First Cuckold Experience

First Cuckold Experience


First Cuckold Experience
How did you feel after your first cuckold experience?
Former Self Employed · Author has 103 answers and 1.9M answer views · 3 y ·
Where can I see real cuckold videos?
How did ladies feel after their first cuckolding experience?
You mentioned you've had an experience with cuckolding your husband. How many times have you done it? What was the experience like?
Couple engaged in a hotwife and cuckold lifestyle. · 1 y ·
Where can I see real cuckold videos?
How did ladies feel after their first cuckolding experience?
You mentioned you've had an experience with cuckolding your husband. How many times have you done it? What was the experience like?
Where are the best cuckold pictures?
How was your first cuckold experience as a couple, especially for the wife?
Can you share a picture of yours and your cuckold hubby?
What are the best cuckolding movies?
What was your worst cuckolding experience?
How did you begin cuckolding your husband?
What is your first cuckold or partner sharing (swinging) experience?
Have you ever had sex with a cuckold's wife?
How many of you experienced cuckold with femdom? How was your feeling?
Are there stories of cuckolding gone too far?
Where can I see real cuckold videos?
How did ladies feel after their first cuckolding experience?
You mentioned you've had an experience with cuckolding your husband. How many times have you done it? What was the experience like?
Where are the best cuckold pictures?
How was your first cuckold experience as a couple, especially for the wife?
Can you share a picture of yours and your cuckold hubby?
What are the best cuckolding movies?
What was your worst cuckolding experience?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
Honestly, my feelings changed as the session progressed. I still remember first time I was going to share bed with other person other then my hubby. Session was planned in evening. I was very nervous, felt like quitting. Lot of questions were in my mind, what if I can't deal with this ? Will my hubby accept me after this ? Is my hubby taking my test ? etc ….
Session was in the evening, From morning I was very quiet. My hubby noticed my feelings and he is the one who calmed me and gave me the confidence. Once the person arrived at one point I told my hubby I’ll not able to do this and will cance
Honestly, my feelings changed as the session progressed. I still remember first time I was going to share bed with other person other then my hubby. Session was planned in evening. I was very nervous, felt like quitting. Lot of questions were in my mind, what if I can't deal with this ? Will my hubby accept me after this ? Is my hubby taking my test ? etc ….
Session was in the evening, From morning I was very quiet. My hubby noticed my feelings and he is the one who calmed me and gave me the confidence. Once the person arrived at one point I told my hubby I’ll not able to do this and will cancel the deal. Hubby convinced me and said at any point you think to stop we will stop but at least give a try.
However, I got ready, my hubby said that he will wait outside the bedroom in living room. I agreed, because I don't have guts to get naked in front of other person while my hubby watches. So the person started to kissing me and undressing me, I felt very uncomfortable I stopped him and went out to call my hubby. Once my hubby was in bedroom I started undressing myself, even the third person was helping me to get undressed.
I was not making eye contact with my hubby, but as soon as I got involved in the session I was in other world. I started enjoying, Till today I can't remember when I reached orgasm. Once the third person is gone. I started crying, but my hubby said that,”you were wonderful”. that words gave me strength. Then we sat together and discussed about the session. My hubby is the one who helped me alot to overcome my nervousness and guilt.
My wife suggested that I answer this question so I will give it a shot.
We’d been married for nearly three decades and raised a family together. Our kids were grown and out of the house and to be honest, we’d kind of started to drift apart. She was doing her thing with friends while I was playing golf or poker with friends.
Throughout our entire marriage, I was never secure with how I pleased her sexually. I’m rather average in penis size. Karrie had never climaxed during intercourse with me. The only way that I could make her climax was through oral sex. She always swore that our sex life was m
My wife suggested that I answer this question so I will give it a shot.
We’d been married for nearly three decades and raised a family together. Our kids were grown and out of the house and to be honest, we’d kind of started to drift apart. She was doing her thing with friends while I was playing golf or poker with friends.
Throughout our entire marriage, I was never secure with how I pleased her sexually. I’m rather average in penis size. Karrie had never climaxed during intercourse with me. The only way that I could make her climax was through oral sex. She always swore that our sex life was more than enough for her but I just always felt deep down that I was depriving her somehow.
When I discovered cuckold porn I felt that I’d found the answer to what I saw as a problem in our marriage. Thinking of Karrie being fucked by another man surprisingly left me very aroused. And the thought of that man being black drove me to distraction. I know in this day and age interracial couples are a common thing. But I was raised in another era so the thought was very titillating to me.
I began reading a lot of interracial cuckolding erotica and watching a lot of amateur type of cuckolding videos on the internet. The more time that passed, the more that I wanted to see my wife with a black man. A man that could do things for her sexually that I couldn’t.
I finally approached her and at first, Karrie refused to even discuss the subject. I told her repeatedly that I knew there were men capable of giving her pleasure that I never could. She would always tell me that she was perfectly satisfied with our love life and didn’t require more. But I knew that she only thought that because she’d never experienced anything different. I was the only man she’d ever had sex with.
When we were having sex, I began to pretend that I was someone else. Saying things to her like, “I hope your husband doesn’t come home soon.” or, “I bet your husband can’t fuck you like this.” Karrie began to play along with me and over a period of time, the two of us began to have a lot of fun role-playing her having sex with another man.
One night, I added a little porn to our lovemaking. It was an amateur video where a husband was watching his wife get fucked by a black man with what looked like a very thick nine or ten-inch cock. I noticed that Karrie got very wet and excited while watching the video as I went down on her. She actually came very quickly while I continued to lick her. Karrie’s eyes never left the tv screen.
After we were through and were laying there cuddling. I got her to admit that what she’d seen on the screen had excited her. Karrie said she’d never seen a cock that big and the interracial aspect had been exciting too.
This type of thing went on for several months. And though I never pushed the point too much, I did continue to bring up the thought of her having sex with another man. Karrie again would say that it was something that she could never do for real but I felt that there was a lot less conviction behind her denials than before.
Now I have to add that we had friends that were involved in the lifestyle, although neither of us knew that when I first developed this obsession. Karrie found out through a drunken brunch that her female friend had been “dating” several men outside the bonds of her longtime marriage. She’d been doing so with her husband’s blessing and encouragement. She would go on dates and have sex with her bull and then return home to her husband who would absolutely ravage her. He would be so excited by the thought of what she’d been up to.
The thought of Karrie going on a date with a man and then engaging in sex with him was different than what I’d pictured so far. It left me feeling very insecure and jealous but weirdly gave me a rock-hard erection. The feelings were very conflicting for me. I was extremely aroused by it but also nauseated with jealousy. I would masturbate to some of the best orgasms of my life while picturing it in my mind. Yet after I’d come I would feel like such a loser. I felt pathetic and almost sad for having such deviant thoughts.
When my wife finally settled on one man, in particular, I wasn’t at all surprised to discover that he was black. Marcus (not his real name) was almost five inches taller than me and in much better physical condition. He was eight years younger than my wife, and eleven years younger than me.
They got to where they chatted online every evening. We would be sitting on the couch watching tv. Karrie would have her iPad or phone in her hand while the two chatted away. The fact that Karrie was ignoring me while flirting with another man left me intensely jealous at times. My upbringing had instilled in me the belief that I should be angry with what was happening but I wasn’t. Was I jealous? Oh, God yes. So much so that I would sit there feeling like a pathetic loser while Karrie laughed at the latest message from her online friend. But my dick would be like iron.
Things kind of came to a head the first time that I gave her oral sex while she chatted with her potential lover. I think it was the first real step towards us actually becoming a cuckold couple. I felt so demeaned and almost disrespected by the act, almost subservient to her. Karrie climaxed very hard and then held my head there until I’d made her come again.
That became a regular thing and even continued when the two of them began video chatting. It became even more exciting for us both the first time that Karrie turned the iPad towards me and showed Marcus what I was doing. When the two of them enjoyed a good laugh at my expense it humiliated the hell out of me, but to be totally honest, it nearly made me come it excited me so much. After I’d made her climax several times while she chatted with her potential bull and they’d finished their conversation. The two of us would have sex that wouldn’t last very long at all. I would come very quickly from being so aroused. Karrie would just pat my head and tell me that it was okay. She’d say that the important thing to her was the bond of intimacy that it made her feel for me.
We finally agreed to meet Marcus in person. We met him at an outdoor cafe not far from where he lived. The business was located in a predominantly black neighborhood so we were one of only a few caucasian people present. When we approached the table, Marcus stood and greeted us both, shaking my hand and kissing my wife in a very non-chaste manner. He had her sit on his side while I sat across from them. Marcus pretty much ignored me and talked to my wife the entire time. At first, she gave me a lot of glances. But after a while, even Karrie seemed to forget I was there. It was humiliating and downright demeaning to be made to feel like a third-wheel with your own wife but my cock was hard as a rock in my pants.
When we finally left the cafe, Marcus walked us to our car and I stood and watched as she passionately kissed my wife of almost three decades goodbye. We were both quiet during our ride home. I think both of us were processing what had happened. I’m not what you would call an alpha male type but Marcus fit that description to a tee. He was possessive with Karrie and almost demanding with the way he handled her, and Karrie later admitted to me at home that it had excited her.
Then there was the aspect of seeing her with a black man and knowing that she was aroused by him. Watching him touch her and wondering what people around us were thinking drove me crazy with lust. I can’t explain why it made me feel that way but it did.
We talked that night and for the first time, Karrie admitted to me that she wanted to go through with cuckolding me. It took another few weeks of discussing the details of how it would happen. I wanted to be present, but she felt that my being there would make it hard for her to let go and enjoy herself. She wanted to do it in a hotel room, but I wanted the first time to take place in our marital bed. I also didn’t want it to be a case of him coming and then leaving. It was important to me that the night last. I freely admit that I’d become enamored with the idea of a certain amount of humiliation taking place. The thought of it both sickened and excited me.
The ground rules he finally decided on for our first time was that it would take place at our home, and in our bed. I would sit in a chair at the foot of the bed and watch their first time together. I wasn’t to touch myself or remove my pants. When they were finally done, I would then leave them and spend the night in the guest room. Only when he had left the next morning would I be allowed to touch her.
Her new bull added a caveat to our agreement that I wasn’t happy with. I couldn’t have sex with Karrie for three days leading up to their first night together. In addition, he suggested to her that she lock me up in chastity to ensure that I didn’t touch myself during that night. I’d never considered such a thing but the thought of being aroused and helpless did excite me, so I agreed.
Their first date was finally scheduled for a Friday night. We would have Marcus over for dinner and drinks and at some point would end up in our bedroom together.
We had sex on Tuesday night. Afterward, Karrie told me she had a surprise for me and asked me to go shower. When I was done, she had me sit on the bed and pulled out a box that held my chastity device. It was made of clear plastic but it also had parts that were clearly not plastic. Karrie told me that Marcus had picked it out for me and she thought it was a good idea to go ahead and put it on me. Karrie explained that she thought that my not being able to touch myself in the days leading up to her encounter would heighten the experience for me.
So, I went to the office the next day with a cock cage on under my suit. But this was no plain chastity device. It had the added feature of her being able to remotely shock me at her own discretion. The device came with an app she could download to her phone and then synch to the device. So Karrie could send one of ten different pre-programmed shocks of varying strength anytime she wanted.
Now, these weren’t painful shocks. But at the same time, they weren’t entirely pleasant either. Getting a full erection in chastity is impossible for me. But even when I get a partial erection a shock from the device makes it go away. It almost makes me feel numb down there.
The night of Karrie’s first date I took off from work early. I came home to help her prepare for the event. I watched as she dressed in an entirely new outfit including a bra and panties. Karrie had gone shopping to buy just the perfect outfit. Knowing that she hadn’t done it for me was all the more exciting.
Marcus arrived and instantly pulled Karrie to him for a very passionate kiss. He merely nodded in my direction when they were done greeting each other. Seeing how Karrie kissed him back so hungrily and melted into his embrace was painful for me emotionally. It only got worse as we ate. The two of them seemed utterly focused on one another as they laughed and flirted. I might as well have not even been in the room. The jealously I felt was nearly exquisite.
I was as nervous as I’d ever been in my life when we retreated to our bedroom. Karrie had already positioned a chair for me at the foot of the bed. She had me sit in it and for the first time since Marcus had arrived, showed me a small amount of affection. She kissed me and told me that she loved me but that I had to promise to sit there quietly and not get up from the chair. She also promised me that she had one more surprise for me but wouldn’t say what it was, telling me that I would find out after watching her with Marcus for the first time.
I won’t describe their sex in detail. But I will say that Marcus was three or more inches larger than my five-inch penis. He also had twice my girth. Watching the woman I’d married almost thirty years ago struggle to take his black cock into her mouth as far as she could, was a breathtaking experience for me. I realize that sounds counterintuitive to a lot of you but it’s true. I could feel my dick struggling to get hard as Karrie gave him a sloppy blowjob, seeming more enthused by doing it than she’d ever been with me.
And watching the first time he entered her and seeing and hearing her reaction to having a much larger and thicker cock inside her was amazing. I knew that deep down inside I had done a good thing. Karrie was making noises of satisfaction that I’d never heard her make. My wife is typically somewhat sedate during sex, but not with Marcus. Karrie was almost loud and very physical in reacting to what he was doing to her. When she came for the first time in her life from being fucked, I wasn’t surprised. It wasn’t one of those usually small type climaxes that I typically give her. Karrie screamed out her approval as she came with him pounding into her. She came twice more before he emptied his seed into her.
While Marcus went to the bathroom, Karrie pulled out my final gift. It was a baby monitor so that I could listen from the guest room at the remainder of their night together.
She then kissed me goodnight and sent me away, closing and locking the door behind me. I went and grabbed a glass and a bottle of bourbon and sat in the guest room until well after midnight listening to the two of them. Karrie was much more boisterous with me not in the room. My gentile sweet wife said some things to him during their more passionate moments that I’d never heard from her in all the time the two of us had been together. It was frustrating, agonizing and quite maddening to have to listen to but I couldn’t force myself to turn off the monitor. It was almost addicting to hear.
Once I did pass out, I slept fitfully and was awakened to the sounds of the two going at it again the next morning. As jealous as the night before had made me, it was even worse to wake up from an unrestful sleep to the sound of my wife climaxing loudly down the hall.
I listned to their post-coital talk for a few minutes and then their end of the monitor was cut off, making it all that much harder on me. Maybe forty-five minutes later I heard him leave. Seconds later, her end of the monitor came back on and I heard Karrie’s voice calling me back to our room.
I felt a bit like a whipped puppy or a wayward child when I walked into our room. Karrie held her arms out to me from where she laid on the bed and I went to her. We kissed passionately with her thanking me between our kisses for pushing her to do this. Karrie told me that she was being entirely honest when she told me that she was satisfied with our sex life simply because she didn’t know any better. Karrie always assumed that she was one of those women who couldn’t have a climax from intercourse and she’d never had climaxes as strong as the ones Marcus gave her.
She eventually removed my cock cage and allowed me to reclaim her. I was fascinated first, though with the condition of her pussy which was puffy, red, and leaking her bull’s seed. And yes, I did go down on her. The desire to do so surprised me as much as it did Karrie. I felt shame as I looked up at her staring down at me while I sucked at her used hole. Karrie climaxed twice before pulling me up and telling me to be slow and gentle in making love to her. I complied but despite our slow pace I came within the fir
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