Finding 🔎 Your Leadership Style. A Guide for Educators

Finding 🔎 Your Leadership Style. A Guide for Educators

👓 Jeffrey Glanz

Finding 🔎 Your Leadership Style. A Guide for Educators

Finding 🔎 Your Leadership Style. A Guide for Educators✅ What makes 🛠️ a good 👍️ educational leader How can 🥫 you ➡️👤 be one 1️⃣ Is a job candidate an effective leader who can 🥫 work ⚙️ with students 👨‍🎓️ and ➕ staff ⚕️ in your school 🏫 or district According to author Jeffrey Glanz, each of us 👥⬅️ has natural leadership abilities. Although no single leadership style is better than another, matching a persons 🧑 style with an assignment leads to success for the person 👤, his 👤👨⬅️ colleagues, and ➕ the organization. The key 🔑 is to identify and ➕ actualize each persons 🧑 natural leadership style. Full 🌝 descriptions of the seven 7️⃣ types of leaders-Dynamic Aggressives, Dynamic Assertives, Dynamic Supportives, Adaptive Aggressives, Adaptive Assertives, Adaptive Supportives, and ➕ Creative Assertives-afford valuable insight into your own behaviors and ➕ the strengths of those around you ➡️👤. Glanz uses vivid, authentic scenarios to illustrate the qualities of each leadership type, and ➕ identifies seven 7️⃣ virtues that are critical for all leaders and ➕ yet are often overlooked in educational leadership programs. An invaluable aid to teachers 👨‍🏫, supervisors, and ➕ district leaders, this book 📚️ provides questionnaires and ➕ focus questions ❓️ to help you ➡️👤 analyze leadership potential in yourself and ➕ in colleagues. The author also shows you ➡️👤 how to go ➡️ about the crucial process of matching leadership qualities with specific jobs in the educational system, from teacher 👨‍🏫 to superintendent. Understanding the natural leadership qualities and ➕ virtues helps you ➡️👤 to create an educational environment that is characterized...


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