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Any hole or opening on the human body.(Ass, mouth, ear , nose, vagina, peehole ).
by Stephen McDonnell February 10, 2006

The "Mystery Flesh Pit National Park" is a real place that was shut down in 2007 after hundreds of mysterious deaths.

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Somewhere near Odessa, Texas, there’s a deep, dark, fleshy cavernous pit called Mystery Flesh Pit National Park that was shut down in 2007 after hundreds of people went missing.
At least, that’s the rumor on the internet.
In reality, the work of a digital artist and fantasy writer about the fictional habitat for a nonexistent “Geobiological Superorganism” has been shared out-of-context, leaving some unsuspecting social media users curious about the existence (or lack thereof) of this supposed national park. 
A March 2022 Facebook post sums up the current rumors about the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park:
Rumors about this “flesh pit” were also popularized on TikTok:
The Mystery Flesh Pit National Park is not a real place. It was not discovered in the 1970s, it was not the site of a major disaster that claimed hundreds of lives, and it is not the home of a Geobiological Superorganism. The above-displayed story and media was created by artist Trevor Roberts. 
Roberts, who goes by the name StrangeVehicles on Reddit, started creating media for Mysterious Flesh Pit National Park circa 2019 in the Worldbuilding subreddit. This subreddit is used by artists, writers, and other content creators to share their fictional worlds. On May 22, 2019, Roberts posted a tourism poster for this fictional park. 
Since then, Roberts has created everything from trail signs , to spa brochures , to camping guides , to diagrams of parasitic fauna , in order to make this fictional park feel more like a real place. One of the highlights of Roberts’ world building exercise is the “investigation report” into an alleged incident that supposedly claimed the lives of hundreds of people in 2007. 
Roberts explains on his website: : “This archive catalogs a series of illustrations and writings by Trevor Roberts, AKA StrangeVehicles. This project started as a worldbuilding exercise originally posted on the r/worldbuilding subreddit on reddit.com, and continues as a for-fun creative outlet that is slowly being fleshed-out (pun intended.)”
Roberts told us that he was surprised that some people entertained the notion that Mystery Flesh Pit National Park was a genuine real-world location, as his intention was never to deceive, but that he was ultimately flattered that some people took his art as fact. Roberts said:
I am surprised that some people believe it is real, as that was never the intention. I do try my best to mimic the style of real NPS brochures and materials through layout, typeface selection, color choices, and general wording, but I had imagined that the absurdity of the basic concept would be enough for someone to see that it was all an art project.
When I make new material for the blog, I am continually worrying about being too “on-the-nose” with the tongue-in-cheek humor. Much of the Mystery Flesh Pit project is, at least in the words of others, a very obvious critique of both the oil industry and the nature tourism industry, so if some people are so ready to accept it as fact, maybe that speaks to some aspects about the real world.
Overall I take it as a tremendous compliment that a few people took my art as fact, so long as it didn’t cause any genuine discomfort or anxiety.
While Mystery Flesh Pit National Park was never a real place you could visit, some may still find that this fictional park is worth exploring. You can visit the archives of this strange, deadly, and totally fictional place here or support Roberts’ artwork via his Patreon page here .
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Fri Jan 3, 2020 11:18am

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If you took the most Cronenbergian episodes of The Magic School Bus , blended them in a cosmic meat smoothie with the avanc from China Miéville’s The Scar , and then sprinkled in some good ol’ American tourist trap schlock, you still might not approach the eldritch delights of Mystery Flesh Pit National Park , located just south of Odessa, Texas, off Highway 20.
As the name suggests, it’s a giant flesh tunnel opening through the Earth’s epidermis, dermis, hypodermis, and more , revealing colossal esophagi and leviathan spleen. As you descend, you may encounter “spasm fits” and “gastric ejecta” or feel your bodily moisture being “leeched.” Deviate from the marked trails and you risk digestion, lethal entanglement with “Macrobacteria” and “Abyssal Copepods,” or a splattering of “amniotic secretions.”
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Mystery Flesh Pit National Park began as a much-loved exercise on r/Worldbuilding . The brainchild of Redditor u/StrangeVehicles , aka designer, illustrator, and writer Trevor Roberts, it has since evolved into a series of imaginary NPS effluvia showcasing the monstrous attraction.
Roberts describes the MFPNP as such:
The Mystery Flesh Pit is the name given to a bizarre natural geobiological feature discovered in the permian basin region of west texas in the early 1970s. The pit is characterized as an enormous subterranean organism of indeterminate size and origin embedded deep within the earth, displaying a vast array of highly unusual and often disturbing phenomena within its vast internal anatomy.
Following its initial discovery and subsequent survey exploration missions, the surface orifice of the Mystery Flesh Pit was enlarged and internal sections were slowly reinforced and developed by the Anodyne Deep Earth Mining corporation who opened the Pit as a tourist attraction in 1976. In the early 1980s, the site was absorbed into the National Park System which operated and maintained the Mystery Flesh Pit until its sudden closure in 2007.
Roberts describes the project as ongoing, with new material to be released , “at minimum, twice a month.” An art book is tentatively in the making, although no solid plans have been unveiled as of yet. In the meantime, you can traverse the Mystery Flesh Pit on Reddit, where Roberts releases fun supplemental Easter Eggs in the comments, as well as the project’s blog .
 If this were real it’d would be on my bucket list.
They had me at “geotectonic carnal moans” 
So that second poster is from an edited photo of Kimberly’s old diamond mine here in South Africa. South African mining site’s are regularly used as disaster/post apocalyptic areas movies in American and British media.  
Spasms resulting from pulling the entrance open? I can’t help but wince . Has this artist, or anyone else here, read that Doyle story “When the World Screamed”? For extra credit, take on Reza Negarestani’s “Cyclonopedia.” 
Ground-penetrating radar, I think that is what it is called, could less invasively show us the depth and structure of this thing, which reminds me of a kimberlite shaft, just as in the silkscreened-looking poster. I look forward to further revelations from Roberts. 
THAT is what America would do if we discovered a Sarlacc in Yellowstone.
One’s ears, when assaulted by medical personnel who stick that funnel thing in there too damn hard. The next idiot who doesn’t listen, or be gentle in the first place, is going to wish they had explored a cosmic-horror site instead.
Further reading: “The Night Sea-Maid went down”, in The Burrowers Beneath, by Brian Lumley. For my money it’s one of the few things in that Titus Crow series that doesn’t majorly suck. 
How kimberlite pipes come to be in the first place is pretty darn scary, from what I’ve read. Those sparkly little things that you or someone you know might be wearing have quite a story, even before they got stained with blood.
I would so love to see this as a disaster movie. Average suburban family (except the teenage son who obsessively knows every fact about the place) goes “hey, family vacation this year will be Flesh Pit National Park!” When they get there, the spasms are “much worse than usual…” but they seem to be over, so our hapless family plunge into the depths only to be confronted be the true horror of the beast below finally getting tired of being poked, prodded, and having one of its orifices constantly forced open and deciding to do something about it….
There’s something similar in “Torchwood: Miracle Day” from 2011,

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