First Time Masturbating

First Time Masturbating


First Time Masturbating

Nicole Tarkoff ,
October 6th 2015

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1 . “I was having sex way before the first time I masturbated, which probably didn’t help my sex life very much. I lost my virginity at 17, and I didn’t actually masturbate until I was 22. I also didn’t have an orgasm until I was 23, so I definitely think the two were related. I couldn’t get off until I knew exactly what I wanted and needed. Maybe these men were just terrible in bed, but masturbation definitely enables you to learn more about yourself sexually.” —Steph, 25
2 . “My boyfriend at the time (who was my first serious relationship), kept trying to convince me to watch porn because I told him I never had. I had no interest in watching it alone. He said he’d watch it with me so that I didn’t feel weird, which if I’m being honest made me feel even weirder. So my first time watching porn was with my first serious boyfriend sitting next to me. We started watching, and he was visibly aroused, while I was inside my own head thinking painfully stupid thoughts, “Her moaning sounds awful. How did she get her clothes off so quickly?” He could see I wasn’t enjoying any part of this, so he told me to touch myself. I looked at him and was surprisingly turned on by his demand. I reached my hand into my pants, under my panties and began just as he told me to. I had never masturbated before, so I had no idea how good it would feel, he loved watching me do it too. It was pleasure for both of us.” —Ava, 24
3 . “I was a freshman in college. I went to a relatively small school, so everyone befriended the people who lived in their dorm building. All of the girls on my floor were single, and were having sex with whoever they wanted, whenever they wanted, as they should’ve. I, on the other hand, was tied down to my boyfriend from high school at the time, which meant I was horny, lonely, and miserable. He would call me every night making sure I wasn’t in the room of some hunky senior preying on female freshman, so I didn’t go out a lot, and if I did I always came home early. Luckily my roommate was always out late, so I had the room to myself a lot. One night my boyfriend (at the time) was texting how much he missed me, how much he missed my body, touching me, kissing me, fucking me, you get the idea. It had been 3 months since I had sex, which was a long time considering my boyfriend and I would have sex almost everyday. He called me that night and started telling me everything he’d do to me if he was in that dorm room, and that was the first time I masturbated.” —Alison, 28
4 . “I’ve been masturbating since I was 15. I started realizing boys existed when I was about 13, which lead to purely innocent movie theatre kisses, and sending AIM messages like Derek says he likes you, do you like him? But when 15 rolled around, suddenly those innocent acts weren’t satisfying anymore. I have pretty progressive parents, so my mom would talk to me a lot about STDs and pregnancy, and it definitely freaked me out. I thought having sex meant contracting Gonorrhea, or getting pregnant (good work, Mom). Since I was paranoid about others touching my body, I decided to explore it for myself. At first I thought it was weird, but when I did it the right way, it felt amazing. As embarrassing as this sounds, I felt so much more sophisticated after I did it, like I had matured in some weird way. I knew things about my body that no one else knew, and that felt great.” —Carlie, 22
5 . “I didn’t tell my girl friends because none of them had talked about doing it, and I thought it was super embarrassing, but one night I was really in the mood, and I was alone. When I first touched my clit it was like an on and off switch that I never knew was there. It was a pretty great discovery, and I’m so glad I went exploring, even if I kept it a secret. It’s funny because now, I openly tell everyone when I masturbate. My roommate will ask me if I want to get dinner, and I reply “No, I’m going to masturbate,” and that’s completely normal conversation in our apartment.” —Leah, 25
6 . “I never had serious relationships. In high school I dated a guy who completely screwed with my emotions from freshman to senior year, so when I got to college I wanted to be completely unattached. I was having tons of casual sex, and was enjoying myself while doing it. There weren’t many times when I was laying alone and horny because I had a wide array of fuck buddies to choose from. My friends would always ask me why I didn’t masturbate and I told them I had enough sex, I didn’t need to. That was until winter break rolled around, and I was back at my parents house with a midnight curfew and absolutely no fuck buddies within a 50 mile radius. I was texting my best friend about how being home was like being stranded in a desert, a very dry desert, and she replied, “Just do it!” I didn’t even have to ask what she was referring to. When I showered the next morning I began touching myself. It was just as satisfying as any of those fuck buddies, and when I returned to school for the next semester, I was much more self reliant.” —Denise, 24
7 . “It was a pretty normal experience. I was alone and horny, and my curiosity was heightened. Thank god I was, though. I began to be more adventurous when it came to sex. If I could experience enormous pleasure from trying something so simple, what else was I missing out on? It was my sexual awakening. Opened up a world of possibilities. Sex is so much more interesting now.” —Rae, 26
8 . “Can’t believe I’m actually admitting this, but I was watching Cruel Intentions . There is so much sexual tension in that movie! I was 16 and no one was home. I blame it on my teenage hormones. Either way, Ryan Phillippe is not a bad first masturbation experience. I hope he reads this, that’d be fantastic.” —Valerie, 22
9 . “I was a late bloomer when it came to sex. A prude is how most of my friends would’ve described me, even though I hate that word. I was still a virgin at 23, and my roommate thought that was unheard of. One day she was venting to me about how her boyfriend didn’t like going down on her, and anything I contributed to the conversation had little value, because I was sexually clueless, so in her frustration she reached into her dresser drawer, and pulled out her vibrator. It was the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. This sparkly neon pink thing that looked like flubber but in the shape of a deformed penis.
“You should really think about borrowing it sometime.” I’ll never forget her saying that. I just remember feeling really embarrassed, insulted, and grossed out. When she went to her boyfriend’s that night, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I went into her dresser drawer and that ugly pink thing was staring back at me. At first I didn’t even want to touch it, but then I just thought, fuck it. I didn’t even bother washing it first, which now that I think about is so unsanitary, but I was so fed up with everyone calling me a prude. When it vibrated against my hand it felt like a tiny tickle, and when I put it down there, it felt like so much more. It was a pretty great revelation.” —Beatrice, 28
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by Korin Miller Published: Nov 8, 2017
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People Tell Us About The First Time They Pleasured Themselves | Keep it 100 | Cut
Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more. She has a master’s degree from American University, lives by the beach, and hopes to own a teacup pig and taco truck one day.
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If you want to see people mentally freak out while trying to appear calm on the outside, ask them to talk about the first time they masturbated. Given that your friends might find that a tad strange, the folks at Cut decided to do it for you.
They asked 100 people this very personal question and filmed their reaction. Oh, and their answers, too. And it was amazing.
One woman just looked super, super uncomfortable. There was a lot of nervous laughter. Still, some people opened up about it.
Plenty of women talked about using a shower massage head to get off, while others noticed something was different when they climbed a metal pole on the playground. “I was like, ‘Whoa. What’s going on?’” one woman said. (Whether you're new to masturbation or more experienced, the rechargeable magic wand from the Women's Health Boutique can take self-pleasure up a notch.)
Other women said they started out by humping their stuffed animals. “My parents would catch me doing that and they were like ‘Stop, stop that!’” one woman recalled.
And speaking of parents, Cut even got one guy’s mom to ask him the question, and he totally wasn’t having it. But other guys got real about the experience, noting: “It was like a massive tickle fight with your d*ck.“ A different guy added, "All of the sudden I thought I was going to pee."
Watch men and women spill the honest truth about exactly what they think about masturbation:
The age that people started ranged from four to 30, and one woman said she felt guilty afterward because she was so young. Still, other women said they’ve never done it. “Why would I do it to myself when I can get someone else to do it for me?” one said. (Well, we've got 10 reasons right here.)
A lot of people used magazines and shows for their inspiration, including the Victoria’s Secret catalog, Real Sex , Fear Factor , and Sex in the City .
If you want to watch the full video for yourself, check it out here:
11 Different Orgasms Everyone Should Have
18 Bullet Vibrators That Deliver Major Pleasure
How To Have Phone Sex, According To Experts
20 Best Crotchless Panties To Sex Up Your Wardrobe
The 18 Best Remote-Control Vibrators Of 2022
How Women Asked Their Partners To Get A Vasectomy
Sex Experts Swear By These Vibrators And Toys
14 Oral Sex Toys That Actually Feel Like A Tongue
What It Means To Identify As Demisexual
How To Be The Best Sexter They’ve Ever Had
19 Best Quiet Vibrators To Masturbate In Peace
Women's Health may earn commission from the links on this page, but we only feature products we believe in.
©Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Do you remember the first time you masturbated?
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I was thirteen or fourteen and my parents were out of town for some reason. I was supposed to go over to a friend's house, but before going I decided to I was going to try masturbating. It seemed like a good idea, I had spent a couple hours that morning looking at Victoria Secret models and their airbrushed out tits, so I was satisfactorily turned on. Anyways I propped the toilet seat up and rubbed that magic lamp, well I came. And the strange thing was it didn't feel great or even good, just sort of nauseating. After that I had a headache and wanted to vomit for the rest of the day, and my friend's mom kept asking why I didn't look so good.
Masturbation before puberty is the best thing ever. Dry orgasms, no mess. So it was a shock when one day I was doing my thing and out shoots a surprise. I had to run to the bathroom with a palm full of semen going, "Jesus Christ, what the fuck is this? "
I actually thought we only had a limited amount of semen and was freaked out that I would use it all up... so you can imagine my joy when I learned that not only do we have unlimited quantities, but frequent releases actually makes your prostrate healthier!
Not exactly related, but it reminded me of one day when I was testifying in front of some minor governmental commission of inquiry. I was about fifth in line for testifying, and when the third guy did his thing, I felt the need for a fart, for which I slowly raised one asscheek, then let go.
Instead of the comfortingly familiar breeze of a wheeze, I felt a distressing flow of liquid that proceeded to thoroughly coat my buttcheeks and the area between them. At that moment, the third guy has finished his testimony, and my predecessor was starting his.
I regained my composture, and got my papers ready and when my turn came, I did what I hope was a flawless testimony which, thankfully, only lasted 10 minutes.
Once I was excused, I made a beeline for a taxicab that rushed me home, where I anxiously inspected my undies only to find absolutely nothing at all.
To this day, it remains a profound mystery of my life.
Upvoted for nostalgia because I also remember discovering Netscape Men's early in my masturbation career.
Ok. I know you're not gonna believe this. I obviously have no proof. Just know I'm not smart enough to make this up. So, when I was in kindergarten...
I was taking a bath, and I don't remember if it was an accident or what, but somehow my lady parts found their way under the faucet. Me likey! I got in the habit of doing that til I was in 4th grade and started playing sports. My parents bought me a back massager for my legs since I was waking up almost every night with cramps and growing pains. One day I became curious and figured out how amazing that worked on my lady parts.
Keep in mind, I was in 12th grade before I knew what a clit was. I thought I discovered this all by myself because I when I finally heard about masturbation, I believed the myth that it was a guy thing. I even taught my best friend in 5th grade how to do it - she thought I was a genius! The saddest thing is that I would always think "If it feels this good on the outside, imagine how amazing sex will be!" Damn, was I disappointed!
most parents (and freud) will tell you that their infants/toddlers masturbate and have to be taught not to do so (or at least not in front of people). sort of like picking your nose in that regard.
sorry to hear that actual sex hasn't lived up to your expectations...i suspect your partners are doing it wrong;).
Upvoted for getting my mind to fade into the scene with " So, when I was in kindergarten... "
everyone made fun of me at military school because i had never whacked it. well, at first they didn't believe me, but it just never really occurred to me to try. i can't believe i'm about to admit this... so, i hopped up in the shower while a few of my friends coached me from the toilets. they walked me through the whole deal, and made their leave once they heard the appropriate noises.
and man, as weird as this tale is, i remember coming out of the bathroom with a huge grin on my face and everyone being really excited for me. i know how strange that all sounds, but a bunch of pubescent boys all at a military school together... it seemed normal at the time.
We did something similar for a virgin friend sophomore year of college. The best part was sneaking two hookers past the dorm's security guards by borrowing a disabled kid's elevator key and using the janitor's entrance.
This would be a major scene in an 80s coming of age flick.
Before the Victorian era, pretty much everyone was taught by someone else. Sleeping in common rooms, having no taboo against nudity, and public bathing had a tendency to do that... plus, the fact that sex hormone levels peak at the very beginning of puberty, I think, drives pubescents to overcome any social fears instilled in them. From what I've read, it seems that private schools in england and military schools were pretty much aware that a lot of screwing around went on and just viewed it as inevitable.
I was about 10 years old. I lived in a conservative Christian household so I'd literally had no sex education (in fact I didn't know the difference between the word orgasm and organism and used both to talk about living things)...but what I did know what that putting the new shoulder massager my parents bought on my peepee felt damn good.
Well, one thing led to another and suddenly I REALLY have to pee. I run to the restroom full speed and oddly enough my penis is spurting pee rather then streaming it and some gets in my underwear and some in the toilet. What's also weird is it's white and stringy rather then yellow. At this point I'm pretty convinced I'm dying...I mean, wtf? I just peed white shit and my penis feels all weird now.
I'm too afraid to tell my parents so I confide in a friend (who was a midget, though this has nothing to do with the story other then that he's lived through endless amounts of ruthless torment) that some white foamy stuff came out of my penis and I was a bit worried about it. He says he doesn't know what it is and we leave it at that.
Not a week goes by and my friends and I are hanging out pitifully trying to skateboard when the little bastard starts telling this story about what I told him. Everyone laughed and still refused to tell me what happened. It seriously took another 6 months to figure it out. That happened when my friends made fun of me for talking about learning about micro-orgasms in biology. I asked my mom why they made fun of me and she just blushed and told me to look the word up in the all became clear after that.
It's funny, I actually started looking at porn right after that solely because I realized I needed to learn about sex some way.
Upvoted for including a gratuituous midget reference in your story.
I stopped before I came because I thought I needed to pee
Yes. I was 11-12 at the time. Previously, I had masturbated, but never to completion. When it happened, I thought I broke my penis. I remember examining my semen in my hand, not sure what it was, rubbing it through my fingers like silly putty, eventually even tasting it. Then I had an epiphany: "Oh," I thought, recalling images from my uncle's magazines, "it's that stuff!"

The first time I masturbated with another girl was when I was 13 and my bff used to sleep over. We both knew we were doing it, and I could feel her eyes watching the movement of my hand, but we didn't see each other naked or anything. Technically, the first time I did it in front of a guy was when I was 14 and tried to seduce my 21 year old Game Master, but that story is so pathetic I don't wanna tell it again. The first time I did it with a guy and really had fun was with my first boyfriend. He loved it. He had never seen a girl do that before, and his eyes got really big when I started seriously touching myself. What about you?
My bff (not the same one I masturbated with) suggested masturbating in front of my first boyfriend as a way to help me get over the problem I had with cumming when me and him used to do sexual stuff together.
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