Flea Market of Lust: Sheila's Pride

Flea Market of Lust: Sheila's Pride


"Goddammit all to Hell!!"

I was an entire fifty yards from Sheila's stall at The Nimitz Road flea market, and I still knew it was her screaming. She had that same redneck accent my family had, and a smoky rasp to her voice that was unmistakable. About three seconds after she yelled, I saw her come out of her stall and pull down the Garage-style rolling door to close it up. I was heading her way to see if she had any new Playboys or issues of Fish Police, my 3rd favorite comic. I was also heading her way because a couple weeks ago she popped my 19 year old cherry. Sheila was a 1970's white trash Queen with dyed blonde hair, out of date make up and a wardrobe that consisted entirely of tight jeans, polyester and Rock concert t-shirts from shows she actually attended. At the moment she was in an orange polyester pantsuit and totally pissed off. She was chain lighting a Benson and Hedges 100 as she came storming down the way and then caught my eye.

"Jake! Perfect! You're just the man I need to go prove a bitch wrong!" She never slowed down one bit as she grabbed my arm and began to pull me along with her, not even waiting for my reply.

"Good to see you too, Sheila."

She ignored my sarcastic greeting. "Gloria Blathernutt thinks she knows everything. I'm gonna show her different, by God and George Jones I will!"

"Where are we going?"

"We're going to the employee break area."


"Because she thinks she knows how to suck a dick and she's full of shit."

I was still trying to figure out her logic when we reached the employee area. There was a small crowd of seven men forming a circle around one of the picnic tables. Sheila cursed. "What the hell does she think she's doing?" She pushed her way into the circle as I peered over one of the guy's shoulders. Gloria Blathernutt was in there trying to suck on two different dicks.

Gloria sold jewelry and bought gold with her dumb-ass husband over in Booth 3, in the fancier part of the Flea Market. She had that Marilyn Quayle hairdo that was popular with the suburban Yuppie Moms at the time, and the fact that she wore Gloria Vanderbilt and Elizabeth Ashley could not erase the fact that she was dumb as Pauly Shore and greedy as Trump. She was currently sitting on the table top of the park bench, being very careful to not get any saliva on her blouse while she tentatively sucked the dicks of Charles and Julio, two of the guys who worked for the Flea Market. She was slender, almost too skinny, but she had a nice face, but not as nice as she thought, which could also be said for her body. I mean, it was nice, and I feel like a schmuck for being judgey about women's bodies, especially considering how little I had seen. But Gloria was just such a mean, shallow and bitchy person that whatever she had, would seem worse than it was, ya know?

"Oh hello Sheila, come to see how it's done?" Gloria said, grinning while holding a dick in each of her hands, one of which was only half hard.

"Sheila, what the hell...?" said Orlando, the fry cook from the snack bar. "You gonna kick her ass?" He asked hopefully. " 'cuz we heard all the shit she was saying about you and every other woman and girl at the Nimitz."

"What did she say?" I asked him.

"That no woman knows how to please a man like her, that all the other women here are shitty in the sack and frigid." Orlando was talking fast, eager to share the explosive truth.

"She didn't quite say it like that . . . but that's close enough.", confirmed Clever Larry, one of the older guys at the Market and one of the most trusted. Gloria said nothing, she just shoved one of the cocks in her mouth and wiggled her head around. The other guy's dick was still half hard. I watched her for a bit, and blurted out the question, "Are you sure you're doing that right?", I asked in a completely genuine tone.

Most of the guys laughed, even the guys getting their dicks sucked, but Gloria got a little red-faced. "Hey fuck you kid, what do you know?" Her face was twisted in arrogant confidence, inspired the kind of unjustified self love that was a pet peeve of mine. When I turned towards Sheila, she was already looking straight at me, smiling like a weasel in a henhouse.

"You didn't like hearing that at all, did ya Sport?", she asked me, already knowing the answer. I was never all that good at hiding my feelings.

"Nope. Not one bit."

"Well, drop your pants, Sport, help me teach this kid a lesson." She flicked her cigarette to the side. "All right lissen up ya Helots! First off, I ain't sucking any of y'all's dicks! So, you can park that car somewhere else, allright?" The men actually nodded back. "Now, I am going to let you watch me teach a lesson to Yuppie britches here, and if you want to jack off while I do it, don't get it on me, okay?"

"Hey guys," Orlando spoke up. " . . . on the jacking off thing, I think it needs to be all or nothing, what do you say. . ."

The guys started to talk about the emotional intricacies of a Circle Jerk. But I was watching Gloria, mostly fascinated by my perception that I was witnessing a bad blowjob, which is supposed to be impossible. However Gloria had changed her technique. She was distracted by the Sheila outburst and the Jack Off discussion, but she still had a cock in her mouth. Her eyes were on Sheila and the guys. Now however, instead of jerkily poking at it, she was letting her lips and mouth just suckle on the end of the cock, and it responded by getting harder. Her mouth had thin lips, and her smallish face meant her cheeks bulged every time she put a cock in there.

The guys voted not to jack off, contentedly, it seemed, and Sheila pulled me over to the the picnic table and sat right next to Gloria, so they could compete side by side. Gloria pulled off her polyester jacket and her blouse. Her large tits were crammed in a black half cup bra a size too small. Honestly there was more tit than bra there. All the guys voiced their appreciation at seeing Sheila's tits, especially as she started to jack off my cock right above her milky orbs, her bright red lips parted slightly. She looked up into the eyes of every man in that circle, and then lowered her mouth onto my cock, her large lips enveloping my rock hard dick, and then sliding down my shaft, inch, by inch, by inch . . . the guys actually started to cheer for Sheila, and let out a hurrah when she managed to swallow my entire cock. Gloria was outraged.

"That's not fair! She has her top off!"

"You think her tits helped her to deepthroat that dick?" Clever Larry asked. Who then turned to me and said, "Nice penis, by the way."

"Thank you Clever Larry.", I politely responded.

"Well Gloria, what ya gonna do. . .?" Sheila asked her, while pressing her cleavage up against my dick and holding it there.

" . . well... Fine!" She started taking off her shirt while Sheila flicked the end of my cock with her tongue. Gloria's bra was a functional garment that covered her tits almost completely. The guys booed in disappointment.

"What? What is it?" Gloria asked in an almost desperate confusion.

"Where's your tits?" asked Sheila, who gave another series of flicks on my penis before finishing. "You gotta show some skin if you wanna beat ole' Sheila." She then started properly fellating my dick with a good steady rhythm. Gloria thought for two seconds and then unhooked her bra, revealing a decent set of C-Cups. The guys were thankful for the sight, and when they vocalized their pleasure, Gloria wiggled in appreciation and started squeezing her tit with her free hand.

Sheila meanwhile was going to town on my cock. Her luscious mouth effortlessly swallowed me again and again, with a grace and ease that was just beautiful to watch, especially now that I was awakened to the concept of technique. Sheila put her hand at the base of my dick, grasping it tightly, forcing even more blood into my already throbbing member. She then started sucking hard at the very end of my cock, which made me cry out in pleasure. The guys loved it! I had to put my hands on Sheila's shoulders to steady myself as she kept up pressure on my cock. Finally, she released me with an audible pop. The guys applauded.

Over at Gloria, she was getting a little frustrated by Sheila's upstaging performance. Gloria started going back and forth faster between the two dicks, which brought some attention back to her. It was indeed impressive to watch move from cock to cock, a stroke at a time, seeing her cheeks bulge out with each plunge. She wasn't trying to be fastidious now, and a little spit was dripping down to her chin and her tits. The two guys she was blowing were now smiling and giving the other guys the thumbs up. She kept it up for a couple minutes, until she stopped, gasping for breath. She looked over at Sheila, who had my entire cock down her throat, and was holding me me in there without coming up for air. She held on, seemingly without effort as the guys started to root for her, chanting, "Go, Go, Go! Finally after about forty five seconds she came up for air, to the cheers of the guys and Gloria's astonished face. A face that did not stay astonished for long.

"You're a cheater! A damn cheater! And a whore! And hate you all!!" Gloria screamed petulantly, wiping her face and grabbing her blouse. She got up and left, leaving the two men she was servicing with pained expressions and hard dicks.

"That, is one low class thing to do." Said Clever Larry, his deep southern tone voicing what was on everyone's mine, except my own. I was only 19, so many intricacies of the social niceties had not yet been fully instilled in me. Larry kept going. "A person to walk away like that, even if it was a bad blowjob, that's some low class shit." All the guys were looking on the two men, whose dicks were still twitching with longing, with pity and sorrow, slowly shaking their heads in horror and gladness that they had not just been Speed-BlueBalled.

"Are you shitting me? Did she just leave those guys high and dry?" Sheila asked.

"Yes, yes she did." Larry answered her.

"John, will you pardon me for a bit?" I answered sure, and she slid down the table to take Gloria's place in front of the two guys. "Boys, I ain't no cheap slut, but somethings just need to be done out of a sense of honor and rightness. Nobody walks away in the middle of a blowjob like that."

"Low Class." said Larry shaking this head.

"Also, I'm gonna go fast and speedy not slow and lovely with you, since you been getting your dongs licked for a while already and..." Sheila grabbed both the dicks roughly, making the two men stand straight up. " . . . and y'all were fucking stupid enough to think that anyone, Anyone, knows how to please a man like me. 'kay?" The guys nodded. "Who's got a watch? I want you to time my ass." Hector the Neglector raised his hand, and got his Casio digital ready. "OK Sheila, on your mark, get set, Suck!"

Sheila kept one guy busy with a gentle stroke while she went to town . . . town? Hell she went to the Big City on the other guys' cock. She jacked off his shaft while worked the head of his cock with a furious slurping. The guy's eyes and mouth went huge, testifying that her efforts were as intense to feel as they were to watch. Orlando was amazed, and told us about it.

"What the . . . she's jacking Julio off at one speed, and jacking Charles off at another while sucking his cock! Do you see that!? Do you know how hard that is??" He said in rapturous wonder.

"No, do you?" I asked, teasing him. Orlando was about to retort when the guy getting the Big City treatment started to swear, bringing our attention back to Sheila's show.

He kept swearing and then gasped. Sheila pulled away from him just in time to send a spray of cum all over the ground, to the side of the picnic table.

"Time?" She asked.

"Jesus, that was 1:36." said Hector. The guys whistled and 'dammmmnned' in astonishment.

"Miss Sheila, thank you kindly. You are a generous, talented woman.", said Julio, who had just cum as he pulled up his pants. "And, uh, if you'd like, I sure'd like to take you out for a date, or something...?"

Sheila smiled sweetly. "Thanks, sweetie, but I'm busy for a while. But I do appreciate the offer. Now . . . there's you." Sheila looked up at the other guy, like she was a gunfighter in the old west. She pulled a cigarette out and then lit it with one hand, and you know that made the guy who's dick she was holding with the other hand twitch. I swear I heard Ennio Morricone playing in the background as Sheila leaned back, looking up into the eyes of the second guy, her large eyes surrounded with blue eye shadow and thick black mascara, her red lips barely smeared from the sucking of two cocks as she made a demand upon the man.

"See here friend, in occasions such as these, I always beat my time. Always. I know I can't make you come quickly, and even to ask it might make you clench up." Sheila's long red Lee Press On nails were scraping down the length of his cock, her nails somehow keeping his dick harder than Gloria's mouth and tongue ever did. She took a huge drag from the cigarette and French inhaled the smoke in a perfect curve, the vapor flowing from her mouth to her nose like water. "So, just close your eyes, and clear your mind, all right?" The guy nodded hard, clearly turned on like Times Square on New Years Eve. Sheila flicked away the cigarette, took hold of his cock and began to work it.

It was a classic blowjob technique, one hand on the shaft, one on the balls and the mouth working about half of the shaft. She knew there wasn't any need for fancy moves, he was close enough. Some quality cock sucking would do the job just fine. Her hand moved with her mouth as one unit, as her hands cradled his balls, tickling them with her red nails. Finally the guy gulped, gasped and shouted. Sheila pulled back and let him shoot his load on the ground off to the side of the picnic table, just about the same spot his friend had came.

"Time!" She called out. Hector checked his Casio looked up and with a grin said, "1:25!"

All the guys cheered and clapped Sheila's performance. Even me, though I was standing there with a half-erect dick hanging out of my pants. Shiela got another smoke out, lit it up and out of the side of her mouth said to me. "Ok Sport, let's get you back to my stall, I still need to sell you some comics. And don't worry, I'm going to take real good care of you." We both got dressed and as Sheila left the break area I tagged along behind her. As we went, I could hear Clever Larry say, "There goes one hell of a woman." And somehow, despite the fact she had three cocks in her mouth in less than an hour, the only looks those men gave her as she left were of respect and admiration.










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