Fix Clearlineage Disabling itself

Fix Clearlineage Disabling itself

@reiyuulma0 / Raiyuu.


Hai and hellou everyone this is Raiy

Today im gonna guide you on how

to fix Clearlineage Disabling itself


- Well the module disables itself cause

your rom might not be supported officially.

- Sqlite3 is missing from your system.

- Sqlite3 Doesn't has execute permission.

- Lsposed was not installed.

- Incorrect Installation. etc.


> Download the official Clearlineage module zip from the official group.

> You must have Lsposed installed

If you don't have it installed please

download it from here and install it.

> Download the sqlite3 file from here.

> Please uninstall the Clearlineage apk file and reboot your sustem if you had installed the Module just by extracting the apk from it.


1. Open Magisk and click on Modules

then click on "Install from storage".

Locating to Modules section in Magisk
Installing from storage in Magisk

(Warning: If you don't have Lsposed installed then please install it and reboot your system DO NOT INSTALL BOTH MODULES AT THE SAME TIME OR YOUR DEVICE MAY END UP BOOTLOOPING)

2. Now locate to the path you've downloaded Clearlineage module and

click on it to install then reboot your device.

Locating Clearlineage Module
As you can see module
is disabled after rebooting device

3. Now open your file manager which has root support. (I personally recommend using Mixplorer. You can download it from here though.)

4. Open Mixplorer and click on the 3 dots then locate to settings and allow it Root permissions.

Click on the 3 dots
Click on "Settings"
Then click on "More settings"

Now allow it root permissions.

5. After you've given it root permissions

go back from the settings and swipe from Left to right. It should bring up some bookmark section. Then navigate to /data/adb/modules/Clearlineage directory.

Swipe from left to bring
Bookmark section
Click on the Root section
Now navigate to
/data/adb/modules/Clearlineage path
Clearlineage folder in
Now click on

6. Now click on file and click

on Code Editor to edit the file.

Click on Code Editor to edit the file

7. Now replace the marked line "/system/bin/sqlite3" with "$MODPATH/sqlite3" and click on save.

Replace that line with $MODPATH/sqlite3
Click on save after replacing it.

8. Now paste sqlite3 file in that directory.

and edit its permissions to "777".

/data/adb/modules/Clearlineage directory

Paste sqlite3 in that directory
Now hold the sqlite3 file and click properties
Now click on permissions
Edit this to "777"
After you've edited it click save

9. After you've given permissions to it

Enable the module in magisk and Restart it.

Voila! you now have the module working :D

After the fix


Note: You have to repeat these steps if you update the module.



Q: How do i check Module Logs for error?

A: You can Navigate to /data/adb/modules/clearlineage and you can see a file named "clearlineage-log" and this is where the logs are stored if you get error.

Q: My system bootloops after installing the module how do i fix it?

A: You may boot into recovery (If you have Orangefox recovery then you can easily remove modules from there) Navigate to /data/adb/modules/ And you may remove the "Clearlineage" module from there

[Note: This only works if your recovery can decrypt internal storage or if you use dfe.]

Either boot into safe mode

Or you can use this method noted in the official group.

Q: Why is not blur working?

A: Well it is noted in the official group

that blur is enabled by default.

You may had installed this module incorrectly just by extracting the apk file from the module zip. Or your rom doesn't support it. You can look for "Allow window-level blurs" in Developer settings if the blur hasn't enabled by default in your rom.


Thanks to @programminghoch10 for making this awesome Magisk Module :)

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