Findom Guide

Findom Guide


The #1 Online Guide Making Money With Financial Domination
Those are probably the questions you are asking yourself when you first become a financial domme. After all, you see very successful dommes with hundreds and thousands of slaves on twitter!
Getting your first slave/paypig is always such a rush. After all, you never forget your first one!
For some girls, it’s easy to get paypigs lining up to pay for all the luxuries in their life. For others, it doesn’t come as natural. I’m going to each you my guide to attract high paying paypigs that will easily shell out $10,000+
This is the ultimate findom guide for beginners…
The key to attracting paypigs is building a brand.
Findom is all about brands. It’s all about what slaves perceive you as. As they say, first appearances matter a lot!
As a result, you have to be very specific about what you want to portray on your social media profiles and also on your websites.
Here are a few qualities slaves love in their financial dominatrix:
It is very important to build your findom brand image. This will help slaves come to you.
Part of the way you will build your brand is through social media. With Twitter and Instagram you will be able to reach millions and millions of potential paypigs.
As a side note, I would highly recommend not using Facebook typically likes to delete “offensive” accounts and our line of work falls into that category. Don’t waste your time with that platform and focus mainly on Twitter and Instagram.
Now, when it comes to building your social media profiles, you need to post frequently. I would say you need to post 5 – 6 times a day on Twitter in the beginning and about 2 – 3 times a day on Instagram.
If you aren’t sure how to build your findom brand on Twitter or Instagram, be sure to study top dommes in the industry. Now, don’t copy them exactly, as they will not be happy.
However, learn why they are successful and apply your own brand and personality to it.
Once you have your social media profiles set up, you will likely get bombarded with A TON of messages. And by a ton I really do mean a lot.
You will receive a ton of Twitter DMs. And you will also get a ton of dick pics (just ignore those at all costs).
I’m going to tell you a secret…90% of people that contact you will NEVER be a paypig. They can say whatever they want until they’re blue to the face, but it will never happen.
Focus on the people who actually want to pay you and become a loyal slave.
Make sure to have your contact information and payment methods very clearly stated in your Twitter profile. You can also include them in your Twitter background image.
This helps eliminate those fake paypigs.
Instagram is the other social media platform you will want to use. Obviously, Instagram is a lot more visual than Twitter. As a result, you can expect a ton of DMs from random people.
Again, never interact and never provide anyone with pictures/video/content unless they pay. You will waste your time chasing after fake slaves that will never pay!
One of the best ways to build your findom brand is to have multiple social media profiles and different sites.
The more ways slaves have of reaching your content, the more likely they are willing to become paying slaves. I can’t emphasize that enough!
If you’re just using Twitter you may have a hard time. However, if you use Twitter, Instagram, Clip Sites, Phone Sex sites, and other mediums, you will have a much easier time of attracting slaves that are willing to pay and become long-term paypigs.
The key is to have multiple ways for slaves to consume your content. If you can successfully accomplish this, you will be incredibly successful!
The key to getting findom paypigs is to:
Now when it comes to interacting with paypigs and slaves, here are a few things you need to know.
The first is let slaves come to you. NEVER chase after potential paypigs! This means they should be the first to contact you.
I can’t say that enough! You don’t want to seem desperate.
Desperation and neediness are the top two turnoffs of high paying paypigs. These guys want to know you can live without them, but they cannot live without you.
You control the dynamic of power in this relationship.  You control everything! This means they come crawling to you.
The second thing to do is never do anything unless they pay up. If you set up your social media profiles correctly, they will know how you like to be paid.
Most good paypigs will send an initial tribute BEFORE they even contact you. These guys are like gold. Use them and abuse them.
A guy can say they will “pay you with their next paycheck”, but talk is cheap! Money speaks!
Attracting paypigs is really a sales process. Paypigs need to be presented with a clear and strong findom brand image.
They want to know you are confident and that you have a lifestyle they want to support financially. And the key is to create scarcity.
There is ONLY one of you…a beautiful, confident, and independent Goddess…and there are many slaves like him! Never be desperate and never be needy. Those are complete turnoffs for any guy with a findom fetish.

How To Become a Findom | A Guide to Online Financial Domination
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Ultimate Findom Guide: How To Get Paypigs Will Send $10,000+
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