Few Easy Ways to Check if Your Website is SEO Optimized

Few Easy Ways to Check if Your Website is SEO Optimized

William P. Jordan

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) becomes an influential factor for increasing the website visibility on the search engine results. This is because Google updates its search engine ranking algorithms over time. WordPress For Building Website is one of the SEO-friendly platforms that appears more trustworthy and credible, which may enhance your ranking on SERP. Though tracking or checking the ranking results of your website as per the search queries is essential to identify the areas where you need to make improvements.


You need to consider plenty of things to push your WordPress site to the top of the search engine ranking results. By analyzing the on-page setup of a website, you can fix the SEO errors to improve the search rankings and get better traffic. Here, you can find out some easiest ways on how to check if your website is SEO optimized, bit by bit.

● Loading Time of a Website

There is nothing worse than a website that takes a long time to load. As per the statistics, most of the users leave a website because of its slow loading time. For business, if your website is slow, it might affect your SEO results. That means you may lose your target audience, sales may spiral down, high bounce rates, and other issues.


Several reasons are responsible for the website loading speed. One of the crucial factors of speed killers in WordPress sites are bulky or non-optimized images. High-resolution images need more bandwidth while loading. With the help of online image optimization tools, you can easily resize and compress the picture, clears all the unnecessary hidden data and flash contents.

● Responsive Design of a Website

Keep your SEO priorities in mind before you choose a theme or layout for the website. For example, a mobile-friendly website with a responsive design can provide better functionality and play a significant role in the Search Engine Optimization process. Users prefer a website with better mobile compatibility because it’s convenient to check information anywhere. As a result, more people visit your website, you get more shares and traffic in less time, if it’s mobile-friendly.


Mobile-friendliness of a website can improve your search rankings too. Try to make sure that your website is compatible with a tablet, laptop, and other portable devices, avoid long scrolls and adjust the screen sizes of various devices. You can check whether your website design is mobile compatible with Google’s new resources.

● Check The Website’s Technical Structure

The URL of a web page reflects what it’s all about. Search bots can fetch your website only when it has relevant and accurate data on the page that matches with the user’s search queries. Permalink- Permanent URLs point to your website’s posts, pages, and valuable contents. Thus, a website with a clear and descriptive link helps users and search engines to understand the content easily. Additionally, if your website’s URL has a keyword, then that might trigger user engagement and search engine ranking.


Every search engine fetches the information of the website from its link-building strategies. Linking your page internally and to the various sites through your post specifies the search crawlers to find similar content on the internet. Hence, you need to maintain each level of the hierarchy of technical SEO needs, including URL crawlability, search bot’s accessibility, clickability, and other specialized structures. You can manage the permanent URL structure by entering your WordPress site’s back end, navigating to the Settings option, and then selecting the Permalink.

● Keep An Eye on Keyword Ranking for Specific Keyword Phrases

It’s essential to keep an eye on keyword ranking for specific keyword phrases to increase more traffic towards your website. Once you are confident with your keyword rankings, you can determine whether your website is SEO optimized or not. Placing keywords relevant to the content for each post in different places such as heading, title tag, meta description, and the content itself is critical. This will help the search engine crawlers to show your page to the users as per their relevant searches. 


Create your content around keywords naturally without adding them forcefully into the content that may results in keyword stuffing. Then, compare the keywords placement performance with the competitor’s website, monitor the backlinks, and search for more profitable keywords for your website to check SEO performance.

● Focus On Content Relevance

Google and other search engines change their complex algorithm to rank a website, but one factor that remains the same for Search Engine Optimization tracking is “genuine content”. If you never optimize your content for users’ intent, the website value decreases with time. You can check whether your website is SEO optimized by analyzing the SERP, what sort of content is getting more response, results from the relevant keywords focusing the content, and tracking users’ engagement on your website. For example, to get more organic traffic to your website, focusing on long-form content might help you become an initiator of ideas in your niche.


Bottom Line

SEO encompasses an extensive range of strategies and techniques, but if you know how to check if a website is SEO optimized, you can rectify the errors without any complications. Here, DigiMatiks has highlighted the areas you need to focus on while building a website to get remarkable ranking results without hiring an expert. By implementing these easiest ways, you can improve the site’s performance and the workarounds to achieve better traffic on the internet.


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