Fico Gutierrez continues its victory with voters. A new campaign has begun in Boyaca with a the visit to Virgin of Chiquinquira

Fico Gutierrez continues its victory with voters. A new campaign has begun in Boyaca with a the visit to Virgin of Chiquinquira

Federico Gutierrez, the presidential candidate, is adamant that he can win votes through the streets. There are still 32 days to the first round of the presidential election and he's making a promise to fight Gustavo Petro, who is his primary rival, to win the House of Narino vote in the second round. was up on Saturday morning and set out to Boyaca, a traditional church district that Petro visited on Friday. He was the mayor in the past of Medellin and is currently a candidate for center-right.

The main Fico's meeting took place in the Tunja Convention Center. There Fico met with many citizens who backed Fico at the polls on May 29 in 2009.

Federico shared ruana and hundreds of Colombians behind his choice for Team for Colombia. Federico also uploaded a Twitter video in which he praised the people of Tunja. Federico wrote: "We are Going to win, we all, go for presidency to bring about change and unity in Colombia." As he recorded the names of those who have voted for him, he did not stop.

"Happy in Boyaca!" He said, "Happy in Boysaca!"

The second pointer in the polls was one who walked into the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquira. It is an important spot where hundreds of faithful followers gather each weekend. In the midst all the attention of his followers as well as the faithful waiting for the early morning Eucharist the head of centre-right knelt to the Virgin Mary and placed his hand upon the Mary's breast.

"I asked the Virgin for wisdom. He explained that he asked for his help for my family and for all families living in Colombia.

The presidential candidate captured his visit to that spot on film. He met with a number of residents from the sector before entering and was hugged by them.

Gutierrez arrived at the temple wearing the traditional Boyacan and Virgin of Chiquinquira ruanas on his chest. This was a sign of his faith and has been displayed throughout his campaign for the presidency. Keep in mind that Antioquian is a Colombian saint, visited Jericho, Antioquia three weeks ago. Then, he attended a gathering in the birthplace of Mother Laura that was recently canonized and blessed by Pope Francis.

The candidate from Chiquinquira took the opportunity to meet the people and give announcements to those who were expected to arrive at the presidential palace. "Key concerns for Chiquinquira: guaranteeing drinking water for all its people, construction and maintenance of roads (especially the Ruta de los Comuneros section) and the Ubate-Chiquinquira section) and tourism that will create employment and sustainable development." and mining were other major issues addressed by the paisa leader.

Fico Gutierrez spoke about his working. He stated that Tunja has the second highest unemployment rate in the world. The government's plan is to create "about 21,000 jobs and at least 300 new enterprises for Boyaca". added, however, that sustainable mobility should be developed within the department. To achieve this, the he stated that the Strategic Public Transport System structure should be prioritised. He said that he plans to continue his efforts in building roads and cycling routes.

Gutierrez also sent an email to the farmers of the field and the potato "Peasants and the farmers of Boyaca We will work to make more opportunities and income for you and restore the field," reads his most recent tweet. At present, Gutierrez will continue to contact the Colombian populace, sharing the government's plan and aiming to make an impact in the next election on Sunday on May 29.

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