Five Essential Things You Should Be aware of Drug Addiction

Five Essential Things You Should Be aware of Drug Addiction

The opioid crisis continues to create national and local headlines people seeking help face a lengthy road to recovery and being stigmatized, which often prevents people from receiving the Inpatient drug rehab in California and the help they need.

It is possible for everyone to aid in fighting addiction by gaining knowledge about it. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

It's not a choice

Most importantly the fact that addiction to drugs isn't something you can choose to do. It is a disturbance of brain chemistry brought on through the use of drugs. Here's a breakdown of the problem:

The brain's reward centre produces dopamine whenever opioids are working which increases feelings of joy. These are the same emotions that we experience when eating chocolate, holding a loved person's hand, sharing a kiss, or engaging in other actions that make us feel good.

Dopamine triggers the midbrain to create a long-lasting memory that connects these pleasant emotions with the situation and the environment in which they took place.

These memories, known as"conditioned associations" can cause a substance abuser to crave drug cravings when they are re-acquainted with those people places, things, or even people: For example, when smoking cigarettes, a smoker might say, "When I'm in a bar, I must take a smoke."

Opioid dependence and withdrawal occur in the brain's base. brain , the locus ceruleus (LC) undergoes changes. The LC is the location of neurons that stimulate wakefulness, breathing and general alertness.

The low blood pressure, the slow breathing and drowsiness are all indicators of respiratory suppression. These signs indicate that a person's heart rate and length of breath are lower than the norm.

The LC responds to opioids by boosting its production of neurotransmitters in response to being repeatedly exposed.

The higher production counterbalances the opioid suppression, and the opioid user feels more or less normal. However, opioids cannot reduce the activity of noradrenaline that is increasing. The excessive use of noradrenaline can cause jitters and anxiety along with diarrhea and muscle cramps, which are common signs of withdrawal.

This turns into a vicious cycle, producing an increase in tolerance, which eventually results in dependence. This is when you begin to notice dependence on drugs.

Everyone is at risk

Addiction is an equality of opportunity disease that affects every people , regardless of their socioeconomic circumstances, race, education, or geographical location.

Every person is affected by addiction. It is unclear why some people are more susceptible than others. Further research is needed to be conducted.

The stigma associated with addiction can be detrimental to the human family

I've heard people refer to people suffering from addiction disorders hopeless as a waste of money and slugs, scumbags, lowlifes, and other horrible names that we'd never use for other kinds of patients. They're parents, siblings, brothers, nieces and nephews.

Mental health issues

An addict who appears to be hopeless could be a scared person who suffers from mental illness. Dismissed and marginalized by the system we have in place The addict is left feeling helpless and depressed, and even more could have given up hope of living a normal existence.

My personal view is that addiction to drug rehab is seen as a personal choice and weaknesses, a flaw in character or a weak point in the spirit rather than what it is an illness that is chronic in nature characterized by remissions and relapses. The last time we've been able to use abstinence as a treatment option, yet it's only available to a small percentage of patients.

Effective treatment is readily available

Multiple studies have shown that treatment with medication (MAT) is efficient in treating addiction to opioids. Buprenorphine (subutex and suboxone) or methadone has been shown to:

Get rid of cravings and withdrawal symptoms

Relapses are less likely

Reduce the spread of diseases that are communicable, such as HIV and hepatitis C

Lower the rate of crime that is related to drug abuse

These drugs correct brain chemical that triggers addict behavior. In conjunction with other help services like counseling and group therapy they can help reduce opioid addiction.

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