Findom How To

Findom How To


Findom How To
The #1 Online Guide Making Money With Financial Domination
Those are probably the questions you are asking yourself when you first become a financial domme . After all, you see very successful dommes with hundreds and thousands of slaves on twitter!
Getting your first slave/paypig is always such a rush. After all, you never forget your first one!
For some girls, it’s easy to get paypigs lining up to pay for all the luxuries in their life. For others, it doesn’t come as natural. I’m going to each you my guide to attract high paying paypigs that will easily shell out $10,000+
This is the ultimate findom guide for beginners…
The key to attracting paypigs is building a brand.
Findom is all about brands. It’s all about what slaves perceive you as. As they say, first appearances matter a lot!
As a result, you have to be very specific about what you want to portray on your social media profiles and also on your websites.
Here are a few qualities slaves love in their financial dominatrix:
It is very important to build your findom brand image. This will help slaves come to you.
Part of the way you will build your brand is through social media. With Twitter and Instagram you will be able to reach millions and millions of potential paypigs.
As a side note, I would highly recommend not using Facebook typically likes to delete “offensive” accounts and our line of work falls into that category. Don’t waste your time with that platform and focus mainly on Twitter and Instagram.
Now, when it comes to building your social media profiles, you need to post frequently. I would say you need to post 5 – 6 times a day on Twitter in the beginning and about 2 – 3 times a day on Instagram.
If you aren’t sure how to build your findom brand on Twitter or Instagram, be sure to study top dommes in the industry. Now, don’t copy them exactly, as they will not be happy.
However, learn why they are successful and apply your own brand and personality to it.
Once you have your social media profiles set up, you will likely get bombarded with A TON of messages. And by a ton I really do mean a lot.
You will receive a ton of Twitter DMs. And you will also get a ton of dick pics (just ignore those at all costs).
I’m going to tell you a secret… 90% of people that contact you will NEVER be a paypig. They can say whatever they want until they’re blue to the face, but it will never happen.
Focus on the people who actually want to pay you and become a loyal slave.
Make sure to have your contact information and payment methods very clearly stated in your Twitter profile. You can also include them in your Twitter background image.
This helps eliminate those fake paypigs.
Instagram is the other social media platform you will want to use. Obviously, Instagram is a lot more visual than Twitter. As a result, you can expect a ton of DMs from random people.
Again, never interact and never provide anyone with pictures/video/content unless they pay. You will waste your time chasing after fake slaves that will never pay!
One of the best ways to build your findom brand is to have multiple social media profiles and different sites.
The more ways slaves have of reaching your content, the more likely they are willing to become paying slaves. I can’t emphasize that enough!
If you’re just using Twitter you may have a hard time. However, if you use Twitter, Instagram, Clip Sites , Phone Sex sites , and other mediums, you will have a much easier time of attracting slaves that are willing to pay and become long-term paypigs.
The key is to have multiple ways for slaves to consume your content. If you can successfully accomplish this, you will be incredibly successful!
The key to getting findom paypigs is to:
Now when it comes to interacting with paypigs and slaves, here are a few things you need to know.
The first is let slaves come to you. NEVER chase after potential paypigs! This means they should be the first to contact you.
I can’t say that enough! You don’t want to seem desperate.
Desperation and neediness are the top two turnoffs of high paying paypigs. These guys want to know you can live without them, but they cannot live without you.
You control the dynamic of power in this relationship. You control everything! This means they come crawling to you.
The second thing to do is never do anything unless they pay up. If you set up your social media profiles correctly, they will know how you like to be paid.
Most good paypigs will send an initial tribute BEFORE they even contact you. These guys are like gold. Use them and abuse them.
A guy can say they will “pay you with their next paycheck”, but talk is cheap! Money speaks!
Attracting paypigs is really a sales process. Paypigs need to be presented with a clear and strong findom brand image.
They want to know you are confident and that you have a lifestyle they want to support financially. And the key is to create scarcity.
There is ONLY one of you…a beautiful, confident, and independent Goddess…and there are many slaves like him! Never be desperate and never be needy. Those are complete turnoffs for any guy with a findom fetish.

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Under the surface is a lot of work and preparation, these successful findommes did not get to where they are over night. They worked hard to perfect their domination style and build a following. They are often always on the clock, as their clients/pay pigs require attention and constant reminder of who is their boss.
Financial Domination, or findom for short, is the purposeful attempt to demand money from submissives that thrill on being made to give up something important to someone they view as better. Findoms and Findommes have a fairly straightforward manner of conducting themselves but with this simple guide you can learn the tricks of the trade.
The key to getting findom paypigs is to : Build a strong brand Use social media to attract potential paypigs Develop content on multiple sites to increase your brand reach Tips on interacting with paypigs and slaves Now when it comes to interacting with paypigs and slaves, here are a few things you need to know. The first is let slaves come to you.
Jul 11, 2021 Financial domination is a kind of female domination (also known as the single biggest fetish among men, according to porn searches), and since female domination is usually shortened to "femdom", we get " findom " for this kink. Findom is when a woman not only dominates a man in general, but specifically his cash.
IN findom YOU WANT..they need. The big deal is INTENT. The bigger deal is how they come off when using them as a findom . The biggest deal is the difference between getting that tribute or NOT getting that tribute. Yeah, I know. You'e thinking WTF, I WANT that tribute but I also NEED it. Why is this even an issue.
Findom stands for financial domination. Simply put, men involved in findom send expensive gifts, give regular sums of money (the amount is set by the woman) or even allow the unknown woman to have complete control over his finances. There is no sexual exchange and in the majority of cases the two never meet.
Jul 16, 2021 Findom suggests a connection in which the ambient becomes the monetary slave of the dominatrix. At the same time, there is no sex in between them and no physical call in any way. Every little thing happens via interaction in social networks. The leading can provide the numerous submissive tasks connected to material issues:
Findom is about subs giving Doms what they deserve and NOT EXPECTING ANYTHING IN RETURN. sub/slave/beta Subs exists to serve Alphas. In the gay findom scene, subs are usually gay as well. In the straight scene, men are typically subs to women (although it can easily be the other way around). A true sub serves without expecting anything in return.
The things you see on the internet will never stop surprising you. People get all kinds of ideas in their head and post them without a second thought. It's kind of pathetic really, especially when you're attempting to portray a certain "image." Findom is hot, really hot... But the problem is, Findom has been getting mucked up and misrepresented by the internet... Mostly, by people who are ...
How do you get started with Findom ? It's easy. It all starts with just one tribute...
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It sounds so elementary. We all know the difference between want and need and let’s face it, there is actually not much of one it would seem. I mean think about it. If I say “I totally want that purse” it would sound just the same to you as me saying “I totally need that purse.” It is as if we KNOW the two words are actually different yet we use them to mean basically the same thing. In our modern way of speaking we do not have to differentiate between the two words because we know that despite subtle gradations of use, they are pretty much the same damn thing in a casual conversation. In other words, they are said to indicate the exact same demand or desire. So what is the big deal then? The big deal is HOW you are going to get tributes as a findom.
The big deal is INTENT. The bigger deal is how they come off when using them as a findom. The biggest deal is the difference between getting that tribute or NOT getting that tribute. Yeah, I know. You’e thinking WTF, I WANT that tribute but I also NEED it. Why is this even an issue. Well like I said, it all comes down to intent.
Financial Domination is a delicate dynamic. But more importantly it is a POWER DYNAMIC. The very term power dynamic is used to indicate any relationship where one party is in control of the other. It means one party has POWER over the other. And in YOUR case-the case of being a findom- it means one party DOMINATES the other. I am sure by now you can guess which one YOU are in the relationship. As the findom you are the one who has the power. You are the one who does the dominating. This seems pretty obvious of course and I am sure is nothing you didn’t already know.
BUt here is the kicker. When you are talking to a potential sub or a financial submissive you must be certain to KEEP the power firmly on YOUR side at all times. This is WHY he defers to you, worships you and most of all, does as he is told. And the thing you are telling him to DO? PAY YOU. For him to actually agree and feel compelled to pay you he has to feel submissive to you. He must KNOW that you have all the control and can therefore use him as you please. In this case it means using your power to seduce or demand money from him in the form of a tribute.
Now you are probably thinking “well that’s all well and good but WTF does this have to do with want and need?” As I mentioned earlier they are technically the same thing in a casual conversation but in the POWER DYNAMIC conversation where YOU are making certain to keep all the power, you never want to give away that power to the submissive. THIS is where want versus need comes in.
Let’s illustrate the point with some examples. If you approach the conversation of tribute from a place of NEED then you are giving him the power. Think of it like this. You are talking to a sub trying to get that tribute and you say you truly NEED this money because otherwise you will; not be able to pay your bills. This could be completely 100% true but you have just handed him the power. He now has the power to decide whether to save you from something or not.
You have basically said to him that you are in a place of need and that him giving you a tribute will remove you from that place. In other words, he has the POWER to take you from that place of need. Now all of this might be TRUE, you might really need this money. But unless this submissive already cares about you on a VERY personal level (has a very deep relationship with you that is more than just occasional service or tributes) it will basically just tell him you are in a place of need, not a place of demanding what you want. It DISEMPOWERS you to reveal to a basic stranger (which IS after all what most of these guys are) your actual NEEDS. I am not saying to pretend you do not have normal people needs. I am just saying that those needs are NOT part of this particular power dynamic relationship.
So how do you get that tribute then? You do not make the concept of NEED part of it. The power dynamic includes NEED only on the finsub’s part. How so? Because HE is the one who is desperate. He is the one who is needy. He is needy for YOU. He’s needy for your POWER over him. And the person in power is the one who gets to make demands. And can you imagine what that demand should be? MONEY of course. Tributes. That is what you are demanding of this needy creature because YOU are in control.
In other words you WANT him to do something. You have a WANT, a CRAVING-not an absolute need. That is what HE has. BUt you do WANT something. You want him to tribute you. NOW. You demand it and he complies out of his need for your control. It has NOTHING to do with your need to pay your bills. To YOU it might have everything to do with that one fact. But in your power dynamic relationship with this sub it has NOTHING to do with what is going on. Matter of fact, it is none of his damn business. He is not part of that. He is a servant, not a partner. ALWAYS keep the power you have and do not let the finsub have it. YOU are in control and you already know this!
See what I mean by want versus need? Now obviously do not take this advice in the absolute literal sense. I am not telling you to never ever use the word “need.” Evene at the beginning of this post I mentioned that the actual casual use of these words is pretty much the same. What I am saying in the debate of “want versus need” is not to be the NEEDY one. If avoiding the actual word “need” is part of what it takes to NOT seem needy then do it. Avoid the word. It can come off as needy to use it sometimes but only YOU know when those times are. So think of it as a “loose rule.” In other words a rule to consider but not to follow strictly.
The word “want” though? It almost ALWAYS sounds good coming out of the mouth of a findom. Think about it. “I want a new purse. Buy it for me.” or “I want some candy.” No matter which example you just read it probably came off demanding and perhaps even bratty. BUt it did NOT sound desperate, did it? Even when just reading that in your head it probably sounding like a bratty demand, lol. Because of that it almost always sounds good when used in conversations with your sub. So even though I cannot say to always only use “want” and never use “need,” I think you can understand the DIFFERENCE between the two.
It all boils down to your INTENT. And we both know your intent-to keep the power and get what you want. Do it the way you feel sounds best. There are NO real rules in findom. BUt at the same time there IS always a power dynamic. Make sure you are represented in YOUR D/s relationship as the one with the power and you will find yourself getting paid time and again.

What is it like to be a findom? How do I become one?
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 67 answers and 172.3K answer views
How do I start being in a findom and making $1000 next week?
A guy asked if he can be my paypig. I am in need of money. What should I do?
How can I find a findom/paypig who’s actually real?
How do I find a real and authentic pay pig?
How do I start being in a findom and making $1000 next week?
A guy asked if he can be my paypig. I am in need of money. What should I do?
How can I find a findom/paypig who’s actually real?
How do I find a real and authentic pay pig?
Can you really make money from findom on the Internet? How?
What are some financial domination sites?
How do you start a conversation with someone on a findom website?
How do I get started with financial domination?
How does someone go about becoming a findom?
Is it weird that I’m a Paypig? I enjoy giving money to superior men
How do I start being in a findom and making $1000 next week?
A guy asked if he can be my paypig. I am in need of money. What should I do?
How can I find a findom/paypig who’s actually real?
How do I find a real and authentic pay pig?
Can you really make money from findom on the Internet? How?
What are some financial domination sites?
How do you start a conversation with someone on a findom website?
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Few people know about the phenomenon of Findom. It’s not completely new, but has been steadily rising over the past few years as we become increasingly involved in the online world.
Findom stands for financial domination. Simply put, men involved in findom send expensive gifts, give regular sums of money (the amount is set by the woman) or even allow the unknown woman to have complete control over his finances. There is no sexual exchange and in the majority of cases the two never meet. Occasionally men ask their domme to blackmail them, all however, submit in the relationship and expect to be
Few people know about the phenomenon of Findom. It’s not completely new, but has been steadily rising over the past few years as we become increasingly involved in the online world.
Findom stands for financial domination. Simply put, men involved in findom send expensive gifts, give regular sums of money (the amount is set by the woman) or even allow the unknown woman to have complete control over his finances. There is no sexual exchange and in the majority of cases the two never meet. Occasionally men ask their domme to blackmail them, all however, submit in the relationship and expect to be spoken to harshly and insulted. They are ‘cash pigs’ to the women in the industry.
Why would anyone agree to hand over their finances to a stranger?
There are many reasons men become involved in the findom world. Some say the thrill of having a woman demand money and expensive things can be addictive, others that they enter a place where they can forget their worries during an exchange. Whatever it looks like on the surface, the following are a list of just some of the underlying causes of this problem:
– Difficulty maintaining a one-to-one relationship with a woman
– Need for a chemical ‘emotional’ high
The exchange is about power and control, a push-pull relationship in which the rich or powerful man gives up his power to the woman, who is free to demand whatever she desires. You may think the domme can never have more power than the man is willing to give her, but the big problems come with addiction when the man can no longer control what power he is handing over, compelled to give more and more. The devastation this creates in his life includes:
– physical harm (some men perform self-torture tasks during the exchange)
I found a short but interesting ebook on Amazon called a Beginner’s Guide to Findom by G.Q. I don’t think it’s perfectly written but it’s very down to earth.
I made some money but it’s really not as easy as it sounds and it does take quite some time.
You have to make sure to stand out since many are now turning to findom.

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