂
I thought so, too, but why do they keep asking for half-a-dozen?
Last any longer and I’d need to take a power nap mid-session

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How to Improve Your Sexual Stamina With a Fleshlight

At Lifehacker, we independently select and write about stuff we love and think you'll like too. We have affiliate and advertising partnerships, which means we may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. BTW - prices are accurate and items in stock at the time of posting.

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Let’s get real, friends. Do you find that when it comes time to get down, you orgasm a little earlier than you’d like to? While there’s certainly no “right way” to have sex, and no time you “should” be going for, I understand that this can sometimes be a point of frustration for people and at times, their partners.
It’s worth stating that there’s no shame in feeling that you might orgasm a little faster than you want to. It’s incredibly common, and the great news is that you can work on changing that (if you’d like).
Just as you’d study to improve your mental fitness, or workout in the gym to boost your physical fitness, you can work on your sexual stamina with a little bit of training. And the training isn’t exactly all that strenuous, either.
For heterosexual males (or people with penises), the best available tool for this is a male masturbator or sex toy that mimics the feel of a vagina. One of the most popular brands is Fleshlight , which is basically a fake vagina inside a solid casing, discreetly designed so it looks like a flashlight (torch) when it’s got the lid on.
Fleshlights are as close as you’ll get to a real vagina from a male masturbator toy. Inside the solid casing is a soft, pliable, “Real Feel” sleeve that has been specially designed to replicate the feel of a vagina, so you get a genuine sensation of penetrative sex when you put your erection inside.
To use a Fleshlight, you put some water-based lubricant on your penis plus the orifice entry of the Fleshlight and you also lube up the internal sleeve. Then you insert your erection, hold the solid casing and thrust away as you would during normal penetrative sex. If you want hands-free action you can wedge your Fleshlight between your mattress and the base of your bed, or tape it to a table or other surface.
You can ejaculate safely inside the Fleshlight sleeve as it’s fully washable afterwards. You just remove the sleeve, wash it with water (avoiding soap or chemical-filled cleaners) and allow it to dry before putting it back in the casing. You can buy a renewer powder to keep the material in tip-top condition.
While there are loads of different Fleshlight sleeves to choose from for everyday pleasure masturbation, there’s a specific one designed especially for orgasm delay training: the Stamina Training Unit (STU) . It’s designed to most closely replicate the true sensation of intercourse with its optimum internal 1/2″ (13mm) canal diameter and its realistic texture.
The genius of the STU is that it works both as a pleasurable masturbator AND as a tool to work on increasing your stamina and endurance. You can work on controlling your orgasm without the pressure of satisfying a woman at the same time which is going to make things much more straightforward for you, both psychologically and physically.
The essence of the training process is to allow you to learn to recognise when you are going to orgasm and learn how to delay the process. As you enter the STU you’ll notice the smooth, pillowlike texture massaging your penis. The STU bumps rub you on the way in, but the ridges really grab your penis on the way out. The STU has been described as feeling like “little fingers” tickling your penis in an unbelievably intense way. (Remember we told you this was the kind of training you were going to enjoy.)
As you thrust harder and get closer to the point of no return, your penis naturally expands, increasing the sensation of the texture, and magnifying intensity. Then you pass the point of no return, so you orgasm and ejaculate.
By focusing purely on your sensations, you can start to learn when that point of no return is approaching. Then you can stop thrusting, allow the feeling to die right down, and start to thrust again gently. You can repeat this several times until you finally decide to “let go”. The first few times you try it you might not be entirely successful, but that’s the point of training. Repeat the training a few times each week, and you’ll soon find that you’re lasting for longer.
You’ll also find that you quickly learn which style of thrusting is causing a sensation overload and which you can keep doing for longer. That varies from person to person: some people find that shallower thrusting helps them keep going, while other people find that slower, deeper thrusts are less likely to tip them over the edge. Experiment and find out what works for you.
Another bonus is that you may well find your orgasms become stronger. With more build-up before they happen, both your brain and your body are more deeply immersed in the process and the tension, so explosive climaxes could well be the outcome. Result!
If you’d like to keep going with your sexual education, check out this recent piece on how to master the art of dirty talk . It’s another fun one to work on – if you ask us.
Helen Self is a blogger and sex toy expert who writes for Lovehoney Australia .
This article has been updated since its original publish date.
What’s a Fleshlight? I’d always thought it was a torch made for Kiwis. 🙂
I thought so, too, but why do they keep asking for half-a-dozen?
Last any longer and I’d need to take a power nap mid-session

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How to use a Fleshlight while watching porn.
You would think knowing how to use a Fleshlight would come as second nature. I mean, you stick tab A into slot B, you move it around a bit and bingo; you get off. However, there are all sorts of tips, DIYs and positions you can learn to make jerking off with a Fleshlight more enjoyable and satisfying.
Therefore, I have pulled together a few tips, a couple of clever Fleshlight DIY ‘s and some positions to make your solo sessions more exciting. So, grab your Fleshlight – or Fleshjack – and follow along.
The following tips can be used for any can-containter male masturbator , Pocket pussy or longer male stroker .
The first tip on how to use a Fleshlight is one many of you already know how to do; stroking during live porn or chat. Different from watching pre-recorded content, live porn or private chats happen in real time. Therefore, having your Fleshlight below camera level allows you to pleasure yourself without over-sharing with others in the chat.
However, some live chats can be one-on-one and, if your performer agrees, you may be able to share your handywork. If not, it’s best to relax in a chair – pulled at an angle to the desk or table – which allows you to stroke yourself with the Fleshlight. And, if you’re curious about performers, live porn and private chats, skip to the tips below for more on Fleshlight Cams.
Knowing how to use a Fleshlight in different ways keeps masturbation interesting and adds dimension to the stroker itself. One way to use a Fleshlight allows you to get wet and wild in the shower. Using your Fleshlight in the shower not only creates a relaxing atmosphere but adds water into the mix; creating more suction and squish.
In addition, Fleshlight offers a handy shower mount that suctions to the shower wall and gives you a hands-free, wet and wild experience.
Bonus points that this how-to-use-a-Fleshlight tip makes cleaning your sleeve easier too.
Most guys want to know how to use a Fleshlight without having to hold it themselves; in other words, a hands-free way of masturbating. Overall, using a hands-free position better mimics intercourse, oral or anal sex. So, men have been coming up with some creative ways to achieve a hands-free experience, one of which I call a DIY pillow stroker.
All you need to create your own pillow stroker is:
Place your pillows side-by-side on a flat surface. Next, slide one belt under the top 1/3 of the pillows and the second belt under the bottom 1/3.
Then, adjust the belts tightly, around both pillows – you may need to make additional holes on the belts so you can adjust them to a smaller size.
Finally, slide your Fleshlight in between the pillows and you have a hands-free DIY pillow stroker!
How you use a Fleshlight with your pillow stroker is entirely up to you! Lay it flat on the bed, in the corner of a chair or against your headboard.
The number 4 tip on our list of how to use a Fleshlight is the hands-free, sofa cushion slide. Depending on the weight of your couch cushions and the thickness, you can do the sofa cushion slide 2 ways; under the cushion and between the cushions.
The Fleshlight has become such a phenomenon in the sex toy industry that they have come up with several accessories to compliment their strokers and make them easier and more exciting to use. One of those Fleshlight accessories is the Liberator Top Dog mount . This Fleshlight wedge pillow holds the stroker tight, enabling you to get into more natural sexual positions.
In addition, Liberator has created a second wedge, called On a Mission , for those of you who prefer the missionary positions. To illustrate, I created a miniature Fleshlight wedge for Grey to show you how using one of these investment-worthy accessories could give you a better solo session.
If you have room mates or kids, you’re probably trying to figure out how to use a Fleshlight in the privacy of your own bedroom. Well, aside from creating a pillow stroker or purchasing a wedge, go hands-free by tucking your Fleshlight between your mattress and box springs. Sure, you’ll have to get down on your knees, but the heavy mattress holds your stroker nice and tight.
The sand bagger is another idea of how to use a Fleshlight without using your hands. But I can’t take credit for this one! I found this clever DIY trick while doing Fleshlight research for an earlier blog post . Here’s what you’ll need to make your own sand bagger:
Other tips on how to use a Fleshlight utilize furniture in creative ways. Yes, using over-stuffed furniture is a given as I’ve already shown you how to use your sofa and you’ll see how you can use a chair in the same way. However, you can jack-off hands-free using other pieces of furniture like nightstands, book shelves and even a television stand.
All you need is a little bit of vision and a roll of duct tape to hold your Fleshlight in place. And here’s a quick tip to remove any tape residue from your Fleshlight case, simply apply rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover or Goo-Gone to dissolve the sticky stuff.
It’s one thing knowing how to use a Fleshlight solo, but do you know how to use a Fleshlight with a partner? Using a sex toy with your partner often involves a vibrator of some sort. However, using a Fleshlight with a partner is almost like having a threesome, without the jealousy.
Here are some creative ways showing how to use a Fleshlight with a partner.
The last, and certainly not least, tip on how to use a Fleshlight is stuffing the over-stuffed chair. You know the kind of chair I’m talking about; those chairs you can just sink into after a great meal. Simply tuck your Fleshlight under the cushion of your favorite chair, close your eyes and enjoy some quality solo-time.
Now that you have 10 tips on how to use a Fleshlight, here are 7 tips to make jerking off with a Fleshlight better.
Nothing feels less realistic than sliding your member into a cold, lifeless Fleshlight. Therefore, my first tip is to warm it up.
Now, you can do this in two ways. First, simply fill your Fleshlight sleeve up with hot water and let it stand for a few minutes. As a result, your sleeve with feel much warmer and more lifelike.
The second way to warm up your Fleshlight is to grab yourself a Fleshlight warmer . This handy little gadget holds your sleeve and heats up, which helps in warming your Fleshlight sleeve before your next solo session.
How to use a Fleshlight 101 tells you to always use lube inside the sleeve. Seriously, if you don’t load that thing with slippery stuff, not only will you stick to the material, it can cause some pretty uncomfortable chafing. So, use plenty of water-based lubricant and, if you want a warm, squishy ride, float your bottle of lube in a sink of hot water for about 10 minutes pre-jerk-off.
Another tip for getting the most of your Fleshlight experience is to add a little tingle. A quick trip down the condom aisle of most drug or big-box stores will provide you with all sorts of lubes that heat up, cool down and add a whole lot of tingle . These lubes are water-based so they are compatible with any Fleshlight style or sleeve.
If you are a Fleshlight connoisseur, it may be time to invest in stroking technology. The Quickshot is a smaller version of the Fleshlight. However, just because it’s smaller doesn’t mean it’s any less amazing. Plus, this small masturbation device has a high-tech accessory that makes jacking-off a mind-blowing experience; the Quickshot Launch.
Just lock in your Quickshot, set your preferred action and hold on.
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