Femdom Vr

Femdom Vr


Femdom Vr
A place where I ramble about femdom-themed 2D/otaku works.
Do you already understand what modern VR tech consists of? If not, you may want to check out my other post, An Introduction to Femdom in Virtual Reality . This post focuses solely on content.
Simulator is the first real femdom VR game that truly takes advantage of VR’s potential. It’s
made by two people, Deviant Dev (programming) and Devilish Domina
(script and voice acting). Normally the latest version is only for
patrons, but in early May, Deviant Tech opened up the latest version to the public as an apology for development
The existence of the tracked VR headset and hand
controllers allow VR apps to know the location and orientation of your
head and hands, in realtime. With this information, it’s possible to
infer so much about a player’s (slave’s) physical state. And DS
understands this. Even in its alpha state, DS’s mistresses interact with
the player by making him or her (there’s a gender choice) kneel, stand
to attention, place their hands behind their back, masturbate… and
many other poses I won’t spoil. This is the first femdom VR experience
that’s truly interactive; none of the other ones I’ll talk about pay
attention to the player’s posture. The mistresses know when you’re not
moving your body the way they want you to. They look you in the eye and
reprimand you.
The aesthetic, art, and story also place DS ahead of
its competitors. It’s very much anime-inspired;
for example, there’s a “Mistress Yuki” who’s a maid with a sweet surface
personality, who aspires to turn the player into her obedient puppy.
The character designs and 3D models are cute, sexy, and distinct. It’s
wonderful to stand before these beautiful women in VR, as if they’re
directly in front of you, staring you down. The story centered around a
mysterious mansion is inventive, avoiding bland femdom cliches. The
voice acting is quite enjoyable for an amateur’s work. The UI also
properly instructs players and is patient if they mess up, so you can
avoid the awkward situation where it’s impossible to move forward with
the scenario because the app doesn’t comprehend that you’ve made the
proper pose.
However, it’s still early in development. The current
version just has a long scene with one mistress, a mid-sized scene with
another, and two others who you only meet and do a few poses for. Also,
it goes without saying that you need to make sure your tracking setup
covers the floor properly, because you’ll be lying down frequently.
Still, this is a must-play, and I’m hyped about what it will look like
in the future. Can’t wait for them to add slave 3D models and mirrors,
it always deepens the experience when you can “look in the mirror”
within VR and see a different self.
was the first femdom VR sim, and one of the very first adult VR apps at
all. To the point it even received a lot of mainstream publicity. It
used to be $40, but recently the price was cut in half, perhaps because
Citor3 has more competition these days.
I only played
the free demo, so I’ll
just talk about that. Please take my review with a grain of salt because it’s possible that the demo is not representative of the full game. The start is very impressive and atmospheric. By
the way, FemDomination was created before hand-tracking controllers
existed (before Vive, and before Oculus Touch) so you, the player, don’t
use your hands at all. You just “point” with your head (by looking at
a particular option) to select a choice, and use the keyboard, or
buttons on your controller, to confirm that choice. You start off in a
dungeon-like area with a BDSM atmosphere that lets you do stuff like
tweak the volume. Then you enter a room where you can choose what your
“mistress” looks like (mainly hair color, IIRC). After that, you enter
the scene (the only one available, because it’s a demo). You’re lying back in a
chair, and told to press a button to confirm once the positions of the
chair and your legs match the position of the 3D models within the VR
environment. This is a smart and necessary measure for any immersive
seated content in VR.
And that’s where I encountered
disappointment. Despite the pre-experience environment that built up
anticipation, the “mistress” is incredibly stiff. She barely moves at
all, and has a completely flat expression. For example, when she talks,
only her mouth moves. The 3D model has also been criticized as
looking very primitive. In any case, she just stands there while her
computer-synthesized female voice starts talking, delivering simplistic
pseudo-hypnotic femdom cliches about how you’re a slave who must obey.
After a while, she finally moves and proceeds to act upon the player
model in a more intimate fashion, but the animations are very stiff. In
any case, it’s about 10 minutes, with no interactivity whatsoever. I personally felt I enjoyed VR videos more.
I think that FemDomination is largely a product of
its era. In early VR–the time of the Oculus Rift DK2, before the
Vive was even announced–there were no hand-tracked controllers and
Oculus emphasized seated experiences for liability reasons. However,
it’s hard for experiences to feel immersive without some form of
interactivity. Still, a lot of hard work was put into FemDomination.
Japanese title is “VR Futanari Joou-sama -Momiji no Amaama Zenritsusen
Choukyou-”. It’s an amazing and unexpected venture by a doujin circle
that previously majored in CG sets. Unlike the previous 2 titles I listed that
try to create a D/s atmosphere for the player, this simulation game is
much more straightforward.
You’re put in a room with a 3D Custom
Girl model of a kyonyuu bishoujo named Momiji, who just looks at you
while you choose what you want. You pick the room/location, make
adjustments to her outfit, and pick the sex act you want. One of your
hand tracking controllers, like the Oculus Touch or Vive controllers, can be utilized to make these selections. I remember it was a little
tricky: you have to aim very precisely. There’s a toggle-able laser
pointer that extends out from your controller, to show what you’re
selecting. As you can see from the screenshots, the interface isn’t too difficult
to navigate even if you only know English; the choice of sex act is the
hardest part. After you’re done making your choices, you are taken to the
scene. Momiji, who’s voiced by seiyuu YUZU, whispers sexily as she
initiates the act with you. There are a series of phases to each sex
act. There’s the initial contact animation, which transitions to the steady
rhythm: for example, thrusting in and out of you. That’s then followed by her
“finishing”: moving harder, crying out in ecstasy, and ejaculating. You
press a button to advance forward between these phases, whenever you’re
From a content standpoint, this game is fantastic. There
are over a dozen different sex acts, with multiple animations for each
one, and many of them are quite humiliating. Not to mention Momiji is
cute and expressive! The problem is… the experience itself. As you
might have guessed, the player’s 3D model is positioned differently for
each sex scene, based on whether you’re lying down, kneeling, and so on. By the way, the model consists of a headless body–the head is absent
because you don’t want it to obstruct your view. Anyway, as a player, to be
immersed, you need to position yourself the same as the player model… and inside the game, you’re always lying on top
of a huge king-sized bed. But the VR environment properly calibrates the
“floor” as the “floor”. So if you try to lie down, you fall through the
bed and can’t see a thing that’s happening. This was a fatal problem
for me.
I have a few thoughts on this. First, I noticed there were several updates, so it’s possible that someone else made the same complaint, and that the problem was fixed in a version later than the one I tried.
Second, I’ve heard that it’s possible to adjust the location of the
“floor” using SteamVR’s configuration. However, I don’t want to do that
personally, because it would mess up my other VR content. Third, if I
moved an actual bed into my VR play space, and lifted it up or lowered
it to the same height as the bed in VR, I could solve the problem, but
that’s similarly an awkward solution.
VR video is bad. But if you’re a giantess fan with low standards,
you’re in luck: there’s a lot of content out there for you. Why is that?
Well, if you place a VR video camera at any height other than eye
height, record a VR video with it, and then play it back with a VR
headset, what do you think happens? Since you’re used to being a
specific height, if the camera is too high, everything looks smaller…
and if the camera is too low, everything looks bigger. So people quickly
discovered that you can create GTS content if you just set the VR video
camera on the floor, and have a bunch of women surround the camera and
yell “Wow, he’s so tiny! Smell our feet! *waves feet obviously a few
inches away from the viewer’s eye/camera’s lens* Let’s make him our
slave! Oh my god, he’s looking up our skirts, what a perv!” And even if
you’re not trying to make a GTS video, why let that stop you from
setting the camera on the ground, when it’s easier and you’re just a
porn director who’s new to this VR stuff? There are plenty of non-GTS
videos in which the sense of scale is severely off because of this. For
example, the director places the camera in a human-sized cage, so the
cage looks like a vast prison.
Sarcasm aside, there is some decently filmed
femdom VR video out there. For example, many clips have a male actor,
who is seated or on the floor, and place the camera directly over his face.
The position may still be slightly off, but it’s fairly immersive.
biggest problem is that VR is just too new an industry, so most porn
producers don’t know how to film it and treat it as an experimental
venture. And they create very few clips for it, so it may be hard for you to find VR video content that matches your preferred type of femdom. That said, there are several genres of femdom video that lend themselves to VR, so you may find a fair amount of content in them: (1) giantesses, for the reasons I just talked about; (2) cuckolding, which
is the subject of a lot of femdom VR video because it doesn’t require
directly interacting with the camera, and it’s more interesting than
simply dirty talking; (3) POV clips, which consist of verbal humiliation spoken to the camera; (4) “sissy
brainwashing” VR clips, which are usually created through a combination of POV clips + overlaid clips and images.
You can find femdom VR video for free on
Pornhub. There are browser plugins that let you play VR video from your
browser, but I prefer to utilize a tool like the Firefox extension Video DownloadHelper
to download it to my HD and then play it with Skybox. You can also buy
them from various sites. I prefer 3D VR video since it’s more immersive, at least
when done right. It’s also nice when actresses come relatively close to
the camera, to take proper advantage of the 3D feeling. Here are a few
of my impressions: “Real VR Porn” has the best femdom VR porn,
production-wise, with its solid camera work and high resolution 3D
video. But it’s not very exciting, since they’re not focused on femdom. A
Japanese studio named KMP also has a nice 3D clip I liked on Pornhub .
The one MeanGirls VR clip I tried had the camera off-center relative to
the male actor’s body and some awkward interactions, so it definitely
felt like I was the “camera” more than I was the “actor”. None of the other works I looked into were especially memorable, although I only personally tried around 15-20 of them.
is a moderately famous fanservice game series from a Japanese developer. The
premise is that cute girls throw themselves at you in flirty ways
because they’re possessed, and you need to shoot them with a magic gun
to turn them back to normal. The developers probably realized it would
be a perfect fit for VR, so they added official VR support. For the
record, Gal*Gun VR isn’t the same content as the first Gal*Gun game;
it’s more of a tech demo, and has no story sequences. Gal*Gun 2’s VR
support, on the other hand, is what you’d expect: the same game (but in
VR). In any case, the price tags seems a bit steep, but I suppose they
feel they can price it high because it’s a niche.
I first heard of
Gal*Gun VR when I saw someone refer to it in the ToT Discord as “better
than any other content out there” (paraphrased from memory). I only
tried the first game, but I understand why they felt that way. VR shines
when you’re confronted with visceral content, such as an NPC screaming
in your face, a free-fall off a skyscraper, horror elements, or close-up
erotic content. Gal*Gun leaves a deep impression because you’re
surrounded on all sides by girls who pop up from around the corner and
then run toward you, and you need to shoot them before they reach you…
and with the current generation of VR headsets, your field of view is
relatively narrow. So it’s very easy to be surprised by a girl who
manages to get close to you before you notice her, which delivers an
immersive sensation. There’s also a kind of subtle femdom to how these
cute schoolgirls are coming at you and trying to tackle you.
Furthermore, one of the actions they take upon tackling you… is
stepping on you while lightly verbal ridiculing you. They also slap you
sometimes. And I believe there may be more femdom-ish animations in Gal
*Gun 2, like “scold” and “punch” and “grind”. Gal*Gun’s gameplay is
fairly easy, so you have plenty of opportunities to let the girls tackle
you to see these animations. I recommend checking out this YouTube video if you want more info, along with a more detailed sense of what Gal*Gun is like.
Custom Order Maid 3D 2 (COM3D2) and its predecessor Custom Maid 3D 2 (CM3D2) are two of the most popular 3D erotic simulation games. In them, you are in charge of a club that hires and trains maids who double as prostitutes.
These games have a VR mode, in which you can spend time with your maid or choose for her to perform a sex act in VR. In fact, they even sell a separate onahole that connects up to your computer and vibrates in tune to the sex acts. Among mainstream VR porn fans, KISS’s games are famous for providing excellent experiences.
These games have incredibly broad appeal because a lot of work has been put into customization, the maids are cute, and there are countless (hundreds!) of sex acts. Furthermore, COM3D2 is continually being expanded with new content packs. For example, COM3D2s’ third character pack included the personality “Sadistic Queen Who Stimulates an M Man’s Heart” which was also in CM3D2. The content includes a vast number of voiced lines, which include romantic scenarios. Actually, she’s more of a tsundere than a sadist in my opinion, but still, it’s nice to have this kind of content. CM3D2 only has one yotogi (prostitution) class that’s femdom-centric, “Scolding Service Maid”, but COM3D2 also lets you experience content from CM3D2 if you have both games and link them, and CM3D2 has two yotogi (prostitute) classes that are femdom, Queen Maid and Pig Breeder Maid, which allow you to experience more satisfying femdom sex scenes (”skills”). Costume-wise, though, COM3D2 only has one or two outfits that a dominatrix would wear, despite inheriting all the existing costumes from CM3D2. You can learn more about the content by checking out the English language fan wikis ; additionally, the Japanese wiki has more detailed info about the scolding (詰られ) content in COM3D2. There’s also a helpful thread on 4chan: go to /h/ and search for COM3D2.
A little background. COM3D2 came out a couple of years ago, and CM3D2 came out a few years before it. They quickly grew popular enough to obtain unofficial English interface translations, and countless mods and patches. Many people have created CG sets and stories utilizing the models and posing abilities of these simulation games. And about a year or so ago, KISS announced that they wanted to publish this game internationally. They originally wanted to publish on Nutaku, but now seem to be aiming for an all-ages Steam release, which is sure to receive some kind of adult patch to restore content. The Steam page indicates that they plan to release COM3D2 on July 4, but actually, it’s still pending approval, so that date is incorrect. It may still be a little while longer before we have an official translation of the full game. In the meantime, of course, you can always play the English trial, or rely on fan translations.
I’ve personally only played CM3D2, but they’re very similar. The above screenshot features two heroines I created. Because I was still so focused on learning the ropes, I never actually tried out the VR mode. But I can easily visualize what it’s like, and I’ve read many people testify that it’s a solid implementation of VR that doesn’t feel uncomfortable or flawed.
All in all, they’re still prostitutes who are performing the sex acts you choose for them, and they act fairly obedient to you outside sex scenes, so COM3D2 isn’t for hard femdom fans. But if you want beautiful femdom animations and cute anime-style heroines you can customize to your heart’s content, and have the time and enthusiasm to immerse yourself in this very deep simulation game, I highly recommend COM3D2.
experiences that I listed are what I felt offered the most robust
femdom experiences, but VR is full of possibilities. One of the most popular VR games
is Skyrim VR. For a bit of background, Skyrim LE (Legendary Edition,
32-bit, no longer being sold) and SE (Special Edition, 64-bit, the
version that’s on Steam, and which Skyrim VR is based on) have many
adult BDSM mods that allow for femdom situations. Unfortunately, there
have been a few technical obstacles, so Devious Devices (the core Skyrim
BDSM framework which nearly every other BDSM mod relies on) hasn’t been
ported to work with Skyrim VR yet, despite over a year having passed
since the release of Skyrim VR. Another fairly popular VR app called
VRChat lets its users import 3D models and animations, which allows for a
bit of lighthearted femdom-ish fun (admittedly a little weird, but still amusing). Oh, and I almost forgot how NM said that he seriously wants to create an
“S na Kanojo” VR experience after he finishes his current game.
you have a VR headset, you’ll end up demoing it for a lot of people,
and you’ll quickly find that people respond in varying degrees to VR.
For example, some people will react very strongly to simple
environments, unable to contain their excitement or fear toward whatever
situation they’re in. It’s not an act, it honestly feels extremely real
to them, even though the experiences provided by VR can’t compare to
real life yet. Other people will react with nonchalance, until you let
them stand at the edge of a cliff (literally everyone seems to freak out
when they encounter this situation in VR). Anyway, if you’re the type
of person who has high sensitivity toward VR, you’ll love the femdom
content that’s currently available in VR. But if you’re not–and most of
us aren’t–then you’ll quickly realize there’s not a lot of compelling
content yet. The novelty tends to wear off quickly too, because there’s
not a lot of replay value to these experiences–once you subconsciously
realize that the heroines act and speak the same way every time, you no
longer feel the same sense of presence. I think Dominatrix Simulator has
the highest potential. After that is S na Kanojo… and Skyrim VR, once various mods are
properly ported over.
Let’s all look forward to an
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Sofia Rule 34

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