Fifty Things that Made 🛠️ the Modern Economy

Fifty Things that Made 🛠️ the Modern Economy

Fifty Things that Made 🛠️ the Modern Economy


Fifty Things that Made 🛠️ the Modern Economy

✅ Based on the series produced for the BBC World 🗺️ Service Who thought 💭 up ⬆️ paper 📜 money 💸 How did the contraceptive pill 💊 change the face 😀 of the legal profession Why ❓️ was the horse 🐴 collar as important for human progress as the steam 🚂 engine 🚂 How did the humble spreadsheet turn the world 🗺️ of finance upside-down 🙃 The world 🗺️ economy defies comprehension. A continuously-changing 🚼️ system of immense complexity, it offers over ten billion distinct products and ➕ services, doubles in size every fifteen years, and ➕ links 🔗 almost every one 1️⃣ of the planets seven 7️⃣ billion people 👥. It delivers astonishing luxury to hundreds of millions. It also leaves 🍃 hundreds of millions behind, puts tremendous strains on the ecosystem, and ➕ has an alarming ⏰ habit of stalling. Nobody is in charge of it. Indeed, no individual understands more than a fraction of whats going ➡️ on. How can 🥫 we 👥⬅️ make 🛠️ sense of this bewildering system on which our 👥⬅️ lives depend From the tally-stick 🏑 to Bitcoin, the canal lock 🔒️ to the jumbo jet, each invention in Tim Harfords fascinating new 🆕 book 📚️ has its own curious 🦝, surprising and ➕ memorable story, a vignette against a grand backdrop. Step by step, readers will start to understand where we 👥⬅️ are, how we 👥⬅️ got here, and ➕ where we 👥⬅️ might be going ➡️ next. Hidden connections will be laid bare: how the barcode undermined family 👪️ corner shops 🛍️; why ❓️ the gramophone widened inequality; how barbed wire shaped America ​🇺🇸​. Well meet 👤🤝👤 the characters who developed 👨‍💻️ some of these inventions, profited from them ➡️👥, or were ruined by ...

Fifty Things that Made 🛠️ the Modern Economy 2
Fifty Things that Made 🛠️ the Modern Economy 3
Fifty Things that Made 🛠️ the Modern Economy 4


П. Срафф,Рикардо Д. «Начала политической экономии и налогового обложения. Избранное»
П. Срафф,Рикардо Д. «Начала политической экономии и налогового обложения. Избранное»
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