First Handjob Stories

First Handjob Stories


First Handjob Stories
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People Share Their Weirdest Handjob Stories
The value of the humble handjob is often disputed, so we asked men and women to recount their best, worst, and most bizarre experiences in the art of manual stimulation.
Handjobs are for teenagers. Or so it's said. After you've progressed to oral sex and intercourse, what's the point in bringing a handjob to completion? And why would you want one from another person when you can just do it yourself, better, anyway?
The humble handjob lives many lives, from the teenage girl pressured to go under the waistband to the sex worker whose clients can only handle infidelity if it happens manually. According to Grazyna Zajdow's paper " Sex Work and Regulation: Holding on to an Image ," a "happy ending" became widely known as part of the massage repertoire in the 1970s; women would take jobs as masseuses, realize they were expected to masturbate their clients, and soon progress to becoming "hand whores." Though, of course, the history of the handjob is as long as the history of mankind.
Today, you can take classes that instruct you the art of the giving the perfect handjob, but because life is Seinfeld , we should turn to Elaine. "Being a woman, I only really have access to the equipment, what, 30, 45 minutes a week?" she says, discussing her efforts to convert a gay man to heterosexuality. "And that's on a good week. How can I be expected to have the same expertise as people who own this equipment and have access to it 24 hours a day, their entire lives?"
Exactly. Nevertheless, the value of the common handjob is often disputed, so we asked both givers and receivers about their successes and failures in the manual arena.
The last time I gave a handjob was three weeks ago, to a guy from London who I had been talking to online for a year. It was the second night of his stay on his vacation, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to fuck him yet, so I figured this was a good way to check out the goods before I made my decision. It was probably the easiest handjob I'd ever given because of the pent-up sexual attraction for a year. I yanked on that thing so well, with such determination, that my neck cramped up so bad and ruined the rest of the trip. I was still pretty satisfied, because when he came he sounded like a girl, and it was really hot. It was worth the pain.
Met a sensual musician man at a thrash-type show right after a pretty bad breakup. I needed some attention, so when I realized this handsome guy was hitting on me, I snapped out of it really quickly. We hit it off that night, and he asked me to go out with him since [his band was] staying in town for another day. We went out then next evening, had a wonderful vegan meal, some drinks, and were flirting like crazy. The chemistry was undeniable. Things got heavy quickly in several public parking lots as we intermittently bar-crawled and had public sexual encounters.
Being on tour, hooking up in a house in front of people on the floor was not ideal, so the oral sex and handjobbery commenced within my vehicle and remained there between drinking bouts. The handjobs were aplenty. I had no idea that a man could store so much semen and continually produce it at a rapid pace. I think he came three times within a short amount of time from touching alone. He gave me plenty oral sex, and I jerked him off, on and off, for a good four-to-five hours. I think at least a liter of cum was ejected from him within that short period of time. Some people say handjobs are out of style, but I sure enjoy being fingered; handjobs are just a part of the "treat others the way you'd like the be treated" principle.
I gave handjobs when I was pregnant because I was too tired to have sex and my husband wouldn't leave me the fuck alone.
I like giving handjobs. Often we've already slept together, and the men tell me they haven't come from a handjob since high school. I take this as a challenge, and soon enough their minds are blown.
Photo via Flickr user question_everything
I was having a really shitty week. I was coming back to real-life responsibilities from a super fun week out in Oakland. I got bored while I was waiting on my bag at the airport, so I started Tindering. My first swipe right was a match, and she wanted to meet up that night. I was tired and bummed out, but she suggested we get high and watch Mrs. Doubtfire in tribute to Robin Williams passing, so I was in.
I showed up at her apartment with the DVD only to find that she didn't have any weed. She did have some Fig Newtons, though, so I just kinda ate those. Right around the "run-by fruiting" scene at the pool, we started making out on the couch. She didn't want to freak her roommates out and suggested we go to her room, which I was all about. We started undressing. She got a big smile on her face and said we didn't have to [have sex], but that she wanted to do something special for me. Maybe it was dumb of me to assume it was going to be oral or something, but nothing prepared me for what happened next: She started to jerk me off over my underwear.
I wasn't sure what to do. There I was, a grown man, getting a dry handjob. It didn't feel bad or anything—it was just really confusing, especially because she kept saying stuff like, "Yeah…you like that, don't you? How does that feel?" I'm pretty sure I sat there, not blinking. I was prepared to reciprocate somehow, but she didn't want me to and called me an Uber. I got my Mrs. Doubtfire DVD and went home, still confused about what had just happened.
The last time I got a handjob to completion I was on tour. On the way to a show in western Massachusetts we stopped at a thrift store. I bought this shirt with a huge bedazzled picture of Michael Jackson and the words "King of Pop" on it. I thought it would be funny to wear for the show that night. After the show, a couple of us went to a bar with our friends who are in a local band. On the way there, I hit it off with one of their friends.
I had been snorting Adderall all day and barely eating, so I completely misjudged how much I was drinking and got wasted to the brink of blacking out. I got in a drunken fight with my best friend that ended with us rolling around in the street and him tearing my newly acquired shirt. I momentarily blacked out and got lost and had to drunkenly find my way back to the house we were staying at, which somehow resulted in the shirt getting torn even more, to the point where it wasn't even covering most of my chest.
When I finally found the house, I had sobered up for the most part and was pleasantly surprised to find the girl I'd hit it off with earlier still hanging out there. We stayed up flirting and smoking cigarettes after everyone else went to sleep, her teasing me with the fact that I obviously wanted to fuck her but she had a boyfriend. I just tried to seem as moody and sexy as possible. We ended up deciding to cuddle in an empty bed but not fool around, on account of the aforementioned boyfriend. This of course turned into us with our pants off doing everything other than fucking until the sun came up. She gave me one of the sexiest handjobs I've ever had, and I came all over my torn-up shirt. We made out for a little while longer, and then as I heard my bandmates beginning to wake up, I snuck out to the street and threw the shredded, cum-covered, bejeweled Michael Jackson shirt in the trash.
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Boys, what age did you get your first handjob from a girl?
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i was 13 or 14 when I got my first hand job. I still remember it very clearly. there was a girl who was may be around 20 years old at that time. she was my close relative. she used to come to our place every winter on school holidays n live with us for a couple of months. she used to help my mom in household works. i used to work out in the morning like push ups n all. she used to clean my room, tidy up my bed n she used to tease me coz i was very skinny at that time. i used to get angry as she teased me. one day i finished my workout n she also finished cleaning my room. we sat in our room n started talking n looking at some magazines. she asked me have i ever seen boobs? i said no? she asked me again. have i ever kissed a girl. i said no. she then took out her boobs n showed to me. it was like big boobs. she held my hands n took it to her boobs. she then asked me did i feel anything inside? i said no. she then started kissing me. she was very experienced n i was not. she used her lips n tongue all in my mouth n i was suffocating n told her to stop as i was running out of breath. she asked me what happened. i told her that i can't breath n told her to do it slowly. she started laughing. she then then held my hand n took me to her room. closed the door n started kissing. she then put her hand inside my shorts n started playing with my dick. it wasn't erect ha ha. she then started to suck it. after some time i got some erection. she jerked n sucked it until i came. ha ha. it was the best experience of my life. after that she did that for me everyday ha ha
I was 17, we were on the couch dry humping pretty passionately and after a while she asked me if I had came yet. I said no so she said maybe we should try something else. I said, such as? and she said "I have hands" I told her go for it, so she unzips my shorts, pulls down my boxers and strokes my dick. First handjob. I didn't cum until my second one though. we were in here room while she was going at it I got jizz all over the both of us and her sheets and blankets. It was a fun night.
My second one I did. all over the blankets. her hands, the bed... everywhere.
I was 17 when I first gave one but I ended up sucking on it because it was taking too long lol For the purpose of your question the guy was also 17 but had definitely had many sexual exploits before lol
I was 14 I think and we were at the park. . But we had already had sex and lost our virginty prior to that. But I rember I enjoyed it was worried that some one would walk by and see. Think I was more embarrased walking her home with cummm all over my crotch, still half erect.
lol So she made you cum in your pants?
Not excactly but it shot all over on the out side. But any way as erections go down cum still leaks out.
Does it count if she used her mouth as well in the process?
19 then. It was at the same time i lost virginity.
But now that i think about it, i never just received a hand job. And now i feel neglected. : ( thats it, my next fling I will ask for only a hand job : ) but i can see that would probably turn out awkward and she would probably be upset and confused while I try to explain why I want one. At the end, it would probably lead into me not having sex. What shall I do.. Oh, the decisions.
0, I think when I was born the nurse actually touched my penis. Bam beat that.
The rite question for me is " At what age will you get your first handjob from a girl?"
After signing the proper legal forms that change my name to Bernadette, a week last Thursday.
I was 15 and it was in my bedroom. It was not very good so I didn't really enjoy it.
When I was 18. Wasn't as good as I thought it would be.
at the age when i started playing "Sergent stiffy needs happy time' with my girl classmates
I believe it was 17. Not much else to say.
I gave my first handjob when I was 19 going on 20
13 n I rather just jack myself off lol
Never had a hand job... blow job or sex yet.

Remember me
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my flatmates little sister gave me a handjob lastnight..





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My first thought, is that she wants to be the one that 'taints' him...meaning, being the " 'naughty' next door neighbor girl"

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I was going to suggest that he offer to take her camping. He only has to bring firewood, he wouldn't even need matches, all he'd have to do is hand her two sticks and tell her to rub them together. Can you say 'Bonfire!'?

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Who cares what she looks like? This girl is a keeper!

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ROFL! Dude that's the first thing I thought too, 30-45 minutes?!? This girl can certainly make a living..hahhhaha

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Who cares what she looks like? This girl is a keeper!

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jay278 ,
April 11, 2011 in Sex and Romance

heya! lil confused about how to go about this situation and thought maybe this would help.. excuse my spelling and grammar

im male 22 and im a virgin.. last night i got my first handjob from my flatmates lil sister lets call her becky who is 1 year older then I. Im pretty sure has a crush on me but wont admit it.. everytime she comes over here she makes me talk to her alone, she falls asleep on my bed when i ask her to leave over and over she ignores me and we sleep together anyway (im a bit to shy to really get her to leave plus i do like the company), she's always trying to touch me and hug also always laughing at my stupid jokes.

now the thing is.. ive had a massive crush on another girl from my netball team for quite sometime now (i play netball simply to see her everyweek) but im far to shy to make a move. Ive told Becky this quite a few times now and she kinda goes "awww ur so cute n innocent" and then she'll persist with the flirty talk and whatnot.. i find it hard to resist her when sh
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