Femdom Stories Literotica

Femdom Stories Literotica


Femdom Stories Literotica
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I discover femdom when my gf ties me up and teases me.
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Favorited by ltpulk , kobold444 , bondibruce69 and 23 others
Accidental Fem-Dom Ch. 01 Small penis husband is teased by sexy sister-in-law.
Femdom Between Friends Ch. 01 Office friends discover their darkest secrets are compatible.
Chastity Resort Pt. 01 My wife agrees to a nudist resort, but on her terms.
Her Presents She had a number of surprises for him.
A Project for Bethany Bethany takes in a roommate who needs to be trained.
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"Can I tie you up tonight?" Katelyn asked suddenly. I looked up at her from the dinner table, fork halfway to my mouth and froze.
"Are you serious?" I asked, "You really want to?" I was more curious than nervous and I watched as a smile grew on her face.
She nodded her head, brushing a strand of lavender hair behind her ear. "Yeah, it'll be fun don't you think?" I nodded my head in response, feeling myself getting hard under the table thinking about what she might have planned. We had been getting more adventurous in bed lately, more passionate, more rough, more kinky but this was a whole other level. We finished the meal without mentioning it again and continued the evening relatively normally.
Later that night, however, after I stepped out of the shower, I heard her from the bedroom, "Come here." she said. It wasn't exactly a demand but it had a tone to it that she normally didn't use. A towel wrapped around my waist and my hair still wet, I walked into the bedroom to find her lounging on the bed, wearing my favorite lingerie! I smiled, admiring her tight little dancer's body. I watched her perky breasts as she sat up and hooked her finger in a "come here" motion. I took a step closer and she reached forward, yanking the towel away and tossing it aside. Then, to my surprise, she grabbed me and pulled me, twisting, and pushing me down on the bed.
"Don't move" she told me in a soft voice, slightly mischievously. I just lay there as she climbed on top of me. She leaned down, her hard nipples brushing against my chest and I thought she was going to kiss me but she reached over, pulling my left arm out to the side and then wrapped a leather cuff around it, locking it closed. Apparently, she had planned this far in advance.Then she did the same to my other arm, leaving my arms stretched out wide. She licked her lips, looking down at me and bit her bottom lip. I lifted my head to watch her work as she crawled off of me and pulled my legs out to each side, securing each ankle in the straps that ran under the mattress, holding me still.
She stood up and looked at me, naked, cock growing slowly to full hardness and, in a whisper, she said "I've been fantasizing about this." I swallowed, my cock sticking straight up now as she walked over to the night stand and opened the drawer. She reached in and pulled out a bottle of lube then climbed back up on the bed and sat down between my legs. I smiled as she squeezed out a liberal amount of lube on the tip of my dick and then rubbed it all over with both of her hands. Her touch was gentle and I opened my mouth slightly as she started to slowly stroke me. She kept up the slow stroking and she looked up at me with lust in her eyes. Her hands felt so good and I hoped that she would climb on top of me soon and start fucking. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.
She didn't speed up at all. Infact, she slowed down, grinning as I started to get frustrated. I pulled against the bonds but they held me still, unable to move more than an inch or so.
"What are you doing, babe?" I asked her after several more minutes of teasing. She only shushed me and then gave my balls a little slap. I jumped at that - well, jumped as much as somebody tied to the bed can jump. "OW"
"Uh-uh" she said as she shook her head no, slapping my balls again "No talking." Katelyn went back to her slow teasing stroking and I ground my teeth as she worked. What she was doing felt great but I was nowhere near cumming and she clearly wasn't going to do more. But... there wasn't anything I could do about it since I didn't want to get my balls slapped any more.
She continued on like that for quite some time, ever so slowly stroking my cock which was straining and desperate to cum but just as I got even a little closer, Katelyn seemed to sense it and either stopped or slowed down even more. I was gritting my teeth in sexual agony at this point, my cock growing sensitive but unfulfilled and she just smiled as she worked, her tongue peeking out of the corner of her mouth playfully. The next time I started to get closer to an orgasm, she grabbed my balls, squeezing them tightly and pulling a little which caused a groan to escape my lips. "I said no talking" she said, squeezing harder.
"Ow fuck!" I exclaimed as she squeezed my poor blue balls. Unfortunately, my talking gave her the opportunity to exact some more pain on them, slapping them harder while she held them tightly with her other hand. She slapped them again and said "One slap for each word". She giggled as she continued to squeeze and pull them, watching me wiggle and struggle feebly. She held my balls for a few minutes, varying her grip, sometimes just pulling and sometimes squeezing hard. She seemed to really be enjoying herself as she had a grin on her face the whole time. Finally, thankfully, she let go and I exhaled hard in relief. Thinking she was going to start stroking me again, I lay my head back and closed my eyes. I opened them again when I felt a shift of weight and saw her hop off the bed and walk toward the closet. Watching her tight ass in her see through thong as she walked out of the room, I wondered what she was up to now. She returned a moment later with a thin silk scarf in one hand.
"I hope you liked your balls pulled" she said as she began tying the scarf around my balls and then pulling them, securing the other end of the scarf to the footboard, leaving my balls uncomfortably stretched out. It didn't hurt but it wasn't what I would have liked either. She smiled down at her handiwork and then slapped my balls again for no real reason this time.
"Oh god, ouch!" I said without thinking. "Babe, that hurts." Then, true to her earlier promise, she slapped my exposed and throbbing balls six times, one for each word I dared to utter. She laughed this time at my misfortune. I bit my bottom lip to keep myself from saying anything else, just moaned weakly as she tortured me.
As the evening progressed, Katelyn went back to ever so slowly stroking me, keeping me rock hard but nowhere near cumming. She stroked me with her whole hand, then switched to just a couple fingers. She even used a single finger, rubbing the tip of my cock, giggling as she watched it throb and me squirm. After a while, an alarm went off from her phone and she got up, clicking it off. "Wow" she said "that was an hour already?!" She took the opportunity to snap a few photos of me all tied up before setting her phone back down and moving over to her nightstand again. She reached in and pulled something out but I couldn't see what it was. She walked back to the end of the bed and set it down between my legs. Then she punched my stretched-out balls causing me to groan loudly, lifting my head and pulling on the bonds in pain. She waited a few seconds and then did it again and then, frowning, walked out of the room.
I lay there panting, my poor balls red. I watched her as she sauntered back in, holding something in her hand. She reached out and rubbed an ice cube all over my cock and I cried out, the ice giving a burning sensation to my cock's sensitive skin. "Hmmm" she said, rubbing the ice up and down my shaft, "I would have thought that the punching would have made this hardon go away" As the ice cooled my erection, she untied my balls, finally letting them rest
But only for a moment. Once my erection had subsided, she slipped something around my cock and balls, then slid something else over my now limp dick. I heard a click as I looked up, seeing that I was now wearing a bright pink chastity cage! She grabbed her phone again and took a few more photos, making sure to get my face and the new cage in the same frame, giggling all the while. "Emma will love this one!" she said, typing on her phone and presumably sending a photo of me to her best friend.
I let out a sigh but then the doorbell rang. "Oh good!" Katelyn said, hopping up, her small breasts bouncing in the see-through bra that she was wearing, "my friends are here!" She untied my arms and legs and I rubbed my wrists as I sat up. "Go answer the door please" she told me. She used that same tone as earlier which wasn't quite a demand but certainly sounded like she wanted me to obey. I stood up and walked out of the room, glancing back over my shoulder at her as she sat on the bed, legs crossed and pulling her purse over.
At the front door, I looked out of the small window at the top of the door and saw five guys standing on the front porch. None of them looked familiar and I called back to Katelyn "Who are these guys?" I asked her.
"Just let them in and lead them in here." she replied "I'll explain in a minute."
Taking a deep breath, I opened the door a crack and looked out at them, hiding behind the door since I was still effectively naked. "Um... Hey guys" I said nervously.
The guy closest just chuckled and said "Ah, you must be Kate's little bitch of a husband." He took a step forward to push the door open, causing me to step back out of the way. The door swung open all the way and as the guys got a look at me, they all let out a loud laugh at my little cock cage, making me blush and cover it with my hands. All five guys walked past me and into the bedroom and I heard a couple of them comment on the size of my dick and how small it was.
I followed the guys back into the bedroom to find Katelyn, still sitting on the bed, refreshing her lipstick. She smiled as the guys walked in and then stood up to hug each one of them. She picked up her purse and set it down on the floor next to her nightstand, leaning over, giving the guys a great view of her ass in her thong at the same time. "Damn" "That's a great ass" and "Holy shit!" were some of the comments I heard from the strangers. Katelyn stood back up holding a pair of handcuffs and looked at me.
"Turn around honey." she held them out in both of her hands waiting for me to turn. I slowly spun and felt the cool metal on my wrists as she closed the cuffs, locking my wrists behind my back. "Now go sit down." she pointed at the chair in the corner and, unable to resist her command, I walked over, sitting down to wait. To my horror and surprise, Katelyn reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, tossing it to the ground and then bent over again, pulling her panties off, leaving her naked before the guys. She looked at me for just a moment, telling me "Don't you dare do anything I haven't told you to do." and then she looked back to the guys as she sat down on the bed, spreading her legs wide.
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Favorited by sexxxsational , slave2woman , LuchaMask and 73 others
Femdom Island Where the women rule and the men obey.
Chastity Resort Pt. 01 My wife agrees to a nudist resort, but on her terms.
My Wife Enjoys a New Hobby Hubby becomes her submissive strapon slut.
Small Penis Humiliation Of Husband Empowered by SPH, wife goes further than ever.
Chastity Experiment Ch. 01 Hot college friend tricks me into a 30 day chastity contract.
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I had received a call from my mistress on Sunday evening.
I was to be fully shaved from neck below. She had me buy leather collars and cuffs from a local kink store.
I came back home early from work. I got completely naked, cleaned myself up, slipped on my collar and cuffs and waited on my hands and knees in front of the door. My eyes were fixed on the floor and I patiently waited.
The big grandfather clock ticked. I would have been hard from excitement if my cock was not locked in the plastic chastity device.
I heard the elevator door slide open and after a few seconds bang shut. My heartbeat increased and my ears picked up even the slightest sounds. I hear heels click as it approached my door. I knew my wait was over.
The door creaked open. I could not see who it was but when those pair of black pumps appeared, I knew it was my mistress.
"Good boy," she walked close to me and messed up my hair.
The sweet scent of her perfume wafted into my nostrils. From my position I could see her legs were beautiful as ever. I ogled at whatever I could see as she inspected me thoroughly.
"Hmm. You are one obedient bitch aren't you?"
I was happy to hear that my efforts didn't go unnoticed. Not to mention the 500 dollars I spent on the BDSM gear.
"Kneeling position. You may look up now."
I looked up to see a beautiful sight. She was still in her office clothes. Her full breasts peaked out of her tight shirt. She was holding a small electronic device in her hand. She tossed it in front of me.
"Insert this in the slot of you chastity device," she instructed.
I didn't question her. I merely obeyed and pushed it into the empty space I had been curious about earlier. It felt cold against my balls.
I suddenly collapsed to the floor when a jolt of electricity traveled all the way up from my balls. All I could hear was Christina's laugh. She was probably enjoying my condition.
I struggled back to my hands and knees.
"You are still not properly trained. So I figured you won't like what is coming next," she explained as she attached a leash to my collar.
I shivered. The tension was building. I felt extremely confused whether to stay or run when I still had a chance. Yet I stayed still.
"Now quick get into these," she tossed a pair of latex trousers.
It was quite hard slipping the tight latex on. My chastity device bulged within my shiny black trunks. I grew red with embarrassment. Mistress grabbed on to my leash and tugged.
I was absolutely shocked. My fantasies were always confined within the four walls of my room. It was always a fantasy that I kept secret. My mistress was now dragging me out in front of the people I knew since I moved in here, dressed in a shiny trunk and lead like a dog by this powerful woman.
I involuntarily tugged back to stay within my room. It was a big mistake.
A stronger electric current pierced through my balls. I yelped and collapsed flat on the floor again.
"Don't ever dare to do that again. Next time you won't have your balls."
She tugged again and I pulled my shaking self up again. Terrified about what was going to happen next, I followed her to the corridor of my apartment building.
Luckily there was no one around but I knew my happiness won't last long. The elevator door opened noisily again and I followed her in.
"I want your nose on the floor," she placed her heel on my back.
I prayed hard no one would see me. The elevator slowed and the doors opened. Even from my awkward position I could see the jaws of my two neighbor girls drop. The sight of a confident woman absolutely in control of their neighbor was not that they expected.
I could feel the heat in my face as I grew redder with embarrassment and shame. I felt like my life had lost all purpose especially because one of them was my ex-girlfriend.
Christina boldly stepped and pulled my leash.
"Get out here slave, I don't have all day," she aloud purposefully as she sensed I knew the girls.
I followed my mistress out. I could hear my ex giggle before the elevator doors slammed shut.
I crawled behind this evil woman. And in broad daylight, she led my out onto the side walk and I crawled behind her to her car.
I could see every head turning in my direction. It all felt like a dream but was yet too real. I didn't know how I would ever come back to my apartment again. I didn't know how I would look at the people who knew me as another person.
"Get in and face your back to me," she held the trunk open for me.
I reluctantly climbed in. She locked my two cuffs behind my back. Then the trunk closed and I was engulfed by darkness. I began thinking of every minute since the day I met this cruel woman. I silently cried as I regretted my decision to submit to her.
Several minutes passed before I felt the car slowing down and finally stop. I heard her door open and close. Then the evening sunlight blinded me as she opened the trunk. I felt her unhook my cuffs and she tugged my leash. I climbed out and stood on my feet. A small shock was all that was required to have me drop to my fours again.
"I want you to meet a couple of my friends slave boy. Now I want you to treat them with utmost respect and don't make me hurt you," she explained as she led me to the centre of the food court we were in. Again I saw heads turn, some in contempt and some astonished by the way my mistress easily controlled me.
I saw two young women, as beautiful as my mistress wave to us. One was a blond in a white dress hot enough to be a bikini model. The other was a brunette in a red top and tight blue jeans.
"Hey. Thanks for showing up. How are you guys?" mistress asked.
"Oh we are fine. Mindy just got back from London," the brunette said.
"Oh, the fashion week? How was it?" mistress asked.
"It was really good and maybe you should accompany me next time. Who do we have here?" the busty blond asked.
"It's my new slave Dave. He is not yet trained. I thought about bringing him here and teaching him where his place really was," mistress said as she sat down.
"Impressive, Christy how do you get them to do what you want? Don't they protest?" the brunette asked.
"It's all the same with men. You own their balls and you own them. Plus idiots like this like this to be done to them," mistress explained.
From their reactions, I guessed that the blond had already seen my mistress bring other slaves, and the brunette was probably new to this and found this quite exciting.
"Slave, Get us three coffees. And don't be foolish enough to run. That tiny device fries those balls of yours if you stray too far. You have my permission to walk now," mistress said.
Red faced, I walked to the coffee shop and brew three coffees. The woman behind the counter gave a puzzled look.
"Men these days," I heard her mumble.
Trying not to look at anyone, I hurried back. I just hope no one else that I knew saw me. At this moment the only thought in my mind was to get over this as quickly as possible and probably leave this country itself for good.
I placed the cups on the glass table and waited.
"Do I have to tell you every time to stay on your fours in my presence?" my mistress asked.
"I'm sorry mistress," I apologized and kneeled down again.
"Anna here wants to see how good you are. I want you to worship her feet right here in front of all these people."
I hesitated. I could see many people watching me.

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