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( アリアヌ・ヴェルグランス , Arianu Veruguransu ? )
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After losing her parents in a tragic accident, Alianne was raised by her grandfather Isildaure . To help her cope with the sadness of losing her parents, Isildaure embarked with Alianne on a journey to explore the world. [2] Alianne and her grandfather are among the NPC adventuring groups seen during the early Main Scenario quests that introduce Sastasha , the Tam-Tara Deepcroft , and Copperbell Mines , along with Edda's group and Dolorous Bear 's party. She initially explains themselves as old companions on the road. When met at the Tam-tara Deepcroft, they nearly met their demise due to a mis-step, and reminds the Adventurer that one must "look before they leap" in dangerous places. [3] At Copperbell Mines, they explain that Dolorous Bear's party all perished to the hecatoncheirs, and suspected their overconfidence did them in. [4]

When she resolved to quit the adventurer's life, Alianne decided to make her fortune with the Crystal Braves . There, she became lieutenant of the 4th, a unit composed of adventurers. Though she had no special talent, she proved a reliable leader, and soon earned the respect of those under her command. [1]

The Warrior of Light helps her unit rescue one of their wounded comrades, Rhesh Polaali , after they were ambushed in Castrum Centri . [5] Later, her unit took part in the counter-operations against Garlean raiders harassing the Ceruleum Processing Plant. She plunged into despair upon learning of Wilred 's death, but eventually chose to move forward in his stead. [1]

Shortly before the Sultana's banquet, Momodi explains that Alianne had left a note for the Adventurer asking to meet in private outside Nanawa Mines. She notes that Alianne did not finish her meal and behaved strangely. At the designated meeting spot, Alianne never showed up, but the Warrior of Light found an odd bottle. Shortly thereafter, Laurentius confirmed he hadn't seen Alianne wander near there, but as the Adventurer left he gave an ominous look and spoke into his linkpearl. The mysterious bottle was used by Teledji Adeledji to accuse the Warrior of Light of poisoning Nanamo Ul Namo , as Ilberd and many Crystal Braves (including Laurentius) turned traitor. [6]

Alianne reveals that she was suspicious about the circumstances of Wilred's death, and had wished to speak in private with the Warrior of Light to discuss the possibility of a Garlean spy within the ranks of the Crystal Braves. However, Laurentius had taken note of Alianne's arrangements, and had her confined to the Rising Stones, along with Riol , Ephemie , Aergmhus and others still loyal to the Scions. When Ilberd moved forward with General Raubahn 's execution, the turncoat Braves left only a small force to guard the loyalists, who were able to attack the Braves by surprise and guarantee their escape. Alianne remains loyal to Alphinaud , even after the company's disbanding. [7]

To help widen the search net for the missing Scions, Alianne has recruited a small army of seasoned adventurers who she says are friends from her days as an adventurer. While Riol commanded the efforts on the ground, Alianne took over the administrative affairs at the Rising Stones. [8]

Alphinaud approaches Riol and Alianne at Castrum Oriens to ask them why they stayed with the Scions following the dissolution of the Crystal Braves. They explain that Alphinaud's accountability for the tragedy and the Scions' earnest belief of protecting the world inspired them to stay. Alianne mentions that the original group was diverse and while Ilberd's crimes were unforgivable, it was largely due to his efforts that the group functioned at all. [9]

Alianne, Isildaure and Homei at Bokaisen Hot Springs.
After the Scions of the Seventh Dawn disbanded, Alianne resumed her travels with Isildaure to collect information about the territories they passed through. [10] At first they traveled to Kugane where they visited Homei and rested at the Bokaisen Hot Springs. Alianne planned next to travel to Doma and then make their way to Nagxia . Alianne says that the Eastern Alliance made arrangements for the trip, and that their guide would be someone named Atori . [8]

Alianne is a wildwood Elezen with dark brown hair and light brown eyes. She wears a blue robe and black boots, and wields a toothed goathorn staff in battle.

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Alienne 2 par Xris KRAISER (France)
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When I was growing up, “class” was something we were taught to aspire to. Having class implied a certain level of refinement, manners and education. In my mother’s parlance, the opposite of classy was “tacky” and was exemplified by loud gum chewing, too-tight clothing and overdone makeup or jewelry. But sometimes the distinction was a matter of degree too subtle for my young mind to grasp. Jackie Kennedy’s faux pearls were classy, the huge rhinestone costume brooches (which I loved) worn by our babysitter were tacky. A slight bouffant hairdo was classy, a full-on beehive was tacky. A quiet chuckle wa
Cette rousse aime bien faire de l'anal
Cul huilé paradisiaque
Bouffage de chatte en pleine nature

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