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Feminist Whore Slut Tumblr


Feminist Whore Slut Tumblr
Tarting up the body politic in shameless fashions. #intersextional #sexpositive #feminism
RT @survivepunishNY: Our mutual aid fundraiser has been stuck ~$13k for days. We have a LONG way to go in a short time.

These funds go *di…
RT @ShadowtimeNYC: If you’re curious how Aristotle, D/s kitten play, the 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Edo period courtesans, and Dion…
RT @AndreaGordillo: Holiday party season is coming & this will be the place to be 🥰 during the pandemic @bluestockings & @the_clemente were…
RT @DothTheDoth: As your goth therapist I need you to remember that you don’t live in the hell, hell lives in you.
RT @YungKundalini: Every time you yawn in October, a Ghost puts his dick in your mouth.
RT @ShadowtimeNYC: unholy aural sex in its purest form 😈🔥
Violet Paley‘s powerful memoir, Frozen Oranges, is a non-fiction sexual bildungsroman. The writer/director/actor delves into her sexual psyche from childhood through her early 20s, writing candidly about masturbation, sexual abuse, the orgasm gap, celebrity, mental illness, and the emotional complexities of femininity in prose that swings from bitingly funny to painfully beautiful. In…
Maheen Lemon is a modern-day alchemist, transforming ethically-sourced animal bones, copper, and clay into wearable talismans. Inspired by her hedge witch practice, Lemon lets nature guide her hand when she takes to the wild to meditate and ask for earthly permission to incorporate natural objects into her work. Each Bewitched Boneyard piece is then blessed and charged and infused with magic —…
Writer, Fashion Alchemist, and Venus devotee Gabriela Herstik has conjured up a potent guide for solitary practitioners that infuses disparate witchcraft traditions with a feminist punch. Her newly released book, Craft: How To Be A Modern Witch, is empowering without being trite or preachy, witty without losing reverence for her subject matter, and equal parts style and substance. This juicy…
Our March Slut of the Month is pleasure educator and kinky crafter sextraordinaire, Luna Matatas. When she’s not rallying folks to Peg the Patriarchy, hosting streaming sex ed classes at O.school, or teaching IRL sex and pleasure classes around the world, she’s creating sequined, bejeweled, and pearlized pasties and other erotic accoutrements. Read on for more about Luna’s radically sex positive…
Last weekend, artist, activist and Satanic firebrand Jex Blackmore led a ritual of resistance that drew hundreds to a neon-lit warehouse in Detroit. Inspired by the recent implementation of a biblical “sexual identity” workshop by a metro-Detroit church and the hiring of religious activists in key positions in the Department of Health and Human Services, Blackmore’s piece of powerful political…
Well-versed in the ways of aural and visual seduction, creatrix Corinne Dodenhoff is our February Slut of the Month. A witch, fine artist, illustrator, musician, and ½ of Babe Coven (with her ride or die Haleigh Moon), she’s conjured interdisciplinary shows, witchy markets, and community events that center femmes and body positive magic. This Saturday, she’ll take the stage at Babe Coven’s Be…
Kitten Natividad is a pleasure polymath. Over the past fifty years she’s been an adult film star, two time Miss Nude Universe, Burlesque Hall of Famer, and longtime collaborator and partner of director Russ Meyer. Although Kitten’s incomparable assets and joie de vivre made her a superstar of the Sexploitation genre and she graced screens and magazines around the world, her full story has yet to…
Shanzey Afzal started her mobile feminist tattoo studio, Ink Minx, out of necessity. After surviving an apprenticeship rife with sexism and familial stigma for her career choice, Afzal was inspired to create a safer space for women and non-binary folks to get tattooed. The Long Island-bred, Brooklyn-based artist always wanted to live small, and fortuitously came upon a 1963 Shasta trailer which…
We first encountered firebrand Carly S. one fateful October night at the Pleasure Chest. After learning about her unquenchable werewolf lust and her participation in an upcoming zombie porn on Tina Horn’s live Halloween-themed “Why Are People Into That?” podcast, we had to have her grace our sleazy screens as a Slut of the Month. Read on to get a taste of what life is like for this professional…
Literary Witches: A Celebration of Magical Women Writers is a kaleidoscopic grimoire that positions the great literary craftswomen of our time as seers, sorceresses, and sages. Taisia Kitaiskaia’s gripping, exquisitely crafted words are set ablaze by Katy Horan’s haunting images that pulse with primal magic. Their collaboration will not only inspire you to dig deeper into transportive works of…
knifesex‘s Babalon begins with hypnotic intensity, building in a brooding crescendo as creatrix Vanessa Irena whispers: “Holy is the whore.” She repeats this phrase, mantra-like: a fitting beginning to a sonic offering to Babalon. Alternately sinister and celestial, fusing noise, trip hop, and synthwave, knifesex’s first full-length release is the perfect soundtrack for making sacred the profane,…
The spookiest month of the year deserves the spookiest slut, and we’re delighted that Princess VuVu has offered herself as a sacrifice to the dark goddess. Currently working on a Grindhouse-style sexploitation featurette shot on super8 film, this stripper siren is no stranger to sex, blood, and subversion. Read on for more about this shapeshifting sorceress’ advocacy and art: I am: A…
Slinking across your screens as September Slut of the Month is Kit, purveyor of pleasure at the Museum of Sex, body positive sexologist, and cunt connoisseur. She opens up about her innermost convictions and cravings below: I am: A body positive sexologist, feminist, and cunt connoisseur on a mission to rule the world. By Day: Making America Cum Again at the Museum of Sex. Known as the Sex Toy…
We’re pleased as spiked punch to showcase drum slut, writer babe, and heavy metal hellion Kelsey Chapstick as our August Slut of the Month. Read on to delve into her black leather lust, her post-30 celebration of ride or die relationships, and that time she did mushrooms and felt like a physical extension of the devil… By Day: I’m the Advertising Operations Manager for the Blast Beat Network and…
Tomorrow, Sunday, November 4th, is known in NYC as Marathon Sunday, and as we cheer on the spirit of the masses of runners, there is another phenomenal fundraising event of people pushing their bodies to the extreme in the form of [K]INK OUT , a fetish fundraiser being staged in response to SESTA/FOSTA, and celebrating the artistry and intersection of the tattoo, kink, and sex worker communities.

Sometimes I think about the fact that I married a man who once crashed a high society wine tasting and said “mmm… grapey” after each one 
I am in the 1% of the population with this, but I really do not enjoy summer. I love winter, like… if you are cold, you can put on a hoodie, you can grab a blanket and snuggle…. Like… when you’re hot, what do you do? Rip your skin off?
no offense but how can one claim that men aren’t entitled to sex or to women’s bodies and in the same breath say that they support full decriminalization? 
how are we supposed to raise a generation of boys who don’t see women as objects when advertisements for brothels are everywhere and they can order a woman like they would a pizza? 
we cannot normalize male entitlement by saying “we must maintain a group of women who are always available to satisfy men, whose job it is to cater to men’s sexual desires” and also expect to build a society in which men don’t feel entitled to sex and to women bodies.
what is this world you’re all envisioning in which objectification and liberation live together in perfect harmony?
Let me describe to you what kind of world gender abolitionists actually dream about:
When a child would be born it’s biological sex, being an actual physical reality, would be noticed but not a single assumption regarding the child’s personality would be made based on it.
Growing up, children would be free to chose what toys and clothes they prefer. If they want to play with toy trucks or dolls, it would be fine either way. If they want to dress comfortably or in frilly colorful dresses, it would be fine. Regardless of the child’s biological sex.
Certain personality traits would not be encouraged in members of one sex and discouraged in the other. Females would be free to be strong, brave and assertive and males would not be shamed for being shy and soft spoken.
No female child would be called a tomboy and no male child would be called a sissy. No kid would ever be bullied for what we in our gendered world call “gender expression”.
When children would reach puberty they would still be free to dress how they want. Females would not be pressured to wear clothes that reveal their bodies and males would not be shamed if they chose to. Everybody would have a free choice of accessories, which would not be categorized as “men’s” or “women’s” but people could should whichever they liked. Or chose to not wear accessories at all if that’s what they are more comfortable with.
Females would not be pressured to keep their bodies slim, soft and hairless. Males would not be pressured to be athletic and muscular. Expectations of femininity and masculinity upon the body would not exist and affect negatively people’s relationship with their own body.
Everyone could choose a career without fearing stigmatization within that particular field because of their biological sex. The most important thing would be competence and not what someone has between their legs.
Domestic work would not be considered “women’s work” and would be shared equally between the sexes.
Biological sex would only be thought about when relevant. Like for example in regards to issues surrounding sexual activity, reproduction or treatment of medical conditions related to a person’s biological sex.
And everyone would be free to be themselves without ever having to worry about gender expectations. Nobody would feel the need to repress certain parts of their personality and exaggerate others in order to fit into some gender role that is being forced on them.
Gender abolitionism is not about restricting people’s choices but about giving them greater freedom.
most cis women–radscum especially–simply cannot get over it when they see trans women who are prettier than they are.
it's definitely one key source of their transmisogyny because of how damaging it is to their simple-minded biological essentialism.
it offends their collaboration with patriarchy and just makes them so very mad. 
ok? but the point of radical? feminism? includes shattering the myth that beauty defines your worth?? try again
radical feminism: physical beauty is irrelevant to a woman’s worth as a human being
genderists: you are all jusT JEALOUS that trANS WOMEN are PRETTIER THAN YOU!!!!!!!
this is why i think they’re all trying to kill us. we’re told to always date men and to never eat food, when that’s the opposite of how to stay alive.
Ocean motifs at Valentino Spring 2015 RTW
— Roseneil
S and Ketokivi K (2016) Relational Persons and Relational Processes: Developing
the Notion of Relationality for the Sociology of Personal Life. Sociology

148 (via constellations-soc )
it doesn’t matter how salient your point is, if you’re calling a woman a bitch, cunt, slut, hoe, whore, etc. to make it then it’s garbage. misogyny doesn’t emphasize what you’re trying to say, it detracts from and weakens it.
Jeff Buckley performing at Pacific Club, Antwerp, Belgium (September 21, 1994).
A woman is an adult human facial-masque-wearer.
what kind of animal does a face mask with their hair down
I’m glad I’ve never done a facial or “pampered” myself in my life so I can’t in any way be associated to this guy.
this is it people, the epitome of womanhood: pampering and facials!
how anyone can take this misogynist asswipe seriously anymore is beyond me

Whore Paint


Ask me anything


December 3, 2015


2 notes

June 4, 2014


6 notes

November 26, 2013


7 notes

The first time I saw Whore Paint, a self proclaimed-feminist, Riff Rock/No Wave/Crooner Shred hybrid band out of Providence, RI , I was immediately 16 again and at my first Sleater-Kinney show in my busted Docs, baby barrette firmly lodged against the side of my head with a newfound

November 14, 2013


8 notes

September 23, 2013


58 notes

September 23, 2013


15 notes

August 26, 2013


7 notes

August 23, 2013


74 notes

August 23, 2013


99,683 notes

We are HORRIBLE at updating Tumblr! But here’s some cool news:
You can officially check out our new record, “Ultra Sound,” on Bandcamp , purchase it on iTunes , or grab the CD via Translation Loss records! Plus, we have vinyl on the way! IT’S TRUE!
Also, come hang with us at this rad show next week!
TELL YR BUDDIES– WE’RE HEADING TO THE MIDWEST!!!! June 7 Baltimore, MD @ Ladyfest Baltimore June 8 Pittsburgh, PA @ The Shop June 9 Cincinnati, OH @ Rake’s End June 10 Chicago, IL @ Township June 11 Milwaukee, WI @ House Show June 12 Detroit, MI @ The Trumbullplex June 13 Brooklyn, NY @ Shea Stadium RAD TOUR POSTER BY ALISON NITKIEWICZ !
We are taking a break for a bit to write, but we’ve already got a few rad shows lined up for the spring!
–March 28th in Providence, RI @ AS220 w/ Dead Rider + Doomsday Student –April 12th in Northampton, MA @ Smith College w/ Potty Mouth + Drab
Thanks to Jaime Lowe for this write up at Bust!!
this is a show @ my crib that everyone should come to ok 
You can now stream our entire new record on Bandcamp! 
Official release September 3rd on Load Records . PSYCHED!
“ The most certain test by which we judge whether a country is really free is the amount of security enjoyed by minorities.” -John E. E. Dalberg, The History of Freedom in Antiquity , (1877).
               This is an Emergency ! is a print portfolio project centered on reproductive rights and gender justice. There hasn’t been a safe time for women, gay or non-gender conforming people in North America since Europeans invaded this continent. The forms of oppression shift over time and while some aspects of life improve, we don’t have full justice and equality in the United States. This is evident in everything from our legislation to the culture at large; exampled in the hundreds of laws which detail and inform us on the exact circumstances under which we are allowed to have an abortion, to Rush Limbaugh’s hateful comments surrounding birth control, or former Senator and Republican Presidential nominee Rick Santorum’s horrendous comments regarding homosexuality. A society which had evolved to exist with full equality and justice would not create such legislation nor ferment such hateful cultural speech.
               Instead of being a society which has evolved, the United States suffers from having a cultural and legal system dominated by a very small group of conservatives whose actions are driven by fear; fear of losing power which has been attained and maintained through exploitation and corruption. Those of us who do not conform to the narrow standard of conservatism outlined by this group find ourselves in a constant state of war. We exert our energy, time, money and resources in countering each legislative measure or cultural attack meant to control us. We find ourselves constantly on the defensive, as conservatives tend to succeed in the initial framing of issues through the creation and manipulation of language with words like “pro-life,” “slut,” and “dyke.” Sometimes we reclaim these words, but what if we refused to engage within their paradigm? The narrative they work within is a world of extremes; good versus bad, man versus woman, gay versus straight. Working within such a framework assumes there is only one right answer. It’s time to shift the narrative and focus on creating an alternate world view based on a spectrum instead.
The beauty of a spectrum is that it allows for an infinite range of possibility and nuance. Alfred Kinsey created a spectrum around the fluidity of sexuality. However, it’s not simply our sexuality which is nuanced and complicated. Our identities, beliefs and lives can shift over time and we can liberate our minds and bodies if we begin to think of ourselves as fluid rather than static beings. What if this spectrum is a circle, where two seemingly opposing ideas are in fact next to one another rather than at two opposite points of a line? All parts of a circle work together to create a whole. Artistically this idea is beautifully demonstrated in the circular power of our planet, sun, and moon. I believe justice and liberation can also be achieved by taking a holistic and circular approach.
What do I mean by that? Instead of falling into the “us” versus “them” mentality, we need to reframe the discussion. What if when we are called “sluts” we don’t simply deny or reclaim that word, but instead demand to live in a sex positive culture where we don’t judge one another for our sexuality? Instead of debating who has a ‘legal’ right to live in our country, what if we shift the argument to be that no person should be required to have identity papers to live anywhere in the world, and that all people deserve access to free healthcare and social services wherever they live? What would it mean to be in a community where everyone who has had an abortion (which is 1 in 3 women) would be supported by their community rather than feel they had to hide their experience or be judged? How much freer would our culture be if people did not make assumptions about the gender or identity of others, and our genitals did not define who we are from the moment of
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