Fix Bluetooth issue on Gsi | Solucionar el problema del Bluetooth en Gsi

Fix Bluetooth issue on Gsi | Solucionar el problema del Bluetooth en Gsi

Mystery Mx - Project Arcana 3.1 |Clair | OFFICIAL | A12
🇺🇸English guide is below the Spanish guide.



Usando un explorador root (Recomiendo Solid Explorer), accedemos a la carpeta Raiz (Le das permiso root a la aplicacion), despues entramos a System y buscamos el build.prop. Entramos y agregamos la siguiente linea de codigo:


Despues de esto, reinicias y cuando reinicie, has la prueba de bluetooth.

Este Metodo funciona en Android 11, 12 y 12.1, ha sido probado multiples veces y en la mayoria el procedimiento salio efectivo. Si estas en Gsi PHH puedes usar este Metodo Alternativo.

Un agradecimiento a:

@Santoshhh000 - For helping us locate the path of the files

@sLawa_ukraln - For providing the necessary files

@Rebellion747 - Apoyo en la primera Version de la Nota

@Lauti321tabor - Provide the build.prop code

Sin ellos la realizacion de esta nota no hubiera sido posible.



Using a root explorer (I recommend Solid Explorer), we access the root folder (you give root permission to the application), then we enter System and look for the build.prop. We go in and add the following line of code:


After this, you reboot and when it reboots, do the bluetooth test.

This method works on Android 11, 12 and 12.1, it has been tested multiple times and in most cases the procedure was effective. If you are on Gsi PHH you can use this workaround.

A thank you to:

@Santoshhh000 - For helping us locate the path of the files

@sLawa_ukraln - For providing the necessary files

@Rebellion747 - I support the first version of this note

@Lauti321tabor - Provide the build.prop code

Without them the realization of this note would not have been possible.

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