First Blow Job Story

First Blow Job Story


First Blow Job Story
Girls, What was your first experience giving a blowjob like? Did you swallow? What was your age?
Girls, What was your first experience giving a blowjob like? Did you swallow or split out your partner's cum?
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Guys...would you want your girl to ask you first before giving you a hj?
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I was still 13 not quite 14 my first time and yes I swallowed and spit. Not totally understanding how it all worked I had it in my mouth and was stroking it when he busted and it took me by total surprise. Some of it got choked down my throat and reflex made me cough which caused some to be spit out.
I was 15, wasn’t sure what I was doing. I didn’t have to spit or swallow because he told me when he was close so I could stop. All I did then was to wrap my hand around it and rub it for 30 seconds or so before he popped
I swallowed because the idea of spitting it out felt too awkward. It still does. I was surprised that it didn’t taste as bad as I thought it would. I was 16
Did he go down on me? No because it took me a while to get comfortable with letting a guy do that then. It wasn’t him, it was the guy I dated after him who got me really into it
Same day I met him. I swallowed. I was 18. Then he offered me a Dr. Pepper. That was 20 years ago. We are married. True story.
I was 13, I was being raped by my uncle (on my 13th birthday) and obviously he forced me to suck his dick, I spat, because he told me too. (Apparently he didn’t want me leaving with any “evidence” inside me)!
Nah, it was five years ago, and I’m dealing with it therapy. Thank you so much for your concern!
He was my boyfriend of like 4 months at the time, I was 13, I didn't really know what I was doing and figured 4 head bobs was enough. I was awkward, we just ended up making out and he came in his pants
14 In a public library after school Then we took the late bus home like little innocent children who spent their time studying hard like good little kids
well it felt weird n dirty n disgusting tbh n no i didn't swallow i was kind of embarrassed n felt guilty afterwards but hey... i think no one loves to give bjs more than me now lol
I was 16-17. I actually loved the experience and yes I swallowed
It was good, I really enjoyed it. The smell, the taste, the feel of it... And yes, I swallow.
It was good. I was in my mid-20s. Yes, I swallowed.
I was 14 years old, it was okay and I did.
Did he return the favor? (lick your pussy)
No time, which was a mistake cause I was pretty horny for the rest of the day.

What was the experience of giving your first blow job like?
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We were drunk. He didn't know I was a virgin and hadn't even touched a dick before. He sort of pushed my head down, and being drunk I got the idea pretty quick and didn't think to oppose. At one point he said "use your tongue more". I think I wasn't using it at all, tbh. I started, and then he got very aroused very quickly. He wanted to stand up with me on my knees, so we did... He grabbed my head and started pushing harder than I was ready for. I gagged, and ran to the bathroom and puked. Luckily I didn't puke directly on his dick, but it sure was close. Virgin or not, you don't shove a dick (no matter what size) down a throat of a person who has been drinking a fuckton of tequila.
I hate the shoving the head part, like dude, I know how much dick my mouth I can handle, you pushing my head makes your arousal much less possible.
One day, my gymnastics lessons will pay off and I will come back to this very thread and let you ladies know.
I'm sorry I couldn't help myself, gonna go rofl some more
I actually have the ability to do this very act (autofellatio)
It was amazing! I was 18 and in college and the guy didn't believe it was my first time. I fell in love that day (with BJs, not the guy).
What is it that you like about it? Guys face societal norms about penises being funny and gross, so it can be hard to imagine what women may like about putting them in their mouths. As /u/mybrainreallyhurts described here , men absorb so many details in our encounters with women... Is there a corollary?
Edit: Sorry to direct this question at you -- I was meaning it more as a question for anyone and used your post as context. Poesie is right that this would have been better as a new post.
Confusing and sad. He fell asleep. Wah wah wah.
I was 15 years old and it was with my boyfriend. I think we had been drinking probably but I don't really remember what lead up to it. During giving him head I remember thinking it was not at all what I had expected it to be like.. It just felt like a giant chunk of flesh in my mouth, which now is like "yeah, not shit" so I'm not sure what I had expected haha. Anyway he finally came and did not warn me before hand. I was really shocked by it, I knew when guys had an orgasm semen came out but I had never experience it before so I was kind of just thinking, shit what the hell just happened? It was sort of just dripping out of my mouth and I gave him a really confused look to which he went, "oh... sorry." I still wasn't sure if he had actually came, no idea why but I was thoroughly confused by the whole thing. It's kind of funny looking back on it now since it should have been pretty obvious. I started to go back down and he stopped me so I sat up and he went to the bathroom to clean up. All around not a bad experience, just confusing.
I could only imagine his face of guilt for not telling you!
I assume a typo, or pretty extreme kinkiness.
I remember being surprised by how much it hurt my throat. Like I didn't even do anything fancy but something about keeping your mouth open for so long leaves your mouth/throat feeling weird for a day or so.
This reminds me of when I had to get antibiotics for cunnilingus-induced jaw problems. It was the opposite of lockjaw: couldn't close my mouth all the way, couldn't chew food. It was after a two-year period of abstinence, so maybe I went a bit crazy with her, but it really made me reexamine my technique. :)
i love the sexy noises guys make, way more than dirty talk which half the time sound forced and scripted.
Mine is an interesting story: I was 15 and my best friend, her brother and I had somehow gotten some vodka. We were all pretty drunk and I was a virgin at the time, never been touched at all. And they convinced me to I needed to learn how to give a blow job. So her brother gave me step by step instructions on what to do. It was very awkward. But all my post blowies were superior because of it.
That guy's sister is possibly the best wingman in the world.
Smelled like piss and my jaw ached from being open like that so long. Not fun for me at all. And when he came I almost barfed.
All I remember about it was thinking: 1) This is awkward, he's just sitting there watching me 2)This hurts so much!
As someone with a very small mouth, giving my first blow job was very painful because I wasn't used to keeping my mouth open that wide for that long, and my jaw was sore for days afterwards. It still hurts when I do it today, but I think with more practice it's easier to get used to.
Also, the sensation of a guy watching me made me feel very self-conscious. I guess re-reading what I just wrote, my first one wasn't a great experience.
as a tiny lady myself i feel your pain
He wore a condom, and had a smelly poof of hair. He informed me after he was done that he just wanted to be safe so his fiancé wouldn't get anything. A stand up guy.

I Love Blowjobs And I’m Not Afraid To Admit It

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Because fellatio can be feminist too.
Back in my teenage years, when sex seemed like a strange tribal ritual on a distant shore, the concept of giving a blowjob was much more in vogue.
Although I never ran with the crowd who were experimenting with their sexuality from a young-ish age, I was intrigued by their stories of what had happened at the latest house party.
Regardless of the rampant professing of adolescent girls that their sexual prowess was well and truly on point, I had difficulty believing putting an erect penis in your mouth, moving it up and down, and enduring the salty shock of an ejaculation either in or on you was, “not that big of a deal”.
However, the reason for these reservations wasn’t only physical. It was because girls who gave head in school were hailed as bigger sluts than girls who were having vaginal sex. Fellatio was stigmatic; an obliging submissive act in which you were putting yourself wholly at the service of whichever guy you were pleasuring. There was nothing in it for the woman but a pair of sweaty balls in the face and an inconvenient gag reflex. If you liked it, you were the worst skank on the planet.
As I moved into the adult world, and the mysteries of sexual activity were unveiled one by one, blowjobs became less of a big deal and more of a go-to. A lull in the lovemaking? No problem! A little oral stimulation and you’re both back on track. Easy, simple, effective, and most importantly, reciprocal. However, even in my mid 20s, the ugly stigma attached to a woman providing oral sex for a man remained and has continued as I’ve moved toward my thirties.
While I’ll often hear a guy proudly declare, “I love going down on a girl, it’s so hot!” which is met with affirmation from his peers and titillation from the women present (after all, the idea of a man making a women heave and sigh with good feels isn’t considered a submissive act on his part, on the contrary, he’s the sexually dominant one, fulfilling a woman’s most basic physical need with a few choice moves down below); whenever a woman announces she enjoys fellatio, it’s greeted either with silence, condescending laughter, or groans of dissent.
“They don’t call it a ‘job’ for nothing!” is an oft-recited Sex and the City quote. And funnily enough, women will rarely announce it around men. Their enjoyment of blowjobs is revealed only in the sanctuary of girly coffee dates.
Most pointedly, rather than being seen as the dominant sexual partner, the woman is seen as succumbing to a man’s will. The idea of her giving pleasure of her own prerogative, as something she actually enjoys doing, is instinctively dismissed among the majority of social groups.
I only started to think about this seriously a couple of weeks ago. I was chatting to a girlfriend about a guy she was fooling around with, and she was getting the gleeful blow-by-blow (so to speak). After describing how he had ripped her clothes off like they were Tarzan and Jane, she launched into a blushful explanation of how she had immediately given him a blowjob. As soon as it was out of her mouth (no pun intended), she stopped talking, and a look of anxiety came over her face.
“Oh, I did it because I like doing that, you know?! Like, not for him, for me. I like it!” she said, the desperation in her justification audible.
I nodded, and she continued her (very enviable) story. But I wondered why she thought she had to justify her enjoyment of giving oral sex at all.
In spite of the apparent sexual revolution of the 21st century, female sexuality and sexual pleasure is still considered, by men and women alike, to be secondary. Women talking openly about sex isn’t yet considered normal to the extent it is with men. Just ask Amy Schumer, who has been labelled a ‘sex comedian’ because she mentions sex a lot. The myriad of male comedians who do the same don’t get labelled anything but ‘performers’.
I cop strange looks and the assumption I’m either sexually frustrated or a nympho whenever I talk about sex around men. Even though my parlance is actually less sexual than theirs, I’m treated like an oddity. A woman voicing her enjoyment of fellatio to other women equates to her being happily submissive, and therefore anti-feminist. If, heaven forbid, she admits it to men, it’s considered a come-on. She’s automatically an ‘easy lay’ . And that is one colossal, cataclysmic shame.
So isn’t it time we updated our archaic perceptions around women when it comes to oral gratification? Blow jobs needn’t always be associated with the bored, gag-filled acts we see in porn. Nor need they be seen as purely submissive. Oral sex can be one of the most enjoyable, empowering sexual acts you can share with someone, both on the receiving and the giving end. And aside from anything else, giving head is one of the few times you’re guaranteed to have a man under your complete physical and emotional control. And that sounds pretty damn feminist to me.
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