Library Library

tongkol Library (FFM Token) ICO

Project Library

What is Platform is a powerful platform for developers to allow arbitrary technology connections and for the dissemination of technology to the internet. This platform reduces development costs because it provides a framework for users to access and manage files. This platform also has a graphical user interface with a window manager that works on all platforms with a web browser. This allows developers to manage cloud services and adjust their environment.

Developers need to create a device optimized application to maximize the number of users accessing their applications. Network where participants share ownership of the infrastructure and receive a token prize. can be described as one of the first Blockchain operating systems. It can be accessed online in browser tabs or installed natively on Linux, allowing users and developers to enter using a Files account online or in their offline notebook How does Blockchain work?

Through this platform, developers can connect their applications with other applications running on the network to open extraordinary functions. Technology is used to build distributed systems, allowing participants to share functions and data. This platform enables distributed cryptosystems, storage and dynamic computing as well as collaboration between many nodes to efficiently provide and enable capabilities in any work domain. The use of virtual friends computer models also allows organizations to deploy services and applications with zero application costs.

When users deploy applications to the network, the application is immediately created globally using decentralized technology to transfer files and business logic. When developers use the store, they can make money without intermediaries.

Benefits of

  • Platform allows developers to build rich and rich cross platform applications.
  • This platform allows zero usage costs for existing infrastructure.
  • This network provides peer-to-peer networks and server to server.
  • The core application built in a friend’s workspace allows users to design and use their cloud infrastructure.
  • Components have been tested by the user.

In the platform, P2P is used and interconnected in two main components:

  1. Decentralized file sharing between users, based on a customized P2P Torrent framework and functionality;
  2. An independent and direct payment system between partners (seller-buyers) based on blockchain FFM.

P2P file sharing technology is used to ensure system growth, speed, and cost savings – to implement massive file sharing for a large number of fast-growing users to reach this target:

  1. fast download speed;
  2. unlimited traffic;
  3. able to support thousands of users and simultaneous traffic spikes;
  4. reduce service maintenance costs;
  5. independent file exchange.

The reason why blockchain payments are applied:

  1. The level of transparency and independence provided by the blockchain;
  2. All transactions, sales, and licenses are registered with the public ledger and change without change;
  3. We want to use tokens as digital currencies that can be exchanged independently;
  4. FFM tokens will allow users, actors, customers and makers to become part of the economy and platform value;
  5. Crypto token transactions will be cheaper than credit cards and will allow direct and fast payments internally, to avoid the “standard 3% + 0.30” commission, which in turn allows users to implement and implement micro payments;
  6. Simple Value Flow: One application token in the product will be the sale of files, without involving the current payment gateway that is heavy / slow.

Token FFM:

Total Token Supply 10 000 000 000

Limited Supply Yes

Price per Token $ 0.01


Type of FFM ERC20

First Year of Crowdsale:

Private sales of $ 1 000 000 Presale $ 1 000 000


public $ 10 000 000

Use of Results:


Token allocation:



For more detailed information, you can visit the official website and social media below:







Username: COB 


Ethereum address: 0x3bdEb8266aE84e6dAe94FB9be39A2Ed109D08919

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