Femdom Orgasm Denial Stories

Femdom Orgasm Denial Stories


Femdom Orgasm Denial Stories

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Jeremy knew something wasn’t right. Mistress had been acting strange lately. Her normal “bite-his-head-off” attitude was replaced with smiles and gentle caresses on his body. Why, just last night, She had tilted his chin up so he could look Her full in the face and actually kissed his lips. Oh how wonderfully soft they were! Full, ripe, a hint of a smile on them. She had tousled his long hair and left the room right after, humming to Herself. He had stayed very still as his eyes followed Her feet out the door. He was wondering if it were a trick. He sighed deeply now and continued to polish the black leather boots before him.
His hands worked the stiff brush back and forth over the tops. How they must glisten or woe is he. He could hear Her coming now and he picked up the pace, swirling the polish briskly. She entered the room and paid him no attention. He sat naked, cross-legged on the floor. He could sense that she was watching and he kept his eyes focused on the task at hand. Indeed, she was watching him. Her hazel eyes boring a hole through his lean, tanned body. She watched the muscles in his back as he worked diligently.
His chest was lightly furred, just the way she liked it. His leg muscles powerful and arms strong enough to lift her and carry her great distances before tiring. She smiled to herself and sat down at her desk. “Jeremy.” The one word sent a shiver down his spine.
“Come here and sit before Me.” He laid the boot and polishing cloth on the floor beside him and crept on all fours to his waiting Mistress. Once there, he rose up on his knees and placed his hands at the small of his back. Keeping his head down, he waited. He felt her hands run through his hair and pull out a tangle. The same hand caressed the broad shoulder and squeezed his biceps hard. She made a soft noise of pleasure. He kept his gaze on the floor in front of him.
“Turn around and sit between my legs,” she told him. He did as she bade him and could feel his hands beginning to sweat. Her nails were long and sharp yet she stroked his back now with an almost loving caress. She unsnarled the tangles in his hair one at a time and kept touching his arms, shoulders and back. He was almost dizzy from her touch. This was so unlike her. He pushed the thought out of his mind and sighed gently.
“How long have you served Me, Jeremy?”
“Four months now, my Mistress.” She made a clucking sound with her tongue and continued the gentle touching.
“Then perhaps it is time, my pet.” He did not ask what was it time for and she did not say another word. She stroked his hair absently again and then pushed him to one side and left the room. He sat there in silence and wonder for a moment and then went back to polishing her boots.
He did not see her for the rest of the day. When nightfall came, he set about lighting the candles about the house as she liked. He was now back in the study. As he set about fluffing a pillow here and there and lighting the tapers, he heard her come in. He did not turn around, but noticed the musky scent of her as she flitted about the room. He heard her open the sliding door to the patio and the click of her lighter.
Mistress liked to sit on the deck at night and smoke her cigarettes before bed. She had said once to someone that it cleared her head. He couldn’t remember who it was, but it did not matter, was of no concern to him. He sat by the patio door on the cushion she had bought him when he first arrived. His body was tired but his mind was abuzz. He thought of her soft hands caressing his body that afternoon and he could feel himself stirring. It had been more than one week since she had allowed him to touch her sexually. He was craving her. He felt himself growing harder at this thought, and he smiled to himself.
She had finished her smoke and was lighting another. “Jeremy,” she called out softly. “Come here.” He slid the screen door open and made his way to her feet. Kneeling before his Goddess, he waited. “Go and turn down my covers. Light the candles I have placed on the tables and wait for me.”
“Yes, Mistress.” He paused for a moment to see if she would add anything to the tasks. When she said nothing further, he padded back into the study and headed down the hall. Fresh flowers were on the tables as were several small white candles. He found the matches she had left and lit the candles one by one. He pulled down the comforter and the sheet and knelt by the foot of her bed. His heart was pounding in his chest. His cock had swelled and was now throbbing between his legs with the aching need of having been denied for a week.

He stayed silent and waited. He could hear her closing the patio door. The sound of her feet on the cool tiled floor. Then the door of the bedroom being shut. His heart racing now as he wondered what lay ahead of him. She was close to him now. Her perfume was clinging to his nostrils, making him dizzy. He had unconsciously clasped his hands behind his back and he could feel his palms wetting. God, what she could do to him without even a touch! She was behind him now.
“Close your eyes.” He did so and felt he comfort of the blindfold surround him. She secured it well and checked to make sure he could not see. When she was satisfied that he could not, she touched his cheek.
“So beautiful,” he heard her murmur aloud. She reached around to unclasp his hands and he felt them being pulled forward. She was urging him to rise. He did so, his cock surging forth in front of him with need. She chuckled and slapped at it playfully.
“There will be time enough for that later, my pet.” He felt the blush rise in his cheeks.
“Yes, Mistress.” She bade him to lean forward and hold himself up using his arms at the foot of the bed. He did so easily, his body built for endurance and strength. She admired the body before her. Tanned. Naked. Strong. A perfectly smooth ass. Her face broke into a smile. He stayed still, the blindfold keeping him in darkness. He could smell the vanilla of the candles. He could feel her presence behind him. His body yearning for a kiss, a touch, anything to ease this pain in his loins. He made sure to keep his cock from touching the coverlet. Must not rub against the satiny temptation before him. Her hands were now on his ass, kneading the buttocks firmly.
He felt himself jerk as she swatted him with her bare hand. The movement caught him off guard. He locked his knees and his arms straight for the next blow. And so it began. She had now moved off to the side of him, spanking his naked ass.
The cheeks were becoming red as she hit him. He stood there in perfect silence and let her unleash the fury. The hand was soon replaced with the leather slapper and when the first strike came, he moaned involuntarily aloud. She thrashed his buttocks, back and calves until they were stinging from the pain. His breath was coming in quick gasps. His body was enflamed and his cock was showing signs of pre-cum on the purple tip. She allowed him a moment of rest.
Letting the slapper fall to the floor, she now caressed the welts that crossed his back and ass. She ran a hand around the front of him and squeezed his fat cock. He cried out in surprise and pain.
“I see you wish to take me, Jeremy,” he heard her say.
“Oh God, yes, Mistress.” Again she caressed the tender cheeks of his ass. He could almost hear the smile in her voice at the next words. “But what if I wish to take you, Jeremy?” His body in a heated frenzy, his cock about to burst forth its seed, he wasn’t quite sure what she meant. He felt her hand on the back of his neck, pressing his face into the bottom of the bed. The comforter was cool against his face. She took his arm and fastened the cuff around the wrist. Moving to the other side of the bed, he felt her do the same to the other. She went around behind him and kicked his legs apart. It was now that Jeremy knew what was to happen.
Somewhere deep inside, he felt himself screaming at this violation. The other side was calming him, urging him to run with the feeling and allow her this pleasure. She was rubbing her breasts against his ass. The nipples were taut and he was again sighing with pleasure. He now noticed that she had pulled him close enough to the bed that he could indeed rub his tortured cock against the softness of the covers. But he dared not, lest he spill his seed before her. He felt her hand grasp underneath him and cup his balls. His cock hard, pressing against his belly, he gritted his teeth as she worked them. Her fingers wrapped around the shaft and squeezed the breath out of him again. She was grinding her pussy against his ass cheeks and working his cock at the same time. Just when he was about to explode, she stopped. His body cringing and hungry for the release that was so close. His breath came in hard spurts, his agonizing moans were pleasing to her ears. How she loved to tease him unmercifully before the orgasm.
She stroked his welted back and whispered “Not yet.” He could feel the bed move under her weight as she climbed on. He could smell her pussy as she moved it closer and closer to his face. She lay back and positioned herself under his mouth. He lapped at the sweet juices. His tongue was swirling around the erect little bud. How he wanted to slide many fingers into her tight opening but his hands were bound for a reason. He strained against them, pressing his nose into the sticky folds of her wet cunt. He could feel her muscles tighten around his tongue, which was now inside her. He licked and sucked at her until finally she came with a yell of his name and lay panting under his mouth. His face was wet with her love and he eagerly attempted to lick it off his mouth. Her breathing was uneven and she was grateful for the blindfold that obscured his view of her right now. Her hair was tangled and her cheeks were flushed.
She said nothing, only stretched languidly and promptly rose from the bed. He was still licking remnants of her come off of his mouth when she crept up behind him. The nearness of her reached into his still painfully erect cock and it surged forth. He was so desperate to have her. To shove it deep inside her sticky hot walls of flesh and bury himself in that sweet spot. But still she tormented him by not giving in. Instead, he felt her brush a hand over his welted buttocks and spread the cheeks of his ass apart. She was spreading something into the crack of his ass. It was cold and he shivered despite the heat emerging from his body. He felt her finger slide against the hole and linger there. She pressed it harder this time, seeking for entry.
Initial instinct took over him and he unwillingly closed his cheeks. She slapped his ass hard. He tried to relax, his breath becoming uneven. He felt the finger again pressing on his tight hole. She was rubbing the cream into him. He felt her finger go in just a little bit and her other hand was caressing his cock. The combination of the two sensations were almost too much for him to bear. She teased his asshole with her finger, pushing in a little further every time until he found that he was straining for it. The thought was shocking to him and yet, arousing. Every thrust inside his ass sent a shiver to his cock. She was squeezing his prick and finger-fucking his ass. He heard an animal groan emerge from his usually silent lips. She removed her finger and stopped the masturbation. He body was still jerking from the rhythm and he cried out in frustration.
Her body so close, her taste on his lips, his cock on fire, Jeremy thought he could not take any more. She walked away from him and left him tied to the bed. His cock was so hard, his strong arms bound tightly to the bed, his blue eyes covered by the blindfold. She knew what she wanted to hear and she would wait all night until she heard it. He writhed against the bed, knowing that if he came on the covers, all hell would break loose, and yet he was so close. So fucking close another stroke would send him over the cliff. He gritted his teeth and another low wail came from him. She was silently watching him. She let him cry out in frustration and was quite pleased with him. But still, she was not done.
Not yet. There was one more thing left to do.
He had tried to calm himself, but the agonizing throb of his prick kept him where she needed him to be. He could hear her pacing the room. She patted his ass when she walked by. He heard her rummaging through the dresser and then heard a familiar sound. She came up behind him and opened his ass again. The cream was cold and his body was so hot. He felt her pressing, probing, teasing him. Then all at once, she began sliding the vibrator into his tight little ass. He groaned and cried out, this time in pain, and she did not stop. It was thick and long, and by the way it was searing into his flesh, he now understood that she intended to fuck him with it. No more teasing, this was real.

The vibrator’s tip found its mark and she was now guiding it in and out of his ass. He felt her spread his buttocks apart to get a better view of this. He felt many emotions come to mind. Shock. Disbelief that she was really doing this. And then, the feelings took hold. He began to push his ass back onto it, hoping that this would please his Mistress. She caressed his back and opened him as no one ever had before. He spread his legs wide and let her fuck him. Her hand again found his prick and she was jerking him off.
She picked up the pace just a bit and felt the throbbing of his cock in her hands. She knew that he could not hold out much longer. The moment of truth had come. Would he say the words? His arms fighting the cuffs, his legs spread apart, the vibrator buried inside him, he suddenly cried out “Oh God, fuck me Mistress!”
Her hand around his cock, she felt him shoot his cum all over the coverlet.
His body jerked and spasmed and he cried out her name. The dildo still inside him, he clenched his cheeks together and held it in place, the whirring barely audible now. She caressed his sweaty body. Released him from the confines and let him cry to her. He shuddered against her naked body and it was now that she removed the blindfold. She stroked his cheek and kissed away his tears. They lay like this for a moment before she spoke. “I am pleased, Jeremy.” His body limp in the aftermath, he said nothing. The vibrator was still humming inside him as he drifted off to sleep.
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Wife finally makes me wait for my orgasms.
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Wife finally makes me wait for my orgasms.
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