First Time Looking To My Penis

First Time Looking To My Penis


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Places I’ve Seen a Penis Without My Consent
When I was still in elementary school, I saw a penis while I was sitting on the swings. I was minding my business, trying to keep a low profile because I was a frequent target of bullying.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement. I heard someone speak, but I didn’t hear what was said.
There was a boy playing on the monkey bars. His name was Brian. He wasn’t talking to me, but I made the mistake of looking at him. We made eye contact.
“Do you want to see it, too?” he asked.
I didn’t know what he meant. If I had, I would have looked away. Instead, I was subjected to the view inside his shorts as he parted his thighs and held one leg open. He wasn’t wearing underwear.
When I was a pre-teen, my family lived on the first floor of a multi-family home and rented out the top two floors to tenants. The man who lived on the second floor with his wife and children would frequently sit on the front porch wearing nothing but a pair of shorts.
His penis and his testicles regularly escaped from beneath the hem of his shorts to rest directly on the cement wall where he liked to sit and chat with me and my mother.
I don’t know how many times it happened, and I only noticed it after I overheard my mother complaining about it to another family member. She still mentions it occasionally even though it’s been decades since it last happened.
Is it possible that he didn’t feel the cool, rough surface of the concrete against the heat of his skin, time after time? I don’t think it is.
I was sitting in a secluded corridor outside a classroom where I was scheduled to take a test for which I hadn’t studied. An old sofa tucked into a dim corner would serve me well as a study hall, I reasoned.
There was a handsome young man sitting directly across from me on another sofa. Even with my gaze focused on the notebook and stack of index cards on my lap, I still registered something strange about his attire.
For a moment, I thought he was wearing plaid pajamas. Upon further inspection, I saw that he was wearing a plaid bathroom that was tied at the waist but gaped open above and below the belt.
He stood. “I have something to show you,” he said, turning to face away from me.
I could see his arm moving vigorously. When he turned around, his robe was entirely undone. His penis was erect and entirely exposed. He looked at me expectantly.
When I simply shrugged and went back to my studying, he became frantic. His face fell. “Please,” he begged as he tied his robe shut. “Don’t report me. I’m a model for the art class across the hall, and I don’t want to lose my job.”
“Fine,” I said. “I just want to study for my test.”
The penis in question belonged to a coworker named Billy. Although he had a girlfriend, and I had a boyfriend, there was a mutual attraction. He was a blue-eyed blond who reminded me of my first serious relationship, and I thought he was cute even though he was a bit of a jerk.
During our 30-minute lunch breaks at work, we would walk to Burger King together for a Whopper Jr. and a small order of fries. After work, we would frequently drive to a nearby restaurant, sit at the bar, and order drink after drink until we ran out of money.
On the night I saw his penis for the first and last time, he asked me for a ride home from work. Instead of our usual restaurant and bar, we stopped by a place closer to his home.
The bar was packed. I sat on a bar stool, while Billy stood beside me. Between drinks, we shared wet and sloppy kisses that drew jeers from the other drinkers. They shouted, “Get a room,” every time we went in for another drunken kiss.
That’s when Billy hunched forward like he was shielding a cigarette from the wind and showed me his penis. He stood there holding it for my inspection, huddling close to me in an attempt to hide it from nearby bar patrons.
I didn’t touch it despite his invitation. We left the bar, and I drove him home. He invited me inside for sex, but I declined. I kissed him anyway.
The next day at work, I noticed people exchanging looks and whispering behind my back. Even the deliverymen got into the act. I knew something was going on, and Billy wouldn’t even talk to me.
I found out later that he’d told everyone I performed fellatio on him. That never happened, but I didn’t have a chance to confront him. He quit the following day.
Although I did see my coworker Billy’s penis, I never actually saw it while at work. That distinction goes to another coworker, whose name was Ronald.
He was engaged to be married, and he spoke of his bride-to-be only in the most glowing terms. Although we developed a close at-work rapport, I felt completely secure in the fact that he had eyes only for his future wife.
Ronald showered me with compliments about what a cool girl I was, and I accepted his admiration gratefully but without surprise. I thought I was pretty cool, too. It was all in good fun. We were “just friends.”
One day, he paid me the highest of compliments. “I would never cheat on my wife,” he said, “but if I did, it would be with you.”
I still didn’t get the message until he started walking too close to me in my workspace and nudging my breasts with the sides of his arms as he passed. One time, he nudged me so hard in the chest with his elbow that I lost my balance and fell to the dirty warehouse floor.
I started taking my breaks outside to avoid being alone with him in the breakroom, and that’s where he finally cornered me and showed me his penis. “Touch it,” he pleaded. “Come on. Touch it.”
I didn’t touch it. He was fired shortly after that incident, but it was unrelated to his penis.
What’s taboo in your world is normal in mine.
What’s taboo in your world is normal in mine.
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By Lorenzo Jensen III, April 27th 2015
My dad got out of the shower and I totally thought he was keeping Gonzo’s nose in between his legs.
This might be weird but I always assumed that they’d be cold. I was shocked that penises are warm the first time I touched one.
I got a bit of a fright, it was so short and thick that I was a bit confused because that’s not what you usually see in adult movies and it looked so angry
I saw my baby brother’s penis when I was a kid, if that counts.
I thought it looked strange, then wondered what i was supposed to do with it. (I knew about the existence of handjobs and blowjobs, but i had no idea how to give one. And being a virgin, i wasn’t quite ready for sex.) And it felt nothing like i had expected. I expected it to be softer, i guess?
Having a vagina all my life, I assumed that penises were in the exact same spot (ie between the legs) rather than a few inches below the belly button, where a girl’s pubic bone would normally be. Obviously I hadn’t considered the logistics of how sex works, but it was a crazy moment of discovery that everything I thought I knew about penises was wrong.
Also, I still think they look funny.
“How would that fit it in my mouth?” :O
I was shocked that the shaft of the penis had no hair on it. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was THRILLED about this particular surprise, but … surprised nonetheless. Imagine oral sex on a hairy shaft. Gross.
Edit: I’m not talking about a half inch of hair creeping up the base. I’m talking full on pubic bush all the way up to the tip. I would draw it for you, but I don’t want to give myself nightmares.
I laughed. Not cruelly, but penises are funny-looking and it was flaccid cos we were just gonna shower and he just whipped it out when I wasn’t expecting it. Looked hilarious, plus I was pretty nervous/16yo reaction to a wild penis randomly appearing.
I was texting a guy that I met on some game online when I was 14, like I honestly just wanted a friend–I was homeschooled. The first thing he texted me was a picture of his penis, and I was so shocked and horrified that I actually got dizzy and almost blacked out. Nausea and everything. I had to lay down for a few minutes to calm down, then when I started to relax I deleted the picture and blocked his number.
I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a dick for the first time in person (i’m female). It was actually decent looking and well-endowed.
I have older and younger brothers (I’m a girl), so a penis wasn’t actually news to me. That being said, this comment was painfully accurate for a first time, although as I kept my poker face, I don’t think it counts… Does it?
What could qualify as a genuine first reaction was when I saw a circumcised penis for the first time. I was like “Hah, that must hurt…”. I made the poor guy self-conscious for a bit (he thought I was referring to the scar), but then I explained I was actually referring to the glans being directly exposed to everything.
I mean, I can’t help but think how bad it’d feel if I didn’t have my clit hood and tried to put on panties.
First real life penis was a little small which was kind of nice because it was less intimidating than I had anticipated and I could fit the entire thing in my mouth so I felt like a pro. It was surprisingly firm and… like it had a life of its own. I didn’t expect how much the throbbing would excite me.
My first reaction: good lord, how do you guys walk around with those things? Today it is much the same question.
First time I saw a penis in person, I was like “huh, that’s bigger than expected and looks way simpler than a vagina”. It was a pretty average-sized penis, but I thought porn dicks were even more exaggerated than they are. I was disappointed in myself for not being able to basically deepthroat it right off the bat, and (although the guy complimented me on keeping my teeth out of the way) it took some practice and research to figure out what kind of touching feels best.
Also, I kept having to hold back nervous giggles over having an actual dick in my actual mouth. I never thought a negative thing about it, but I’m sure laughing wouldn’t have gone over well, regardless of any explanation.
The first time I saw a vagina in person was way more mindblowing. I was all “holy shit, I have one of these and I had no idea“. I didn’t know the first thing about where my own clitoris was, but they’re like mini-cocks, they’re tough to miss. I also had basically never stuck anything in my own vagina before (barring the penis mentioned above) and found that it was not located as high up as I thought it would be, and it felt all sorts of interesting and bumpy inside. (And I very quickly learned that I needed to keep my fingernails short if I intended to go on touching vaginas.)
I was older, more experienced, and less nervous during vagina-time than penis-time, but I was still basically naive and clueless about how bodies vary and how pleasure works. I spent a lot of time just exploring and figuring things out before anything actually got sexy, which was ultimately well worth the time for both of us.
The first time I really got to inspect a penis in person: “totally looks like Darth Vadar’s helmet” was the first thing that went through my mind.
One of the more surprising things was seeing that testicles actually ascend upward and dissappear at various times… (like right before ejaculation.) Sometimes he’d be about to cum and I would push on the area right above his penis and his balls would go back down into the sack.
Internal dialogue: “Ok, there it is. It’s exactly what it should look like….I think? Actually it’s kinda gross. I don’t really want to touch it. But I should offer to touch it. To not touch it would be rude. I’ll just prod it gently. Why is he looking at me like I’m crazy? What…did he say grab it and squeeze? WTF I thought this was the most sensitive part of a dude’s body! Won’t that hurt him?!? I hope he doesn’t try to grab and squeeze any parts of me like this. OK OW HE SUSPECTS MY ANATOMY IS RESILIENT TO EQUAL PRESSURE OW. How do I tell him to stop without being rude? Ow. I guess I’ll just wait for it to be over and next time I’ll tell…oh wait, that was it?”
The first penis I saw was an STD-infested one in health class in middle school. Needless to say it was a relief to find out that a normal penis does NOT look like that.
In a sexual sense, I’ve always thought the penis and testicles look funny. I mean, it’s a sausage and a squishy sack of balls hanging outside of your body that basically has a mind of it’s own.
On many occasions, I have asked my close male friends if they ever sit on themselves or if they smack against their legs when they wear shorts. I’ve also asked if they just spin it around like a helicopter dick sometimes. Having a penis for a dude I know is as normal as having an arm but to me it’s just so alien.
First time I saw a penis, I thought “I’m going to laugh if I keep looking at it”. So to spare the guy, I just put it in my mouth.
oh man this is awful but he was (very) small…. the first time I saw the whole thing I distinctly remember thinking “is that it?”
on the flip side – the second guy I was ever with is probably only average sized but in compared to the first guy he looked like he had Hagrid’s hardest boner. My eyes were the size of saucers when he popped that beautiful cock out the first time.
“Ooooh that’s why they call it wood”
Saw my first real-life dick in a life drawing class in art school when I was 18 years old. The model was an extremely hairy old man, so my first reaction was “ew, why?”
I had no idea what to expect, since fifteen year old me had never even seen a picture of a dick. It definitely caught me off guard and my first instinct was to be revolted by it. I reeled back like he had pulled some kind of gross pink worm out of his boxers. But after using many a penis through the years, 10/10 would look at one again.
The first time I saw a penis I was decently drunk and nervous. I honestly just grabbed it and put the thing in my mouth so I wouldn’t have to fake any enthusiasm by just looking at it.
The first time I saw a penis I was sitting at a window seat on the bus heading home from work. Headphones on, avoiding the weirdos on the bus, the usual. We stop at a red light. A guy pulled up in a truck beside the bus. He started waving to get my attention and when I looked at the truck he exposed himself and started masturbating and making vulgar gestures at me. I was disgusted at the actions, but surprised by the sproing that his penis had as it wobbled back and forth when he first whipped it out.
Sadly, the first penis I saw was my grandpa’s when he was in the nursing home and not functioning well. He would forget people were in the room, and pull it out of his pants. I was horrified.
i thought it look so much smaller than they do on porn videos, other than that it was pretty much the same
I asked why it was wearing a helmet…..
I think I was around 10ish when I saw my brother’s. I literally screamed then wanted to see more penises.
It was actually a friend’s and we weren’t doing anything but just goofing off and flashing each other. I was surprised by how long it was. Looking back, he was probably 7 or 8 inches. Maybe because it was the first but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a penis that long in person since.
I screamed when it moved. I was not aware they moved or could be moved on demand.
I remember the first time i saw/touched a penis was also the first time i gave head. Just kind of jumped right in there.
Most distinct memory was the shock of how soft and flimsy they are before erect.. kinda had always thought there was a bone in there.
It grossed me out! Male genitalia make me nauseous.
I thought it was pretty cool. It wasn’t as ugly as I feared, and I was so impressed that he could make it twitch. It was fun, and the head was a lot squishier than I expected. It was really weird but in a really good way. 11/10 would penis again.
Really grossed out by the penis. It was just so floppy.
I used to be terrified of dicks. I didn’t have brothers and I grew up super sheltered, not seeing a one eyed willy until I was already eight and ten years of age. Like even seeing my boyfriend getting a boner through his jeans freaked me out. Good ole anxiety. Now my current boyfriends dick can cuddle up to my cooter and I wouldn’t even blush. Now the butt hole. That’s uncharted territory and frightens me. But with time maybe I can traverse the arse universe like a stinky spelunker. I’m a lil kinky but bashful. And haven’t slept in three days hello finals.
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