Femdom Milking Farm

Femdom Milking Farm


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Дорогие друзья!!! ООО «Рамонь Агро» вновь организует он-лайн семинар по программе FARM и PigVision. Семинар будет посвящен методикам конструирования и анализу производственных отчетов в программе FARM, в программе PigVision и мобильной версии PigVision (работа с электронными бирками и штрих-кодами), модулям-интеграторам данных для топ-менеджмента компаний – FARM/PigVision MSR, Analytics – консолидация и анализ данных по холдингу в целом, а также…
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Программа семинара была, как обычно, насыщенная и продуктивная. Обсуждались антикризисные меры и перспективы развития защищенного грунта в новых условиях. Специалисты обменивались опытом по селекции и выращиванию новых культур. Компания Рамонь Агро в свою очередь представила практические методы, которые помогают достигнуть высокой урожайности. В новых непростых условиях крайне важно бороться с вирусами и грибами, следить за…
Компания ООО «Рамонь Агро» приглашает всех заинтересованных в ведении учета и анализе производства специалистов на наш он-лайн семинар по программе FARM и PigVision Семинар будет посвящен методикам конструирования и анализу производственных отчетов в программе FARM, презентации нового программного продукта PigVision и мобильной версии PigVision (работа с электронными бирками и штрих-кодами), вопросам менеджмента фермы, кормления животных и…
17-19 февраля 2020 года специалисты компании ООО «Рамонь Агро» приняли участие в семинаре, организованном ассоциацией «Теплицы России». Были подняты актуальные темы по технологиям выращивания овощных культур в защищенном грунте, проблемы и пути их решения. В рамках данного мероприятия выступил специалист голландской компании Houweling Horticulture bv Мартин ван Хаген с презентацией солнцезащитного экрана La Blanche, не…
29.01.2020: II Международный конгресс по кормам, семинар:”Комбикорма и генетика – ключевые факторы повышения продуктивности в свиноводстве” в рамках выставки “Зерно. Комбикорма. Ветеринария. 2020″. Выступление Арьяна ван де Вондервурта: “Защитные свойства дезинфицирующих средств жизненно важны для борьбы с такими болезнями, как АЧС”.
Для тех, кто не смог посетить Международную конференцию: «Здоровый теленок как гарантия высокой эффективности производства» в рамках выставки “Зерно. Комбикорма. Ветеринария. 2020″, и для тех, кто посетил, но хочет послушать еще раз, мы предлагаем к просмотру следующее выступление: Ян ван Гест: «Здоровые копыта с Интра Топ-Хуфс Спреем – гарантия высокой продуктивности». ЗКВ 2020.
По традиции компания ООО «РАМОНЬ АГРО» примет участие в крупнейшей сельскохозяйственной выставке России «Зерно. Комбикорма.Ветеринария 2020», которая состоится 28-30 января 2020 года, ВДНХ, г. Москва. Мы приглашаем Вас посетить наш стенд: A100 в павильоне 75А. Компания ООО «Рамонь Агро» совместно с Intracare BV уже более 10 лет придерживается концепции: БЕЗ АНТИБИОТИКОВ. У Вас будет возможность более подробно…
08 октября Рамонь Агро приняла участие в очередном грандиозном семинаре для тепличного бизнеса, организованном крупнейшей селекционной компанией на отечественном рынке, Гавриш. В этот раз наша компания получила возможность выступить дважды с актуальными для растениеводческого бизнеса докладами. Ни для кого не секрет, что проблема бактерий, грибов и вирусов крайне злободневна. Наличие патогенной микрофлоры губительно для растений,…
Ровно 5 лет назад Россия ввела эмбарго на широкий спектр импорта из ЕС и других стран. Это эмбарго включало в том числе и парниковые овощи. С тех пор российская индустрия взлетела до небес. На этой неделе мы предлагаем Вам краткий обзор ситуации по эмбарго и его краткосрочных и долгосрочных последствий. Давайте сначала оглянемся на начало эмбарго и…
05-08.07.2021 г. состоится обучающий он-лайн семинар по программе FARM и PigVision. Будем рады Вас видеть!!!

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The male human "cows" were all in the yard waiting to be milked. With the cows corralled together, the girls, Sara, Teri, Jo and Nancy liked top spend some time of a late afternoon inspecting their goods. Leaning on the rails, they ordered all the cows to line up on all fours facing away from them.
Legs apart, yelled Teri, let's see what you've got. Look at them all sneered Sara, their little udders dangling down and their useless wee-wees soft.
This lot are no use to women as a source of pleasure.
Jo said no this lot are only of use serving each other and then providing us with their milk.
Teri asked what do you mean, eyeing the stiffening pee pees dangling between the cow's legs.
Jo said you know they're all poofs, fags, pansies, shirt lifters, arse bandits, poo punchers and sissies.
You mean they like playing with each other then?, queried Teri.
Yes said Jo disgusting isn't. If we didn't keep them in control each day they'd be sucking one another off in no time.
Ha said Nancy as we keep them on all fours all day, they'd be up one another's bums as soon as we took our eyes off them. I had to stop them mounting each other three times today already. Bum bandits the lot of them.
You mean they'd prefer to stick their doodles up one another's arses than up our lovely cunts, asked Teri.
Nancy replied you'd better believe it gal. They love getting right up each other, like randy dogs they are.
Yuk said Jo that's disgusting! I'm not having one of those up my sweet pussy after they've been up there!
The cows were hardening with all this talk. Two of the uncircumcised ones had their pink tips sticking out.
Look laughed Teri, they've got their little pink pencils showing like a dogs! All fours girls watched as the erections and udders dangled in the late afternoon sunshine.
Well said Teri if they are really poofs they seem to be getting a bit excited at being watched.
Oh these disgusting poofs love being watched. That's why they are here. All of them have been caught in public parks sucking off, jerking off and fucking other men and have been sent here as a diversionary program.
Our job is to shame them out of it as much as we can.
At this point one of the cows tried to mount the other. His stiff cock was aimed straight between the crack of another. Two udders started swaying together.
Nancy carried a big piece of twig for just such moments and delivered two swift hits the first to the ball sack and the second across the buttocks.
Yow yelled the cows. You've got to keep these cows in line otherwise their udders control them, Nancy said remember cows aren't allowed to speak- silence.
Aren't they pathetic sneered the women, these poofs can't keep their wieners out of one another. Men are such pathetic animals ruled by their teats and udders.
Nancy ordered all four cows to moo loudly causing the girls to giggle.
Sara said well now they are all hard and pink we can't really be sure if it is excitement or the need to piss.
Right said Jo lets get each to crawl around and pee. Pee time she called. All four cows shuffled about and like dogs lifted one leg to pee on a railing of the yard. You're not dogs yelled Teri you pee backwards and over your legs.
This seemed to make the cows pinker and stiffer so no pee came out.
All right, Sara demanded, Line up we are going into the barn. Right up close one behind the other with your nose up the cow in front's bum since that's what you like.
Deep breaths! Now march. The girls laughed watching the cows with their dangling udders sway towards the barn and delivered a whack with the twig on each of their dangling uderrs to help them on their way.
The barn had sections with hay where the cows slept at night but not before they were thoroughly milked so they wouldn't get up to mischief and play with one another. Even so they were tethered in different areas just to avoid temptation.
Awww said Teri the two uncircumcised ones have their pink tips out, but the others with their little widdly ones don't -poor things they don't have a sheath to keep their doodles pink anymore.
I'll fix that said Sara who produced a stick of bright red lipstick and applied it to the tips of the two uncircumcised cow's cocks.
You said they are all sissies? Sara checked with Nancy.
100 % sick perverts and pansies she affirmed.
Ok then you two I want you to apply some lipstick to each other's lips by sucking one another off 69 style. The two uncircumcised cows got quickly to work on one another. Licking and sucking each other's lollipops.
The girls laughed well they certainly don't seem to mind doing that.
The other two uncircumcised cows has been pointed away on all fours with their balls sticking out so as not to get too excited. Nancy gave each a hefty cane on their udders and said right you two get to work licking their arses.
The girls watched as all four cows licked and cucked. What a pack of cum slurping sluts you all are, disgusting. You're not men you're all sissy cows.
Ok said Jo enough of that! If we let them, they'll get too excited and squirt their little loads of milk everywhere. They make a disgusting mess if you let them; you know and shoot it everywhere.
All right stop what you are doing cows and line up with your arses in the air and your legs apart. Let's have a feel of how much milk they have in those udders.
Sara went along the line weighing each cow's udder in her hands. I think they are all heavy milkers even if they are useless poofs.
Before milking them girls, they need a tail, smirked Nancy, producing four butt plugs with tails attached. The butt plugs had a bulbous part at one end to stimulate the cow's prostates.
Grab a gob of lube and smear it over the end before sticking it up these poofters bums said Sarah. In an instant she had inserted hers and her cow was grunting and shaking in appreciation. Oh like that do you, you little sissy slut? Sarah asked.
Moo was the cow's response but his udder swelled and swayed.
Each girl in turn inserted a tail in her cow. The last cow shuddered and stiffened. Look! Said Sarah her little teat and udder are all swollen and dribbling with excitement. Dirty slut.
With the cows lined up, the girls went to the rear of each cow and grabbed their swollen teats and pulled them back between their legs. This caused their udders to sway and shake and the girls laughed at their cows.
Grabbing a container, Nancy said let's see who can get her cow to squirt into the milking vat first. Each girl knelt down like a milkmaid and went to work pulling and rubbing. Four udders were pulled backwards and swing almost in time. It was long before, Teri said pass the vat mine's about to squirt and they could hear the splash as her cow came. Oh you dirty little slut Teri told her cow and she squirted her milk.
Nancy's followed a short time later with an even bigger production of milk. Jo's cow started to dribble. The others gathered around laughing we've got a dribbly little pee pee here they cried. Even so, Jo continued milking the teat up and down and finally a big stream of milk squirted into the vat.
One more to go as Sarah worked her cow's teat. Her hand was rubbing rhythmically up and down and his balls were swollen and red. Here said Nancy I'll help by squeezing his balls that often makes more come out. With a grunt the cow shot an enormous amount into the milking vat.
Now time for us to go into the house for our fun girls. Let's leave these poofs for the evening. Wait said Jo, which gets to drink the milk? We need another load from each of them tomorrow. Let's work it out once we've all had our orgasms too.
The author would appreciate your feedback.
First Time Milking Two women treat man to a 'milking'.
Her Presents She had a number of surprises for him.
Kidnapped and Milked Nurses drain their subject of his essence.
The Milking Machine His new girlfriend plays for keeps.
Milking Bench My sub's balls need to be drained.
Your sentence structure is horrible and in the beginning it was difficult to tell when someone was speaking and when it was just narration. I quickly browsed the rest of the writing after finding out it's unreadable.
"Wee-wees", "little pink pencils", "Udders", "pee pee"?? It's okay to use grown up words in your erotica.
So much could have been done with this story. Maybe someone will build upon the idea.
I like the plot line, but has the author ever read a real book written in English? I'd suggest doing so, to learn about quotation marks and paragraph construction. Rebuilding this story will give it the structure that it needs to carry the plot line- which is, again, top notch.
I wasn't able to read it, too dificult.
Kind of a country girl, aw shucks, ain't them "po cows" pathetic take on the femdom thing. Reminds me of my very first wet dream almost fifty years ago. I was lead naked to a milking station in a dairy barn and attached to a milking machine with all the other boys in my class as the girls watched. I was embarrassed and excited all at the same time. Never forgot the dream and always wanted it to happen for real! Might explain my interest in CFnm!
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