Femdom Rape Art

Femdom Rape Art


Femdom Rape Art

Femdom erotic humiliation art, preserved from my BANNED Humiliatrix-themed tumblr.
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Copyright © 2018 Goddess Lycia - This Site is for Entertainment Purposes Only

Oh my, Goddess, these are classic art pieces. Particularly love the ones featuring you. Felt myself getting weak in the knees as I looked at the pathetic pictorials and read the humiliating captions.
Thank you for the page!
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Prosp Femdom Art
Female domination and other erotic 3D art by Prosp. No commissions, 18 years or older only.

All content, unless stated otherwise, © 2011-2022 Prosp, all rights reserved.
Man, I wish I’d come up with a better title for this one.
And thus concludes this saga of sexualizing and inaccurately representing the sauna experience – at least for now. You can view the entire series here .
“Sexualizing and inaccurately representing” might as well be a tagline for every image I do…
Well, I hope someone is learning something.
“You alright, dude?” “Hnngghh, yeEHHesss, it’s just a cramp thAAAAaat’s all…”
“Jaysus Christ on a bike! Isn’t he supposed to be tutoring you gals?!”
Just a terrible mock Irish accent, I suppose. Sorry about that
Making nice, romantic love by the fireplace with lots of touching, kissing, eye contact …and maybe a bit of improvised bondage, choking and fucking him up the ass until you’re both left a quivering mess.
What had years earlier started out as innocently as just watching cartoons and reading comic books evolved into something quite a bit more eclectic and bizarre after the girls had invited themselves to the club.
…though some of the students seem a bit more advanced than others…
Part 2 of 2. Or possibly of 3 if I ever get to around to doing the third image for the series. It doesn’t seem to be happening though, so I might as well stop sitting on these images…
…and they intend to go through each and every one them until he’s blowing nothing but smoke.

1 Bondage Artwork

2 Comic Bondage

3 Femdom Cartoon

4 Free BDSM Comics

5 Comic BDSM

6 3D BDSM Movies

7 BDSM Art 3D

8 BDSM Art Collection

9 BDSM Art Galleries

10 BDSM Art Online

11 BDSM Art Pages

12 BDSM Art Studio

13 BDSM Cartoons Online

14 BDSM Comics Online

15 Best BDSM Comics

16 Bondage Art Porn

17 Exclusive BDSM Art

18 Golden BDSM Art

19 HQ 3D Art


21 Silver BDSM Art

22 3D BDSM

23 BDSM Art

24 BDSM Artwork

25 BDSM Cartoons

26 BDSM Comics

27 Bondage Art

28 Bondage Comics

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Sasha started working for us on a Monday morning and Her desk was opposite mine. She was beautiful in a mysterious way and there was definitely something dangerous lurking behind Her smile. Then we shook hands and I literally fell in love with Her in a matter of seconds. It felt like being pushed off a cliff, it really did. I think She knew, there and then, what a weakling I was and how easy it would be to make me dance to Her tune. She didn’t hesitate and within hours She had me on a short leash. She knew exactly what to say to push my buttons and it was impossible to refuse Her anything. If I tried She would pout and make me feel guilty. I worked late to finish Her work, lied for Her, bought Her clothes and paid Her rent. I even fumbled with Her assessments so She would get a raise. Sometimes She humiliated me, be it in a playful way, in front of our colleagues. Asking me if I would do anything for Her. Telling them I was such an obedient boy. She quit Her job within a year. I felt gutted, but luckily it didn’t mean the end of our friendship. At least that’s what I thought. But on Her last day of work She looked at me with cold eyes and said: Before you ask, I’m not interested in keeping in touch with you. You are boring. All this happened many years ago, but I still remember the smell of Her perfume, still hear the echoes of Her voice. In case you’re wondering if you ever met a Femme Fatale; trust me, you would know. Because you’ll never forget.
I’m a huge fan of the sleazy, adventurous, slightly erotic, pulp magazines of the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s. Especially the ones with strong, powerful and deadly Women on the cover. Some of these covers are genuine pieces of art, as far as I’m concerned. The stories inside range from Female Islands and Tribes, to Harem’s, Bordello’s, Femme Fatale’s and Madame’s, to Pirates, Man-Killers, Sex-Slaves and Nazi. Lots and lots of Nazi’s. The titles of these stories can be mouthwatering:
She promised a paradise of love and freedom in the sun, but now we were Her slaves with our lives at stake …. That’s enough for the Nobel Prize in Literature if you ask me. Amazing covers, catchy titles and tag-lines allow us to escape the doubts, difficulties, hazards and impossibilities of finding a real & right Mistress in the 21st century. They inspire us to dream and fantasise of undiscovered islands, jungles and worlds where real Women rule.
They came from a planet called ▽Ẫℏ¶Ŧµ◎Ⱶƃ℥☋Ǜ (aka planet T) and we were to them what bugs are to us. When they spoke about their planet, we could actually see what they meant, because their words came with images! So cool! The universe is teeming with life , Empress ℔ (aka Empress Hytymadongi) explained. All planets are Female-ruled, because no civilisation in its right mind puts men in charge. Unless you like catastrophes. Young and virile men are kept in Reproduction Colonies; the rest is put to work. As nature intended. They left in the early afternoon, because they wanted to be home before diner. Our planet is roughly 4 light years away from here, the Empress explained, so it’s just around the corner, really. And yet it would take you people 137 thousand years to get there . Haha, y ou are so unbearably primitive . It takes us approximately four hours, depending on the space wind. After they’d gone, our President was quick to explain: Women on our planet achieved so much, he said , thanks to men! We gave them the vote, we allowed them to study, we granted them jobs. Women are like children: they look up to us, imitate us, worship us. That’s how it’s always been, that’s how it’s always going to be. Everyone cheered, even some Women. Our president is, after all, such a wise man. And so we remain the laughing stock of the universe for many, many centuries to come.
He left to explore the hidden inlets and forests of one of the many islands in the South China Sea. After weeks and weeks he stumbled over an old colonial hotel, called Crossroads . The young Lady behind the hotel desk was very friendly and offered him a drink on the house. There were three young Women sitting in the bar, drinking and chatting. They asked him about his work, where he came from, his marital status and how he came to find the hotel. He was flattered by all the attention and told them he’d gone off the beaten track. I’ll need you to guide me out of here, because I have no idea how I got here, he laughed. Famous last words, because seconds later a trap door opened and he fell into a cage. He was chained and deported to a faraway land where Women are in charge. Some say he’s now the house slave of a gorgeous Female slave owner, others say he’s whipped, kicked and slapped from dusk till dawn by unbearably beautiful Shanghaiers. It’s even suggested he’s a sex slave at the Queen’s harem. So please come forward if know where we can find this hotel, because I’m dying to know and ready to go!
Sadly enough I can’t make a print of the fantasies and memories inside my head. But if it were technically possible, then my printed longings and desires would be frighteningly similar to Nanshakh’s artwork. When I was a kid I used to fantasise about Female warriors, Femdom continents and Femdom planets & galaxies. When I grew older I learned that Female Dominance (and male slavery) is less fanciful and imaginative and far more basic. Because there’s a big difference between a) being captured by the Amazons, spending years in the galleys and being sold on a slave market, and b) serving a professional Mistress for two hours in Her SM-room on Kings Road, London. Nanshakh’s exquisite work shows us the distant lands where all men are slaves. They are used and abused, traded and sold like pigs in the market. Wonderful places where no one gives a shit about his needs, his wishes and his limits. A world where male ego doesn’t even exist. And I for one thank God and Nanshakh for that.

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