Fetlife Log In

Fetlife Log In


Fetlife Log In

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In this post, we will talk about how you can use FetLife mail. FetLife provides plenty of their services through their mails and therefore, you should know the basics.
If you are a newbie who has joined FetLife and you are all excited to use it and you end up sending plenty of friend requests, messages and comments to the people who are not even in your list, you will get a time-out. However, the good thing is that the time-out session will be for few hours and after that everything will work like regular stuff.
If your mail box is filled with tons of messages, you can simply delete or archive them. Open the message that you want to delete by sampling clicking on the subject of the message. Now scroll down to the bottom section of the message. You will now see two options which are “Archieve Conversation” and “Delete”. Archiving message will save the messages but it won’t appear in the primary box and if you want to delete the message, just confirm that you want to delete it and the message will be gone.
You will be able to see all the messages that you have sent or archived in the inbox page under the “All Mail” section. This option will show all the messages that you have sent or archived.
We hope that the small issues or questions that you have regarding FetLife mail has been addressed here.
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A collection of free HTML5 and CSS3 login form templates that you can use on your website. Have you ever encountered a login form while leaving a comment on WordPress, signing up for an online forum, or utilizing your social network accounts? You must have come across such forms at some point in your life. And don't think of them as a pain in the neck. Rather, login forms are an excellent means of communication between an online platform and its users, and with the growing trend toward customer-centric company practices, keeping them up to date has never been more important. Any business must maintain communication with its target market. Login forms may be found all over the internet, from service-oriented businesses collecting leads through user login to forums and blogs requesting users to join their website via a member registration form. A login form, created with CSS3 and HTML5, is a requirement for any modern-day online enterprise. For non-techies who are wondering how CSS3 and HTML5 are related to a login form, HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language) is a standard markup language for creating web pages, and CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets) is a CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets) is a CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets) is a CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets) is a CSS3 (Cascading Style Sheets) A style sheet is a language that describes how a document created in a markup language should look and be formatted. Combining the two allows for the creation of distinctive and user-friendly login forms. A list of 50 CSS3 HTML5 login form templates with the newest UI/UX practices is provided below. These free login form templates may be quickly integrated into your blog or website to let you communicate with your audience like never before. Login Form Templates in HTML5 and CSS3 Animated background for the login form This is the choice for you if you require a simple login form with an animated background. This is a very basic signup form that can be used on any project to add a very basic but appealing form. Animated background with a moving effect is included with the form. The code is ready; all you have to do now is paste it into your login page. The form will include two easy signup and login choices. Use Facebook or Twitter to log in. As the name implies, this is a very basic signup option that will assist you in placing a signup form on your website and allowing your visitors to log in using their Facebook or Twitter accounts. The template is simple and elegant, giving your project a polished appearance. Creative Login Form Creative Login Form is a basic but elegant widget built using CSS3 and HTML5. This form can also be used to register for an event. It's simple to make and looks amazing in any app. Get The Template Dropdown Login Form This login form is in a drop-down arrangement, as the name suggests. When you select the ‘login' option, the form appears. The user-friendly layout of the Dropdown Login form allows you to place the form anywhere on your website. Get The Template Floating Sign up Form If you're thinking that this form keeps floating around, you're wrong! The Floating Sign-up Form is an excellent tool for building a signup form with tabs and floating form labels, and it has a stylish appearance. In the end, it was fantastic. design! Get The Template Simple Login Form The Simple Login Form, as its name suggests, is very basic in design. It was created to prevent users from accessing a certain WordPress site without first registering. Due to its clean and simple design, the tool grew in popularity over time. neat design. Get The Template Flat Login- Signup Form This template features a simple and stylish login form. Flat Login- Sign up Form has a unique feature in that when you click the ‘click me' button in the upper right corner, a smooth animation transforms it into a registration form. Get The Template Facebook Login We're quite sure we don't have to inform you about this one! This popular login form template is basic and easy to use, and it can be effortlessly imported into your website. By directly integrating your Facebook Login form to your users' Facebook profiles, you may make sign-up easier for them. We've also compiled a list of the best WordPress social login plugins. Get The Template Animated Login Form The Animated Login Form is an animation-style login form with a variety of animation styles to choose from. ‘Hey you, Login already,' says the top of the login form template, which eventually converts into a login form at the bottom. Get The Template Login Form Using CSS3 and HTML5 To help you design a basic login form, this login form template makes use of CSS3 and HTML5. It creates a multi-page impression by combining several useful elements. The validation and submission of the form become easier with HTML5 and the Login form using CSS3 and HTML5. Get The Template iPhone Login Form The iPhone Login Form is a unique method to present a login form on your iPhone. It has a simple and beautiful look to it. Using it with a mockup improves its functionality even further. Get The Template Login with Shake Effect The Login with Shake Effect is a one-of-a-kind and entertaining utility. This login form template, in addition to offering all of the essential functions of a login form, displays a wonderful shake effect on your device's screen when you input a wrong password to alert you. It's fantastic! Get the template Reference: Top Free Login Forms For Websites And Mobile Applications 2021 Top Beautiful Examples of Login Forms for Websites and Apps
A login form is similar to the front door of a house. It should be warm and inviting, and it should never be confused for another door. You'll encourage users to log in more frequently if your logins look like this. Unfortunately, today's login forms aren't particularly user-friendly. Logins have become more difficult as a result of the rise of use social login buttons and stricter security. Users frequently confuse these for signup forms and have difficulty logging in as a result. They're also frequently crowded with distracting items. The UX guidelines listed below help how to simplify login, clear up any ambiguity and simplify account login. How to Simplify Login 1. Don't use the terms "sign-in" and "sign up" interchangeably. Make the button labels distinct. Users may become perplexed if they see two buttons labeled "Sign in" and "Sign up," and mistakenly select the wrong one. Because the labels are so similar, it takes extra mental effort to identify the buttons apart. Differentiate the labels to make each one stand out. Pair "Sign up" with "Log in" if you're using it. "Sign in" should be paired with "Create account" or "Join." Even better, the label should describe the user's actions within the context of their assignment. "Try it free," for example, informs users that they are joining up for a free trial. This label is more detailed, resulting in more clicks, than a generic "Sign up" label. 2. Don't use the same design for the login and signup forms. Use contextual cues to distinguish them. Did you aware that some people will type their login credentials into a signup form by accident? This error arises when the signup form resembles the login form too closely. But the login and signup forms are different. The shapes, like the labels, should not have the same appearance. Users can still make this error even if the page titles are different. This is due to the fact that most people log in based on habit and reaction. They start typing as soon as they see a text field. The label "Tell us about yourself" replaces "Sign up for an account" and indicates that users must give personal information. They'll realize they're in the wrong context if they're trying to log in. 3. Keep "Forgot Password" away from the field. Put it at the footer of the login page. Putting a fire extinguisher next to the password box is like putting a fire extinguisher next to the front entrance. It's crucial to stay safe, but assistive technology shouldn't be a source of distraction or clutter. When you can put it in the login footer, it's unnecessary to include a "Forgot password" next to the form. Users will only see it if they require it, not if they do not. 4. Don't place "Sign up" at the top of the page. Put it at the footer of the login page. When users stumble on the erroneous form, the "Sign up" link can also be used as a helpful aid. It should not be near the top of the page, as this will draw attention away from more important parts. Put a link to "Forgot password" in the login footer. When users require assistance, they will look near the bottom of the page for those help links. The majority of the time, consumers will not require assistance. When they don't need assistance, don't throw it in their face. 5. Don't put social login buttons in direct competition with one another. On white buttons, use colorful logos. When many social login buttons are grouped together, it can be difficult to distinguish between them. When all of the buttons are different colors and competing with one other, this happens. Instead of a colored button backdrop, use a colored logo on a white background to reduce noise. Users will be able to identify their preferred social login by looking for a more identifiable indication. 6. Limit the number of social logins you use. Allow no more than four people. The issue with providing too many social login options is that consumers may forget which one they used on your site. This may lead to them selecting the incorrect option while logging in. If they forget, limiting the number of possibilities makes it easier for them to find it out. Too many options make it difficult for them to choose which one to employ. They must devote time to determining which social networking site they trust the most. 7. Don't put too much emphasis on social login buttons. On clicking, they'll be revealed. Is social media or email the primary method of logging in? Determine the way your users like it and stick with it. If they choose to log in via social media, reveal the email login form when they click. If most people prefer email login, make the social login buttons visible when they are clicked. Do not make both ways public at the same time. Users' attentional resources are limited. Distraction, loudness, and clutter result from displaying too many visual elements. When users click a progressive disclosure button, the secondary login method is shown. To satisfy the majority of users, this keeps the focus on the primary login method. 8. Don't check the "Remember me" box. Use one that says "Log me out after." I have a hard time remembering to check the "Remember me" option. As a result, each time they visit, they must re-enter their login credentials. In time-sensitive situations, this can be costly. You save the trouble of repetitive logins by remembering the user's credentials by default. The "Log me out after" checkbox can be selected by users who log in from a public or shared computer. They can rest assured that their session will end when they close the browser. Because they are more aware of their privacy, these users are less likely to forget to check the box.
Facebook is one of the most popular social media networks on the planet. So it stands to reason that many people would want to use Facebook sign-in for their Ionic 5 app. Firebase provides a variety of authentication options, but this post will focus on how to use Firebase to log in with Facebook login in an Ionic 5 application. How to set up a project in Ionic 5 with Facebook login The first thing you need to do is set up your Firebase account and project in Ionic 5. To do this, head over to Firebase by clicking here and logging in with either your Google or Facebook credentials if you don't have an account yet. Once logged into Firebase, click "Add Project" at the top right corner of the screen then enter a name for your project. Firebase will then prompt you to enable Firebase services which are necessary for social login. Once your project is created, click "Add Firebase to your Web App" on the Overview page of your new project. The code for the login process Next, copy the code snippet that Firebase provides and paste it into a blank .html file in an Ionic application with Facebook Login enabled (I'm using this example). Replace all instances of ***YOUR FB APP ID*** with your app's Facebook ID as shown below: var config = { apiKey : 'AIzaSyDVdGltZXIrWGM-nfHTBqwXNbyuLARiWeebUvQ' , authDomain : '*************. Firebase authentication options *. social sign-in with Ionic Facebook login in your app Login Why you should use Firebase instead of other authentication methods * Firebase is an incredibly powerful platform for mobile apps, and it's even more powerful when combined with the Firebase Authentication Features. * After setting up a Firebase project, set up Firebase Auth by following these steps: * Firebase Authentication Options * social sign-in with Ionic Facebook login in your app Login * Firebase is an incredibly powerful platform for mobile apps, and it's even more powerful when combined with the Firebase Authentication Features. After setting up a Firebase project, set up Firebase Auth by following these steps: Log into or create an account on firebaserc *. Click **Authentication > SIGN-IN METHOD > Email/Password ******* Firebase is a suite of Firebase tools that can be used to build real-time backends for your apps. The Firebase platform includes services like Analytics, Authentication, Cloud Firestore and more. * Firebase provides an entire backend service with social login integration baked right in the package! This means you don't have to spend time integrating Facebook or Google authentication into your own custom server. Because it's all done by Firebase, this will save you valuable development time when building out features on top of Ionic framework components that require user authentication. * Setting up social sign-in using FireBase takes less than five minutes if you already have a project set up in Ionic Framework! You'll need three things: - Firebase Account - Firebase AppID and Firebase Auth Secret from Facebook or Google Developer Console - A social login provider like Facebook. * The code for the FireBase Login process looks something like this: // Get access token with just client id/secret using "Facebook" FirebaseAuthProvider.authWithOAuthPopup("FACEBOOK", clientId, clientSecret).then( function (response) { console .log('accessToken', response); }, function (error) { console .log('error' + error); } ); **NOTE: If you are not logged into Facebook on your device, FireBase will prompt you to do so before continuing! You may also use a custom UI by passing in an object with FirebaseAuth.authWithOAuthPopupOptions(). ** * FireBase Authentication Options - Email/Password authentication Facebook login - Google login * Why should I use Firebase to login instead of other authentication methods? Firebase Auth is a full backend service that provides social sign in with just the Firebase SDK's and doesn't require you to build your own server! This means less code for error prone real time operations, as well as more features out of the box. And if you want customizations - Firebase has an extensive API so it can be tweaked depending on what works best for your app. There are also many third party libraries available now which simplify the process even further: like AngularFire (for using Firebase Auth in Firebase with Angular). * A couple of things to keep in mind when using FireBase Authentication - FireBase authentication does not work for iOS devices. For Facebook Login on Android, FirebaseAuthProvider can be used but if you want Facebook login on both platforms, consider looking into the next method which is more compatible across multiple device types (iOS included) - There are some limitations like no support for Safari private mode since it would require server side implementation where Firebase Auth doesn't have access to your users session information. * Resources and links mentioned throughout the article: - Firebase Website - Official Documentation for social signin methods using Firebase SDK's **NOTE All directions provided above were copied from Firebase's official documentation. Firebase is a trademark of Firebase, Inc. Facebook and Google are trademarks of their respective owners. Ionic Framework is an open-source SDK for hybrid mobile app development created by Drifty Co., the company behind it’s commercial counterpart – Ionic Pro! **.
There are many different ways someone can try to access your password-protected information. Here are six of the most common types of password attacks, and how you can protect yourself against them. Cyber-criminals are always looking for new ways to exploit passwords and steal information. Here are six of the most common password attacks, and how you can protect yourself against them. There are many different types of password attacks, but they can be generally categorized into six types: Brute Force, Dictionary, Hybrid Attack, Rainbow Table Attack, Side Channel Attack and Social Engineering. Each type of attack has its own methods and techniques for compromising passwords. However, there are various ways of how to prevent a password attack from succeeding. In this article, we will discuss the six types of password attacks, and how to protect your passwords from them. Brute Force Attack A brute force attack is a technique used to guess a password by trying every possible combination until the correct one is found. This password
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