First Time Giving A Blowjob

First Time Giving A Blowjob


First Time Giving A Blowjob
Girls, What was your first experience giving a blowjob like? Did you swallow? What was your age?
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Girls, What was your first experience giving a blowjob like? Did you swallow or split out your...
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I was still 13 not quite 14 my first time and yes I swallowed and spit. Not totally understanding how it all worked I had it in my mouth and was stroking it when he busted and it took me by total surprise. Some of it got choked down my throat and reflex made me cough which caused some to be spit out.
I was 15, wasn’t sure what I was doing. I didn’t have to spit or swallow because he told me when he was close so I could stop. All I did then was to wrap my hand around it and rub it for 30 seconds or so before he popped
I swallowed because the idea of spitting it out felt too awkward. It still does. I was surprised that it didn’t taste as bad as I thought it would. I was 16
Did he go down on me? No because it took me a while to get comfortable with letting a guy do that then. It wasn’t him, it was the guy I dated after him who got me really into it
Same day I met him. I swallowed. I was 18. Then he offered me a Dr. Pepper. That was 20 years ago. We are married. True story.
I was 13, I was being raped by my uncle (on my 13th birthday) and obviously he forced me to suck his dick, I spat, because he told me too. (Apparently he didn’t want me leaving with any “evidence” inside me)!
Nah, it was five years ago, and I’m dealing with it therapy. Thank you so much for your concern!
He was my boyfriend of like 4 months at the time, I was 13, I didn't really know what I was doing and figured 4 head bobs was enough. I was awkward, we just ended up making out and he came in his pants
14 In a public library after school Then we took the late bus home like little innocent children who spent their time studying hard like good little kids
well it felt weird n dirty n disgusting tbh n no i didn't swallow i was kind of embarrassed n felt guilty afterwards but hey... i think no one loves to give bjs more than me now lol
I was 16-17. I actually loved the experience and yes I swallowed
It was good, I really enjoyed it. The smell, the taste, the feel of it... And yes, I swallow.
It was good. I was in my mid-20s. Yes, I swallowed.
I was 14 years old, it was okay and I did.
Did he return the favor? (lick your pussy)
No time, which was a mistake cause I was pretty horny for the rest of the day.

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Favorited by thewanderer69 , lubricated , woodedge1 and 9 others
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Friday 14th of June 2002, one of the most significant dates in my life, and yet totally insignificant to millions of others. This was a day, I'll remember for the rest of my life, I remember it perfectly, everything that was said, everything that was done, hell, I even remember what we had for dinner that evening.
Anyhow, my name's Tamara Erison, I'm a 22 year old ((19 years old in the story)) I'm an intelligent student currently studying criminology and in a few years time, I'll be a professional criminal profiler, something on the lines of Frank Black from the TV show Millennium, but I don't have his psychic powers and I'm not so damn…void of character.
I have very long blond hair and brown eyes, a fairly nice figure, very athletic looking, career demands it so to speak, plus I'm at the age where I can eat whatever I want and not worry about putting on weight, I've been told all that changes when I hit 40, but we'll have to see. I have a healthy C cup, size 32 to be exact, I'm rather proud of my breasts, nice pink/brownish nipples, firm and sensitive to touch. As for my pussy, I have fairly big labia lips, lips you can gently pull and nibble on and please note, the keyword is gently. I'm very sensitive down there, and love being touched, caressed, might I be so bold as to say, I enjoy being kissed and even licked down there. I also shave down there, there is nothing worse than having pubic hair, it looks disgusting, it feels disgusting and by God, it is just so not feminine whatsoever…Thank God, razors were invented and men who are very delicate with them. As for my ass, my buttocks is firm and round, really looks great when I wear tight jeans, my rosebud as it is called is light brown, tight, enjoys being gently touched and on occasion, when I'm highly aroused, I enjoy having a nice cock inside my special place.
As for Mark, he's 24 ((21 in the story)) He's incredible, lovely exotic black skin, an incredible build, lovely strong muscles, the kind of muscles that really define a man. He has a beautiful figure, a firm ass, two lovely soft balls that tighten when aroused and taste amazing, a nice firm shaft of beautiful black skin, with throbbing veins and covered by his foreskin is the lovely sight of the head, nice and round, very thick with a tiny slit, mmmmm it is to die for. As for his other incredible features, he has short brown hair and the most beautiful, all inspiring eyes in the Universe. He's incredibly intelligent, very well travelled and is one of the most creative people in the world. He's a film maker, a very talented film maker.
Enough with the introductions, it was Friday 14th of June 2002, I woke up at around 7:30 ((AM for the intellectually challenged among us)) I climbed out of bed, heard my mom down stairs calling me, telling me it's time for breakfast. I get dressed, slip on my white bra and panties. I pull up my jeans and almost trip over and it wasn't the first time. I put on my T-shirt and leave my room and walk downstairs and sit at the dinner table and eat breakfast.
After finishing my eggs and tomatoes and eating a ridiculous amount of bacon ((I don't need to worry about putting on weight)) I find out my dad has the day off work, and decides to take us all swimming at Typhoon Lagoon. So I rush upstairs, call Mark and invite him along, grab my swimming gear, rush downstairs, almost tripping over my brother's shoes…
Anyhow, we reach Typhoon Lagoon, I meet Mark at the front gate, we kiss and giggle among each other, well I was the one giggling, he was kinda laughing, probably at my hair, I didn't have time to do it up. We walked up to the gate, we flashed our Year Round Passes, and walked through the gates and headed towards the changing room. Inside the changing room, I'm with my mother changing into my bikini and my God, I feel the eyes of women staring towards me because I'm all shaved in my pubic area, well the older women were staring, the majority of them were hairy and just ugly looking.
Grabbing my towel and almost twisting my ankle on the wet floor, I leave the changing rooms and meet Mark outside. He's wearing brown boxers, his incredible chest standing tall for all to see. He comments about my bathing suit and tells me how pretty I am, I blush crimson red, although if I do say so myself, it is a very pretty bikini. A lovely blue top and matching panties. I put my arm around Mark and we go our separate way, chatting about the latest movies and games that are coming out.
We went into the big pool area and played around, splashing water on each other, horse playing around, even got told off by the life guard. And around three o'clock, Mark and I were still in the pool having fun, and anyone who's been to Typhoon Lagoon knows about the huge wave machine that hits you, well…this particular day, the wave builds and comes towards us, I'm holding onto Mark and watch the wave approaching, feeling my heart pump adrenaline into my blood stream, closing my eyes as the wave approaches and eventually hits us, pushing us back up the pool and of course, when I surface, my breasts are free for all to view, my bikini top has gone missing. I'm frantically looking around for my bikini, screaming to Mark to find it.
I was mortified, standing in a pool of hundreds completely and utterly topless, my hard nipples ((Because of the water)) staring at everyone, those eyes just gazing open-mouthed at my body. Eventually after five, maybe eight minutes, I decided to give up. Covering my breasts with my arm, I rushed through the crowd of people, Mark following up behind me, I found my parents on the beach and told them I'm going home and Mark had volunteered to take me. Of course, this was the first he heard of it.
Wrapping myself in a long towel and covering my breasts, I go to my locker, get my money, bag and whatever out of it and waiting for what seemed an eternity for Mark to get dressed, honestly do men take so long? Anyhow, 10 minutes later, I was walking towards the exit with Mark, still wearing the towel praying to God no one would know I'm walking topless. We reach the exit, and walk towards his car and got in.
We drove home ((My home that is)) and I rushed to the front door and opened it, got in, rudely slammed the door in Mark's face, kinda comical actually. Ran up to my bedroom and just sat down on my bed, Mark came in and looked at me and I just broke down laughing, saying to myself, why of why did I not simply get dressed at the park?
Laughing our heads off, Mark needed to use the bathroom to pee, I told him to use mine ((I have my own bathroom)), he opened the door and stepped inside, he half closed the door, but open enough for me to peek and see him open his zipper and pull out his penis, I heard him pee and for some unknown reason, I suddenly realized we were on our own. He finished his pee and flushed the toilet, thankfully, I noticed he put the seat back down. He sat on the bed, still laughing and my laughing eventually turned to playful giggles. I leant in and kissed him on the lips, while kissing, I slowly opened my lips and let his tongue slip inside and caress my tongue. He broke off the kiss and ran his hand through my hair and told me how beautiful I was.
I stood up off the bed, still holding the towel over my breasts, I walked over to my door and locked it. I turned around and smiled at him, I slowly walked over to the bed and sat down next to him, I leaned in close and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. After the lingering passionate kiss, he smiled. I gazed at the shirt he was wearing and slowly unbuttoned his top button.
I gazed into his beautiful eyes as I unbuttoned his shirt, he moved his arms up and helped me take it off him, I ran my fingers over his nipples and felt his very nicely toned chest with the palms of my hand, as I was doing this, I felt a slight twinge in my pussy, an enjoyable twinge, especially when I went down towards his belly.
I asked him to stand up, he stood up. I leaned up, still sitting on the bed, I gently leaned in and kissed his belly button and licking the small pubic hairs beneath his belly button. While I was doing this, he placed his hands on my head and softly caressed my hair.
I unbuttoned his jeans and lowered the zip, I pulled them down and he stepped out of them. I looked up at him and took hold of his boxers and pulled them down as well. For the first time in my life, I was face to face with Mark's cock. It was amazing, his long soft black cock just hanging with his balls. I looked up and blushed, the sight of his cock was making my pussy feel tense and actually very empty, a very empty feeling.
I motioned him to lie down on my bed. He lied down and opened his legs, his head was against the dash board and smiling at me. I smiled back and blushed again. I stood up and let the towel drop, revealing my breasts, my nipples were hard and sticking out and this time it wasn't from the water, it was from pure arousal. I stood back and took off my bikini thong, I stood in front of him naked and feeling very flushed and embarrassed, this is the first time I did something like this and I was already starting to regret it. What if Mark didn't like it, what if Mark thought I was some kind of whore, these were the kinds of thoughts that were running through my mind. But those thoughts all disappeared when Mark told me how stunning and beautiful I look.
I climbed up onto the bed and crawled between his legs. I laid down between his legs only inches away from his cock. I gently ran my tongue along his thigh and close to his balls. I complimented him on how sexy he looked and the way he controlled himself. I always heard that men have a hard time controlling their erection when they're in a situation like this, but I knew it wouldn't last forever and I always wanted to feel a man grow inside me.
I moved myself down a little and placed my tongue underneath his balls and just under his asshole, I moved up and placed my tongue against his asshole, deciding I wanted to taste all of him. Suddenly feeling a hint of naughtiness and arousal flowing from my pussy up my spine, I licked his asshole from left to right, my tongue wetting the sides of his crack, the tip of my tongue pushing up against his asshole.
After tonguing his ass for a few seconds, I ran my tongue from his asshole, up over his balls, up his soft shaft and over, feeling the shaft inside my mouth, I closed my lips around him and bobbed my head up and down, and listening to him groan. My hands was exploring his balls and gently cupping them, feeling his cock slide along my tongue was the most erotic thing I had ever done, it felt so different to my dreams. Its taste was salty and I could taste the hint of urine which only excited me even more.
Letting go of his cock and grabbing his cock with my right hand and slapping it along my face, feeling it grow semi hard in my hand. I could feel his cock throb in the palm of my hand, I lined it up with my hungry mouth and took it in, running my tongue up and down his wet shaft. Listening to him groan with pleasure was the most rewarding experience ever, it was incredibly arousing and sexy, watching his facial expressions, feeling his now rock hard cock throb in my mouth.
Releasing his cock, I lick downwards and run my tongue over his balls, running my tongue over his manly pubic hairs and flattening them. His precum juices softly erupted from the tip of his cock, I ran my tongue over his juices and locked my lips around them, softly licking his precum over the head of his cock and at the same time over my tongue. The taste was salty and incredible, I was thinking to myself how I could become used to this.
His cock was now huge, at least 9 inches. It looked and felt huge and decided I needed him to take control now. I sat up and asked how he was, he felt ecstatic and actually thanked me, he thought it was all over, but I felt like I had only began, I made him feel good, but didn't make him cum and that's what I wanted. I wanted, actually I needed to make him cum.
I crawled up and laid down next to him, I told him to take control now and don't hold back, he asked me should he pull away when he cums, my answer to that was, don't even tell me, just cum. This made him smile, I wanted him to follow his instincts and plus, I wanted to be surprised.
He took my hand and laid me down, my head backed up against the dash board, he climbed over me and straddled my chest. I could feel his buttocks pressed my breasts. His cock lined up with my mouth, I opened my mouth wide to welcome him in, he grabbed the sides of my head and gently pushed his cock into me, three inches slipped in, I felt him push the shaft along my tongue, five inches slipped in and now I felt a little pressure, he was pushing more in, a bit slower, and I was feeling his cock tickle the back of my throat which made me gag, but Mark kept his hands on my head and held me there and slowly continued to push.
Seven inches managed to slide inside me, he pulled out and I coughed and spluttered, a long trail of saliva hung between my mouth and his drenched cock. Once I caught my breath, I told him to continue, I was in a huge state of arousal and was hungry for more.
Mark pulled me down, I was lying flat on the bed, he straddled my chest and held my head up with the palm of his hand. I opened my mouth wide and he leaned up and slipped his cock in my mouth, I locked my lips around him and allowed him to thrust in and out of my mouth slowly. I was amazed at how long he could keep going for; it really was so fulfilling to have his cock filling my mouth.
After a few minutes, his balls were tense and I knew the moment I was waiting for, the moment I was creating was almost upon me. Mark let go of my head, I laid back smiling and telling him how much I loved him, he kneeled up over me and pointed his cock downwards into my mouth; he trusted in and out of my mouth, our moans were in unison. My pussy was drenched in my natural juices seeping over my bed.
As his orgasm drew closer, his thrusts were more concentrated, his cock hitting the back of my throat. Suddenly as he pulled out, he moaned and a short burst of thick white semen hit my tongue and dripped down the sides of my tongue, as he pulled out, another burst of semen hit me in the face, dribbling down my nose and onto my lips. Mark took his cock in hand and rubbed it furiously; grunting and groaning of pleasure, another burst of semen hit me in the lips.
I moved his hand away and gently took his cock in my hand, I pulled the foreskin back and placed my lips on the head of his cock, running my tongue up and down his slit gently, he started to moan of pure pleasure, semen was still dripping into my mouth, feeling its salty taste and found it enticing.
Releasing his cock, Mark fell back, panting and out of breath, I watched his cock throb a few times. I leaned up, his cum was dripping down my face and over my lips. I smiled and opened my mouth wide, showing how much of his cum I had in my mouth. Once he caught his breath, he reached down for the small trash can and held it in front of my face, thinking I wanted to spit it out, but I had no intentions. I had far too much fun to just throw it all away in the trash.
I nodded no and giggled, I closed my mouth and swallowed his cum, I felt it slip down the back of my throat and down into my belly leaving a lovely salty slightly bitter tast
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