Filter messages on @multifeed_edge_bot

Filter messages on @multifeed_edge_bot

Telespace Support

Using filters allows you to make the bot skipping messages that you do not want to be forwarded to your destinations.

Command format:


- enable or disable filter, named FILTER_NAME for redirection REDIRECTION_ID


- FILTER_NAME is the name of the filter (listed below)

- REDIRECTION_ID is the id of the redirection for which you update the filter's state 

- STATE is the state of the filter; use on for enabling the filter and off for disabling it

Usage example:

/filter stickers 12345 on

- enable filter stickers for your redirection 12345: bot will skip all messages containing stickers

/filter stickers 12345 off

- disable filter stickers for your redirection 12345: bot will forward all messages containing stickers to your destinations

Use /list command to get REDIRECTION_ID of your redirection for which you want to setup a filter.

Available filters:

  • containsWordOf
  • notContainsWordOf
  • textContainsWordOf
  • textNotContainsWordOf
  • photos
  • audios
  • animations
  • stickers
  • videos
  • voiceNotes
  • documents
  • mentions
  • links
  • contacts
  • emails
  • hashtags
  • text
  • caption
  • inline

Filters containsWordOf and notContainsWordOf accept additional argument on a new line after the line with the command - list of of words, separated by coma.

Example of using command with additional arguments:

/filter containsWordOf 12345 on
these, words, are, blacklisted

❗️ Notice that the command itself and the list of words are on different lines.

What is the difference between containsWordOf and textContainsWordOf filters?

containsWordOf works for all message types that have a caption (e.g. photos, documents and etc.), whereas textContainsWordOf works only on text message. The same applies to notContainsWordOf/textNotContainsWordOf filters pair

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