Ff Urban Dictionary

Ff Urban Dictionary


a spanish word meaning the flipflop
used by latin moms to beat their child's ass
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when you got that sauce that's lookin extra fire.
Ayo my homie scott got real nice drip with his louis vuitton bruh.
Damn homie his fit is fire as fuck.
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From STEM, an abbreviation short for "Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics", a STEMlord is a pejorative term for a particular kind of person who has studied in these areas at university or works in these fields who holds a pretentious, condescending attitude to anyone who has studied in any other fields, particularly the Arts and Humanities. They typically believe themselves to be more "intelligent" and "rational", while generally remaining incredibly ignorant outside of their areas of expertise and having the charisma of a rotting pig's backside.
"Ugh, I wish Reddit wasn't full of STEMlords the entire goddamn time."
by nopeidontneedanameok October 15, 2015
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Commonly used in text messages or social media as a short form for Very Sound Advice.
Mate 1: Hey, I'd be careful risking all that money on one bet. Only risk what you can afford to lose.
Mate 2: Thanks. VSA
Who fucking knows anymore? First, it meant factual, and now it means fictional. What the fuck, internet... what the fuck?
wrong-->"Oh my god, Jessica, your post literally scared me to death" right--> "I literally wrote this post at 3:04 A.M."
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The process of searching a building for an empty bathroom. A successful bowl search typically relieves the frustration of uncomftorably defecating around others, although in less frequent cases the desire to urinate alone is a factor. Bowl searching can be done anywhere although it is most prevelant on college campuses.
"In college I did a lot of bowl searching."

"Sam went to the bathroom like 20 minutes ago. Jeez, what's taking so long?"

"He's probably bowl searching."
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Friend: so whats the deal with you and Becky
You: What, her? Shes a Ff
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m: girl last week my friends asked me to come over then ditched me

c: u got u some f.fs
by moremoney$$$$ September 09, 2018
FF or Fat Fuck describes a man so fat that he has to take the stairs everywhere because he breaks every elevator weight limit. However, taking the stairs does not help as he makes up twice as many calories as he burns with trips to midnight cookies. The Yin to the titty bandit's yang.
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An FF is short for fake freak
Meaning you aren’t really freaky
Or you don’t know how to be a freak
by Anonymous user 666 March 23, 2020
(in gaming) When you meant to say gg but because you're on mobile, its too dark or you're just plain stupid you typed f, the letter directly to the left of g.
Billy after the match: "ff'
Bob after the match: "did you mean gg?"

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