Fighting With An Aries Man

Fighting With An Aries Man


Fighting With An Aries Man
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Watch out. Your Aries man’s temper can come out of nowhere. Let’s talk about how to deal with an angry Aries man so you know what to do.
Story time. Once upon a time I was having a fight with an Aries man that I wasn’t even aware was occurring until he exploded.
We were in the middle of a robust debate about something interesting but trivial—books or something like that. While we were going back and forth in disagreement about one small part of the conversation, it happened—the tantrum emerged.
He literally folded his arms and said in a high-pitched voice, “That’s stupid,” then stormed off.
What did I learn from that encounter? Never test the boundaries with an Aries man. If you push him, he won’t back down. His short fuse WILL lead to an explosion.
What you have to understand (and what I neglected in that debate) is that Aries is a fire sign ruled by that ball of raw energy, planet Mars. Mars is a decisive, action-oriented planet that governs aggression and sexual energy. In Greek mythology, Ares is the god of war. Doesn’t it make sense that Aries can be a tad bit ragey when provoked?
On the upside, as suddenly as his irritation erupts, it dissipates. An Aries man’s anger burns itself up pretty quickly, and all can return to normal after a relatively brief cool-down period. That’s good, right?
You know that he won’t hold onto angry feelings. But in the meantime, how to deal with an angry Aries man is the question you came here to ask.
A question astrology is fortunately ready to answer.
Basically, you handle him with patience and understanding. 
When you’re driving your car and you know you’re on the path to a head-on collision, you don’t keep driving straight for the other car, not if you can help it.
Same with handling an Aries who has just flown off the handle or is about to. The likelihood that he’ll leave the scene after he says his piece is high, but in case he doesn’t, be sure to give him the space he needs. Because he really does need it to regain his composure.
If you’re together when it happens, don’t walk out and slam the door behind you. Instead, calmly take your leave, explaining if you can that you’re going to give him some space.
None of these actions will help the situation. If you fire back at him, he’ll likely feel the need to have the last word or one-up you. He could get really mad and say something you both might regret.
If you try to go after him or prevent him from leaving, first of all, you won’t be able to. But it might be construed as weakness on your part by the dominant Aries, or it might just irritate him. It probably won’t sway him, though. Best to give yourselves some alone time.
While he’s taking his, focus on helping yourself. Do what you need to do to feel peaceful again so that when you come back together, you can talk calmly and openly.
Once the dust settles, you can approach your Aries, or he may approach you first. Now is the right time to talk about what happened.
It’s really important to speak to your Aries significant other calmly and gently. Don’t take the kid gloves out or anything, just keep anything that sounds like blame or harsh judgment out of the conversation.
He may still be a little raw. If so, you want to make sure you’re not sending any signals that he could interpret as confrontational lest the situation repeat itself. Patience is your friend here. If you aren’t used to being the patient one in the relationship, it’s worth practicing because you won’t win with an Aries man if you push him.
When you’re both calm and he’s telling his side of the story, listen to him. Don’t cut him off or contradict him. After he’s done expressing how he feels, let him know that you heard him and tell him what you need to tell him while keeping in mind his sensitivity. 
If you’ve had an argument, it’s not a bad idea to mention how you would like to approach each other in the future so that you can avoid the same kind of incident. While it may not be your golden ticket to escaping all fights, it will show your Aries man that you’re serious about working on things.
With these tips, you can keep the Aries from becoming defensive while you retrace your steps through past events and he can feel heard, understood and appreciated.
At the end of the day, Aries will always have a tendency to be quick to anger. Underneath his strong, independent exterior, he’s an emotional guy and sometimes his emotions get the better of him.
Of course, never let anyone walk all over you by any means, not an Aries or any other sign. Just remember that the Aries genuinely needs to get it out of his system when he’s upset, which is where following the guide above comes into play.
Anyone close to an Aries will need to keep his fiery nature in perspective and not take the occasional outburst to heart. What he really needs is an understanding partner. If he loves you, he will compromise with you and be understanding of your needs right back.
Need to know more about handling an Aries in a relationship? Anna Kovach has a comprehensive guide in Aries Man Secrets.
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Fighting turns Aries men on!

I'm a Libra woman. An Aries male (I found that out later) would not stop staring at me at a party and I loved it. When I started talking to other men just to tease him, I could see the jealousy in his eyes. Later when I was alone he approached me. We had sex that same night. And now we're engaged. Hint for everyone: never be afraid of starting a fight with an Aries man. It actually turns them on!

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nailed it.

by: Anonymous

Im an aries man. I love it when the woman argues with me. Ignites my sexual desire like gas on a fire. I dont like timid women- to me its like fear and i dont like scared women. tell me exactly what your thinking because im going to do the same. quickest way to loose my interest is by being closed off. Its like hunting a bear compared to a little puppy. hunting the bear is way more exciting and rewarding. and the sex with the bear is WAY

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An Aries man gets mad pretty easily. He’s quick to anger but, for the most part, that anger usually fades easily as well.
While he’s mad, though, it can be quite explosive. You’ll need to look out if he’s angry.
What happens when an Aries man gets mad? He’s usually quite aggressive and, if you’re arguing with him, he won’t back down. He’s one of the most stubborn people you’ll ever meet.
Aries men have a mean temper. They can explode suddenly and when that happens, they can be fierce and combative. They like to argue and they will often pick fights.
He usually knows that he has a bad temper. If he is angry with you and doesn’t want to say something he regrets, he’ll withdraw and ignore you until he’s calm.
Aries men are known for their quick tempers. Some are better at controlling it than others but they can go from 0 to 60 when they get angry.
If something upsets an Aries man, he’s more likely to become angry than sad. Anger is his “go-to” emotion when something bad happens or if someone does something to annoy him.
The intensity of his anger will depend on the situation. He doesn’t always explode over every single thing that irritates him.
If he’s already in a bad mood, though, even the most minor thing can set him off.
The nice thing about Aries is that, while he is quick to anger, he’s also quick to cool off. His anger isn’t usually sustainable for long periods of time.
If he gets angry with you, it’s best to just walk away and let him calm down. That doesn’t usually take too long.
Aries men are confrontational even when they aren’t in a bad mood. When he’s angry, an Aries man will pick fights and confront people over the smallest things.
If you come home from work and he tries to immediately start a fight with you, it doesn’t always mean he’s mad at you. Something at work might have upset him or he may be mad at somebody else.
Fighting is one way an Aries man lets off steam. He needs an outlet for his anger and sometimes that outlet is some unsuspecting person who he’s decided to argue with suddenly.
Ignoring an Aries man after an argument doesn’t always work. That sometimes just makes him angrier!
If you try walking away from an argument and he follows you to continue arguing, it’s because he’s in a confrontational mood. You might need to just let him argue it out for him to calm down.
An Aries man can be aggressive even at the best of times. He’ll be especially aggressive when he’s angry.
Some Aries men are more aggressive than others. Some Aries men can be very scary and intimidating when they’re angry.
This aggression is another way he channels his anger to let it out. This isn’t always the healthiest way to deal with his emotions, of course.
A good way for him to channel this aggression might be to use a punching bag or do something else to let the aggression out without hurting another person.
If you’re arguing with an Aries man and he starts to get overly aggressive, it’s a good idea to back off. You can try to talk things over later when he’s calmed down.
An Aries man sulks after an argument sometimes. This is especially true if he knows he was wrong!
Not all Aries men lash out and get aggressive when they’re angry. Some are more lowkey about their anger.
If you two fought, he might go to his room and sulk for a while. He may vent to his friends or listen to angry music.
One of the reasons he sulks is because he’s embarrassed. He might feel bad about blowing up at you. He might know he was wrong and you were right. Aries men hate being wrong.
Aries men sometimes use anger to mask sadness as well. If he’s sulking, it’s likely because he’s not entirely angry about whatever happened. He may also be sad and hurt.
The best thing to do when Aries man is mad at you is to apologize quickly. If it’s over a trivial matter, it’s usually better to just apologize first and talk things over later when he’s calmed down.
Apologizing to an Aries man is more about calming him down than anything else. Unless you’ve done something to completely betray his trust, he’s likely to forgive you as soon as he stops seeing red.
As mentioned, an Aries man’s anger is sometimes short-lived. If you two had a fight and he’s frustrated, a simple, “I’m sorry,” is sometimes all he needs to calm down.
You might not want to apologize. You may even feel like he’s the one who needs to apologize.
You may still need to apologize anyway to soothe his hurt feelings first. You can continue to talk about things and get your own apology later.
Some Aries men become extremely hostile when angry. Their anger can be fierce and even violent at times.
Don’t take this to mean that all Aries men are violent. Many Aries men are perfectly capable of controlling their anger.
If an Aries man does have a violent temper, though, his anger can become explosive.
Even a quieter Aries man will still be hostile toward somebody who made him angry. He has a hard time pretending to be pleasant if he’s mad.
If you did something to anger him, you’re going to know right away. He won’t be polite and he won’t be able to pretend like nothing is wrong.
Some Aries men react to anger by becoming restless. They might not know how to channel their anger and this can cause them to become nervous.
An Aries man might pace around the house if he’s angry. He might talk quickly. He will have a lot of energy and be unable to properly release it.
He may seem irritable, even if he’s not angry with you. Talking to him might be difficult because he’ll be unable to sit still and just listen to you.
If his anger is making him restless, he needs to find a way to release that anger. He might need to vent about whatever is upsetting him. Going for a run or doing another physical activity might help as well.
Aries men are stubborn. If you two argue, he’s not going to want to back down.
If you’re in the middle of a fight with an angry Aries man, nothing is going to get through to him or get him to calm down until he’s done arguing.
Even if you tell him that he’s right, he might continue to argue! He might think that you’re just trying to placate him. He may accuse you of backtracking or of being insincere when you agree with him.
If he’s in a combative mood, he likely just needs to keep arguing until his anger has run its course. If you don’t want to continue arguing with him, he might just go pick a fight with somebody else.
When you’ve done something unforgivable and an Aries man is done with you, he’ll often satisfy his feelings of anger by getting even with you.
If you cheat on an Aries man, for example, he’s likely to go sleep with somebody else out of anger.
He might also “get even” in petty ways over minor disagreements. If you insulted his favorite television show, he might go on a public rant about your favorite show.
If you say something that hurts his feelings, he’ll say something back that he knows will upset you. Even if he doesn’t mean it, he’ll say things that he knows will hurt.
Aries men don’t always react to their anger in the most mature way. He might try to get revenge over minor things because he thinks it will make him feel better.
When an Aries man goes silent after an argument, that isn’t necessarily a bad sign. This is sometimes one of the more mature ways an Aries man deals with his anger.
Some Aries men are very self-aware. They know when they have a quick temper and they know how they tend to react to their anger.
An Aries man doesn’t necessarily want to be combative and picking a fight might be the last thing he wants to do. If he is angry and realizes he’s not handling it well, he might withdraw until he can calm down.
If an Aries man is ignoring you after an argument or after you’ve done something to upset him, it’s usually because he doesn’t want to lash out at you.
An Aries man’s silent treatment when he’s angry is often a sign he’s making an effort to calm down. He knows that if he talks to you right now, it’ll just end in another argument. He doesn’t want that.
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An Aries man enjoys attention and loves to be flattered. When you’re hanging out with your Aries man, tell him what you like about him. Give him flirty compliments that are unique to him. You might compliment his sophisticated style, his witty sense of humor, or even his dashing good looks. [2]
Research source

Just don’t overdo it. Make your attention special by complimenting him every other time you see him. He'll be left craving your attention and may end up dropping his bad boy act.

Next time you meet up, you might say, "I love that T-shirt. You've got really cool style" or "You're pretty clever, you know that right?"
Aries men aren't usually shy. If you're feeling bold, compliment him on his good looks. Text him something like, "I like that picture you posted. You're really cute."

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