Femdom Fem

Femdom Fem


Femdom Fem
Her Sensual Dominance Invades Me Sitting on a leather chair to myself, I began pondering about the one I love so much. I looked for…
 The Day That Changed My Life I still remember vividly the day I met my ebony dominatrixes. I was just getting ready to pull…
My Senior Years In An FLR In my case, it was better late than never to be in an FLR (female-led relationship). I had always…
“I’ve always been submissive. For as long as I can remember, my fantasies have always been about getting dominated by a powerful and authoritative woman….
“I’ve always been submissive. For as long as I can remember, my fantasies have always been about getting dominated by a powerful and authoritative woman. I fell for my wife when I was only 19, and even after 10 years of marriage, I still hid my deep desire for submission. My wife on the other…
Ultimate Female Domination: A Mental Sport Ultimate female Domination is a true art form. A mental sport that consists of understanding, using, and controlling the mind of your submissive man in order to impose your will on him. Thus, it is necessary to be trained and experienced in the correct form of ultimate female domination….

Continuing the theme from my last post, here’s another boy looking to get into Miss’s good books. Although if the marks on his back are anything to go by, it seems like she might be hard to please.
Artwork is by Skyldfri whose main site is here . If you like this piece, he is taking commissions .
I like the fact that kinky topics get covered on mainstream sites these days, but I do wonder about their sourcing. Often feels like one writer will pick on a random and somewhat obscure kink related trend, and then it’ll show up in a rash of articles like it’s the newest and hottest thing. The latest one seems to be the ‘Praise Kink’ – which has shown up here , here , here and many other sites. As far as I can tell it started life on TikTok before getting jammed into the internet’s content making sausage machine.
I’m all for praise as part of a scene. Always makes me glow to get a ‘Good Boy’ or a ‘Well Done’. But is that really a kink? Doesn’t (almost) everyone like getting praised? Particularly when it comes from a source you admire and respect. Humilation or degradation are clearly kinks, because most people aren’t wired to enjoy them. But saying nice things? It reminds me of the classic onion article – Area Man Has Naked Lady Fetish .
Maybe it’s a sign that people are starved of positive encouragement and compliments in their daily lives. Or maybe it’s a sign that content sites have an inexhaustible appetite for material to publish, particularly if it has got any kind of sexual edge.
Not sure of the source for this image, but he looks like he’s being a ‘Good Boy’.
I couldn’t do a series of posts on old femdom art without featuring the scenario that’s inspired more classical kinky artists than any other – Phyllis and Aristotle. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then check out this prior post from a few years back . The tale is sadly apocryphal, but artists can spot a believable excuse for kinky imagery when they see one. The example below is from the Swiss painter Joseph Heintz the Elder and dates back to the 16th Century.
Continuing the theme of old artwork that would work equally well as modern femdom shots, here’s something from 1807 by John Henry Fuseli . Created when Napoleon ruled France and Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the US, it’s a scene that’d look totally at home in modern femdom porn. There’s a bound naked man and a partially clad lady relaxing while admiring his suspended bits.
The full title is “Brunhilde Observing Gunther Whom She Has Tied to the Ceiling.” Clearly Mr. Fuseli was a believer in honest and descriptive titles. This inspiration for this is the Nibelungenlied , an epic poem from Germany written around 1200.
Here’s proof that there’s really nothing new in the world. This painting is called ‘The Pedicure’ and was created by Hermann Clementz in 1903 . Shoot the same scene as a photograph today and it’d fit perfectly into kinky femdom twitter. There’s an attractive scantily clad woman reclining in comfort while staring into the ‘camera’ with an attitude of superiority. There’s an older man paying close attention to her feet while she affects to ignore him. There’s even a cute dog lurking on her shoulder. It’s got every femdom twitter trope in play, 100 years before twitter was even a thing.
Amazingly this sold for just $5,400 last year. Clearly the auction marketing department didn’t do a good job here, as I’m sure there must be a few wealthy foot fetishists out there who would have loved to hang the original on their wall.
I think this is quite a clever shot. It looks to have been inspired by the bondage furniture of Allen Jones from the early 70’s and it does a good job of recapturing the vibe of that period. There’s even an Eames chair peeking in the side. It’s also surprisingly practical. There’s a small cushion to support his back and – unlike most forniphilia shots – the person using the furniture actually looks comfortable.
After much online hunting, I tracked the source for this down to a short 2020 film called ‘Bad Furniture’ by Randall Maxwell . It’s worth checking out .
I thought this article on the positive benefits of being scared was interesting and indirectly kink related. Admittedly, the fear inducing activities featured are things like roller coasters and haunted houses, rather than whips, bondage and ladies with a love for sharpy containers. However, a lot of the dynamics seem familiar.
The sympathetic nervous system handles the fight-or-flight response we experience during a threatening encounter, and the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the relief and sense of presence we feel after it has passed.
A play session can often feel like a roller coaster. There’s that fluttery nervousness as you inch towards the starting point. The flood of adrenaline as you lose control and drop into the moment. A sense that you just need to hang on and go with it. Then that happy blissful buzz as you come out alive and energized on the far side. Plus, there’s no need to queue for hours surrounded by screaming kids or pay a fortune for overpriced theme park soft drinks. Win-Win!
Personally I’m more of an adrenalin junky than a fear junky. But a little dose of danger and uncertainty can add a little zest to any scene.
Nothing scary happening here. Whimpering noises from the trunk is a well known fault on many big old American cars.
Captioning is of course from the endlessly inventive Servitor .
I’d not heard of them before, but apparently there’s something called the Sexual Freedom Awards . They’ve been around for years and honor ‘pioneers in sexuality, striptease artists, sexual service providers and their allies’. They’re particularly relevant to this site because their 2022 winner for Sex Worker of the Year was Mistress Eva Oh .
It’s seems a little odd to pick a single sex worker of the year from the hundreds of thousands of workers who are potential candidates. However, that said, Mistress Eva is certainly a worth recipient. She’s shared a lot of great content with the #teakink and safeword podcasts. She’s also widely written and been interviewed about sex work and kink , providing a positive representation to mainstream media.
I’ve never personally played with Mistress Eva . I suspect our respective styles would not mesh all that well. However, I have played with a number of dommes who know her, and all of have been uniformly gushing about her approach and attitude. So congratulations to Mistress Eva Oh on her award!
You can find Mistress Eva’s professional site here , her personal site here and her twitter here .
Moving on from yesterday’s picnic in the park to a walk in the forest. I like the simplicity of this shot. No heavy fetish gear. Just a cute sundress, a leash and a small crop for correction.
While I enjoy the idea of this kind of scene, I actually don’t like playing outside. I think that’s because it feels like an uncontrolled situation. Too many variables and unknowns that aren’t under the domme’s control. As you might guess from my kinks, I like rules and orders. I want to surrender to a domme knowing that she is fully in control of our environment and everything that happens to me. It’s hard to do that when random wildlife or passersby can suddenly inject themselves into the moment.
I’m afraid I don’t have an attribution for this image.
Continuing the outdoor theme with this striking image. It features Lucy Sweetkill , Lily Kasai and Amalia Valentine . I’m guessing their shiny doggie is be Pain Puppy .
It’s from a tweet promoting the return of Torture Garden in NYC on June 25th. Tickets available here . I doubt there’ll be an actual garden or a picnic involved, but spankings and floggings from these amazing dommes will be on the menu.

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© 2022 Femdom Destiny- Ultimate Source for Femaledom and Female Supremacy
Femdom stories is a broad term but in this category of Femdom Destiny, you are about to find some of the best femdom stories ever published. List of available stories is often updated so I suggest that you bookmark this page and mark it as a resource of great female domination stories. There are almost all niches covered, from humiliation to the brutal torture. Between available stories, you will find short and long ones. It is up to you to pick your favorite type and you should know that here you will read stories published by amateur and professional femdom writers. I think that variety of resources is very important for a good reading experience so you should leave comments below each story. You can also suggest some good stories you liked and send us by e-mail so we can publish them in this femdom stories section. Enjoy your reading.
Enthralled and Enslaved is the new story by Steve Rulesh. I’ve just got it and decided to publish it. This is probably one of the longest femdom stories recently, so prepare yourself to spend some quality time reading, it is definitely worth. You can also leave comments below and vote at the bottom of the … Read more
Nursery Crime by Miss Irene Clearmont Copyright © Miss Irene Clearmont 2012 (Sept) & 2016 (Jan) Nursery Crime There was a little nurse who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead; When she was good, she was so very, very good, And when she was bad she was more than horrid. … Read more
The skintight black patent leather minidress should have been the first warning. Instead, it was the bait, and she reeled me right in. I’d stopped off at my favorite hangout after work. It was mostly older college students and young professionals not too far removed from the campus. I was chatting with a few buddies … Read more
Stanley Roberts wasn’t exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. Anyone with an ounce of brains could tell that much from the fact that he was twenty-four years old and sitting on the couch watching pro-wrestling. Stan was just barely smart enough to grasp the fact that it wasn’t real, but he still loved watching … Read more
I can’t have been meant for this. Oh God, please let me get away, just for a little while. Now that I’m writing it down maybe I can think again. I’ve been hiding for two days and sometimes, for a few minutes, I’m not afraid. I wish I could just remember my old name. Two … Read more
One Friday evening, Don went to visit his girlfriend, Katie. Both Don and Katie were avid sports fans, and were known to have fun bets about their local sports team. Katie had told Don on the phone that she had a lot of fun planned for the night. Don was wondering what she could have … Read more
He stood transfixed. The tile floor made every word, every shriek of laughter echo. The humid air from the steam bath seeped through the rest of the locker room, making him dizzy. Or maybe it was the sight of those women ‑ all those women. Half‑dressed, wrapped in towels, dripping wet, laughing, playfully touching each … Read more
I don’t know why I forgot to wear men’s briefs that day, perhaps I was just so used to the comfortable feel of silk panties I didn’t even think about it when I got dressed. Maybe I had an unconscious desire to be caught; literally to have my little secret uncovered. So here I was … Read more
Jackie and Laura had… shall we say… creative personalities. It made up for any feelings of lacking they had in their careers and personal lives. Each worked as secretaries in a large office building. But each had a reputation… one they didn’t mind floating around… for being wild women. One rumor had them going to … Read more
Part One – The Banana I was only 12-years-old when the high school girl who lived next door caught me masturbating into a pair of stockings. I thought I was well hidden in the bushes between out two houses, but I didn’t realize that my performance was taking place just below her bedroom window — … Read more
It all started when I got a new job at the Hathaway Corporation. I’d just graduated and now held a doctorate as well as my first degree. I was pleased with my new position as Head of IT at this large PR company. It had taken me a long time to find a decent job … Read more
Kate pulled her keys out of her purse, relieved to be home after a long day at the office. As she unlocked the front door he smiled, thinking of how many times she had lapsed into random sexual fantasies during many of the more boring meetings she had been in that day. It was certainly … Read more
I remember the day well. It was the day after the afternoon visit by Miss Emily, the day when you had asked me to consent to being punished by Miss Emily and not yourself for my failure to curtsy to her when I had curtsied to you. I had consented. Miss Emily had been harsher … Read more
It was the night before Christmas, and all through the house, no a soul was stirring, with the exception of oscagne and stephanie nicol that is. oscagne and stephanie nicol, are both slaves to their Mystress, who at that time was nicely tucked up in bed at the upstairs and at the other side of … Read more
If you are one of those guys who scour the web for F/m artwork you’ve probably run across a sequence of illustrations featuring an woman with an improbably narrow waist and breasts so aggressive you think they might punch you. In each she’s dominating a timid looking blond young man. The artist signs himself Gregor. … Read more
“If you have to play your stupid games, at least try not to make a mess okay?” Wendy called down to us. “I’m really starting to hate her.” Tracy said, turning to me. “Let’s get on with it then. Call it in the air.” I told her and then I flipped the quarter. …… Tracy … Read more
When a male sales assistant tries to take advantage of his beautiful client, he realises that he’s bitten off more than he can chew…. Weary in the late afternoon of a day during which she’d caught up on her long-neglected correspondence with multiple suitors, had the latex gown she’d bought for that evening’s fetish ball … Read more
 “I’ll say it again. Can either of you explain what this filth was doing in your dormitory?” The two schoolboys burned red with embarrassment and stared at their shoes as Martha sat behind her desk glaring at them. Open on the Headmistress’ table was a pornographic magazine of the worst quality. Unable to afford … Read more
In the wee hours, BJ would take me out, shower me, and place me bare-assed on a cushion on the floor in her cozy little custom-made backroom bar in the rear of her trailer. The bar was backed by a floor-length mirror, and it had two tall barstools and a very simple slate shelf that … Read more
Father Fleiger sat in the confessional booth and waited. It was nearing the end of his evening confessional, and he always stayed in the booth even when the church was empty. A small green light outside the booth showed parishioners that he was inside. It had been another tedious evening of confessions, he thought to … Read more
“Step in, honey.” She was holding a pair of women’s cotton panties, pink, open for me to step into. I was naked and trembling. I followed her orders. Frieda pulled the panties up my legs and then fastened them about my waist, stroking my penis and balls and ass several times. “There. Now doesn’t that … Read more
I suppose my parents must have chosen a dominatrix as my babysitter accidentally. At least, I can’t think of any reasons why they would want their 6-year-old to be subjected to a babysitter who believed in female domination: my mother wasn’t a practicing femdom by any means, and as far as I’m aware my father … Read more
As the teacher’s voice droned on, Josh Lewis amused himself by imagining how she would look naked. He was pretty sure that her fine ass would look finer still bent over one of the drawing benches. Her name was Alana Summerville, and she’d told them all to just call her Alana. It was ironic that … Read more
I’d been working at this upscale restaurant called Martin’s Café for the past seven years. It’s a very popular and trendy seafood/steakhouse that always seems to be packed with beautiful and fabulously wealthy people. The food and drinks are outrageously expensive (the wine especially) and the tips are outrageously generous. Our uniforms were white tux … Read more
Chapter 1 Our first conversation occurred at Doc Disorder’s, the neighborhood bar. I stepped in just like I did every day after work. Only this time, I saw a strange face — a really adorable brunette with hypnotic dark brown eyes. She also looked like she just came from work. She wore a short black … Read more
“Walter, you’re finally home! Where have you been, little one?” Walter Ludwig stood in the foyer, a wet mess. His thin black hair was plastered to his head, stray locks getting in his eyes. He had been crying; his sky blue eyes were red. His clothes, what was left of them were muddy tatters. He … Read more
“I’ve been thinking about having surgery. You know, to make them smaller.” Amy was saying. She was talking about her enormous breasts. She and I with a few of my other female friends were all clustered around the kitchen table. I had two dozen guests in my house, all present for my husband, Adam’s, birthday … Read more
Janey and Kendra made no bones about it. They both liked being bitchy to guys. In fact, they got off on it. A typical Saturday night for the two young women involved putting their sluttiest outfits on, usuaully leather, heading to a bar, and playing games on the unsuspecting guys. For Janey, it was just … Read more
When I first met Patti, what excited me about her was her brashness; her uninhibitedness; her powerful self-will. I don’t know why that attracted me, but it did. We dated in the glorious mutual thrill of a new couple basking in lust and infatuation for about four months. That was a long time to me. … Read more
From the moment the three of us entered the sorority sorority house to pick up our dates I knew this wasn’t going to be a typical date. It wasn’t just the
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