Figures and tables as per IEEE

Figures and tables as per IEEE

Writing Hub for Innopolis University

Common rules

  1. Place figures and tables as close to their first mention as possible, but preferably after the mention.
  2. Make sure that figures and tables progress on pages vertically, not horizontally.

I. Figures

Follow these rules:

  1. Place your caption below the figure.
  2. Always abbreviate the word "Figure" to "Fig."
  3. Place an em-space after "Fig." To insert the Unicode character for em-space, type "U+2003" and press Alt+X afterwards.
  4. Number your figures continuously throughout the document.
  5. Place a period after the figure number.
  6. Always capitalize the first word of the figure caption.
  7. Use no articles at the beginning of the caption.
  8. If your figure consists of several parts, use (a), (b), (c), etc. to label the parts. Capitalize the beginning of every part. Make sure that (a), (b), (c), etc. preceeds the labeled part.
  9. Place a period at the end of the figure caption.


II. Tables

Follow these rules:

  1. Place your caption above the table.
  2. Use the lable TABLE and Roman numerals.
  3. Center the table caption directly below the TABLE + a Roman numeral.
  4. Try to make your table caption into an inverted pyramid.
  5. Capitalize every noun, verb, adjective, adverb or subordinating conjunction (If, Because, That, Which) in the table caption. If a preposition consists of more than three letters, capitalize such prepositions as well (Before, From, Through, With, Versus, Among, Under, Between, Without).
  6. If your table consists of several parts, use (a), (b), (c), etc. to label the parts. Make sure that (a), (b), (c), etc. preceeds the labeled part.
  7. Use no period at the end of the table caption.



IEEE Publishing Operations. IEEE Editorial Style Manual for Authors. (2020). Accessed: Mar. 27, 2021. [Online] Available:

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