First Time Swallow Stories

First Time Swallow Stories


First Time Swallow Stories
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“The first time I ever did it was with my first semi serious boyfriend (I lost my virginity to him the night of my year 10 formal. How original). Anyways a few months before that he wanted me to give him head and I had only done it once before with one of my friends older brothers who told me after I had let him cum all over himself that in order to give great head you should swallow. So I took his advice and when my boyfriend said he was going to cum I said ok with a mouthful of cock. He said it was the best head he ever had so I was convinced that swallowing really was the key and I have done it every time since. Obviously I don’t still believe it is all about the swallow but it definitely helps Plus it always makes me feel superior to girls who refuse to.” Ashleigh, 26
“Nathan and I had planned to go to his student accommodation for a quick smoke then take the bus into town for a drink; a first date as it were. Three hefty joints later and the sound of Primal Scream ringing in my ear the sexual tension had grown unbearable between us; to the point where we had silences simply looking at each other with raised eyebrows waiting for something to happen. The atmosphere was not even stifled by the awful lighting and interiors which looked fresh out of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. Finally he made the first move and my teenage instinct went into overdrive and I jumped on him, grinding him rigorously and tugging at his belt. One thing led to another and all of a sudden he was fucking my (almost) virgin mouth. I’d like to think I knew what I was doing; I just gave it dedication and effort which was increasingly difficult in my stoned state with my mouth becoming more and more dry, the viscosity of my saliva becoming more like treacle (sorry for the graphic imagery, I just don’t know how else to put it) but heck! I went for it, and after about 3 minutes of cock-sucking dedication his body tensed and a jet of salty come exploded into my mouth. Ugh, do I swallow it? Is there anywhere to spit? It’s on my hands, uh no, it’s on my dress too, oop and now it’s in my hair… and some in my eye. THIS SHIT GET’S EVERYWHERE. I thought I’d be kinky and lick it up though which really didn’t help my dry mouth. The fact that I walked home that evening with dried jizz on my nylon black dress just showed how much I didn’t give a fuck. When I told Nathan he just laughed and stroked his beard. Moral of the story; Giving blowjobs when high is CHALLENGING. Proceed with caution.” Bryony, 19
“First time I swallowed was the first blowjob I ever gave. I wanted to impress and thought it would be hot. Well, tasted like ass. At the time I didn’t know any better but I was seriously re-evaluating how “hot” I thought it was. That ex ate a lot of fast food and I later learned that was why it tasted so bad. Eat fruit! Once I “discovered” that trick future lovers got that and it got way better for me. Now, about 4 years later. I loooove it, it’s incredibly hot.” Geill, 22
“The first time I swallowed I was at a Westfield in the suburbs in the parking lot in an older guy’s car. I was fourteen and he must have been at least thirty–I organized the meeting on gaydar. Then I got out. And I got a Boost Juice. And found my parents. True story.” Craig, 22.
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At what Age Did You First Swallow During a BJ Or HJ.
did you swallow it from a hj or bj.?
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i was 14. it started off as a handjob but we didn't have lube so I just kind of gave him a blowjob instead. that was my first time ever holding a penis so I was really scared in all honesty. I have a small mouth and I was afraid I was going to gag, but it wasn't that bad. I swallowed because it'd be kind of ridiculous to spit it out once you can already taste it. it's faster to just swallow it. it was kind of bitter and salty at the same time. it was really warm. it was such a turn on to be able to get my guy off... i think I was obviously the best girlfriend ever. that was his birthday present. hahaha (actually he got something else from me, but whatever)
I didn't start giving hj/bj until I was 17, and since then I've always swallowed. I feel like it may be insulting if I spit.
thanks for the answer. how was the taste for you
on a scale from 1-10 where would you rate it. the taste I mean
I mean its not something I prefer but I don't mind it at all. I like it kind of because I know its because I made my boyfriend feel good. So I guess 8?
that's pretty high. it taste good but you don't prefer it? hmmm ... where do you like it than.?
haha I mean I like it in my mouth, I'm just saying that if I had the option between like a v8 and this I'd go with the v8, but I love swallowing for my boyfriend he seems to enjoy it*
haha a v8. where do you keep it? under your tongue or do you deep throat it so you can barely taste it
I mostly just keep it towards the back of my mouth until he's done and then swallow all of it, but lately I've gotten my boyfriend to kinda push his d*** into my mouth so I end up deep throating.
whats wrong with it being on your tongue.?
i wish I could get my girlfriend to be more like you.
haha there's nothing wrong with it being on my tongue, I'm just saying I like switching it up, and I'm sure he enjoys pushing it in deeper.
do you like deep the whole thing or a majority of it. ha ha and I'm sure he likes it to. a girls throat is so warm...or at least the girl I tried to get to throat me. but she couldnt
It was great! I like it..and I know it turns my guy on! I don't know why I got an arrow down! guess that person can't swallow or his girl doesn't swallow! haha!
have you ever showed it to a guy when he was done.? on a scale of 1-10 where would you rate it on a taste factor
lol..howd ya know! I usually hold it in my him..then swallow and show him its gone..umm id say 7/8 on taste..doesnt taste like anything really..
DUDE WTF? THATS ONE OF MY FAVS HOW'D YOU KNOW?! lol is there a lot or not to much cum
sometimes I can leave a puddle if I come standing. not sure if that's a turn on but yeah...
I was probably about 30. Had been grossed out by cum but that time something in me changed and I really wanted it.
damn a lot of you girls were REALLY young. where were you when I was that age!
swallowed on my 1st bj and gave my 1st bj when I was 19 i liked it, all girls should swallow it sexy and polite lol x
sorry couldn't help myself...u said you swallowed it when you were 19..but your profil says u're no offence!
lol none taken, I'm naughty I made 2 profiles so I could ask twice as many q's i turned 20 on the 3rd of feb, this profile is lies x
I was like 14 and I gave myself a HJ then I had a taste of some of it. SWALLOWED.
Did you wash it down with a cup of your own piss?
From a BJ, and I was 14 #Livelifetothefull#
I guess, wasn't anything special, was just like havng a drink, except it was cum, and there was less of it than the average drink haha
A little salty I guess, I can't think of anything to compare it to, but no, it did not taste good. But I still happily swallowed after every bj anyways
awesome.. have you ever showed it to the guy before taking it down. or play with it
ummm no, I haven't. but I have heard that its very erotic to do so xD
it is. its so hot. how does it feel in your mouth.? slimy? creamy? lmao it never tasted nice?
I have only given head to one guy, and he never tasted nice. sometimes he would be neutral tasting, but sometimes it tasted like nail polish remover was getting forced down my throat *bleh* And it doesn't feel creamy, or slimy, just like a normal liquid, but a teensy beet thicker
uhh salty? I don't know I tried not paying attention.
Because I heard that it doesn't taste good so I just focused on other things & ignored the taste.
didnt taste that good to do that huh
Well it didn't taste terrible, it just wasn't that good that I'd wanna "roll" it around.
I respect your answer. but why don't you enjoy it.?
it just tastes bad to me and doesn't smell the greatest but I was reading some of the responses on here and maybe its just the guy
17 ... bj ... it was interesting ha !
It wasn't the greatest taste, but when your with someone you don't do it for you, you do it for them ... right ?!
Thanks for your answer. did you enjoy it?
well considering I never even saw a penis before I was kinda scared of it so not instantly...but I got used to it
understandable. it's good your used to it now
24 (yes I know a late starter haha) I
that's fine. thanks for the answer. how was it
Amazing I love it I would rather he come in my mouth then anywhere else
Most the time but if he has drank a lot not so much ha ha but I still will swallow
cool. what would you compare it to.?
im not sure its kind of a salty sweet
haha no not that sour its I guess sort of like mixing a tablespoon of sugar with a teaspoon of salt in water and drink it? I guess (its really hard to discribe lol)
did you have any trouble getting it down.? like what was the consistency like?
Not unless he has been drinking then it just tastes really gross lol Its smooth and kind of warm why don't you just taste some for yourself?
Not my style. but a girl told me my pre was like strawberries. so I guess that's a compliment
you have never kissed a girl after she swallowed? can you not taste the cum
i haven't had my come swallowed before. she just was sucking my head and tasted my pre cum
yeah it's one of my favs I want it to happen just can't find a girl and I'm not ugly so... =/
hang in there you will find someone
i'd like a girl who likes come to be honest lol.
were out there just takes some time fo you to find us hahahaha
haha =] wish I could find you. we'd keep it on the low. lmao
even during sex my guy likes to come in my mouth and I like it (probably more lol)
haha send me a request, DanHendo you're funny
Well, the first time was a surprise and didn't taste too good, but I liked the way it made me feel after swallowing, kind-of naughty like, and of course the way he enjoyed it.
yeah is hot just imagining your girl eat your sticky load
Creamy;) I think I was more excited by the sounds he was making than the taste...
creamy huh? cool. you swallowed right away or did you get a good taste
Weeell I didn't expect there to be SO MUCH of it- so some of it went down my chin and a lot stayed in my mouth for a minute before I swallowed.
Nice. how would you rate or describe the taste?
know what's hot? if you would have showed him the come before swallowing.
open your mouth and let him see. roll it around on your tongue while he sees and swallow it then show him you swallowed his kids lol
then, no to be honest. but I do now
From your experience what did it taste like
the first time.. couldn't stand the taste. I don't know what it tasted like but it was bad! but its so different with my current partner. I think it varies so much from guy to guy. ive only got the 2 to compare.
Thanks for your answer. Does this guy taste a lot better?
waaaay better, I really do enjoy it now. tastes kinda bitter still but not in an unpleasant way. and I don't know what causes the difference. the first guy was certainly more healthy in many ways and didn't even drink. the guy I'm with now isn't unhealthy but his diet isn't particularly the greatest either and yet it tastes so much nicer, so I'm sceptical about the theories that certain diets can improve/effect taste to any great extent.
I see thanks for sharing your experience
umm its not that pleasurable for women.
Ummm...not really.Not my cup of tea...maybe if it tasted like a chocoate milk shake I wouldn't have cared...but no...nothing like it.
A bit salty.Im sorry but my gagging reflex is pretty high,and I doubt I will do any swallowing ever again. Swallowing come is equivalent to ping pong vomiting in each others mouth. It reminds me of "Two girls one cup"...omitting the stomach grinding images of feces rolling around in the mouth. I would have to be super drunk to swallow talking about to the point of blacking out.Its the only way.
Lol that bad huh.? But how could salt taste nasty? Don't let that experience put you off for life please
Yeah, so serious! I think it's just gross.The consistency...etc. And If come is ever in my mouth again,all I can say is...i can't be responsible for the involuntary actions of my body. If I regurgitate,just know that I am not cleaning it up.If said guy wants come in my mouth,then that's the consequence. I'm just sayin.
Thanks for your answer. how was it.
a little embarrasing. i gagged xD wasn't too bad though ha ha ^^
was the gag from the taste or how much it was. how would you rate the taste between 1-10? or you didn't get a real good taste of it
hmm idk actually lol I think it had to do with the position we were in. he was lying on his back and I was on top. he kept telling me he was about to come for like 2 min straight so I didn't expect it and it just like shot up right in my mouth so I was like whoaa xD the taste, I don't know I don't think it really had a particular taste. it was kind of sweet though. 6/10
did you just swallow it or did you show it to him.?
haha I swallowed then I showed him my tongue lol
would you ever lick it up if he came on something
haha I actually licked his hands once ^^ that was for a hj though
lol oops I meant I licked my hands and yeah it was come x]
was it still warm when you tasted it.?
haha when I licked my hand, the come had a sweet flavor to it
Have you ever licked the hole at the top of the d***?

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Did you decide to do it beforehand, or was it just a spur of the moment type deal?
How old were you? How old are you now?
When I was 5 and daddy said he has some milk for me
OP, how can we "spill" if we swallowed it?
The first time ever I swallowed your load
The first and only time was the first time I blew a guy and he just shot down my throat. I didn't know what was happening. It tasted hot and salty.
After that I never swallowed. I don't think it's healthy or sexy. You just hold it in your mouth a little then spit it discreetly out while he's still moaning.
Swallowed the first time. I thought that was what one was expected to do. Like, of course you like him enough to have his cock in your mouth, sucking him to make him cum, he does, in your mouth, so you swallow it, natch.
Now, not so much. Not all the time anyway.
[quote] After that I never swallowed. I don't think it's healthy or sexy. You just hold it in your mouth a little then spit it discreetly out while he's still moaning.
If you don't want to swallow - don't swallow.
But not healthy? If the cum is already in your mouth, as you say you prefer, whatever health risks there might be have happened.
Spitting out isn't more healthy than swallowing.
Where I come from it's considered so precious it's spelled "lode."
See -- even you guys think swallowing cum is disgusting!
I love to swallow... I think I had to be about 11 or 12. Love the taste. More!!!
To ask me to remember things that happened to me as an infant.
I liked it more before I knew it was called a "load."
Ate my first load at 11 and have never wasted a drop since!
It never occurred to me to NOT swallow. I thought that was part of the deal.
With some guys you really want to swallow. With some you hope that you pull off in time.
The first guy to cum in my mouth made me vomit.
That was the last question I asked my daughter.
I don't blow anyone whose load I don't want to swallow, R19.
I used to. Until it started giving me heartburn.
Such a gracious host! Your semen was delicious. Usually that stuff goes straight to my hips.
Best eggnog you'll have all season.
The first time I swallowed was an accident.
But in fairness I was filming myself while hanging upside down off a toilet in a stall at Macy's. You try getting every move right in conditions like that.
Damnit Ben. Why do you keep asking me that?
I don't think I ever have swallowed a load. But several have swallowed mine. I'm always amazed guys will do it--but so many love the jizz.
I tend to cum a lot so I prefer to shoot it all over a guy's face just for the physical turn-on to see him covered in cum. But if he wants to swallow, it's the least I can do for the work he has done. I don't even mind is he wants me to cum in his mouth just for the sensation and thrill of it--and then he spits it out without swallowing. It's okay with me.
mmm I like you R29! I love it on my face but I will let you blow in my mouth too. I don't swallow but I will let it run down you hard dick.
I was 13 he was 13. My next-door neighbor. That load was the first of many.
I was 16 or 17. His cock was huge, we were best friends, I was in love. Hell yes, I was gon
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