Feminization Stories

Feminization Stories


Feminization Stories

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Topic: The feminization journey (Read 17278 times)

« on: December 21, 2020, 06:04:20 pm »
So how has being feminized impacted your life or if you are female what has having a feminized partner been like versus before the transformation process? Allow me to share some of my journey so far 😊 For me it actually began quite young well before we have reached this era of better gender role understanding. I would sneak into my mom’s room and wear her clothes and loved feeling pretty. There was this immense feeling of guilt though because back in that era society was very much geared towards boys wear pants and girls wear dresses. I was too young to realize the narratives men had placed into the culture in order to benefit them, so I conformed to those standards. I became an alpha male. As I aged, I became more hardened, lacked empathy, had feelings of entitlement, was generally aggressive, worked on a career, received female attention, and other males seemed to envy this type of behavior, yet I was very unfulfilled and depressed inwardly. This went on for years with many failed relationships in-between the cycles of depression and I felt like I was alive but not really living. I wasn’t being true to myself. Eventually I reached out for help in the form of therapy. My first therapist was a strong career woman who decided that to fix what was going on in the present we first needed to revisit the past to see what may have been buried in the subconscious. This is where we tapped back into my feelings and actions as a boy wearing my mother’s clothing and she encouraged rehashing all of it to bring it back to the surface. This went on for several months, some things private that I will not discuss here, but ultimately she encouraged me to once again slip into some panties and report back to her on my feelings after I had done so. She wanted me to re-experience how I felt when I was younger, she wanted to reawaken my natural state of being. I met her with heavy resistance. I had built myself a life of being alpha. Somewhere is my arrogant mind I know there were thoughts of questioning this woman’s intellect like what does she know and why I am paying for this **** ? But the depression and cycle didn’t diminish so eventually I gave in to this request thinking why not at least try and move on to something else after it’s ineffective. So, I kept it simple and discreet and ordered some panties online. I was beyond nervous. I got them in and couldn’t help but notice how excited I was for this package. It reminded me of when I was a boy and got excited when I had a chance to sneak into my mom’s room to wear her things. I slipped them on and it was almost an instantaneous relief that flooded through my body. It felt right. I reported this in my next therapy session, she felt we were onto something, and suggested I be wearing them in the next session, so I agreed. The next session she asked if I was wearing panties and I said yes and she asked me how I felt. I was feeling happier, far less aggressive, and strangely feeling more submissive towards her. I think the reason for that is it was the first time I was able to wear them and admit to wearing them to another person, a woman. It felt like this weight being lifted off me and because of this it also removed some of those alpha tendencies I had developed to fit in societal norms. I was sitting a little different, talking a little different, walking a little different, feeling a bit vulnerable, and more submissive. She was becoming the alpha and I was starting to look up to her for guidance. As time went on, she guided me through my feelings I had suppressed and continued to slowly chip away at my toxic masculinity. I couldn’t deny how much happier I was becoming so I listened to her attentively and took notes. At this stage I was wearing panties occasionally but not to places like the gym or certain events etc. She challenged me with this asking why am I holding myself back from something that brings me happiness and peace? She once again went back to the beginning and explained how society had forced me to bury these natural feelings and that we needed to bring more of them to the surface. She asked that I expanded my panty drawer and threw out my old boxers so I can wear them full-time. There was a fear in me to do so but it wasn’t because I didn’t think I belonged in them but because of the societal image I had built up being knocked down. I’m single, so I also worried what future female partners would think of me, but I couldn’t deny how much happier I was feeling so I complied, and that week was the last week I wore any male undergarments. This was a key transition stage for me because it took away a crutch my alpha male image was leaning on. I was now becoming significantly more feminized and submissive. Once we had passed this stage, we spent a few sessions going over my feelings. She would remark how much more open I had become since we had first began working with each other and how much more personality I was beginning to show. She took away my feelings of guilt and shame and replaced it with praise and validation. At this stage I was open fully to her suggestions, she was in charge, but also, she was my best friend because I was able to be honest with her where I hadn’t been with anyone else. It was at this stage of openness that my feminization really took off at warp speed. We continue to discuss various things and she would be there supporting and encouraging my transformation. Things like full body hair removal, laser hair removal on face, growing my hair long, painting nails, makeup, fashion, shoes, accessories happened at this stage. My personality also changed dramatically as I sat elegantly trying to take up less space, legs closed, passive by nature, submissive and looking to be led. I no longer desired size or strength, I wanted to be lean and dainty, so I dieted properly and exercised until I was 140lbs. I didn’t want to be handsome I wanted to be beautiful. When we would have our sessions, she would compliment me and say I was looking gorgeous and I couldn’t help but smile. It was at this point I realized and accepted I am no longer anything remotely close to an alpha male anymore. I had been transformed and conditioned properly into my natural state of femininity. It was at this stage that she started pushing me back into the world as a lady. I was presenting this way around her but generally limited publicly. This was something I wasn’t ready for. I wasn’t ready to show the world that another alpha male was now femininized, living a happier life, and better for society with my toxic masculinity destroyed. After weeks of pushing, she finally convinced me to tell one close female friend my story, my journey so far, and experience how she reacted so I can see it’s not as bad as I think it will be. So, after working up the courage I reached out to my best girlfriend. We had actually dated briefly previously but remained close friends throughout the years. We talked almost daily for years even after she began seriously dating someone else. We are just BFFs so I chose her. I opened up to her and told her everything. The truth and my tears were both pouring out and it was both scary and liberating all at the same time. She had a TON of questions like what are your pronouns, are you transitioning fully, how long have you been dealing with this, and all the questions a close friend would ask. After we got through that though I was shocked at her elated response! I thought she would have shamed me but instead, in her words, she was excited to gain a new girlfriend. I couldn’t have been happier about opening up and it was that moment that empowered me to be more public. Other than my therapist, my friend became the next woman I looked up to. But before we could actively hangout in-person she had to let her boyfriend know why otherwise he would think she was being unfaithful. This was another scary moment for me because he knew me as an alpha male but much had changed between then and now. At this point there was nothing alpha about me, but I hadn’t exposed my femininization in my social circles yet and I especially hadn’t exposed myself to men in that way. Thankfully I had been browsing “New Age Lifestyle” blog for months at this point and I had fully accepted female supremacy and my new roles as an ex-alpha male transformed into a sweetheart. So, while I was definitely scared, I felt it was time to wear my big girl panties and show a man the future by leading by example. My friend and I decided to have wine, makeup, and movie night girls only, so before we did, I met her at her apartment wearing a cute skirt, with some flats, and my nails did so her boyfriend could see what proper looks like. I would love to say it went over well but that’s when I had my first experience of toxic masculinity being projected onto me. I won’t go into details here as most women will already know exactly what transpired but it was this experience and many others moving forward that led me to detest such toxic behavior and eventually identify as a feminist seeking full empowerment of women at all top positions. I am also thankful I no longer possess that nasty character trait and firmly believe males need to femininized fully in order for society to thrive. They’re disgusting. Thankfully a strong woman stood up and protected me and we were on our way. She took me everywhere and taught me so much. Soon after, she refused to call me by my boy name anymore because she said it no longer fit me and made her feel awkward to use it so she decided to name me Stephanie because it's sweet just like me and that is what she's called me ever since, even publicly around groups, my name became Stephanie to her. The male in me, in her eyes, had died and I have been rebirthed in femininity.  We would get our nails done, go to Sephora for makeup and skincare, go shopping. She would be out with her boyfriend and take pics of outfits and shoes and send them to me saying “I think you’d look gorgeous wearing this!” Once I experienced all this it gave me the courage to open up to more women and they have all been huge supporters and have always stuck up for me but it has also been lonely since I haven’t found a woman interested in dating me. Still, I appreciate the new female BFFs I have made. But this journey hasn’t been easy nor without heavy resistance from toxic men. I guess when you’re the one wearing the skirt you realize all the bullshit men subject us to. I still have a long way to go but I am happy being one of the newest enlightened alpha males to submit to feminization and be properly transformed physically and behaviorally. What I lost in male privilege I gained in happiness and sense of self. What I lost in toxic masculinity I gained in being more attentive, kind, and full of love. I’m a precious little sweetheart now and that is my contribution to this world.
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« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2020, 07:28:51 pm »
I always love a story with a happy ending, I can't relate very much to your journey because our paths were very different but we have both arrived where we are comfortable with our feminine side and have accepted that strong women are needed in our lives. I hope someday that special woman you seek recognizes what you have to offer her and make both your lives even happier. 
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2020, 07:52:55 pm »
You're so sweet, and thank you so much for your kind words. Looking back and writing that for you all to see really showed me how far I've been transformed. I just hope a woman finds me pretty enough for her someday


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« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2020, 06:41:31 pm »
Steph!   I HOPE you find that Special Woman that will Pursue you and make you her Obedient male wife. In the New Age of Female Control and Leadership, men and boys need to assure that they are Pretty and Submissive for that Potential Strong Woman!  I know others on this Forum are also wishing that you find that Woman. It will be yet another Chapter on your Journey, submitting to a New Age Woman and FLR!!!
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2020, 07:56:06 am »
Patti may your advice to Stephanie become full reality and may this former 'masculine' poser ( as truly nearly ALL of us of us are if once we are searched beneath our false denim and find the soft lace and satin that lay beneath hoping for the right bold strong Female to smilingly touch and to command us to show the world!)
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2020, 05:45:50 pm »
Thank you Patti, I hope some are looking at the forums and maybe reach out to me, you never know. I've also done my part to help women who may already be in long-term relationships to convert their males into submission and feminization as well. I'd love to be an example and inspiration to others on your blog someday. "Alpha male turned submissive, dainty, pretty wife. The perfect example of toxic masculinity transformed to non-threatening feminized status and is now a positive contributor to society. The future looks bright for females as more alpha males are eliminated and turned into dainty submissives."


Hero Member

Posts: 989
Feminne men make the Best husbands!!
Location: Pennsylvania

« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2020, 06:56:56 pm »
Hi Steph!   I just Love the way you think. The once macho Sports Playing Tough guy, now the Sweet and Pretty submissive prissy male looking for that Strong Woman to Sweep him off his high heeled feet!!!  That is such a Delight to hear!  Yes, you as a Role Model to convert more and more "macho" men into Prissy boys would be Wonderful.     I am Thrilled to hear that you are trying to work with some Women to Feminize their men.....this is how the Movement will continue to Grow!  The more of us there are Encouraging these feminine behaviors in men and boys, the better! Thanks for sharing!
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2020, 04:09:21 pm »
Steffie.... You must be SO proud to have been part in working with real women to aid in the feminization of Their malette mates. Might you be privy to give any more information? As to the other area of false 'mach' males who b erate you --- TRULY hope someday you may see them having been reformed to appropriate ladylike sissiffied state by Women in their lives.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2020, 04:11:28 pm by whyguys »

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