First 🥇 Comes ⤵️ Love ❤️, Book 📚️ 4️⃣ of the Friendship Heirlooms Series

First 🥇 Comes ⤵️ Love ❤️, Book 📚️ 4️⃣ of the Friendship Heirlooms Series

👓 Karen Wiesner
First 🥇 Comes ⤵️ Love ❤️, Book 📚️ 4️⃣ of the Friendship Heirlooms Series

First 🥇 Comes ⤵️ Love ❤️, Book 📚️ 4️⃣ of the Friendship Heirlooms Series

✅ At the age of fifteen, Chad ​🇹🇩​ Feldmann and ➕ Winnie McBride made 🛠️ an impulsive choice that led to pregnancy. Now, years later, theyre married ➡️💍. But all is not ❌️ well in paradise. As much as Winnie loves ❤️ her 👤👩⬅️ daughter, she 👤👩 cant forget the life 🧬 shed expected to be living. Until they got married ➡️💍, itd seemed to her 👤👩⬅️ they were both struggling and ➕ making 🛠️ sacrifices to move forward ⏩️. After the wedding 💒, she 👤👩 cant see 👀 that Chad ​🇹🇩​ is doing his 👤👨⬅️ part anymore. The more he 👤👨 makes 🛠️ his 👤👨⬅️ own dreams come ⤵️ true, the more her 👤👩⬅️ resentment grows 🌲⬆️. Chad ​🇹🇩​ blames himself for the reckless choice made 🛠️ when he 👤👨 and ➕ Winnie were kids. All he 👤👨 wants 🙏 now is to build a life 🧬 with Winnie, but he 👤👨 knows 💡 she 👤👩 isnt happy 😀, knows 💡 shes pulling further from him, and ➕ he 👤👨 cant figure out how to stop 🛑 the inevitable. Theyve done ⌛️ everything backwards-the baby 👶 carriage, then marriage-and ➕ somehow he 👤👨 has to remind her 👤👩⬅️ that, regardless of all the wrongs committed, one 1️⃣ thing has been true for him for as long as he 👤👨 can 🥫 remember: First 🥇 came ⤵️ love ❤️.


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