Fifty Shades Of Grey Uncut Sex Scenes

Fifty Shades Of Grey Uncut Sex Scenes


Fifty Shades Of Grey Uncut Sex Scenes
By Mallory Schlossberg Published: Feb 8, 2018
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Fifty Shades Darker (2017) - Auction Seduction Scene (2/10) | Movieclips
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Fifty Shades Darker (2017) - A Friendly Wager Scene (5/10) | Movieclips
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Fifty Shades Darker (2017) - The Answer is Yes Scene (9/10) | Movieclips
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Fifty Shades Darker (2017) - Love in an Elevator Scene (4/10) | Movieclips
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In honor of the franchise's "climax." (You're welcome!)
The day is finally upon us. The third Fifty Shades installment, Fifty Shades Freed — or what the advertisements are so cleverly calling the climax (get it?!) — hits theaters February 9. In honor of the series' highly anticipated finish , here's a Very Scientific ranking of the franchise's most memorable sex scenes … so far. (If you'd like to follow along at home, you can stream the first two movies here and here .)
Arguably, this is the most realistic of all the sex scenes in the Fifty Shades series. Christian and Ana have already slept together for the first time, which presumably means he's already awoken her "Inner Goddess." After a bath and a sensual scrub that feels straight out of a commercial for a mall jeweler, he ties her up with his own tie (v. DIY) and then almost goes down on Ana. But just when things are starting to get good, we hear the voice of Marcia Gay Harden (in a woefully underused role as Christian's mother). Oh no! Ana's naked, but Christian's mom is there! Time to put some clothes on! This scene will resonate deeply with anyone who has tried to engage in some sexy time, only to be thwarted by the sudden appearance of a family member or annoying roommate.
Christian might be a sociopath, but since we're all about seeing the good in people, I'd like to point out one of his more redeeming qualities: It's clear that he gets ALL of his sex tips from women's magazines from the early '90s (😎). This scene aims to titillate — Christian ties up Ana's wrists and blindfolds her with her shirt, then grabs an ice cube. He runs it ( slowly and sensually , of course) down her body, flips her over, spanks her, puts on a condom like a respectable gentleman, and has sex with her doggy style. Unfortunately, I have to detract points for how much emphasis the director decided to put on that damn ice cube. It almost becomes comical.
Ana's been wearin' silver balls up in her vagina throughout an entire auction, as one does. (Wait, I'm sorry: " Inner Goddess Silver Metal Pleasure Balls ," according to Fifty Shades ' very own sex toy line.) After Ana wins (loses? She pays $24,000) the auction, they get the hell out — and then they return to Christian's childhood bedroom, for some reason. They passionately kiss. "I want you to spank me ," Ana says. He ties up her wrists. Then he unties her, takes out the balls, and flips her over, and then ... the sex commences. He asks her to come for him, but, like, it's only been a few minutes. Has Christian ever actually had sex with a lady? Does he know how long it takes women to finish?
OK, maybe this is the most relatable sex scene because it's kind of feels straight outta #datenight . Christian goes down on Ana (one of the only decent traits about him is that he's enthusiastic about performing oral sex).
"What do you want, Anastasia?" he asks, VERY dramatically. "I want all of you, " she replies, all breathily.
They then proceed to have tame missionary sex because they are clearly no longer reading our expert-approved tips for spicing up their sex lives .
Is it just me, or are games of pool in the movies + on TV approximately 10000 times sexier than they are in real life? Anyway, during a spirited game of billiards, Christian says he hopes Ana's not a sore loser. Her reply? "It depends how hard you spank me." He then informs Ana he's going to be rough with her . He bends her over and then proceeds to have sex with her from behind, on the pool table, because he once heard Ludacris's "What's Your Fantasy?" and thought I can do better than that list.
Real talk: Most of the Fifty Shades Darker sexxxxx scenes kind of blur together. This scene is different (ish) because Christian uses a metal spreader bar on Ana (available on Amazon , if you're curious, because if there's one thing the Fifty Shades series is good at, it's selling stuff ). He goes down on her again, flips her over, and has doggy style sex with her. Everybody wins!
After a highly implausible shower escapade (their...clothes are on???), Ana says she wants to go into the Red Room — which they do — which means that type of sex is about to happen. If you're into that, this is great! If you're not, it's not. The most exciting part of this, to me, is their ability to travel so swiftly from shower to Red Room without an awkward exchange of towels. Movie magic at its finest.
This was the moment everyone was waiting for. The first time they do it . The people behind-the-scenes really tried their hardest to make this seem romantic, and like the way everyone wishes they had lost their virginity. There's a shot of Ana's leg hair (because virgins don't shave their thighs, apparently), you get a Jamie Dornan butt shot, and then you get some standard issue missionary sex, because as we will come to learn throughout the series, Christian Grey is a man of few actually exciting sex moves.
Or, wait…is this what everyone was waiting for? Set to the tune of a mediocre cover of "Crazy In Love," filled to the brim with flogging, rope, restraints, and sex...well, it definitely isn't boring, I'll give it that.
Honestly, this is the only legitimately hot scene in the entire first two movies. Why? Because a) it's in public , and b) it's not just overt softcore porn. The best part, though, is you know Ana is getting off here, and not just Christian, which automatically makes it better than their other sexy time encounters. Plus, the music choice ("Moondance" by Van Morrison) was a nice surprise. Who doesn't love doin' it to Van Morrison?
Still, it's pretty ridiculous that nobody would be able to tell that his hand was up her skirt. How do you maneuver your skirt that easily? How does no one in the elevator realize what's going on? Will Ana get her underwear back after giving it to Christian at dinner? These are all confounding questions, and it just goes to show that Fifty Shades ' true genre is mystery.
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The Fifty Shades Series has finally climaxed (pun intended) with the third installment of the films, ‘Fifty Shades Freed’. The series has given us a lot more than we could’ve asked for. We were introduced to a fallen star named Dakota Johnson who made an epic comeback with these movies. The series also surprised us with the last moment casting of Jamie Dornan replacing Charlie Hunnam , who still does not regret backing off from this project (we wonder why?). But more than anything ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’,’Fifty Shades Darker’ and ‘Fifty Shades Freed’, all three films have shown a whole lot of sex. And by sex we mean two actors pretending to be screwing each other under some good lighting, decent acting and interesting drama.
Don’t get me wrong, the sex scenes were mostly great. A lot of the scenes made us swoon over the chemistry of the couple while some, however, did give us second thoughts about what we were watching. And that is why we are here to make things easier for you if you ever want to look back at this series all over again. We have ranked all the best scenes of the Fifty Shades movies that’ll help you look through the most memorable ones every time you want to rekindle with your naughty side. So let’s get to a sizzling ‘sex’plainer list that will help you recollect some of your steamy memories of the film and maybe even the book.

In this scene, the two almost have sex and that’s why we’re putting it somewhere at the end of this list. ‘ 50 Shades Freed ‘ doesn’t really have too many sex scenes, especially in the second half of the movie. This one, however, is quite a memorable scene. Christian is really pissed off that Anna defied him and went out for a drink with her girlfriend. With an incensed look on his face, he stands naked under the shower and that’s when Anna strips off everything and joins him as she gently hugs him from behind. But sex just cannot make up for everything he shrugs her off saying “No I Can’t”. Such a buzzkill!
The tie scene from the first instalment ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ is one of the most realistic scenes in the entire film series. Ana and Christian have already had sex once before and the inner goddess that was trapped inside Anna has now been released. The two take a warm shower and scrub straight out of a TV commercial as Christian ties Anna up with his own tie. He then slowly goes down on her and that’s when everything goes south! Remember that time during your childhood when you tried watching some porn in the privacy of your room and suddenly a family member would appear out of nowhere. In a similar fashion, Christian’s mom comes out of nowhere and ruins this intimate moment for the couple and for us.
The only reason why this one barely made it to the list is that it brings an end to the whole series for good. But it seems like a missed opportunity with no actual climax. Imagine a climax scene within a climax scene — wouldn’t that be like the best climax for this film? It’s almost Inception But what we get to see is Anna sitting on the red room floor wearing a corset, waiting for Christian to join her. He walks in wearing ripped jeans holding a whip in one of his hands. The film then splits into scenes from the last two movies giving us a final farewell and leaving us disappointed even at the end. Brownie points to this one though, for bringing in some element of nostalgia. Adieu, Fifty Shades, we wish we had understood you more than we did.
There’s no doubt about the fact that Christian gets ideas for his sexual acts from a popular 90s women’s magazine. In this scene, he ties her up and then blindfolds her with his shirt. He then slowly runs down an ice cube all over her body, holding it right between his lips. He then turns her and puts on a condom like a gentleman and bones her from behind. The ice thing may not everyone’s cup of tea and may come off hilarious to a lot of people but those who can appreciate the art and sensuality of this scene will understand why this has been included in the list.
Did you know that Fifty Shades has a sex toy line of its own? Well, now you do. In this scene, Christian and Anna go to an auction where the whole time Anna is wearing the “ Fifty Shades of Grey Inner Goddess Silver Metal Pleasure Balls “. After the auction is over, the two rush out of the place and for some weird reason, end up in Christian’s childhood bedroom. This is where they tenderly start kissing each other and Ana whispers in his ear “I want you to spank me.” He ties up her wrists and fulfills her desires, after which he unties her and turns her around. A few minutes later, he asks her to come for him, but like seriously, it has only been like 4 minutes and you expect her to come. Have you ever slept with a woman before?
‘Fifty Shades Freed’ starts off with a montage of glossy wedding gowns, private jets, and a whole lot of wedding excitement — all of this with Rita Ora’s music playing in the background. Somewhere around this time, the movie shows its first sex scene where Ana and Christian get some quick sex in their lavish hotel room. Sadly, this one only lasts for a minute and from what we know about it, it features body doubles of the two actors. But it fulfills the fantasies of those who watch it only because they like to see rich people having a lot of sex in their world full of luxuries. Isn’t that the point of the whole series?
It’s funny how every time Christian gets defied by Ana, he initially gets pissed but then does the exact thing that pissed him off in the first place and contradicts himself. Clearly, he wants her all for himself. In this scene, Christian gets really pissed off when Ana takes off her bikini top on a public beach in France to get some suntan. Later on, in their Yacht, Christian asks her what should he do about her pissing him off and defying him all the time. Ana whispers in his ear, “Learn to deal with it”, in a seductive tone and that’s when he starts stripping off her bikini again. Clearly, his anger towards her taking off her clothes did not have anything to do with morality.
The scene is sexy as hell but a few things, if noticed, will make you laugh out loud. When Christian reaches out for his bag and takes out a pair of handcuffs, the two land on their bed with a very uneasy thud which is too off-putting for a perfect scene like this. Only Ana is completely nude here, which is weird because the demographic audience for this one is mostly straight women (take notes, producers). Christian then cuffs her arms and they have sex that lasts longer than the previous honeymoon scene and also packs a lot more heat than the previous one.
The scene from ‘Fifty Shades Freed’ where Christian uses a vibrator to satisfy Ana would’ve been somewhere on top of this list but it falls short because it goes from sexy to sadistic way too soon. Christian takes out a vibrator and starts using it on Ana and all of it is steamy as hell but every time Ana gets close to reaching the climax, he turns off the vibrator leaving her all messed up. Ana finally screams the safe word “Red!” and backs after he does this several times. “That’s not love, that’s revenge ,” she concludes and we are left disappointed all over again. Screw you Christian!
This scene is straight out of a typical date night where the two get down and dirty in their bedroom and Christian goes down on Anna. He then asks her with a soft and dramatic voice: “What do want, Anastasia?”, to which he gets an even more dramatic and moany reply: “I want all of you.” Then they proceed to have some classic missionary sex that we do get to see a lot in the series.
Movies overestimate the power of games and sports when it comes to relating them with sex. In this scene where the couple are having a great game of billiards, Christian teases Ana by saying, “I hope you’re not a sore loser. ” to which she replies, “It depends on how hard you spank me.” Like seriously, who says things like that in real life? This is when Christian decides to get all rough on Ana and bends her over the pool table to bone her from behind. Movies sure have their own way of exaggerating the sexiness in sports but this one right here is far more than most movies do.
If there’s one thing the Fifty Shades movie series is good at, it’s selling sex toys. In this scene, it promotes what is called the spreader. He straps it on to her feet and goes down on her. He then flips her over and goes doggy style on her. Most scenes in these movies are blurred out but not this one, and that is why it has earned a decent place on this list.
Now, this scene does not really qualify for a sex scene but it sure is hot as hell and that’s why it deserves to be here. Christian sits on a chair, reclines back and enjoys as Ana slowly brushes her hands through his hair, washing them, caressing them and gently cutting them. As she lives up to her grooming role in the moment, Christian starts to get turned on for obvious reasons and slowly begins to worm his way up her blouse and pencil skirt. But this incredibly erotic moment comes to an abrupt end when Ana suddenly finds a gun hidden in the grooming kit which fuels an argument between the two. What a waste of such a great opportunity! This one’s a lesson for those who have ever made the rookie mistake of hiding guns with scissors.
This sex scene will make you rethink about the peanut butter chocolate tub that you are munching on while watching it alone. Ana sits on a kitchen slab, feasting on a Ben and Jerry’s right from the carton and that’s when Christian enters. She drips down the ice-cream all over his hard body and starts licking it off as it dribbles down his pelvis. Christian gets turned on in an instant and that’s how the whole kitchen sex goes down. If you think about it, this one must’ve been too damn sticky but it still is equally hot. We wonder, though, how much Ben Jerry’s must have paid for this steamy promotion of their product.
A heavy make-out in the shower while Ana and Christian rip each other’s wet clothes off. This is one scene all fans could not stop talking about long after the movie was over. It made everyone swoon over the intensity with which the two make sweet love under the shower. This soon turns into the BDSM kind of sex when Ana craves to go to the Red Room and they head there for some bondage and dominating adult fun. What’s really surprising about this scene is how the two manage to swiftly take things from the shower to the Red Room without even having an awkward towel wiping scene of water dripping down everywhere in the house. That’s why we dig movie sex scenes — they’re perfect and magical with absolutely no awkwardness, unlike real sex.
The couple heads back to the playroom for the second time in the film and this time, Christian has something new in store for Ana — butt plugs! This scene may not be for everyone as this kind of sex is not everyone’s thing. But for those who are really into this stuff, this is a gem of a scene and probably the highlight of the third instalment. The scene is really intense and goes beyond anything most of the other scenes have portrayed in the trilogy. The red room scenes are the ones that pack the most amount of excitement and this one is the best among them all.
The sex scenes in the first installment of the ‘Fifty Shades’ films were very carefully portrayed and placed all over the film. But this sex
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