Femdom School Stories

Femdom School Stories


Femdom School Stories
Karen, the governess of the reform school, led the student, who
was naked, from the clinic to the punishment room. The nurse on
duty, Becca, accompanied them.

What was soon to happen was no ordinary punishment - the usual
discipline for the week's accumulation of demerits is meted out
during a standing appointment. This student, referred to here as
"S", had incurred this special attention by almost successfully
escaping from the reform school. As a result, he was told that
he would undergo a "motivational discipline session".

The three of them entered the punishment room, and Karen
immediately locked the door. S got an immediate sinking feeling
when he looked around. Instead of one discipline administrator,
there were three - and they were dressed differently from what he
had seen before. Each of them were nude except for fashion boots
- and a strap-on harness with probe.

He looked at the bare chests, and then the faces, of his soon-to-be punishers. All three had serious, stern expressions. Under
different circumstances, the sight of the bare-chested, strapon-clad women might be erotic. S, however, only had a tingling
feeling on his naked bottom as he came to realize the seriousness
of his predicament, and that there was no escape.

Karen led him to the punishment bench in the center of the room.
She leaned him over the padded structure so that he was bent over
at the waist, with his back at a downward slope. She asked Becca
to cinch a binding strap around his waist and cuff his ankles to
the structure. Then she uncuffed his hands from behind him and
bound them to the bench in front of him.

Karen spoke to S. "Attempting to escape from this facility is a
very serious offense. You knew that, and tried anyway. Your
stay here has been extended by six months. Your weekly
discipline will be intensified for the next ten weeks. As for
today, I hope the motivational discipline you are about to
receive will convince you never to try that again."

"Nurse Becca, what is the status of his earlier clinic

The blonde nurse responded, "I gave him two soapsuds enemas of
two quarts each, followed by one rinsing enema of three quarts.
All enemas were given with the retention nozzle, and the
retention period was five minutes." She smiled to herself as she
recalled the enema session in the clinic. For each enema the
male had been secured face down on the examination table with a
bolster under his hips. The enemas went in without interruption,
a practice which was very distressing to the recipient and
arousing to her because of his reaction. She loved recalling the
retention period of five full minutes and his attempts to cope.

"Very good," Karen replied. She turned her attention to one of
the discipline administrators. "Governess Jeanette, please
administer twenty swats of the large oval paddle - with no

Normally, when the paddle is administered, there is a pause after
every five strokes. Upon instructions from the head governess,
or when the discipline is intensified, there are no pauses. This
considerably enhances the punishment effect.

Jeanette, a woman of thirty five, with long dark brown hair which
was pulled back, turned around and removed a hardwood paddle with
a large oval surface from its place on the wall.

Oh no, not THAT paddle, S thought to himself.

Jeanette took her position and calmly waited.

Jeanette almost imperceptibly pressed her lips together as she
spread her feet apart and slightly bent her knees. She drew the
paddle far back and above her shoulder while keeping her eye on
the bared bottom of the bound male. She propelled it forward and
delivered a hard swat across both nether cheeks of the male.
About three seconds later she swatted again.

Jeanette kept up the timing of the swats, without stopping.
After the seventh swat, S was bewildered at the intensity of the
pain. Usually it felt this way at the end of the twenty swats
when they were given with pauses. Each new swat from her brought
forth an urgent shout. When the count reached fifteen, S
unabashedly prolonged his vocal reaction. Jeanette delivered all
twenty swats and returned the paddle to its place.

"Nurse Becca, please lubricate him."

The nurse inserted the rectal tip of a small bulb into S, and
emptied the thick, viscous lubricant. She then inserted a gloved
finger and brusquely worked it around, and pulled out. Finally,
she spread some additional lubricant on Jeanette's strap-on

Karen spoke next. "Governess Jeanette, give him fifty pumps.
You may begin any time."

All the discipline administrators at the facility had experience
with using strap-ons with their lovers. In a session such as
this one, however, the strap-on is administered as punishment,
with a different technique from that which they used in their

Jeanette stood behind S and spread his heated nether cheeks. She
positioned the tip of the probe at his sphincter, and then, in
the space of just over one second, drove it all the way in, to
the hilt. A loud cry filled the room.

She smiled and completely withdrew it, and, holding his cheeks
well apart, thrust it in again - all the way.

The others watched as she gave him fifty complete pumps with the
strap-on. He was helpless to resist as he felt each thrust
invade his insides, skate past his prostate, and boldly proceed
far inside him. Sometimes he gritted his teeth and groaned;
sometimes he grimaced; other times he gave a loud shout. Every
one of Jeanette's thrusts evoked a reaction.

After the fifty pumps, Karen thanked Jeanette and Announced that
there would be a five minute break. S, of course, remained bound
to the punishment bench.

"Strapmistress Laura, please prepare to administer fifty strokes
of the punishment strap."

Laura's eyes widened when she heard her governess' directive.
The punishment strap is larger than the two-tailed tawse which is
usually used for a strapping of more than twenty strokes. She
removed the wood-handled leather strap from its place on the wall
and took her place to administer.

"Please begin, strapmistress. You may pause or not, as you see

Laura understood what the governess was telling her. There are
times when repeated strokes of the leather strap tend to numb the
area of the buttocks being administered. The best course of
action in those cases is to pause after every ten or so strokes
to allow the feeling to come back. It's a highly individual
reaction. She decided to pause only if S's reaction to the
leather indicated that his bottom was starting to go numb.

Laura applied the strokes of the leather punishment strap with a
combination of skilled ease and extraordinary power. She bent
her knees with each stroke as the strap bit into S's nether
cheeks, and she had a tennis player's follow-through. Both sides
of S's bottom jiggled and quaked from each stroke. She also
got her reaction from him, and did not pause once during the
entire set of fifty.

After the twentieth stroke the fiery kiss of leather had him
uttering a hearty yell with each stroke, interspersed with
frequent and futile requests of "no more," and "please stop".

He had never been subjected to a punishment as severe as what he
experienced on that day. And the fact that there were three
discipline administrators was something that he had not wanted to

When the leathering was over, the tall Laura, with her light
brown hair disheveled from administering, hung the strap on its
place and waited for direction.

"Strapmistress Laura, please administer fifty pumps when Nurse
Becca has applied more lubricant."

The nurse injected another bulb full of the thick lubricant, and
smeared some on Laura's probe. S flinched and yelped when the
nurse, and later Laura, spread his hot nether cheeks. To the
extent that his bindings permitted, he twisted and writhed each
time Laura drove the strap-on into him and slammed her hips
against him. The sensation of the probe being completely
withdrawn was disconcerting, since it meant another forthcoming
intrusion far up inside him.

Laura rather enjoyed holding S's bottom cheeks well apart while
pumping the full length of the dildo in and out. S, however,
dreaded every thrust, and reacted with a raucous outcry each
time. In spite of the others present, she became aroused, and
fantasized doing this with her boyfriend. By the time she
finished her fifty pumps, she was determined to use her personal
strap-on that evening in bed. When the passion of arousal
gripped the tall slender Laura, she was never satisfied until it
was thoroughly quenched with sexual satisfaction.

S felt that he was at the end of his endurance, and earnestly
hoped his punishment was now over. After a short break, his
hopes were dashed when he heard the governess of the school say,
"Canemistress Stacy, please select an appropriate rattan
instrument with which to administer no less than twenty four
strokes on the bared buttocks of the recipient."

"No!" he yelled. "No more! Please! I won't ever try anything
again! Please! I'll show you! I'll follow all the rules!

Stacy, a blonde woman in her late thirties, selected a thin,
straight, whippy length of rattan which had a leather handle.
S's dread increased when she whipped it through the air several

"Canemistress Stacy, you may commence the caning, and present the
strokes as you see fit. If in your judgement twenty four strokes
is not sufficient, you are authorized to extend the caning."

Prior to this incident, S had only received the paddle and the
tawse. He had heard tales of how unpleasant a caning was, and
was sure that he never wanted to experience one. Now, after
being severely paddled and strapped, he was bound naked to the
punishment table, and was going to receive the cane on top of

The clip-clop of Stacy's boots hauntingly filled the room as she
walked to take her position. She lightly tapped the rattan cane
on S's bottom several times, then drew it back and whipped it
across the center. As the cane struck, the far end of it flexed,
and extended the striation to the tender portion on the right
side of S's bottom.

A thin white line emerged where the cane hit, turning a fiery red
in a few seconds. Stacy paused for a moment, fixed her gaze on
her target, and whipped another stroke immediately below the
first one.

A moment later, she placed a line immediately above the first
stripe. Taking her time, she placed three more striations
immediately adjacent to the other strokes, while her subject
yelled, trembled, and attempted to twist and writhe.

"Have you been a naughty boy?" she asked.

With a pause between strokes, she gave him six more. She waited
until each striation had matured to a full, angry red color
before laying on the following line. His shouts became louder.

"Did you hear Governess Karen say that I could extend your caning
if I decided to?" she asked with a sharp edge in her voice.

Over the next minute she laid six more stripes in a perfect
horizontal pattern.

"Six more to go, if you don't earn extra. And then I'm going to
fuck you silly with this strap-on. Do you want me to fuck you
silly? Remember, there's only one right answer."

Feeling the sting of humiliation in addition to the punishment on
his hot nether cheekd, he managed to choke out the words that
Stacy was intent on extracting from him.

She smiled and prepared to give him the final six strokes. His
naked bottom had been striated with eighteen strokes thus far.
Stacy decided to lay the following strokes in a diagonal pattern,
so that each stroke crossed several previous ones. These were
also going to be delivered rapidly, and no less intense than the
others. S gave a continuous, bewildered shout as Stacy
registered the remaining six, once per second, across the
previous strokes.

"Nurse Becca, please bring the cheek spreader."

Becca retrieved a metal device with soft rubber attachments and
leather adjustment straps. She placed the device, which is used
for keeping the recipient's nether cheeks spread apart, on him.
Then she adjusted it so that his freshly punished and striated
cheeks were spread well apart.

Stacey informed S that normally she would have him hold his own
bottom cheeks apart for the strap-on session, but that she
decided to use the spreader this time. Then she asked Nurse
Becca to lubricate him again. Becca pumped a bulbful of the
thick lubricant into S and generously applied some to Stacey's

Karen spoke up. "Canemistress Stacey, please give him no less
than fifty pumps. You may extend the number if you wish, with no

Extend it is exactly what I'm going to do, she thought to herself
as she prepared to enter him. She bent her knees slightly and
without touching S at all, positioned the tip of the thick probe
at his sphincter. She put her hands on her hips and gave a
steady shove and entered him to the hilt.

She slowly pulled out all the way, and repeated the entry, with
similar effect. She did this a few more times to the
accompaniment of S's raucous groans. Then, over the next several
minutes, she pumped him mercilessly as he yelled and begged her
to stop. She gave him upwards of two hundred thrusts before she
stopped. Her face had a definite blush.

Karen addressed S. "I hope we don't have to repeat this with
you, but make no mistake - if your behavior warrants it, you'll
be treated to a punishment at least as severe. Have you ever
been whipped with a nice supple switch, until it's worn out? And
then with another switch - and another, and another? Imagine
getting that on top of a good hard paddling!"

She turned to the nurse. "Nurse Becca, please take him to the
examination room and check him. I recommend another enema."

A half hour later, the last of his three quart enema was inside
him and Nurse Becca checked her watch for the retention period.

That night, while S slept on his tummy, Jeanette, Laura, and
Stacey, each in their own bedrooms, were engaged in pleasurable
pursuits. Jeanette, all alone, had a vibrating egg inside her,
and softly moaned while she rubbed her slippery and engorged
clitoris. Laura was thoroughly and lovingly using her boyfriend
with her strap-on, giving good hard thrusts. Stacey was on her
back, pinned down by her girlfriend who was thoroughly fucking
her with a strap-on.

This work is copyright 2004, 2007 by the author. Commercial use
is prohibited without permission. Archiving and reposting of
this story unmodified is permitted provided that no fee is
charged, either directly or indirectly (including so-called
"adult checks") and provided that this disclaimer and attribution
to the original author (rick_oh at onolanke.router5.com) are maintained.
Please see my other stories at http://www.asstr.org/~rick_oh/

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