First Time Blow Job Stories

First Time Blow Job Stories


Learn how to give your guy the best blow jobs of his life. It's not rocket science. If you are sick of all those nicely put, clean Cosmo sex articles - read these 61 refreshing, no-nonsense blow job tips, written by a guy, and make him think you are the Queen of Blowjobs.
Do not read this article if you are not interested in getting RESULTS when it comes to giving blow jobs.
Take a quick quiz today and find out how far you are from the perfect blowjob experience:
This article is NOT about morality. It does not question whether blow jobs are “good” or “bad,” whether women “should” or “should not” give blowjobs or whether giving them is degrading to women or not. That is not the topic of this article. Its only purpose is to help women that are looking for advice that WORKS. It is designed for women who wish to please their man to the max and make him happy beyond measure in bed. It is an all inclusive guide on how to give a great blowjob. The best. Ever.
If you believe that blow jobs are “degrading,” and “just for sl*ts” then please stop reading now. If adult language and straightforward tips easily offend you and if you have a problem with hearing the truth about blow jobs, then please stop reading now – this article is not for you.
The 61 blowjob tips you will find below are something that the majority of men want in a blow job.
Let’s start with 4 quick “blowjob facts” and then we’ll move on to more practical tips.
It’s a fact. 99% of men would never say “no” to a blowjob. Except if you have a reputation of using too much teeth.
The reality is simple: most women are horrible at giving head.
That’s part of the reason why many women simply don’t give BJs; they’re afraid of “messing up” so they just evade doing it. This is counter-productive, since most of the time… any blow job is better than no blow job.
Even if you are terrible at giving head, at least you are trying to improve, and that’s better than hiding from your fear of failure.
Often, a woman’s lack of skills is her own fault, and stems from her lack of initiative to improve. Then again, most men aren’t that good at clearly communicating what they want in a blow job. But let's not play the blame game here.
There’s nothing to prove here. If a man doesn’t get the pleasure he desires and believes he deserves, especially if his ex-girlfriend got him used to receiving it, he will expect to get it in the future as well.
Don’t blame him. Blame his ex girlfriend. She messed things up for you.
Seriously, wake up, get real, and stop living in an illusion.: Men cheat because of lack of sexual satisfaction. This is the cold, hard truth and something you have to swallow (pun intended) and accept as an unchangeable part of his biological and sexual needs.
Men compare you to their past relationships and judge you based on their prior experiences. You can be the most amazing and beautiful woman in the world, but if his ex was better in bed (even if she looked like Susan Boyle), you're in a serious problem – no matter how nice your personality is.
If  you don’t give your guy blow jobs at all, he might be wondering what’s he missing out on (a lot), and whether he could get his satisfaction elsewhere. (Hint: he can)
I don't care if you're offended or think I'm a sexist pig (read the disclaimer above), every guy on Earth thinks the same – they just don't say it. If you want reality, read on, and if you want to keep living in a fairy tale – go back to Cosmo.
But – even though she may not live any longer, a woman that gives awesome blow jobs definitely:
Indirectly, this may actually lead to a more fulfilling and even longer life. “In the end,” as Abraham Lincoln wisely put it “it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”
As you can see, from any guy's perspective, amazing blow jobs are… priceless.
I believe that the above-mentioned benefits are a good enough reason to give your guy more and better blow jobs.
So, because your guy really, really wants you to master the art of fellatio, and so you can enjoy all the above-mentioned benefits – I put together these 61 super-awesome blowjob tips for you, so that you too can create miracles with your mouth… and mop the floor with his ex-girlfriends.
The right words are often more powerful than the best blow job techniques. A man’s orgasm happens in his mind; saying what he doesn’t even know he desires to hear can trigger an instant orgasm. That's why blowjob dirty talk is so important. Ask him “How about a blow job?” and see the instant smile on his face.
Most women are quiet and make an “I’m-working-on-an-important-assignment” face, without saying a single word.
Why so serious? Relax… have fun with it. Nobody expects you to talk while having a penis in your mouth, stop for a second, take a breath… smile… give him a compliment, tell him you’re enjoying yourself, ask him for feedback, or tell him what you want him to do.
The “rule” for blowjob dirty talk is: whatever you say, say it with complete belief.
If you are afraid that what you say will sound too fake or awkward: it will.
Believe in what you say and say it fearlessly, and anything you say will sound great. There’s nothing clean about a blowjob, so don’t try to be classy about it once you are already on your knees.
Never forget that how you say it is more important than what you say. You don’t need “dirty talking lines,” you need playfulness and the confidence to let go of your fear of being looked down upon for talking dirty. He wants you to be slutty, so give yourself permission to cross the line.
Also, know that saying anything is usually better than saying nothing at all. You don’t want him to feel as if you are in your head, thinking, worrying, and giving him the “this-is-rocket-science” serious face. So speak up!
If you’re not sure what line to throw at him, then at least moan. Then moan some more, and some more.
Moaning creates pleasurable vibrations that make your blow job better in more than one way. Moaning is perfect as a substitute for talking dirty, if you’re still shy about it.
Moaning a lot communicates an important message: I’m… mmm… enjoying myself. And that… is the core of a great blow job.
Don’t expect him to enjoy receiving it if you don’t enjoy giving it.
Viewing a blow job as a JOB is the main reason why most women are horrible at blowjobs. Don’t be one of those nasty women.
View blow jobs as a source of ultimate-pleasure for yourself, and that’s exactly what it will become for you.
Of course, you need to find the right guy for this, naturally, for some men it’s simply not worth your “effort,” but for a guy you truly love, it’s only natural that you enjoy pleasuring him in any way he desires.
Find a guy like that. (Then keep him by giving great blow jobs!) You deserve it. Or maybe not, yet. As long as you view blowjobs as a “job” you’ll have a hard time finding Mr. Right, okay – you may find him, but keeping him? That’s a whole other field.
Stop viewing blow jobs with a “what’s in it for me?” way of thinking. Or as a “gift” you are giving him.
Women that give miraculous blowjobs are so good at them because they not only love it, but they also view it as a source of pleasure for them.
They are thankful for the opportunity to get pleasure from it.
Don’t be shy. Your eyes are the windows to your soul. Let him see the passion in your eyes. Your eyes can almost smile up at him.
Let him see pure joy in your eyes. Smile with your eyes. Wink at him when you've got him deep.
Don’t worry, you look great from up there. By looking up at him you communicate; you see his reactions to your ‘moves’ and you can adjust your performance. The most important moment for eye contact is the moment he is having an orgasm. That's when he falls in love.
When giving a blowjob you have total power over him. Either he gets complete pleasure or complete pain in case you bite off his manhood.
So even tough you have power, still, a blowjob is a submissive act where you submit to your man’s power. In a way it is your attempt to tame him, a moment where you have his full attention.
Your submission to him is something you should exaggerate because that’s part of the turn on behind a blow job.
Because men are visual… be in a position where he has a nice view of you, and a position where he appears more dominant.
Choose a position in which you are more submissive, down, on your knees, for example, looking up at him from below. When thinking about good position look for good comfort and a good view, in the sense that you are comfortable so that you don’t lose focus and so that he has the feeling of power over you because of your complete submission to him.
Attitude is everything. The right attitude means that you give a blow job for your own pleasure, not his, and that you don’t just “enjoy doing it,” as some magazines will tell you, but that you can not live without having his penis in your mouth.
Or, as Hank Moody put it in Californication, when talking about his girlfriend ”It was as if she were dying of thirst and my c*ck were the fountain of everlasting youth.” Have an attitude like that and you will never have to worry about your blow job technique again.
Hurrying during a blow job and racing to the finish line won’t make that blow job great.
On the contrary, it will only give an impression that you just want to get it over with and continue with your no-blowjobs policy life. Never make an impression like that because it kills all your previous effort.
Take things slow. Focus on the journey. Enjoy every second of it and forget about the destination.
There IS NO DESTINATION. You don’t want to get anywhere.
There is a practical time and place to speed up a blow job and it’s not now.
Don’t worry about weather too much time has passed since you started. Don’t put time-constraints on your blowjobs. Let it last as long as it lasts.
You are not in a rush. If you get tired too fast that’s because you aren’t using all of your assets.
The two cannot work together, and, in a blow job, there simply is no space for logic.
Emotions, feelings, passion… those should be your guidelines for a great blow job.
Any logical thinking can only “kill” the pleasure and take away your focus.
When you think you are not present, and when you are not present – you are not in the moment – enjoying it – but rather worried about something. “Why didn’t he come yet?” “Am I doing it right?”
You make eye contact, so he will see that your mind is racing away, and once he sees that you are in your mind, worried about something – it’s over. You’ve killed it. Now he’s thinking about what you are thinking, and he can’t relax and enjoy the pleasure you are giving him.
Don’t think. Turn off any logical thinking during a blow job and you’ll instantly see positive effects.
Love his c@#k. Love it beyond normal love. Love it more than your best friends, family, your dog, air, water. Love it more than your favorite food after months of starvation.
You need to be hungry. Literally starve for it, need it, like a drug addict needs his or her drug, that’s the way you must need and desire his penis. Without love for his “little friend” or “big fella” you will never give the kind of blowjob every man dreams of.
Believe me, this “addiction” is the best thing you can do for your relationship.
Amiga, I'm talking about his cojones.
There is more to his penis than… his penis. All around that area is sensitive and you have to use all of it to create a “full-package” blow job.
There’s so much you can do with his testicles. Tickle, kiss, gently suck, massage, the list goes on. Just make sure you are gentle and considerate because one wrong move can lead to supreme pain.
If you think that your mouth is the only “tool” you can use for a great blow job then you are very, very wrong. Imagine you are going to war with a knife while you have a full arsenal of weapons like bazookas, AK-47s and grenades in your trunk. What a waste.
Your hands are the basis of a great blow job. Use oil, lots of it actually, for foreplay purposes. Learn to give hand jobs by taking your time to practice on him.
Give him a hand job and take your time, let him teach you how to satisfy him, where to have a tighter grip and how. Make sure you oil it up!
You can only learn this by practicing, and again, not being in a hurry. Be playful with it. Have fun and take your time. Every man will appreciate your efforts of improving yourself and the best you can do is to be open about it.
Look, nobody expects you to be super-confident about something you are not yet good at.
People are confident about something they are good at, and the only way you can get good is by practicing. The better you get the more confidant you will become and the better your blow jobs will be… until then: fake it.
You know, fake it till you make it.
The worst thing you can do is to be indecisive about your moves, because indecisiveness brings you back into your HEAD. And we don’t want that (Tip #8 Don’t’ Think).
So… until you naturally get confident about your blowjobs by practicing, simply fake your confidence. Wait. Scratch that. You can practice as long as you want, but if you practice the WRONG stuff, you're just waiting your time (and his patience).
Convincing yourself that what you are doing is the right thing and even though you may be wrong, still, you’ll be sure of your moves and that by itself is a good thing. But you need to back up your confidence with serious blowjob skills (so keep on reading) and avoiding typical mistakes… just a few right moves (and avoiding bad one's) already puts you way ahead of your competition (his ex girlfriends). If you're still worried and seriously lack blowjob confidence, I urge you to study the classic manifesto: Jack's Blowjob Lessons, that alone will super-charge your confidence — quickly.
This is a tip you already know, obviously, nobody wants his penis chopped off by some razor sharp teeth.
But don’t think that teeth can ONLY produce pain, actually, biting his penis can be erotic, but also a bit scary. So, it can also excite him, if you do it playfully.
Just don’t try this if you’re a beginner.
There is a reason porn is a multi-billion dollar industry.
They know what sells. And there’s a reason why it sells, because that’s what the “market” of men are looking for. That’s what makes them hard.
So start watching porn and see how and what the pros are doing.
Again, it’s not about techniques, but about what you communicate to your guy during a blow job.
Of course, you can’t smile while having him in your mouth, but what you can do is stop for a second, take a breath, say something kinky, then smile… the point is that you communicate a simple message “I like what I’m doing” … you are there because you want to be there, not because you’re just doing him a favor and “he should be thankful he got any.”
A negative, bitchy attitude like that won’t get you far. Communicate the right message and the orgasm will start in his mind, not his penis.
I’ve read somewhere (I think Malcolm Gladwell first mentioned it in his book Outliers) that you need about 10 000 hours of doing something to master it, any skill.
I doubt that you need 10 000 hours of blow jobs to become great at them.
With the right information, you can progress quickly. Unlearning what you are doing wrong is a longer process than learning from scratch.
What’s important is that you understand that nobody expects you to born with awesome blow jobs skills. It takes time and practice.
You know the story when a tourist asked a street musician “Excuse me, do you know how do I get to Carnegie Hall?” … “Practice, baby, practice!”
It’s natural to be a beginner at anything and it takes time, practice and dedication to get good at it.
Find a guy that you truly like so you are naturally motivated to make him happy and practicing on him will be fun.
Don’t be afraid of failure or doing things wrong, every sane guy will appreciate your efforts of improving and “practicing on him” ;) Just view it as a challenge.
Yeah, I'm shallow. But that doesn't change the fact that you're overweight.
Sure, you can look like a supermodel, but if your blow job skills are bad, you won't get far. But still, men are visual.
The better you look the more attractive you are to him and this simply adds to the physical and psychological pleasure you are giving him. View it as an extra. All else being equal (sex skills, personality, compatibility etc.) how hot (or not) you are is what makes the final difference.
And let's be real here… there are no ugly people. Just lazy or poor. Today, anyone can look good. Unless you're born with a third arm or something.
Really, it's not a science. Don't eat crap, exercise (squats!) and make more moolah. And bam! You're smoking hot.
Other than that… sex up your style.
Discover his fetish. Nice bras, corsets, fishnets, G-strings, high-heels, or spandex he can rip apart – also, whatever makes you feel sexier.
This is a rule: You can’t be sexy for him if you don’t feel sexy about yourself. So don't work on your looks because of him, do it for yourself.
Be playful. Take your time and give him longer and slower licks and kisses. The point is that you have fun all the time during a blow job.
Don’t jump into action right away, it’s should be a fun game, not a race to get a “job” done.
Add playfulness to your blow jobs and cut out the dull, scientific-like seriousness by teasing him, giggling, taking your time and helping him mentally relax and get into the mood.
Put some temptation into the game before you jump into the real stuff. Bite his shaft for fun to tease him (as if you'll bite it off) and see how he'll get rock hard in an instant.
Have fun and play some games… Role-play isn't just for sex, you can do it for blowjobs too.
Bring some props, pour chocolate sauce all over him, lick it off of him. Keep it fresh.
Don’t forget that too much of a good thing can become a bad thing after some time simply because it’s not scarce anymore.
This doesn’t imply that you should give him a blow job once a year. Hell no. But also not every hour. Find a balance and stay playful and creative about your blowjobs.
Know when it’s not the right moment for a blow job and when it is.
There’s no point in having everything planned out, there’s nothing exciting happening then that you didn’t expect.
Surprise him from time to time with an “out of a sudden” blow job when he least expects it. It shows you care. Never wait for him to ask for a blow job, that’s just lame. Take initiative. This alone will already set you apart from other women.
Remember, you don't have to give the best blow jobs in the world, just better than anything he's experienced thus far.
Warren Buffett, the greatest investor of all time said “The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself.” Amen to that.
If there’s one sex skill you should invest in, then that’s learning how to deep-throat.
Set yourself apart from other women luring over your guy by being unique in this rare skill. One in 10 women give great blow jobs, and that one can usually deep-throat with ease.
Knowing how to deep throat shows your dedication to learn something completely and go through a doze of, let’s say pain, but more precisely discomfort, to learn something priceless and get to a stage where it’s not uncomfortable at all anymore.
With enough willpower you can master anything, even deep throating and killing your gag reflex. Once you can do that, your guy will never, ever desire another woman’s mouth in his life.
When it comes to deep throating: you have to believe in yourself. You can do whatever you believe you can or can’t.
Simply stop being a quitter and giving up every time you try to take him in deeper. Focus on relaxing your gag reflex and pushing through it. Push your tongue out, go a bit deeper and then hold it there for as long as yo
How did you get your first blow job /handjob?(stories) | Forum
BLOW JOB IN A PUBLIC PLACE | story time | use headphones - YouTube
Become a Blowjob Queen: 61 Tips on How to Give a Great Blowjob
How To Give A Good Blow Job - 7 Best Blow Job Tips From Experts
My First Blow Job was Rape — Why Didn’t I Know? | by Holly... | Medium
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