Feng Shui with Attitude! Jump 🦘-Start Your Joy 😂

Feng Shui with Attitude! Jump 🦘-Start Your Joy 😂

👓 Ingrid Binder Hauck
Feng Shui with Attitude! Jump 🦘-Start Your Joy 😂

Feng Shui with Attitude! Jump 🦘-Start Your Joy 😂

✅ This book 📚️ shows you ➡️👤 how to create a more beautiful, uplifting environment that brings you ➡️👤 home 🏠️ to your true self. You ➡️👤 are the pivotal link 🔗 in the energy equation that allows you ➡️👤 to tap into natures perfect earthly 🌐 harmony and ➕ heavens sublime metaphysical realms. Offering an enriched, holistic journey based on the timeless philosophy of Western Feng Shui, modern concepts and ➕ techniques embellish your surroundings and ➕ accessorize your inner decor. Feng Shui with Attitude! Jump 🦘-Start Your Joy 😂 incorporates emerging findings 🔎 from quantum physics, energy medicine 💊 and ➕ psychology, and ➕ new 🆕 spiritual pathways. Simple practical techniques revitalize, balance 🤹 and ➕ beautify yourself and ➕ your home 🏠️, lightening your load and ➕ lifting your spirit. Along with true stories of ordinary people 👥 who have achieved extraordinary results through Environ-Mental Feng Shui, youll discover: 6️⃣ STEPS TO ALIGNING YOUR HOME 🏠️ TO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS; 5️⃣ PATHS TO INNER HARMONY; HOW TO FIND 🔎 YOUR EMPOWERING PLACES; and ➕ WHY ❓️ AUSPICIOUS ATTITUDES ARE AS IMPORTANT AS AUSPICIOUS DIRECTIONS. WHICH ATTITUDES SET 📐 YOU ➡️👤 UP ⬆️ FOR PROSPERITY, PEACE ☮️, PURPOSE, PASSION, AND ➕ JOY 😂. A must-have guidebook whether youre a Feng Shui novice, fan or master.


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