Fire Alarm Installation and Video Surveillance in Omsk

Fire Alarm Installation and Video Surveillance in Omsk

Компания «ЗИОН» занимается установкой пожарной сигнализации на любых объектах. Наша компания имеет все необходимые лицензии и разрешения на установку пожарной сигнализации. После установки наши специалисты присутствует при проверке объекта сотрудниками МЧС.

Установка пожарной сигнализации is a complex set of technological and organizational measures that is designed to prevent and notify people of the possibility of fire. Generally, it includes a fire detector and a control panel that is connected to the fire detector through a long communication line. The latter transmits the alarm data to the receiving equipment.

In Russia, the demand for fire alarms is quite large. Experts estimate that the market volume has increased significantly. However, most experts agree that the market is not yet in the pre-crisis state. There are some reasons for this. First, Russian consumers are not always complied with the requirements for fire safety. Second, the country has relatively small number of analog fire detectors. Third, foreign companies have started manufacturing these devices. And fourth, the state has been paying more attention to this field.

There are four types of fire detectors: analog, addressable, non-addressable, and thermal. Analog detectors are the most advanced. They are manufactured by less known companies. Argus-Spektr and System Sensor Fire Detectors are the major producers of these devices.

Addressable fire detectors send a "Fire" signal to the control panel when a critical value is reached. This signal indicates the presence of a fire in the protected premises. It also indicates the location of the fire.

Non-addressable fire detectors, on the other hand, do not provide additional functions. Their main advantage is the cheaper price. But this is not a good option for large buildings. Also, these detectors cannot determine the operability of the detectors. Therefore, their use is limited.

Thermal detectors are usually applied in places where other types of detectors don't fit. Normally, they are applied in stores of combustible-lubricant materials. When the temperature of the room exceeds certain values, they will alarm. Usually, they are used in rooms with high ceilings.

These devices are installed near exits. When the alarm is activated, the building residents will be notified via audible and visible signals. Additionally, the fire department will respond quickly.

The distance between the detectors is defined by Table 13.3. For example, if the last detector is placed near the wall, the distance from the wall to the detector should not be more than half of the measured M. Moreover, the last detector should be installed at least 0.75 m away from the wall.

The use of non-addressable systems is not recommended. They have a longer history. That means they were invented before analog systems were widely developed. Also, they cannot find the source of combustion very fast. So, they might cause more damage than addressable ones.

During the fire alarm installation, the materials and products used should be in compliance with the project specifications and the relevant standards. If a deviation is allowed, it must be approved by the customer and the design organization.

Installation of fire alarms should be inspected on a regular basis. Each inspection should be done by an experienced technician. Furthermore, the company should submit reasonable comments to the customer.

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