Femdom Ponyboy Stories

Femdom Ponyboy Stories


Femdom Ponyboy Stories




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Femdom Pony Hell: Male Human Ponies Used and Abused
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By Miranda Birch

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Copyright ©2018 Miranda Birch. All
Rights Reserved.

This compilation of
previously-published stories contains all 6 (SIX) of Miss Miranda
Birch's femdom fantasies concerning the male human pony. The price
may seem a little steep: but remember this is a collection of SIX
full-priced stories, so if you are into pony play it is actually
quite a bargain!

Miss Debbie Parker has settled in
America, where she is staying with her dear old friend Miss Lucy
Elcox, the owner of a large plantation in a remote country location.
Here many scores of males are kept in captivity, toiling in the
fields or in the mansion. All have been kidnapped and brought
secretly to the estate. Some are convicts who have escaped from gaol,
All are under the supervision of female overseers, many of them
negresses. There is in addition one female slave, the personal
possession of Miss Lucy, who uses her for sexual gratification. Some
of the male slaves are used as ponies, and this story covers Debbie's
very first ride!

Rob a young happy-go-lucky college
grad., had soon grown tired of Jill, the older woman he was dating.
Unfortunately for him, she didn't feel the same way. And, unknown to
him, she was a friend of Mistress Lucy. Not that Rob had ever heard
of Mistress Lucy. He would certainly never have got involved with
Jill if he had! For, “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”, as
Rob was soon to discover. He had been kidnapped and taken to Mistress
Lucy's Estate. In accordance with his jilted sugar-mummy's
instructions, Rob was soon taken to the stables to be broken in as a
pony boy.

Debbie Parker is still enjoying her
stay with her old friend Mistress Lucy on her estate dedicated to the
femdom lifestyle. Now she decides to take a greater interest in the
activities of the estate, in particular the pony training. For on
this estate, the ponies are not horses — but men!

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Content & Storytelling for Human Ponies and Their Riders
The following content is for ADULTS, focused on PonyPlay and other BDSM practices. Please leave this web site if you are underage, or if this type of content is illegal in your country.
It was another restless night for Michael. When the sun finally started rising, he turned away from the window to observe his lover in the morning light. Her body was only partially covered by the sheets. He stared at her long toes, tan legs and the sexy curve of her bubbly ass. He adored her.
The fight from the previous night still burned though, despite the great make-up sex that followed it. He was tired of hiding and he needed answers, but she just demanded that he trust her and remain exiled without an explanation. “I will try to visit more often” she had promised, before remarking that they had to be extremely careful: “The world has completely changed, babe. The riots you have witnessed as a kid were just the beginning. As a man, you don’t want to go back out there.”
He walked to the bed and laid down, spooning her as delicately as he could. She took a deep breath in her sleep, but didn’t seem to wake up just yet. Michael inhaled the scent of her dark hair, and looked at their bodies closed together: he loved the contrast between his own lighter European complexion and the darker skin tone of his lover, who was half-Mexican.
Sarah turned around and kissed him on the lips. “How did you sleep?” She looked sleepy and beautiful.
“I’m sorry about last night. Believe me, I’m just trying to protect you.”
“Sarah, I do believe you. But I am an adult now, and I deserve to know the truth. I keep having these bad dreams, because part of me feels like I am your prisoner. Sure, a cabin in the woods is better than jail. But I feel so lonely: you are the only person I have seen in years! And all I get is a couple of weekends per month to spend with you. I don’t even know how you manage to come all the way here. I just take you to the other side of the lake with my kayak, then you disappear in the woods. Please, I’m begging you. Tell me what’s going on.”
“All right, listen. I have a video on my phone that I’ve been planning to show you, sooner or later. You were just a kid when my sister and I first took you here, after your family was arrested for opposing the regime. So much has changed since. But you are a man now and I guess you are ready. Please, just don’t overreact. I will explain everything and answer your questions at the end of the video.”
Michael looked frightened. Where was his curiosity going to lead? Was he better off not knowing? He could not change his mind about this though. Perhaps the nightmares would stop, once he knew the truth.
Sarah picked up her smartphone and they sat up on the bed. There was no radio service in that area, but she had saved the video so she could play it offline. She tapped the play button.
Michael saw a large amphitheater classroom. The image was very shaky for about 15 seconds, then it looked like the camera was placed on a table – probably held up by a small tripod – and immediately zoomed in to show the teacher, a tall woman in her forties who was presenting slides while pacing on a podium.
“Wait a second. Go back please…” Michael asked. Sarah hesitated, so he took the phone from her hand and he started rewinding and pausing – without even hearing her “Hey!” of protest – until he got a fairly clear snapshot. “Oh my God, what is the meaning of that?” he asked. “They are using them as chairs!”
“Honey, just listen to the lesson. It will explain the entire story, how the revolution led to that and more.”
“No, please just tell me. All the students are girls, and they are all sitting on the back of boys on all fours. They are using them as human chairs, like the most natural thing! Is that really how bad it got?”
“Michael, I took that video many years ago, when I was in college. Things have actually gotten a lot worse for men since then. You are all powerless slaves. This is really hard for me to explain. I don’t even know where to start. Please, just watch the video…”
“Were you sitting on a boy’s back as well?”
“Of course! Everyone was. Enough now… Just watch the damn video!”
Michael frowned, but obeyed. The teacher on the video went on: “Ladies, we are fortunate enough to live in a peaceful matriarchal society, but things have not always looked so rosy. The world was on the brink of collapse, devastated by climate change and the ensuing famines, wars and destruction. So many species have gone extinct, and so much land has been lost to rising sea level. But we are lucky that Mother Nature – in her superior feminine wisdom – gave us a second chance, by turning the previously dominant male gender into an army of slaves for us to lead and exploit…”
The lecture went on, but Michael’s attention started fading. He looked at Sarah: “Am I your slave?”
“Is that why you love being so dominant with me?”
“Honey, listen. I care about you. Don’t forget that I saved your life when you were very young, years before we became lovers. Of course I am a feminist, and I have learned about the apocalypse brought on humanity by male leadership. I believe women have a more sensible leadership style, and deserve to be respected and served by their male partners. If that makes me demanding or even dominant, I am not going to apologize for it. You are submissive to me in bed, but that’s only one aspect of a relationship based on love and respect. Besides, I thought you liked it that way!”
“You know I do. I adore you, Sarah. And I love pleasing you more than anything. But that woman was talking about men being exploited. Is that what you are doing to me, in any way?”
“Michael, you are clearly in shock so I won’t get mad at you. But you’d better watch what you are saying, and stop sounding like an ungrateful little kid. You owe me your life, because I chose to protect and love you. Would you like to know what it’s like for men to be exploited? Well, I can guarantee you that being our chairs for hours in school is nothing in comparison with everything else that we do to our slaves!”
“Oh my God. How is that even possible? Doesn’t anyone rebel?”
“You don’t understand, because you are different. You still have thoughts, emotions. That’s exactly what makes me crazy about you: I feel loved for who I am, instead of obeyed because of my position in society. Most men out there are dumber than animals. They are our eco-friendly workforce, and we don’t even think of them as people anymore. Those like you are very rare, and they are not tolerated. That’s why I have kept you in hiding all these years.”
“I don’t know what to say. I always assumed I was hiding from persecution because of my family’s crimes. And yes, I knew women were in power. But this is… this is surreal.”
“I know it’s a lot for you to take. But it wasn’t really our choice. We fought for equality, not domination. Did you hear when the teacher talked about Mother Nature giving us a second chance? Let me fast forward to the Q&A…”
Sarah played with her phone for a few seconds, until she found the right segment. The video was zoomed out to show a chubby student stand up from her human chair to ask a question: “How exactly did Mother Nature make men our slaves? Did they simply accept their failure and decided to submit to us?” The girl looked somewhat shy: as soon as she was done asking her question, she quickly sat down, landing heavily on her human chair. Michael noticed the boy’s back suddenly bend under her weight. At the same time, he noticed another student in the audience pull the hair of the slave under her a few times, moving his head up and down: every time his head was pulled up, the slave diligently arched his back down a little further, letting his Owner sink more and more with her butt until she reached the desired height and comfort. It looked painful, but the boy seemed to perform as efficiently as an oiled machine. Michael was open-mouthed.
Then the teacher answered the question, and Michael listened intently: “Mother Nature made all men physically stronger and mentally weaker, to the point where they reached a vegetative state. We tried to take care of them, but they would be indifferent or sometimes even become aggressive. Then we discovered that they react to pain with extreme fear, which makes them docile and obedient. It became obvious that they were meant to become our workforce, since animals like horses and oxen were extinct, and any polluting engine had to be avoided to prevent further global warming.”
Another student asked: “Do we know how that actually happened? I mean, it’s not like Mother Nature is a fairy with a magic wand!” Some giggles were heard in the audience.
“I teach history, not science, but the scientific community believes that most of the drinking water became infected with a virus that attacks the Y chromosome. Only men have that chromosome, so we were immune. The virus was Mother Nature’s way to fix the world, and we now live in a new way to respect her will.”
The same student stood up again: “Has a cure ever been found for that virus?”
“Not that I know of” said the teacher. “Much effort was put into that type of research at first, but then we all realized that the world was better off with men as our slaves.”
Yet another student posed a question: “What about the pills we give our slaves? Why do they need them, if the virus already made them strong and submissive? And why do we administer them… um… through ourselves?”
“The pills give them nutrition and dramatically increase their endurance. Men have become strongly addicted to them. So the fact that a slave can only get them through their Owner makes him extremely loyal and subservient to her. We don’t know exactly how their brains work anymore. But I guess that makes them see women as a divine source of life and strength, thus completing the work Mother Nature started.”
Sarah stopped the video. “I think that’s enough for today. And I have to go soon.”
“But I still have so many questions!” Michael complained, while she stood up and went to use the toilet.
As soon as she was back, Sarah looked at his pouty face and said: “Michael, I’ve been patient with you. Don’t force my hand. We will talk more next time. Now, I want you to please me before I go… Where is my sexy servant?” Sarah looked at him sensually as she asked that question.
That was a magic word between them. As soon as Sarah called him “servant”, it was like turning a switch: he would get aroused and couldn’t help but immediately obey her. Michael was literally addicted to the only woman he had ever met as an adult, but he had also always admired strong-willed and dominant females, since he had his first erotic dreams as a kid.
This time it took him a few seconds to submit. He lowered his head, slipped off the bed to kneel down on the floor, and started kissing one of Sarah’s pretty feet. She immediately placed the sole of her other foot on one of his shoulders, then on top of his head. She loved turning a sentient man into her servant whenever she wanted, feeling his heartfelt submission. No regular slave could make her so excited and wet.
Michael slowly kissed Sarah’s legs, then he moved up to kiss and lick her inner thighs. Now he was close enough to smell her arousal, and that made him crazy with desire. He rubbed his hard-on against the arch of her foot, while turning up to look at her in the eyes, waiting for orders. She grabbed his hair with a hand, pulling hard. He expected her to push his face towards her crotch, but she held him like that for a couple of seconds: “I said that I wish to be pleased, servant. There is nothing for your penis to do this morning. So stop rubbing yourself, and focus on worshipping the superior gender.”
She was pushing things a little further than usual with her words. He didn’t seem to mind, as he started licking and sucking her with as much skill and enthusiasm as ever. Sarah loved having a willing oral servant, and she always kept the sole of a foot on his back as a sign of dominance while he pleased her. Two delightful orgasms later, she placed one foot on his shoulder to push him away, then the other foot right on his face. He looked at her through the space between her toes as she ordered: “On your back!”
She rode his face harder than ever, enjoying his struggle to breathe while she selfishly focused on her own pleasure. Her third orgasm was a lot more intense, and she squirted abundantly into his eager mouth. Feeling weak and pleased, Sarah leaned forward and placed her hands on her lover’s strong chest. When she sat back on his face a few seconds later, her ass was right on top of his mouth. Michael had rimmed her before, but this time she had not had a shower for about 24 hours. He hesitated, so she pinched his nipples as hard as she could: “Lick me clean, servant!”
The balance between love and domination had often varied during the years of their relationship. Sarah had always held the upper hand – thanks to her older age and his complete lack of alternatives – but now she felt like Michael’s recent attitude deserved to be tamed with an additional dose of authority.
About one hour later, Michael’s kayak reached the opposite side of the lake. They had been silent for most of the crossing, lost in their respective thoughts and sad about their imminent separation. Sarah had also admired her partner’s muscles, as they worked hard with the paddle while
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