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Home » Blog English » Femdom Stories » Arrival at Femdom prison
Peter Mann shivered when he thought about his situation. He heard the crashing of metal doors and several female voices. Suddenly, the vehicle he was being held in started up again. Peter was the only “cargo”.
He was sitting on a metal bench, his feet and hands securely chained together with police restraints. Both cuffs had an additional chain connecting them so that he was not able to lift his arms.
Around his neck was a heavy iron cuff that was attached to the wall behind him with a very short chain. He could do nothing but surrender to his fate. Unfortunately, his fate was not very promising. The day before he had been sentenced to 10 years of tortureprison for crimes against womanhood. In the new state, tortureprison meant only one thing: being sent to Irongate!
Irongate was a new kind of prison for those convicted of crimes against womanhood. The definition of these crimes was left to the new courts, which generously exercised this right.
Convicted offenders who were transferred to Irongate were mostly political prisoners. This included those who had only minimal violations against the new rules of government. The whole country was now ruled by a so-called matriarchy.
Matriarchy was a logical consequence of the progressive emancipation of women. Men were gradually expropriated and incapacitated, but this did not mean that they all came to Irongate.
Over the last few years, most men had slowly become accustomed to the change in power of gender roles – ironing was now a man’s business.
But just as it became the norm for men to do menial household chores, it became equally natural that all men who questioned the new state would be severely punished.
One of those men was Peter Mann. He was a successful businessman and could not get used to the new system at all. His job made him used to asserting himself and he had received every promotion so far. But for the last promotion, he had to assert himself against his long-time colleague Eva.
Against the advice of his friends, he tried his masculine elbow tactics again, but Eva was not intimidated. She had a much better idea. She reported him to the new Womenpolice. This new law enforcement agency investigated violations against womanhood and ran Irongate Prison.
In the beginning, Peter Mann was only accused of telling a joke against women. But as the trial progressed, more and more accusations were added. Often they were due to his misconduct during his pre-trial detention.
In the end, Peter Mann was sentenced to 10 years of tortureprison and was transferred to Irongate.
Nobody except the Womenpolice knew exactly what tortureprison meant. All they knew was that it was an intensified form of imprisonment, which was intended to re-train the inmate by systematic torture.
Even Peter Mann had no idea what was in store for him. He only felt the prison transport moving, and again the crashing of heavy iron gates. Were these the famous gates of Irongate – Where no men ever returned?
After the truck came to a final stop, the door was opened. Two guards grinned when they saw the new prisoner. Peter was scared to death, he couldn’t see the guards at all, because he was blinded by the light.
The guards were both about six feet tall. All the women – there were only women – who served in Irongate had to be at least 1.80 cm tall. In addition, high heels were part of their uniforms, which otherwise consisted of strict leather suits. How sexy or revealing they wanted to dress could be decided by the guards themselves.
The women began to talk to the driver of the truck.
“Can you remove his iron collar so we can unload him?”
Turning to Peter, they said, “Hope you enjoyed the coziness in there, you won’t be that comfortable again for a long time.”
Everyone involved had a laugh out loud, except Peter.
The driver came to the rear of the van and entered the small metal box. She loosened the chain that was attached to his iron collar.
Peter was about to get up when he was immediately snarled at: “Sit still, you will do nothing here without orders or permission!” One of the guards (who held a kind of stun gun in her hands) also climbed into the metal box.
She had an approximately 2-meter long bar with her, which was attached to Peter’s iron collar. The free end of the bar was in the hands of the second guard outside the door.
“Get up! Move! At the slightest resistance, I will tickle your back with a little electricity.” Peter Mann stood up and the bar on his iron collar took the lead immediately. Both guards pulled him out of the van like a wild tiger.
He had trouble keeping up with the pace because he still had the chain around his ankles. Of course, this did not interest his long-legged guards at all. They walked with large steps across the prison yard.
So far, the yard at Irongate was similar to a normal prison, as it was surrounded by high walls. But there were no prisoners playing sports or doing any other activities. All of this was strictly forbidden in Irongate, as Peter would soon learn.
Instead of fitness equipment, like pull-up bars or weight benches, there were completely different constructions. It was a bizarre collection of pillory, St Andrew’s crosses, and stakes. They were all decorated with naked prisoners who were tied to them in painful positions. This was a perfectly normal practice in Irongate.
Every day, on the prisoners’ “timetable”, there was (among other things) the so-called “stressful bondage”. This meant forcing the prisoner into a painful position for a certain period of time – 2 hours at the very least. Some prisoners were even bent in their cells for days – especially newcomers.
For this kind of torture, there were many different instruments in the whole area, those out on the yard were only a small part of it.
However, they did not miss their psychological effect on newcomers. Peter Mann was absolutely horrified at the sight of them. He was beginning to realize what he might be facing. But even his worst imaginings would never compare to what was in store for him at Irongate.
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Fantastic reading. Couldn’t stop. I so wish all this will come true in the very near future. Hell and Heaven at the same time. WOW. Life for me any time. no release ever.
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