Fetish Sex Stories

Fetish Sex Stories


Fetish Sex Stories
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Abnormal sexual desires that are so hot that it will melt your panties off. Read fetish sex stories free at Eroticatale.com and relive your fantasies and desires through our fictional characters. Read about the hero’s obsession and how he stimulates his desires with his partner to find a deeper connection with her. The obsessive heroine who cannot get enough of being taken by the protagonist while being blindfolded and tied. Our stories don’t just include free fetish erotica but also feelings that go along with a passionate relationship. Our collection of erotica for fetish sex stories will definitely satisfy our readers from this category.
I am Sofia- a 28-year-old curvy blonde residing in Cathedral Village. My affair with the next-door neighbor had been the talk of the town since I came here. John had half the neighborhood crushing on him but only I caught his fancy. Baby-faced John, blue-eyed John, the handsome Greek god John- that’s how everyone knows […]
I watched her moving through the room. Her gaze was fixed on the couple on the platform. I could tell she was feeling horny, by the way her legs moved, as if she was trying to rub something down there. Her body stiffened every time, the man penetrated his playmate with the whip handle. I […]
It was dark in the hall, with dim lights. The only light that shone brightly was at the center, on a raised platform. A woman was screaming in pleasure. Tied up, suspended from the ceiling, she was spread out and we could all see her pink cunt. A man was penetrating her with a whip […]
I was practicing as a general physician in a rural community and would often see cases that were out of my scope. However, as I was the nearest doctor, I would see a lot of local patients with various ailments. One day, a skinny and heavily pregnant woman came to my office and boy did […]
The day had arrived when I was going to shoot the movie. Jofre was on set and there were more people than last time. I told Jofre that I was uncomfortable with so many people on the set. He assured me that once they set up, the actual shoot would only have a handful of […]
Joanne has made me cum just by using her mouth and I couldn’t imagine what I would get once I fucked her. Jofre was very happy with my performance and was waiting eagerly for the proper shooting to start. He had shared the script and it was completely in detail. Every time I had to […]
I had always focused on having a good body and participation in athletics had kept me fit. But today I was out of a job, being freshly fired. I hadn’t thought about what I would do as I had a mountain of debt and I was also raising my 1-year-old nephew. I needed something asap […]
I had been planning a trip to Japan for a good while. I had saved money, booked tickets and made bookings at hotels. But maybe it wasn’t in my destiny because at that time, the covid pandemic struck and everything was put on hold. I had booked my stay such that I had an opportunity […]
I had been lonely for a while and I missed having someone to talk to or even have sex with. I was bored and my work kept me busy 6 days of the week. Italy is a beautiful place to live but if you are single, nothing that a place can do for you. I […]
I’m not saying I was a bad lover to begin with, because who in their right mind willingly cops to something like that? What I will say is, that before I accidentally found my way down a porn channels rabbit hole, I was much less aware of all of the incredible things a single body […]
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The Fetish in ethnology is defined as a form of religiosity that involves the worship of fetishes believed to possess magical powers or even sacred. In the field of sexual fetishism is worship, with the same intensity, the partner or a part of it. Often fetishism regard the feet or hands, but every part of the body is potentially a subject possible for a fetishist.


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To bring to your attention erotic stories that otherwise you would not go to look for, because often the case is much more exciting of the simple find.

Charlotte toweled off in her steam-fogged bathroom. To her dislike, rubbing the thick cloth against herself made her lower body ...
Claire Woodruff · December 19, 2021
“Here’s your pay!” Dennis shoved a fist full of dollars into my chest. “And now our business partnership is officially ...
Claire Woodruff · December 13, 2021
The cruel winds had blown through Williston Falls the night before. The storm uprooted sturdy trees in the town’s small park and lifted farm houses only to reset them cockeyed on their foundations. But there was worse. The morning after, ...
I’d been stood up and it sucked. On a whim I’d swiped right on Tinder for a guy with a ...
Sitting in the observation car on the Winnipeg-Churchill train, Derrick watched the stunted coniferous trees and muskeg quickly pass by ...
The Friday night drinks party at work was over. I’d been standing around for hours and my new three-inch heels were killing me. I just wanted to go home, treat myself to a nightcap and something to eat, before pulling ...
It was time to show him the side of me I’ve hidden for years, I told myself as I lifted ...
 It was Michael’s 37th birthday and his wife Tricia had bought him a 60-minute deep tissue massage from a ...
 Sunlight peaks in around the window ledge, streaming through the shear curtains and warming my hand. I slowly waken, struggling to open my eyes. Something feels different. These are not my sheets, these are not my pillows. As the ...
 It was a sweltering day in late May. The humidity in the air was thick and heavy. Sarah had ...
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He looked down at her hands with the weighty, metal silver object as it caught the office light and reflected it across the room. They had been friends and colleagues at the computing software, The Palace, for 6 years, often sharing and discussing personal stories, ambitions, and sexual desires. Which had led them both to … Continue reading Penis Locked Up – Milked All The Same
She walked around the office like anyone else would. Confident, purpose driven as she carried out her various jobs assigned to her. But at the same time, her second job was enacted at the same time. No undie seams could be seen against her black, summer skirt as she wore none, as such was part … Continue reading Office, Sexual Fetish Morale Officer – Part One
Today was our naked dirty day. Apart from our heads, every part of our body will be covered it dirt and soil. We cannot orgasm till the end and we will do it together. They both agreed as their clothes fell to the ground, one by one. The pen still had some sheep in it … Continue reading Dirty on the farm
Sophie’s car was finally ready. The general service had been longer than anticipated or quoted, for that matter, as she soon discovered. Much to her surprise, the amount was more than she could afford, by a long shot. Standing there in her tight jeans and flannelette shirt, perky little boobs poking beneath, in anger as … Continue reading A trip to the car mechanic
Snow slut – definition by “urban dictionary” – A girl who wears skimpy clothes during the winter months, even though it is freezing. Part 1. Kira’s diary: ——————————————————————— I was not the prettiest among the girls at school in my senior year, but I always attracted the most attention from the boys, and I loved … Continue reading The diary of a snow slut
I have been living with my dad for the last year after my mum who is Indian, found out that I was doing lots of drugs, and that I was bi and also a cross dresser. We never talked about it as for me, the cross dressing was on and off and usually when I … Continue reading Daddy’s little slut
I had just turned eighteen and looking for my first real job… I saw an advert for careers in a retirement home… the pay looked way above average so I decided to give it a go never expecting to get an interview as I had no experience in this field…. so I was surprised when … Continue reading The Mountains retirement home Part one… Emma’s story
I was 18 when I got this lust in myself. It started when I was at my friends house. My friends mom with big 36d boobs and huge bulky ass and stanning milf face. I never had thought for her. We ere playing ps while her mom was taking bath in her room. After an … Continue reading Lust for Panties
Hair fetishism or partialism and Trichoplilla is a hair fetish which is sexually or erotically arousing, for the seeing touching or playing with mainly head hair but also chest, armpit hair. She said goodbye to her senior stylist. It was 5.23pm. She closed the salon door after a busy day. She stood looking in the … Continue reading Hair Hair Hair
This happened more than 10 years ago when I was married to Diane, my ex-wife. These events occurred because I found out my wife was cheating on me and, even worse from my point of view she mislead me and lied to me about our plans to start a family. As is fairly common in … Continue reading My knocked-up Ex wife

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