Ferro Incest

Ferro Incest


Ferro Incest
A Tennessee mother has been arrested on charges of incest.
Barbara Jo Tipton, 33, and her husband, Bobby Gene Tipton, 44, were arrested at their home on June 7 by local sheriffs who were executing a search warrant on the house, the Daily Mail reported.
Barbara, who is a mother-of-two according to her Facebook account, was arrested on charges of incest, statutory rape and soliciting sex from a minor. She has been booked into county jail on a $150,000 bond.
Her husband, Bobby, was also arrested and charged with criminal responsibility for an act of incest. This means he either assisted in the crime or didn't do enough to prevent it from happening. Bobby, who is being held on a $100,000 bond, is also facing charges of facilitating statutory rape and domestic violence.
Both suspects will appear in court again in mid-June. Details on what led to the arrest of the couple have not been revealed at this time.
Barbara posted on Facebook that she "met someone" in March 2006, and listed that she had moved to Tennessee five months later.
"He just couldn't get that girl with the hat on, out of his mind...lol!" Barbara wrote in the post.
It is not clear how the couple met, although public records show that she has been living at the home where she was arrested since she moved to Tennessee. She reportedly got married to Bobby three months after moving.
Barbara also listed the birth of her two sons on Facebook. Her first son was born in April 2000, two years after she started high school. That child reportedly has a different last name than her and is now 17 years old.
She listed the birth of another son four years after moving to Tennessee. That child has the Tipton last name and is reportedly 6 years old.
The social media posts indicate that Bobby has children from a previous relationship -- however, it is unclear how many.
Barbara graduated from high school in August 2002, five years after she started. She posted about starting accounting courses at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College in the same months she graduated.
When she moved to Tennessee, Barbara began studying to become a licensed practical nurse at a Tennessee college. She reportedly graduated in August 2015.
The punishment for incest varies from state to state. Penalties include separation of family members, the child being placed into foster care or other care, and prison time ranging from several months to several years, according to Nolo.

Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.

In a small country, you've got to be careful about keeping it in the family.

Shaunacy Ferro

Published Apr 18, 2013 11:00 PM

The world can seem like a mighty small place, but nowhere more so than in Iceland, a country of 320,000 people where getting it on with a relative isn’t even a question–the question is, how distantly? Thanks to a new app that warns users if they’re too closely related, Icelandic daters can now go to bed feeling a little more assured that they won’t eventually run into their one night stand at a family reunion.
The Android app , Islendiga-App or the “App of Icelanders,” will sound an “incest prevention alarm” if two closely related users bump their phones together. It combs through the Islendingabok, or the Book of Icelanders, a database that has compiled genealogical information for up to 95 percent of the country’s population, and determines whether or not you share a grandparent.
As the AP notes, most people know who their first cousins are, so the app might not be entirely useful. Most Icelanders share common descent from a group of ninth-century Viking settlers, so really, the danger probably lies more in kissing your second cousins.
“Everyone has heard the story of going to a family event and running into a girl you hooked up with some time ago,” Reykjavik resident Einar Magnusson, told the AP. “It’s not a good feeling when you realize that girl is a second cousin. People may think it’s funny, but (the app) is a necessity.”
Of course, as the News of Iceland points out, being related to everyone in the country has its merits–you’re related to Björk!
A team of students from the University of Iceland built the app as part of a contest to find creative uses for the Islendingabok, and it’s not entirely incest-based. You can also access all the information on the online database, and it’ll remind you when your relatives’ birthdays are. But “Bump the app before you bump in bed” is a far catchier slogan than “Remember Great-Aunt Sally’s birthday this year!”
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This is a regular recurring theme in the Fire Emblem series. Not quite as much as the fandom believes, but several of the female characters have strong feelings towards their brothers, and one or two boys have similar feelings about their sisters.

"Even alone with me, his mind is ever somewhere else, with someONE else. I can never have him all to mysel—"

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Tine : I, I want to be of some help to my brother, that’s all.
Seliph : You and Arthur are really close to each other, eh?
Tine : That’s because...I like him...
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Tine : Ummm, no, I don’t think I ever would, but I’ll just try to do my best at going on with my life. I’ve met a very wonderful brother after all, we’ll be trying our hardest together.*

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