Fist Fight 2021

Fist Fight 2021


225 тыс. просмотров · 1 месяц назад

Ordinary people from different walks of life spontaneously gathering to fight against the little Soros Antifa goons. It became very serious when the number of mask-less Americans began to multiply spontaneously. Within five minutes their numbers had swollen to over fifty and they were all very anxious to throw punches and fight. The little antifa communists were surprised by the willingness of so many people to stand up to them. One man was yelling "Unmask Them All". The situation took a serious tone when a small Asian man in his fifties joined the growing crowd and began chanting "Fuck Antifa". It became apparent that those facing off against antifa were men of all ages and races the American people themselves. When it seemed Antifa would finally receive justice at the hands of the people an army of police arrived.
Wardo Rants Less than two years ago, every reservoir in the state was brimming with water, and held a supply to last a minimum of five dry years without another drop of rain. The democrats have been draining the reservoirs across the state for months.…
Redwolf88 This is the man CNN says the Canadian people love?
Free Speech Warrior The globalist controlled democrats and media had to have Biden, but look at the bright side mass death and destruction is better than a Trump tweet, right liberals?
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